I like to watch my little pony: friendship is magic

I am getting older by the day, I like to watch it, a lot. My bro likes it to. My fav character is Apple Jack. Should I stop watching it?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Tinybird

    no why would you stop watching it if it makes you happy and ain't hurting anyone?

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    • _applejack_

      I know I shouldn't care about what other people think.. but my cousin says its for kids, my dads friends thinks its for kids, and some of my relatives thinks its for kids. But I like it, and my brother likes it, too! (My cousin is the one who makes fun of me for it the most)

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      • Tinybird

        I'm 25 and do lots of things "for kids". But there's no such thing as things only kids can do. There are only things that it's not okay for kids to do but ok for adults.

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