I just make ppls lives worse

I just don't see the point anymore... I live for my family and friends but all I do is make their life harder... 😣Help.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • JakePlaid

    Go to a therapist.

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  • Morgoth

    I'm not going to sugar coat this for you at all.

    First and foremost, be sure what you think is happening is what is really happening. Sometimes we can perceive something to be much different than what is reality.

    If that's done and what you are saying is true (that you are making people's lives harder), then you need to identify what you are doing that is resulting in the outcome and then, in simplistic terms, quit doing that behavior. As an example, if they are complaining that you are costing them money (idk wtf the issue is you are going through so I'm just pulling something out of my ass here), then examine your behavior and how exactly it is costing them money, and then do something about it. Are you getting into too many auto accidents which then requires them to bail you out (again, part of the example)? Then be more attentive while driving and respectful of the fact that it is ultimately your responsibility to handle your shit.

    If it's something that can't be helped (like say, you are bed-ridden and they have take care of you), then you can't do much with that. Their attitude is the problem and they have to fix that themselves. But unless you have some major disability that prevents you from being an active member of society and keeps you from holding a job, you are ultimately responsible for where you are. Every decision has a consequence. Make a decision to change.

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  • Jorn

    Hey remember that effort will always be appreciated regardless of the outcome, so keep striving bro. It's a great thing for you to support your family and friendsss

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  • Tealights

    What do you think you're doing that's causing all this worry?

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