I hate people

This is no joke I seriously HATE people. I have such a disgust for people, in general. I hate how shallow they are, I hate how mindless they are, how mentally retarded, literally, I hate how childish they can be, I hate how at work I have to deal with people who throw a tantrum over them demanding they want this petty thing or that. I hate how mean people can be, how inconsiderate. I just hate people in general. I hate people who do drugs. I hate people who are obsessed with superficial things, materialistic things. I hate porn stars. I hate tarts and bimbos.


I am very fond of those rare intellectual social outcasts..

you know the ones, that sit alone, because they have virtually no one to relate to the zombie pop culture we live in.

in conclusion,

I HATE PEOPLE. does anyone else share this hatred or is it just me?

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Comments ( 102 )
  • Knowfler

    For me it is pretty simple. I hate people who are inconsiderate. The problem is that 99.999% of people are inconsiderate douche bags. I hate all of the fuckers. They all really suck. I am glad someone posted this thread. Makes me feel a little better. I just really hate these bastards out there. I hate people who drop their trash on the ground. I hate people with loud motorcycles. I hate scumbag neighbors who steal stuff. I hate rude assholes. Seriously most people are fucking bastards. Anyway thanks for the post.

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    • flopro

      Most humans are GLL (Greedy, Lazy, Liars) by nature. I lost faith in our species many years ago. I don't feel or believe I belong to this species. I am not motivated by the same things as most of you.....

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    • BMS

      Most people are only concerned with their own shitty lives and what they can get out of their own shitty situations. Because of this they are pretty shitty themselves, perpetuating the shittiness that us 'normal' people have to deal with. I would like to think that deep down most people are actually good... but no, people are actually shitty.
      Look at corporate America today, people don't actually do anything useful, people play fucking games with each other in their political jockying in whatever shitty little place in the company they have. Its all about making yourself look good in a system where you only get rewarded for sucking dick or kissing ass... this leads to another point, our country is in a fucking crisis if these are the types of people we are forcing everyone to be. If you are an actual decent human being you are completely fucked in a system like this. To get anywhere you have to agree with and be friends with people, who if you are an actual decent human being, probably don't even fucking like... these people by the way are, for the most part, completely fucking worthless, to the company and to society. If there was a natural disaster where we all had to come together as human beings and work together, we would be fucked - these people who 'lead' us are fucking idiot, worthless assholes.
      I feel like promoting good faith between everyone and team effort and teamwork and making everyone feel valued is very important... But that leads me to the next type of worthless asshole. The fucking guy who pretends to be a decent human being but is a complete fucking flake when it comes to 'sacking up' and taking responsibility and accountability for anything. So I live and work in a place where I have fucktards that get credit for not doing a fucking thing and may in fact fuck things up on a regular basis and create more work for people (but that's ok because they did their job and their so efficient at doing their job - which is fucking nothing, that they get rightly rewarded for it) and doing such a shitty job that everyone else has to figure out how to mitigate their fuckups (they look good by the way, because people around them just take care of business, they are the ones who know what to say to the right people - and that's worth something right - of course only a complete fucking arrogant asshole would think this way) and also fucking assholes who get by with not doing a fucking thing by pretending they're doing something, but again, they don't do shit so when the time comes, oh look, someone else has to fucking do their shit for them because they failed to do it, even though they weren't fucking busy and they just decided that it wasn't their fucking job to do it. And the system is designed with these fucking worthless types of people in mind... and it perpetuates more worthless fuckers in the world.

      Fucking hate corporate America... bunch of fucktard douchebags. Such greedy self serving assholes. I don't belong here and I'm sick and tired of dealing with fuckers. And I agree, if you look around at people outside of the working droves - they're just as shitty, watch more fucking TV maybe the reality shows will tell you how to live better or give you something meaningful to base your lives on - yeah right you dumbfucks. I HATE PEOPLE SO MUCH!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!

      Thank you and sorry for the rant.

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      • gofuckurself

        I really do not see that you have to apologize for your rant, yours is the best I've read, I totally agree with you about these losers of this society that do not give a shit one way or another, I hate people so much that I am literally allergic to them. I am so done with the people in this world...i wish that a huge majority would do the world a favor and exit. but they r so wrapped up in their misery filled existences with shame as the foundations of their nasty ass homes, i wish one day id wake up to silence because all of the assholes vanished from the face of this fucking earth. i am ashamed to be a part of these roach motel called earth. Just die fuckers! Die!

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    • A88ie

      I feel the same. I fucking hate fat people giving all the excuses under the sun for the fact they have no fucking self control and self inflict diabetes. Fed up with chavs and criminals getting let off in court. Self obsessed concieted dicks who use people and drain the life force. Fucking immigrants learning from the scummy mummies on social security. Fed up with them breeding the cesspool gene pool they came from. The intelligent people who work and give a crap are the ones who suffer this selfish bastard world. I'm an outcast as I'm not easy and dislike reality tv bollocks and keep myself to myself. I'm boring as world events and conversation with substance is what I talk. Not this he said she said bullshit. Fed up with corrupt useless governments. Muslims and there bullshit violence. So fed up with the lack of common curtesy. Most days I can blank the scurge out. But some. It depresses me that this world is so fucked up

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      • Bucketdwarf

        Wow... you're a very good case in point about why I hate people... you talk about being inconsiderate yet you just slammed multiple groups of people over shallow stereotypes...
        hypocritical much...

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      • AB1234

        I'm really sorry you chose to slam so many groups who have no necessary association with general inconsideracy or harmful malice. I mean, "I f... hate fat people giving all the excuses..."? Really? Whether you're not a fat person yourself or were at one time but no longer are, that judgment is cruel and unjustified. In fact, recent research points to genetic differences between larger people and the rest of us--the result of gene pool enrichment of thrifty genes. And the economics of food manufacturing--full of addicting chemicals, together with possible increased financial and time requirements for cooking whole foods--only makes it more mathematically likely that more and more of our populations would become heavy. It's obviously not a simple personality problem as the phenomenon manifests in other parts of the world (Far East, former Soviet nations, Latin America...) where traditional diets and lifestyles were associated with far lower obesity rates.

        But that's just one very quick assessment of, sorry to say it, the bigotry in your ironic comment--ironic because you're out here lambasting others for being part of the reason "the world is so fucked up." How about not contributing to its fucked-uped-ness by exhibiting some more compassion at the least, or better, being part of a possible solution? People get hooked on all sorts of "vices" because life is very tough for them and they're doing what THEY can just to stay in the game. I'm a tiny girl myself, but I admit that I have a sugar problem. What saves me is my genes--two very tall, lean parents. I know a lot of larger girls who eat less than I do and exercise as much as I do, but who just can't be me (not that they should have to be). You really don't understand the physiology, economics, politics, and marketing psychology of food if you hate larger people so much.

        I'm not even going to try addressing your anti-immigrants or anti-Muslims comments. Nor am I going to point out that the people who engineer weapons of mass destruction, or who're literally knowingly destroying the ecosystem on a planetary scale for profit, or who start and sustain wars--they're almost always intelligent. There's no necessary association between intelligence and beneficence--or even wisdom.

        Didn't mean to be critical, but the amount of shade you were flinging was phenomenal, especially for THIS thread.

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    • weneedhelp

      I agree with you. I work in a casino, and I'm so fed up with these losers and asswholes, I want to punch them right in the face. They are so greedy, rude, entitled, don't appreciate it when they win. They complain all the time. It's all your fault!! Did you push the winning button? I never win, I spent my rent here. It goes on & on every day. Sick of smartass comments. Get me a drink. Ok I'll get you a drink, A little spit doesn't hurt anyone. My finger in my nose and stirring your drink doesn't hurt anyone. Society has gone down bad. It makes me mad and angry. I hate fucking people. Sick of blacks coming in, giving you that I hate crackers look, being so loud everyone in the casino looks at them. The ones who point at a machine and don't say a fucking word. Let me get my fucking magic 8 ball out. pissed they have to pay taxes on a 54,000 win.I cant wait to get home and spend quiet time with my lab. They can all go to hell.

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  • ThyagoHills

    Me either. The problem is the most people are like that, so you hate most people, it's simple.

    It's not my fault if the society is trash, superficial and worthless in the most part.

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  • Jen118584

    Well, being as every other post on this website is about how much the poster hates people....I'd say you're not alone.

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  • Ineffable

    There are so many reasons to be disappointed by humans in general, but that's why you have to find people that you can truly relate to on an intellectual level, and then refuse to let anyone else have any impression on your life. Also, some studies show that roughly 50% of people function with an average IQ. In a broad generalization, this could mean that these people also have similar personalities. Until many people grow up and experience an epiphany that allows them to transition into a less "shallow," "mindless" state, we'll probably continue to be miserable with their overall behavior.

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    I know it is probably a little late to post this but I just want to say that I know exactly how you feel. People in general make me sick. I have always told my wife "I hate people". I finally decided to "Bing" it to see if it is abnormal or not and once I read your thread it finally gave me some peace to know that I'm not the only one. Everything you described is it EXACTLY how I feel. I just wanted to say thanks I guess.

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  • csillahan

    I completely agree with mikits. most ppl r dumb. i have to come to terms with it. the problem is that not a lot we can do about it. as long as we can recognise it & try not to become like them we should be fine. these days i just move away form ppl that r irritating. they r a waste of time waste of space. btw, i dont think that its unhealthy to hate things. i think that i will always hate ppl.

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  • DUW

    I am starting to have a really low tolerance for people. I think society in general is regressing. People have become so self obsessed that it does not bother them to inflict cruelty on defenceless people and animals or even worse to just ignore it. Society has become oblivious to the suffering in the world.

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    • mashiah

      I've been just as frustrated by the people who think that others are cruel by reason of age or "idiosyncracy." No, it's because they're EVIL!

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  • pplesuxdogsrule

    People are the most selfish disgusting creatures on the planet. We are destroying the earth. Taking everything like it really is ours and meant for people. Ruining it for the animals that are just trying to survive. People were like that once just trying to survive. Took what they need and respected the rest.

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    • zoecat8

      Except for your post every post I have read up in tell yours lists reasons for hating people that are petty and annoying that I could never imagine being in the same realm of sheer disgust I feel for the arrogant, selfish, worthless human race and their diregaurd for animals and the earth. Humans are after all only as good as the worst of it's pitiful species.

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  • BenF.

    I completely understand you. I HATE the human race. It is an unfortunate truth that people are deprave and completely selfish. I hate the same exact characteristics as you do. I hate unintelligent people; I hate how everyone seemingly has no moral compass anymore (I hate drug users, drunks, politicians, promiscuious people, the greedy, people who don't take care of their children, people who spit down on the good denizens of the world). I hate that so many people don't take relationships and marriages seriously anymore. I hate people who thinks it's cool to break the law. I hate people who litter and don't respect the Earth. I'm completely miserable because I know there is little I can say or do about it and I'm stuck in this world surrounded by depravity. I know I'm not perfect either, but I'm trying so hard to be different and do the right thing and I feel like most people don't even try to be decent.

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    • hope_compass

      Hi BenF.
      Wow! You took the words right out of my mouth. As far as being completely miserable, I can identify with that feeling. However, I don't feel stuck. Why? Because if you can answer this one simple question, which I can, then you won't feel "miserable", you will see there is a small hole in this net called humanity. Really. Where is that hole in the net? How can you exit this insanity? It is knowing the answer to the most important qquestion of your life: "What is the purpose of human existence." Guaranteed that you don't know the answer to this question. If you want to know, shoot me an email: [email protected]. I would love to hear back from you. And, no, I don't subscribe to any religion, so I won't bother you with such nonsense, okay? Kind regards.

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  • oozaki

    To the original poster, I now share your hatred.
    I have been teased and rejected all my life. I think I have been really good to others yet I yet I feel I have been treated like crap my whole life. I am one of those people who sit alone because I don't relate to the zombie pop culture.
    It seems like everyone is just so rude. Peoples attitude everywhere seems to be I want, I want, as long as I am ok and my needs get met then thats all that matters. All they care about is getting their own needs met, and they will kick and scream till they get it. I just can't stand people anymore.
    All I want to do now is go to work, come home and be by myself. Even my neighbours say now we haven't seen you for two weeks.
    You sound like a really great person.

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  • mikits

    I hate people too. They all suck. I hate fat people, dumb people, ugly people, people with zero common sense, religious fanatics, people who seem to have a friggen orgasm when some other stupid fuck on TV bouncing a ball down a court makes the ball go into a hoop.... WTF! Any fucken monkey can do that... I hate sports and people who play sports. I hate everyone and everything that is intellectually shallow and feels it necessary to watch TV, sports, and news channels and thinks they're getting "good info"... what a bunch of retards! I hate democrats and republicans, mexicans, chinese, communists, socialists, bitches and everyone who is a stupid asshole. I really mean it too.

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  • rainvenom

    Pretty much exactly how I feel..., but I have to remember that there are plenty of nice/cool/intelligent people out there. It's just the stupid ones stand out more and tend to be more blatant. At least that's what I hope...

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  • TyLee

    I hate people too!!! But you seem totally awesome!!!!!

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  • Fireweed

    Okay, don't HATE me for this but I really don't hate all people, I feel bad for even posting on an "I hate people" website but-if I did in fact hate ALL people, here's why: a relatively few greedy lazy untruthful people have lied and manipulated their way into making the rest of us mindless greedy stupid livestock destroy the planet with all the plastic crap they've foisted on us over the past 30 years. Has anyone noticed the proliferation of plastic products? Everything is wrapped in or made of plastic. And hardly any of this is recycled plastic. Most of it comes from oil and adds to our addiction to oil. Most of us mindless idiots consume 2 lbs of plastic crap per day and don't even think about it. We've also allowed ourselves to be led to the slaughter by our greed for all these gadgets, clothes that we must have, cars we must drive. Most people go through life completely unaware of their personal plastic footprint. I hate people who insist on double bagging our groceries (buy a fucking canvas bag at the fucking checkout ya fucking pig). I hate people that sit in their car with the engine idling and the ac on high (shut the g.d. engine off and roll down the fucking windows, or better yet keep them rolled up in the hot sun so you can fry your pathetic ass). I hate people who don't take care of themselves, don't bother to exercise or care about what they eat so they add to the collective health care costs so that I can't afford health insurance. I'll get mine when I go to the ER and they pay for it out of state funding drawn off of your taxes. Ha, it comes full circle ya dumb fuck. I hate people that get in mindless relationships with worthless people and then have children by them ("he said he loved me" is no excuse to let him fuck you)and then can't take care of their children because they didn't bother to look out the window and check the economy before they thought they'd forge ahead into the big blue world with no education and no training. I hate parents that treat their kids like little adults/best friends and raise kids that have no respect for others. I hate people that step on others to get ahead in the workplace and coworkers that think it's still high school and cool to play their little high school political social games at work. I especially hate men who think someone owes them a place to put their hard-on (probably the biggest thing they've ever accomplished) and I hate men that try to be who they think you want them to be to try to manipulate you into having sex. I hate men who have to be better at everything than their girlfriend or else they just can't handle it. My beating your ass at miniature golf doesn't make you any less of a man unless you let it!! I hate people who don't look out for animal when they drive and hit a critter and leave it dying in the road.

    Gawd there's a lot of people to hate out there but I feel so much better now!

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    • one.concerned.f.in.citizen

      Yeah, people like you could be easily hated for trying to tell people what they should and shouldn't be doing with their lives. You're a control freak and an asshole, and I hate you too!

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  • Harinezumi

    HeLLo people! I really hate you! 'cause you are people! I really hate myself for being one of you! But most of all I hate people who think that they are better then others and show it treating each other like $hit. God didn't give you the right to behave like that. He doesn't exist. And the one I hate the most is me. Hate myself cause I hate them, therefore I place myself as a better person then those dochebags, who think that they are better than me, so I hate myself as one of those dochebags who pose their selves as better then the others. The only good thing that i like is the thought that everybody dies. You begin to die from the day you are born. every day you all are coming closer to the end, you are dying. After you die there will be other douchebags like you and haters like me (well we're all the same after all).Make sure to do something worth your miserable life)))

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  • flipman

    i belive that human nature is evil

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  • flipman

    i loathe humans as well people just want to get something out of you when people see a use in you they will take advantage of you and when there finnished with you they give you the finger in the end despite you helping them and all they wont appreciate what you did for them sad but true

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    • ihateusers

      So true...I have been used by everyone of my so-called friends....and when they are done leeching off of you they are never to be seen again!

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  • jlux

    I hate people who use the phrase, "at the end of the day" I hate people who try and rationalize why it's "unhealthy" to hate people. Most of all I just hate stupid, ignorant, fat lazy slobs that collect cats like prizes, live in a dump, hoarding junk, that spew their words of stupidity at anyone with in range.
    I hate people who tell you to have a nice day. why can't they say "go fuck yourself"
    and on that note I'll close. Go Fuck Yourself.

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    • ihateusers

      I LOVE IT!People ALWAYS say "How are you doing today" and I feel like saying "Pretty shitty"

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      • masssubculture

        lol, people say that phrase to me "only" on the worst of days, when the answer is "obvious." if I'm having a great day...abet rare...people are rude...have a horrible day and look as such and they ask this, just to get a 'rise' out of you..

        They ask that expecting a, Great, yeah Fantastic! :) Someone hit my kitten, ran over my foot, I slammed my finger in the door and my toddler dumped thumbtacks by my bed, I was bit by a spider, and dropped this Piece of metal on my toe, but oddly we still reply "Great"...This happens alot at work, when people don't really care about you and just find it too aukward to say anything real. I usually get How's the weather every single day, or RiggGgggGgt...sure ya do or yeah yeah yeah, or what are you even taking about! Sadily thats the reply to common knowledge stuff. //headesk

        lol and the Jealously from my rase at work! #Hazing to say the least :) There such tards sometimes its funny...litterly they look like gorillaz sometimes putting on a show of dominance! I've watched the others wait for crap to start then descend on others crap falling from an airplane toilet.
        Sadly Human Stupidity can be entertaining sometimes...pulls up a chair and some popcorn! Lets go to WalMart! XD

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      • van907

        LOL! Yes and when you are in a store and the clerk says, how is your day? I want to say, why are you even asking...you don't give a shit how my day is.

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  • dave22

    If you can accept that most people are fucking idiots then you won`t be dissapointed !

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  • bmac13

    I hate people! I literally make that statement EVERY SINGLE DAY! I can't stand the bullshit world I live in. Stupid people are my worst pet peeve. Arrogant people, shallow people, rude people, disrespectful people, jealous people, vain people, slow people(I don't mean disability slow), know it all people, lazy people and every stupid idiot in between! I love that there are other people out there that hate people too!! Maybe there is hope to meet someone normal for a change...probably not, you all probably hide our from the crazies like I do too!

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  • pixelxpout3

    I hate people who hate people for stupid, petty things that they come up with out of just "assuming". Fuck off.

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    • A88ie

      See why is that bullshit comment even nessasary. See we can't even have our own fucking forum without some twerp trolling lol. That's my point. Always in other people's business causing drama. Sit down and give your mouth a chance. Your ass is doing all the talking

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  • whitepeopleareminorities

    Man shut the fuck up I hate everyone more than you do kid. And I don't judge anyone because of their drug usage. Haha "intellectual outcast" calm down everyone knows that the people who consider themselves smart or intellectual are the stupidest ones. Grow up.

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  • masssubculture

    The saddest thing I seen recently was something that could easily be prevented.

    This beautiful deer was on an interstate looking at me like...Please fix me, please help me... Im broken! He was very much so alive, and likely very 'saveable' as I studied a bit of prevet...he had a fractured pelvis that was repairable and he had a small gut rupture..but he was alive enough to walk and sit down and just look at us like...please someone help me!

    With no wildlife rehabilitation or livestock clinics around...cops arrived and simply gunned the beautiful animal down.

    In America, people don't really seem to care, when I told someone about it they were like its just a stupid deer...its food you idiot.

    -_-' All these Hunters are going to be sad someday when deforestation and their "population Control" eventually depletes deer populations so low that they become threatened.

    Trust me I see people poach all the time...its not good, farmers are cutting down all the fence rows, the topsoil is all blowing away, circular burning traps wildlife in the center of fields and "Roasts them alive" but yeah to Sheeple there just stupid animals.

    With no purpose, no direction, no meaning, and no respect for the other animals and plants we share this earth with...what is the point of human life? People just get things to show up the next person and everyone seems to just chase superficial things.

    They don't do nice things for each other, and I am so sick of shootings in my neighborhood, I had raccoons in my yard too I loved...they were cute, comical ect... Next thing the neighbors were 'killing them' why? 'because they were mean' Why? well the neighbors were ignorant. The "Mean" racoon was the mother of 3 kits...they brutally beat her to death in my yard while I was gone. I got very upset about the racoon corpse and the kids hitting at my dog!

    The neighbor hood here is full of feral, half starving children, drug attics, whine-o's, rednecks...you name it! There are police everywhere and someone always doing something horrible...needless to say we both want to move and stay inside like prisoners of humanity.

    Occassionaly you run into a nice person to talk to at Walmart but that's about it.

    XD so much for moving from 'Rural America' in hopes of finding 'quality' college educated, good people to chat with and truely grow in intellect. :) IMO there is nothing better than someone who cares about the world, and has some goal or aspiration in life.

    I love people who are more than a carbon cutout, unfortunately most arent. You don't have to accomplish the world to make a diff, heck...even donating a can of catfood to a pound helps...or that homeless guy...give him 30 cents its not going to kill you!

    XD Getting off my Soapbox now, O! one last thing...I HATE the people who love to hurt women and children... :/ My sister was lured in by a guy pretending to be 'great' after her divorce...he left her with a broken face, severe injuries and potientally shot her though the skin of her lip..

    That is the kinda crap you only see on "TV" in Chicago or somewhere like Memphis...now that Crap is in Small Town America!

    The Good News, She survived! and the @sshat went to prision, but Really People...What on earth is Wrong with People! Bakes cookies and hands to neighbors...Real Cookies...not the "insert random crap people shouldn't put in somthing here."

    Why don't people stop wasting all their energy on crime, abuse, self pity, and all that junk and do something with their lives to make them happy? Go fishing! Read a good Book! Share a story with friends, Tennis, Archery, Canoeing, go to a park, ride that 2 wheeled thing stuck in your shed called a 'bike'. Come on Humanity start doing something Real agian... A Wii Stick is cool but I don't think we should replace everything we used to do with a virtural presence.

    I want to ski for real, learning to skate was fun, go karts and mini golf arcades were all fun social events. Now all those places are going out of business and everyone sits at home socializing with their computer. Im not dissing computers I just think everything in moderation, we still have real social needs, and physical needs.

    Its a lonely world for someone who still enjoys 'doing stuff' :) but to do rl things it takes work, goals, setting and earning funds...I love to work what I get its more fufilling...saving up for a vacation...yes even the poor can.

    I hate People making excuses and saying their life sucks...if you life sucks own the fact that part of the reason it does is likely your own and that you have the power to change it and seek out new experiences...don't wallow in self pity and just go and smoke a forget me stick...or sit there wallowing in flith eating a bunch of junk saying, " I wish life would stop sucking! " Life doesn't suck...not doing anything with it does!

    :) I still Wan't to make the world a better place...people might make it dammed difficult but like hell are peoples rude opinions, sarcasm, and quote "Im Crazy" statements stop me from trying.

    I love to recycle, experience new things, teach my little girl nature, music, forgotten outdoor sports, camping and cooking techniques... :) Thats the sort things I enjoyed as a child...so Im not leaving those out in favor of a solely digital life.

    #Your not alone-Intellectual People-Don't give up!

    "simply Put we need a meet and greet site not for dating but for meeting other people who like intellectual converastion and just want to hang out and talk about things that have substance" :) Still looking for that!

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    • hope_compass

      YOU: "What is the point of human life?"

      ME: To return to your orignal self, to return to your orignal true nature.

      You are not here to be a human being. You are here to return to your orignal self.


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  • masssubculture

    I also Hate People, because I once Cared too Much, Society stomps on us for what we believe is right. Doing the best you can gets you resented in the workplace, caring about others gets you stepped upon-"People are Jerks who assume if your nice you don't respect yourself" far in the contrary.

    Im that wierdo, girl whos good at just about every "odd" thing...sculpture, doll making, wood working, Im a builder, maker, artist and creator...a science buff, Ive been overseas to study abroad on a luck chance trip that didn't last. Dated an international scientist who judged me for no reason and dumped me after treating him very well with the utmost respect.

    I have helped out friends and family to be chewed up and "spat out!" I am strong, but people see me as weak because I show kindness...these days you have to be the strongest of all people to show kindness despite the rude, cold stares, the jealousy of this world, the laziness, unmotivation, slathering of self pitty and self destruction.

    I always wanted to, "Make the World a better place!" by setting goals and trying, even if failing...not everyone makes it...to Get a science degree where I could really make a difference...critics all the way going what are you going to do, "Nutcase" get a Real Job!!!

    Last I checked Bio/Chemistry is not only a real job but a career that often pays 30-50k entry...which isn't horrible...and my dreams were to work in a childrens type science museusm like I seen over seas and really teach youth about the world and the importance of conseravtion, education, tbh as humans we need to address overpopulation issues by being safer and trying to keep our family size to replacement value.

    If families didn't have more than 2 children the world would be sustainable as the natural deathrate would slightly skew the population growth and we would have - growth. As not everyone would survive, and not eveyone would have kids.

    Tbh...would families only having enough children to be able to easily provide for them in most social situations be a bad thing.

    The problem with population growth issues and de-evolution are that 1. Alot of people are on disabiltiy, wellfare, and other programs who don't need to be...aka my parents for one.

    They have very slight mental issues that in other countries would simply limit a few highly social jobs. Here they get mental disability and high functioning bipolar..."from drugs"-Mom And Scitzophrenia ...very mild version of it from dad...did not stop them from being able to work fine.

    The worse of it...mom occassionally missed a day of work...hm...so shes not able to work? and My father well... He just occassionally made someone mad.

    Tbh...both could easily work but like many Americans and depending on country disability polices are taking advantage of the system.

    Tbh... Your disabled if you have a severe mental disorder, or physical disability.

    Almost anyone if they keep applying can get eventually approved for 'mental disabilty' in America...you just have to annoy the right people long enough.

    The problem here is people on welfare, the truely disabled, and the lazy and barely disabled are the ones with the most free time and who have the most children.

    This group consisits sometimes of people we care about but I don't believe that people with severe defects should be allowed to keep having kids... The number on welfare if this trend continues will be greater than the number of working individuals...which will lead to failure of the system or alot of lazy individuals having to return to work and revolting as a response, violence, crime, ect...

    When I was a kid this world was full of caring grandparents who really did 'real things' people did far more than just glare at a tv screen, they boated, they farmed, they did crafts & trades...people helped and greeted one another :) I was raised by my grandparents and I miss that. The older generation was much nicer!

    I also miss seeing more on tv about the World Wildlife Foundation, National Geo, and other Charity "Causes"

    Now much is kept hush as it is disturbing when people hear how many animals and plants they are killing though carelessness, laziness, poor practices, and chasing the mighty $.

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  • DammitDammit

    I think it's somewhat normal. I hate 99 percent of people because I'm tired of trying to find people who don't try to bring me down.., because I don't want to bring anyone else down...

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  • bill441

    I agree with most of you in here I hate todays pop culture lady gaga, Justin dickhead tired of todays teens and there dumb ass attitudes, ways of thinking, fuckin stupid yuppies the dumb ass people that voted for Obama, the selfish government driving this country into the ground, dumb ass black Friday door busters mowing people down over china made crap for there spoiled brat kids, tired big corporate companies suite wherein snobby golf playing pricks, tired of self entitlement lazy couch potato's sucking up tax money, tired of this waste land full of selfish, inconsiderate, self absorbed, gold digging women breeding more useless brats that they don't raise right to begin with .Tired of this damn zombified zoo we live in and tired of people swallowing the bullshit that the media tell them and dumb enough to believe it welcome to a governmentally and retail store controlled zombie land.

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    • weneedhelp

      wow-I'm not they only one that thinks this.

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  • Weirdgirl

    I don't hate people but I dislike people, how you can trust nobody but yourself to make your life work out the way you like. You cannot trust your friends to be loyal, you cannot trust your parents to do the best for you, you can trust no one.

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  • The_Rаpe_Man

    I hate the people who get pissed at me for being athiest. oh and i hate the black,asian,japanesse,etc who say that all whites are racist when clearly we are not. so what if theres the ocasional racist joke who gives a fucking god damned mother fucking shit? OH AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE NOOBS HERE!

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  • androv

    I feel sorry for those who wake up every single day, get out of their house, and find every body else arround them so inferior.
    If you have a nice body, car, house, family, girlfriend, bank account, or skill... dont be so proud of it, it doesn't matter the way you get it, its good's property.

    I know, too heavy to digest, specially in the so called first world.

    A very old man used to say: people with power becomes cruel.

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    • Fireweed

      Ah, I love the Myth of the Ideal Single Lifestyle....That's exactly what I got as a single person; endless amounts of discretionary income because my lawn magically gets smaller when I mow, and the grass grows slower. The grocery store is also glad to supply single-person portions of fresh produce at the same discount as the "family" size. Also, Uncle Sam acknowledges my economic advantage by not allowing me the same tax rate as a married couple or parent. And of course I don't need as much heat because there is only one of me, and I can just heat one room at a time because I'm only "in" one room at a time. I've gotten where I am at work because I worked so many extra hours just to keep up with basic expenses let alone any extras and when that totally burnt me out I cashed out part of my retirement, took a leave and started my own business. I did not at any time have a partner who could "stop off at the grocery store," or start dinner or help with chores...Everybody can find some reason why one group or another feels they have it the hardest. I hear parents complain about how expensive it is to raise a child, yet these same children are swimming in plastic crap that their parents bought them for "enrichment" and have their kids in every conceivable extracurricular they can fit in, and of course their child can only do well at the most expensive private school. And every other parent is taking their family to Disney World at some point. So I'm not sure what people consider financial hardship, but I haven't had a full week's vacation in 6 years. So before you assume that being single is some sort of financial and social nirvana, try it for a while.

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      • ihateusers

        Yea,being single sucks BIG TIME!

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  • TooPure

    Self-destruction is the answer. I fucking hate how life is, dreams mean shit today, and alone in this big world you get squashed. The formula that the strongs survive, and the weak become food for the strong is true, because there are few people that can make your dreams come true, or provide what your soul needs. I never turn on the media because I can see hypocrites in almost every channel. When I walk out the street, I see a fucking liar in everybody, or an arrogant person which thinks got the world figured out, yes everyones trying to shit on each other, the drama, the irony, and sarcasm in every kind sentence, Life's a fucking non-stop twist full of spins. No more can I find atleast one just person in the crowd, nor one that has solid morals, or who knows what's right. It seems that I'm the only always sits by and thinks in those cold evenings about how the world operates. What makes us do that and that, what if. What if, all of the faggots would die out.

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    • ColdCorpse

      Once you realize people are shit and stop expecting or hoping for anything from them, you can start treating the worthless ones like shit and you won't step in it.

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  • DivineVoid

    Dam, sounds like you people have some problems. Some of you guys need to improve your grammar a bit. And humanity, itself, is just like any other species, we have good and bad sides. Haters...

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    • weneedhelp

      Ya know what idiot-were all just fed up. A lot of us were brought up right by our parents, and see what goes on in this world. But it's only going to get worse, no matter is we try to change it. We are a small minority. So screw you.

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    • bill441

      The reason why you used a lame comeback like grammar excuse is because 1. your not intelligent enough to think of anything else 2. you sound like a today's brainless zombie abiding to your daily grind of so called normal life witch is in fact not 3. enjoy your zombified life controlled by pig corporate CEO's using you like a puppet for his arrogant needs and supporting a failing system that your kids will reap a horrible reality of future outcomes of ignorance,greedyness, and violence.

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    • A88ie

      Lol that the best you got. Grammar. Lol. See people. This is why I hate people. Fools like this.

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  • jouls

    Can't see anything wrong with a little misanthropy. Why should you feel bad about hating people? A lot of us do. Well I know I do. I hate it that people believe the world is this kind of soft and cuddly thingy, that people think life is all about being happy. No it isn't. And by the way, who can tell that it's wrong to feel that way if it's who you are? It's like all those guys I know who find it weird to be depressed at times, to listen to sad musik and be glad that at the end of the movie everything goes to hell and to be relieved not to have to swallow just another of those crappy spoonfed happy endings. Sometimes maybe you'd think that they can't be that bad, but honestly, how often does this add up? It's not that I'm hurting anyone by not just smiling at everything life throws at me. I don't even tell people I hate them. Time passes and I don't even feel bad about being like this. There was this one part I liked that I found somewhere over the internet "I hate things that are soft. Everything should be sharp and painful". Victor Hugo said melancholy was the pleasure of being sad, so, if that's how you like it, just have it your way. Feel lonely and brave. Listen to some deep music and read Schopenhauer if you like. Or don't, whatever. For my part I accepted that no matter how much I tried to sugarcoat the bloody thing, the world just won't be good enough to play by. No compromises. Never again.

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  • Billycantread

    I started reading Eckhart Tolle who I think you're going to like and he taught me not to expect anything from anyone. What ever you want in the world, you have to bring to the world. I'm going to start living that from now on:) It seems the longer our mouth is open, the more likely we are to sin(which actually means to miss the point). Stop looking unto others for what you want to see, the only person you control is you. Bring intelligence into a world of unconsciousness. Don't let them take your happiness! :) I agree with everything we hate about people but the problem is not actually not thinking, but unconscious thinking. I feel the same as everyone here, I've met girls who say they hate girls for gossiping but do it too.(excessively) So it's hard to find others. Bring consciousness to the world is all we can do, and look how much of us there are! Read Eckhart Tolle "A New Earth"

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  • pookypoo

    So I guess at the end of the day that just makes you a very hateful person.

    We are all human and we are all deeply flawed in many ways. I too am irritated by peoples ignorance and selfishness but hating them achieves nothing. It simply makes the world a more hateful place.

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  • PoisonFlowers

    Social outcast? That I am. Intellectual? Sadly not.

    I have some misanthropic feelings too and as someone else has pointed out, so do many people on this site haha. Join the club.

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  • van907

    I agree, people suck. I hate how people only think of themselves; people in general are so annoying! Also, don't even get me started on the fucking rug rats that they breed. They let those little jerk kids run around yelling and screaming in stores.

    People in general are pathetic and talking to other people annoys me also. I work with a person who won't shut the hell up.

    I treasure the times that I can get away from people. I feel so relaxed and happy when others are not around.

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  • ladytrukr

    Hate is a strong word - but , yeah , I pretty much hate people in general. Tried for years to let most stuff roll off my back. Thank God I am finally retired and don't have to deal with the happy horse shit and the work related crap of having to be nice to assholes. And yes , I thank GOD it's over. (oh ,for those here that don't believe in God - that's not my problem , it's yours! I do , so shove it!) Back to the topic ..
    Drove for a living most of my years for the simple reason that it allowed me to spend most of my working time ALONE! The longer I did it , the more I realized I didn't need "friends" or any other human contact (except family) to make life interesting. I knew I couldn't be the only one out here that really didn't desire to be a social butterfly. Glad to know there are so many others. I don't care about other people enough to want to listen to their bellyaching and hear about their superficial , shallow lives , for the rest of the time I have left here in this world. I don't want to have neighbors who have nothing better to do than mind my business - so I built a 7 ft. privacy fence around my yard. Complete bliss. Absolute privacy.
    It's 5 O'clock somewhere. Cheers.

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  • Vomitheart

    People are disgusting. Think about it, they are literally full of nasty shit.

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  • JesseB

    Grade A fucking snob. What's wrong with fitting in? I enjoy being like everyone else, I enjoy having friends and being happy. The social outcasts aren't actually the smartest, they just have the most time to develop coherent thoughts, too much time spent alone thinking. We're all the same on a base level, some, like you, just think they're better than others.

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  • Negenduust

    I really share you opinion! But I think you are a bit straight forward with saying you hate people who do drugs. I personally smoke weed but tht doesn't mean I'm ignorant. I really share you're meaning. When I was younger I wanted to make a lot of friends and with growing older I saw how fucked up people are, only thinking about themselves, bragging about everything and just follow the stream or herd like sheep. And so when I would smoke I feel happy with the life I have now. I have 4 close friends in my village. And I'm happy with that. They share the same ideas about life. But I understand your story completely it's nice to know there are more people who think like you (:

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  • noneyo_getit

    That perfectly describes me when I was morbidly depressed and to a small when I am in a particularly bad mood.

    There are no right and wrong feelings... but it becomes VERY burdensome to constantly be biting your tongue.

    I dealt with all this (with the accompanying decline in health) until I got professional help... and no I am not ripping on you because I would be technically ripping on myself... and I don't try to actively tear myself down these days.

    Your actions affect people though, and the wrong statement or word at a REALLY bad time can affect someone's life for the worse. I know some would argue that "truth hurts" but that is PRECISELY why we have to come to difficult truths on our own... having some random person or even someone you know well force it down your throat robs you of your dignity and independence (meaning it is likely they will have an even harder time accepting it).

    But as someone who once carried this burden it sounds like you are handling it rather well, given the circumstances. You are asking questions and aware of the feelings... which are (from what you are telling me) extremely unpleasant. Find safe places to talk about this, like with the people here who are taking a constructive tone.

    In short it is normal the same way being sensitive to noise makes hating concerts normal. My only question would be whether you could find ways of focusing on things that are not so depressing. Because I was a pretty severe case, I had to have medication to do this. Being less critical was a symptom of my own ability to look at my life more practically... that is, focus on things that were actually of use to me. A symptom of you doing this might be lack of awareness of materialistic people that provoke this response and more thought given to the people who you (and I as well) find interesting.

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  • one.concerned.f.in.citizen

    I hate people! I think 99% of them are stupid, ignorant f***ing morons and I enjoy telling them so as often as I can without loosing my job. Though I have taken pleasure in telling customers, landlords and even bosses that they are f***ing assholes in the past. I hate our government for making stupid, ignorant, moron, assholes a protected class, but it's not surprising that they would try to protect their own. Whatever happened to the days when you could smack someone up-side the head for doing something stupid or punch them in the face for being an asshole? Now days, if you punch someone in the face for being an asshole you are thrown in jail and the asshole walks away and goes about their business, annoying the people around them. Because the system protects them it encourages them to do it even more and even to try and perfect their art. Because our government continues to protect them and has made it illegal to just kill them, we are forced to live with them, which is extremely annoying! Wouldn't it be nice to have a neighborhood where you could choose your neighbors and these ignorant, inconsiderate assholes were restricted and only truly loving, caring, considerate, common sense kind of people could enjoy their lives together? Oh yeah, that's illegal too, thanks to our government! You can't even pick who lives next to you or who you or your neighbors can sell their property too thanks to our government. I recently told my slumlord/landlord that he was a f***ing asshole and to get the f*** our of our/his apartment. It felt good, but I would have much more enjoyed punching him in the f***ing face. He is a veteran and some people might say that he should be respected for his service to this country, but being a veteran doesn't allow you to be an asshole and to treat people, like myself and my 12 year old daughter, badly either. If more assholes got their faces punched in then they would begin to think twice about their actions and how their actions affect the people around them. So once again, we can thank our government for making our lives miserable! The question is, how can we get our government to remove the protected class that has been created to protect these f***ing assholes, so we can have open season on them? The world would be a better place!!!

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  • jk213

    Wow! I thought I was the only one that felt this way. When I started reading these comments, it made me feel better. I agree. People are so selfish, self centered, users and just plain self absorbed. Throughout my life I've mostly experienced people just being hateful. Very rarely have I come across anyone who was genuine. When I have a few times that I can count on one hand, I was astounded. So sad.... Even when you're nice to them, they are still hateful towards you. I have quite a few relatives that way including my own mother. When she doesn't get her own way, she tried to destroy me to my other family members, even my own daughter. It's so many years of "stuff" I can write. I finally realized since she didn't care about my feelings I stopped caring about hers and if she tried to even go that way I'll chew her out in a minute without a thought or a care or to anyone for that matter who feels they can treat me that way. For the most part, I keep to myself and keep myself busy with other constructive things. Personally I feel people for the most part aren't worth my time because I guarantee 99.9% are going to be hateful. So why even give a "blink" their way. They aren't even worth that.

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  • AloneHere

    I see the last few generation's as the "what's in it for me generation" who have some sort of self entitlement, they are self absorbed, lazy humans. It is absolutely infuriating to see people literally getting away with murder and all that they receive is a slap on the wrist. We need stricter laws with actual consequences, not a stay at the Hilton; a bed to sleep on and 3 meals a day should be earned not handed out for committing crimes...better yet third world country punishment would benefit this country immensely; actually the world. You kill someone you die, you steal your hand is cut off.......simple as that. Our crime rate would plummet to nothing. I believe people have good in them somewhere, the problem is that nobody is taught any longer to respect thy neighbor so why should they; it doesn’t benefit them. I too have much hatred for people, I wish that if people (term used very loosely)stood back and realized the true impact of their actions on a grandeur scale maybe they would view, treat and respect others properly. I was raised to respect and treat others with kindness especially if they don't. Praying to your gods will not change a thing. I was given the option as a child to pick a religion of my choice, went to all different kind of churches with friends but nothing ever resonated with me; in fact I saw everyone praying and chanting and thought was the hell is wrong with these people. I think those who believe in a God are insane and need to be institutionalized but if that is what it takes to make them descent human beings then more power to those who live in that fictitious world. I choose to live in reality even if it's a grime one.

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  • intjtoo

    Coincidentally, I looked up the phrase "I dislike most people" (not even using "INTJ" as a search term) and yes, I too am INTJ. Totally get what most of u r saying...absolutely have been there, done that. No joke, some of the best mornings of life in my 20s were waking up in NYC & going to get my weekly Sunday New York Times to read cover to cover. Many in our pop culture would instantly label that as "nerdy," but I thank God I am interested in something other than constant Justin Bieber/pop songs all over the radio, dumb tv shows & movies (like there aren't enough sequels & remakes as it is) as well as trashy trends that don't flatter anyone. Whatever happened to forms of non-electronic entertainment like bike riding, exploring nature, playing board games, or if watching tv, stuff like Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, etc.?

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  • Pterodactylian

    People on the internet. Making a big deal out of spelling, as if being a good speller made you the Wise Man
    of the Year. Then you correctly spell some inane shit.
    And if a person misspelled something wise said, be insulted of their intelligence in a moronically hyopocritical way with good grammar by Yourself. Fuck you all, and Goodbye.

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  • elenamish

    I agree with most of people here. What makes me hate them even more is their attitude that yes, we a shallow, retarded, inconsiderate dickheads and we are better then you, because you live in your misery of hatred while we are enjoying life. I want to enjoy life too, but I don't know how can I enjoy it living next to idiots like this.

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  • hence my name

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  • ColdCorpse

    I hate people because so many of them are evil. Calling them users misses the point. They're controllers. They look for anything significant and call it insignificant. Most of the things we see people do and we think are stupid are things that get them what they want. But even more than that they are evil. The average person will ignore rape and murder if a friend commits them. They'll even take part under the amount of peer pressure it takes to get someone to try a cigarette. Most people are either despicably evil or incapable of hating evil. I hate people because I hate evil.

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  • freddo11

    Basically the answer =
    More people = more shit.

    The thing I hate the most about everyone is when they harm you purposely and 'forget'.
    Other things include:-
    When they:-
    Take advantage of you
    Not be grateful
    Be patronizing with a group
    Try to disapprove you when you are know more than them
    Be arrogant if they're more beautifull
    Fool us by faking beauty
    Innapropriately behave e.g come in someones house and speak loudly
    Not care about more serious problems e.g imperialism
    Despite they're your friend they don't ask how you are
    Fake a smile
    Making fun
    Consistanly talk about unimportant things
    Jeaolousy if your better

    I've seen all this happen to me day by day...and learnt: you really can't change bad behaviours. But all you can do is change your approach.

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  • Cheemo

    Feel pretty much the same way, but I don't like to hate people... Love an tolerance everyone! Lol... I do a lot of thinking about how generic people seem...how it feels like the majority of people are this way and so predictable...then I started thinking...maybe I have social anxiety disorder...I'm going to get a mental evaluation...

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  • Weirdo666

    I'm glad that i am not the only one.
    Everyone thinks that i'm crazy, those idiots

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I'm an intellectual social outcast too but I am still materialistic (would love to be wealthy) and shallow (like cute girls)

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  • By people that include's all member's on website.

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  • snowtail802

    we hate you to asshole

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  • russellnb

    Try to dislike instead of hate. Hate is a self destructive emotion. I know a lot of people who are worthy of hate though.

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    • Fireweed

      Try not acting like some serene holier than thou clueless idiot that hasn't stepped out in the real world. do you really think "dislike" is a strong enough word to get you through the day?!?!

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  • Ollyx2OxenFree

    Oh and you could be a Schizoid which is a personality disorder. Some INTJs have that trait but not all of us.

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    • ColdCorpse

      Yes. any opinion, or evidence that people want to ignore is the result of a disorder. Take some pills the psychotic side effects are as rare as mass shootings, and random acts of violence. Crack is no longer the most dangerous drug in our country. It's anti-depressants. So if your a realist and can't pretend that people are hurting you because they love take some pills.

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  • Ollyx2OxenFree

    It's normal at least for me. I'm actually the loner intellectual type mainly because people are so indecent, superficial, shallow and lack depth and objectivity. You should probably look up INTJ, it's a personality type and a lot of us tend to be misanthropic hermits. It's a psychological type that makes up like 1-2% of the population. You should look up MBTI in order to better understand people and accept them. I still struggle with this but I'm trying!

    Wish I had something meaningful to say to help. Just don't give up hope!

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    • A88ie

      I am a INTJ. It's a link but only because we see it. The emotional blinkered ones do not get this. You won't get there mindless small talk either. Lol

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  • Enzo

    you guys see people as one thing i see them as two here are some definitions

    humans:assholes only capable of corruption and destruction
    thy destroy the world and hate everybody that is better then
    them thy step on heads to get to the top and don't care
    about the people that get hurt there irritating,stupid,
    fuckd up and useless
    a person:
    is only capable of good thy help people and and don,t want anything in return thy are the hand full of people
    that really care

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    • pplesuxdogsrule

      I love that great word use only capable of corruption and destruction it is so dam true

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  • ihatepeople

    I hate people who get married, who thinks marriage is a great thing and those same people get married and divorced so many times and have legal battles for the custody of their dumb spoiled children who grow up to be people that I hate. I hate religious fanatics, republicans, democrats, communists, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Panhandlers, bosses, vegans, vegetarians, Green peace, those people standing on the sidewalk with clipboards(especially those asking for donations to save the children-I say let the children drown, cuz they are overpopulating and overpolluting the planet), people who act like they are better than you, pretentious people at nightclubs, drunks, druggies, Meathead corrupt police, People in advertisement, Marketing people. Let's see how life would be if you get rid of all these above. There are more types which I hate but if you get rid of these above, I think I will be more than satisfied, and I would go out more

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    • A88ie

      Like the Africans. Surely they can't be that stupid to not think hang on. I have no food. Maybe I won't breed.

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  • duppyconquerour

    Do you think that perhaps you also hate yourself? Maybe people who don't hate everyone are those who like themselves. I say like themselves and not love themselves deliberately. Do you react to people in a bad way due to your general hatred of people? If so, how do you feel about that, to be contributing to the sphere of people pissing eachother off. Perhaps some people are the thing they hate, and they blame everyone else for it.

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  • norman2222222

    I hate people for all the above reasons. I also hate people who hate people

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    • The_Rаpe_Man

      so...you hate yourself?

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      • noneyo_getit

        Answering from the point of view of when I was once morbidly depressed...

        At the time I hated almost everything more than I had a stomach to put into words... people above all... and YES myself above all people I hated the most.

        Hating something is a result of understanding it better and if you can understand something it often means you can relate to it in some way. Hateful individuals (as I was once) really do live a tortured existence and it is always tragic to see. Sometimes it is circumstances anyone can see from the outside and sometimes it can be health issues we don't yet understand. Rulers/leaders with chronic pain or mental issues back in medieval days were prone to committing terrible atrocities. The al Qaeda lieutenant/spiritual-advisor who convinced Bin Laden to target civilians spent a good part of his life as a political dissident leader in an Egyptian prison. This means he probably endured more unrestrained torture than any western country could possibly get away to inflicting on anyone in the modern age. You do that to someone you should not be surprised or shocked when something truly twisted comes out of it... just keep the person from hurting anyone in a cell somewhere for the rest of their life, and try to remember in the future that pain only begets more pain.

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  • LiamFairweather

    You have expressed my exact feelings, I am a little outcast. Everyone avoids me because I am misanthropic, but when people do talk to me, specially the very spoiled ones, I start to boil inside.

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  • LumpyLanny

    i feel the exact same way its like you took the words right out of my mind. it actually feels somewhat reliving to know that their are some other people out here that feel the same way that feel the same way i do. I really wish i could talk to someone else who feels the same way, sadly for me i have not found anyone to talk to about this situation

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    • oozaki

      I would really like to talk to you. I feel I feel the same way you do. I would like to talk with you about your situation.

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  • vegan

    Take a schizoid personality disorder test.

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  • ouchez

    I think it is very unhealthy to hate something you have to be around everyday. In fact I think it is unhealthy to hate things in general. I think this is fairly normal but then again you hate "human normality" so would you hate if that were true?
    Anyway I think you should really stop hating people. There are a lot more to them than just what the surface tells you.

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  • randomjelly


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  • Electronica

    I hate haters.

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  • hotchickie81

    Sounds like you would like me :)

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  • lollipopbabe3

    are yu human ??

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