I know no one care about me

Ok so I feel like I got no friends. I actually know I got none. That's really sucks cause I am always kind to people but... they just use me or something like that. I'm always trying to create new relationships with new people but they all seem to be fonies and stuff like that. I was on board for about 2 weeks and no one texted me.. I always text everyone, even though I really don't care about what's up with them, just trying to be nice, and treat people like I would like to be. This really showed how all those who tell me "I'm your friend, I care about you" lie to me. What should I do ? How to find real friends ? How to behave ? What to do what not to do ? I really don't know what to do, I tried my best but I guess I was doing something wrong.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • I get the impression you're trying to make friends by being nice. That isn't gonna cut it. Be nice but also be fun. Talk about stuck other than asking if they're ok, etc. Talk to them about something they're interested in, entertainment like movies, games, or maybe politics and so on.

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  • yesnomaybeso

    How about you join a group of something you really like? It seems like you are trying to befriend the wrong kind of people. E.g., if you like art, join some workshop at a museum. It's holidays now and there are heaps of workshops and activities. I recently did one and it was so fun. It's full of cool people (I'm not saying like join a discussion group in a museum, I dont know what these people would be like, maybe older than what I'd like)

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