I have a strange obsession....

Each month I take three powder baths. I buy a 30 pack of baby powder online from various stores and I put 10 in the tub and "soak" in it for an hour. I love how it feels on my skin. Sometimes I eat it. This is a real story and I want to stop, but I can't. Help :(

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Aliceee93

    I have an obsession....

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  • BlueFruitBasket

    Would you consider switching the baby powder out for something edible? Confectioner's sugar, flour (try brown so it doesn't dry your stomach too much), a roux, corn flour (very similar texture), etc. You could also look up "herbal bath powders", they're popular with mother-in-laws for enforcing on their preggo daughter-in-laws. Or keep a bowl of marshmallows nearby and stuff yourself with them everytime you get the munchies in a powder bath. I imagine they're not the healthiest but they're at least edible.
    For the record, I think it's ok - people like what they like right? Just do it safely.

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  • jesusfuckingchrist

    Ladies and Gentlemen of the German Reichstag! By agreement with the Reich Government, today the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and the German National People’s Party have presented to you for resolution a notice of motion concerning a “Law for Removing the Distress of Volk and Reich.” The reasons for this extraordinary measure are as follows: In November 1918, the Marxist organizations seized the executive power by means of a Revolution. The monarchs were dethroned, the authorities of Reich and Länder removed from office, and thus a breach of the Constitution was committed. The success of the revolution in a material sense protected these criminals from the grips of justice. They sought moral justification by asserting that Germany or its government bore the guilt for the outbreak of the War.

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    • jesusfuckingchrist

      This assertion was deliberately and objectively untrue. In consequence, however, these false accusations in the interest of our former enemies led to the severest oppression of the entire German Volk, and the violation of the assurances given to us in Wilson’s Fourteen Points then led to a time of boundless misfortune for Germany, that is to say the working German Volk.

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      • jesusfuckingchrist

        couldn't agree more

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  • DerHaifisch

    All sorts of questions come to mind (how the hell do you clean that up afterwards? How do you breathe with all that powder hanging in the air and so on)

    But perhaps you should try something else out, something that will seem very strange also, but I imagine the feeling of being covered completely and the way how that powder changes every touch-sensation is perhaps similar.. (btw, there are different subgenres dependent on fabric, which is 99% of the whole package I suspect) But perhaps you should look into... Zentai?

    (disclaimer: never tried it myself, and probably would cause heaps of emergency calls like "I've been tangoed, but by the blob!" (reference to the "you've been tangoed" commercials of way back.)

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  • ChelseaGonzales

    That does sound fun, but it's unhealthy to eat baby powder you should stop.

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