I hate my own body hair

I hate my own body hair (Mostly the armpit hair and pubic hair). I want it gone, I’m experimenting with permanent removal methods. It’s just so ugly, I’m sure it was important for early humans but it's practically useless for people who aren’t super athletic. Also, the ingrown hairs are a massive trigger for my OCD. I’m a guy by the way.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Bassmachine

    You don't like bears you like smooth twinks. 😁

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  • Orphan

    It's your choice but just so you know, hair is there for protection from sweat. Once you start shaving your armpits, you'll notice that you get REALLY sweaty and feel gross. And antiperspirant is cancerous. So I advise against it

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  • MrToxic

    It may please you to know that humans are gradually losing the amount of body hair we have. Over the generations we've cut, shaved and shaped our hair to the way we desire it. The thing is, it was once far more prominent on our bodies. Back when people lived in caves, we needed to maintain as much body warmth as possible. Pubic hair also helps minimise the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

    Apologies for the history lesson, just never had a use for that knowledge until now, got excited :)

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I hate ass hair. Its hard to shave and its gross. The older you get as a man the hairyer you get. No other body hair bothers me

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I'm with you. I hate my armpit, pubic and leg hair. I would get all hair from the neck down removed permanently if i could afford it.

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  • randypete

    I hate hairy balls I love to keep the shaved

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  • shoka2322

    I absolutely love my pubic hair and armpit hair. I would feel less of a man and a lot less sexy without it.

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    • ospry

      Can I steal "I absolutely love my pubic hair and armpit hair" for my dating profile?

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