I hate my boyfriends son and i think he has a mental illness

Okay, before you pass judgement here, I do have children. I have a 6 year old and I’m currently pregnant. I know kids can be loud and rowdy if you don’t get a handle on it at a young age but I’m just fed the fuck up with my boyfriends kid. I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year and we are expecting a child together. My son lives with us full time and he is a very well behaved child because I don’t tolerate the bullshit. Granted he is a kid and likes to push my buttons but otherwise he’s a great child. However my bfs child is a nightmare. The is the most disrespectful, spiteful, attention hungry, spawn of Satan I have ever met. He talks to me however he pleases, because he doesn’t ever listen to me or his dad. He says hateful things like “that’s what you get” if you get hurt or almost fall, he says “it doesn’t matter” every time I get onto him about something. He’s a spoiled little brat and thinks everything he touches is his. He clearly has some form of autism or mental illness because he repeats entire conversations from days/weeks/months ago, or he repeats a sentence over and over but lingers on a specific word and repeats it. He’s very loud and obnoxious and it really works my nerves. I’ve tried bringing up that something is wrong with his son but he makes excuses cause his baby momma is an imbicile and refuses to accept that something is wrong. And honestly I think that’s child abuse to not take your kid to see a specialist when something is clearly going on. Also he’s so disrespectful cause that’s how my bfs sons mother talks to him. In the beginning I tried to be step mom but at this point I’m so annoyed by his kid that I ignore him when he’s at my house or I try to stay in a different room till he goes to bed. Oh also, he chews all the hands off his toys and my sons toys! Which is very infuriating. I try not to just ride his ass when he’s around but god it seems like the kid has no clue how to act right. I know something has got to give seeing as we’re moving to another town and having a child with my BF. I’m hoping seeing his kid less will help, since he’s here every Tuesday and every weekend. I know this all sounds crazy but I’m losing my mind and know I’m probably going to hell for how much I dislike his kid. What do I do?!

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Comments ( 50 )
  • jaystrong

    On the spectrum of autism or not he sounds VERY undisciplined. Back in the day kids would get their asses kicked, but today you as much talk badly to him and that little shit will have you arrested for child abuse.

    Wouldn't doubt his mommy has something to do with it too.

    Have a looooong talk with your boyfriend and explain if you are going to spend your lives together he has to make better attempts disciplining his son.
    If he can't do that or won't maybe it might not work. Remember (usually) kids come first no matter how much of a little shit he is.

    I always tried to find something a person and I might have in common if we're not getting along. Kids are usually the easiest to break past their barriers. If the kid like legos guess what? It's lego night from time to time.
    Try to actually spend some time with the kid and not try to push him aside. I know it'll be tough, but if you're getting married to his Dad - you get him!

    Good luck and sorry you're having issues. There's always something. He's your something.

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    • Olivejuice

      Thank you for the comment!

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  • CDmale4fem

    I would venture to say that regardless of any impending diagnosis, the bottom line I would see is pretty much a parental discipline or lack of discipline. I would say that had proper or any discipline been laid down at all. If they had bypassed the "he's just being a kid" excuse is just that, an excuse to avoid facing the reality of their child maybe having issues that demanded some extra attention. Failure for the parents to address issues would or could at some point be considered child abuse, or at least considered child neglect. You as the girlfriend, should demand that your boyfriend and the baby mama get some other testing done, first off for the child's sske, and 2, to save your relationship. Before it gets torn apart because of the unruly kid. As for discipline, there is nothing wrong with a couple,3 or 4 seats in the ass. If when you start leaving bruises or marks on the child that's going to be a bit much. But the mom and daddy better do something or he will end up in a few years mouthing of to the wrong person and someone's gonna bust him a good one, and later on he might very well end up in jail or prison. Statistics show the number of kids growing up as unruly has a larger percentage of ending up in custody, Be it jail, or prison. The unruly kids lack self discline, and feel they don't want to listen to authority or play by the rules.

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  • CDmale4fem

    When I was in San Diego in the Navy, I had met this woman named Diane. Her husband was over seas for awhile,while I was not . Lol. Anyway, like you, I had a really hard time with her son. He wouldn't listen to anybody, he liked to do what he wanted when and how, etc. Way back there was a movie called "Trilogy of Terror" this little gremlins kind if thing was running around with a steak knife. But this critter wasn't much bigger than the knife. BUT anyway, one night her son Christopher, was in the kitchen and I heard him rambling thru the knife drawer. I go into kitchen and here is her son in a squatting position with a BIG ASS KNIFE in his hand, talking crazy shut and stabbing the knife over and over into the floor kind of like a sociopath, "hehehe I'm watching you" type of crazy shit. Ended up she took him to Dr. and he was diagnosed ADHD. I really don't know if him or his mom are even still alive or what happened to them. But I would see about having him checked for ADHD.

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    • Olivejuice

      Oh my that sounds rather horrifying. Thank you though, I appreciate the reply.

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  • Spiderkill234

    The Answer Is Serious Discipline Now Don't Be Abusive But Spanking Or grounding Could be The Answer Disobedience Doesn't Always Mean A Mental Issue

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    • Olivejuice

      I’ve never spanked his child, ever. Cause I don’t think I should have to be the bad guy. My bf should be the one that disciplines his child but he doesn’t so I guess I’ll have to do it.

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  • RoseIsabella

    This is why I will never regret not ever being interested in dating anyone with kids.

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    • jaystrong

      To each their own, but not every kid annoys or disrespects their Dad or Mother's new sig other.
      You could be missing out, Rose!

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      • RoseIsabella

        Nope, I just don't want any sort of additional responsibilities, besides sometimes kids can be rough with animals which is completely unacceptable to me. I would be "missing out" if I went with a person who had children even if the children were nice, but allergic to dogs and cats. I've never wanted to share my home and my life with anything other than a biological child of my own. For people with children the children will always come first; I understand this very well, because for me my cat always comes first. I will NEVER put another person's human baby before my feline and or canine baby or babies, but its natural for people with kids to expect that sort of thing.

        Not everyone wants children. I lived with my cousin's kids for two months, and although I love them it could get noisy, too noisy for my tastes. I am really grateful that they were all pretty much animal people!

        I might feel differently if I were closer to 30 than to 50, regardless badly behaved children and even children with bad allergies are not people I care to have in my life, and especially not in my home.

        Too much trouble. If I found mister right tomorrow, and could conceive my own healthy children it might be a different story, and I mean might, be a different story.

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        • jaystrong

          So you're a cat lady? lol.
          Fair enough. Kids aren't for everyone. Some just good enough to be able to hand back to the parents.
          Some parents shouldn't even be parents in my book.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I wouldn't say I am entirely a cat lady per say, I'm a Siamese cat lady. More specifically I'm a cat and a dog person. I tend to prefer intelligent, affectionate dog-like purebred cats, not just any old cat will do.

            My grandmother loved cats, and she was the type that someone would just bring her a cat or kitten, and she would be happy, but I'm not like that at all. My cat is strictly indoors, well trained, and gets bathes too. My Siamese cat is better trained than a lot of dogs. My cat is also pampered, but he deserves it, because he is so good.

            I think if I had become a parent I would have been relatively strict. I don't have a lot of patience for bad behavior. I don't like it when people let their children act like wild animals. I personally think people are being way too hard on OP. Still when it comes to dating for me someone having kids is certainly not a plus, at least not from the get go.

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  • Tealights

    Whoop the kid's ass?

    Okay, bad advice lol. Get your boyfriend to take him to the doctor and get him diagnosed.

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    • Ellenna

      Read the post: they did and the pediatrician said he's just being a kid

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      • Olivejuice

        A pediatrician is not a licensed therapist. In no way did the dr run any sort of tests to diagnose anything. The doctor stood and listened and nodded their head then said oh he’s normal. His mother also failed to mention the repetitive speech. This is not something he does every once in a while, he does it all day long from the time we wakes up till he goes to bed. He talks to his self all day and repeats conversations or a sentence or just a word. Over and over and over and over again.

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      • Tealights

        My bad.

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  • Ellenna

    So either you knew the kid was like that before you got seriously involved & living with his father, or the kid dramatically changed recently: which is it?

    If the former, you knew what you were getting and it should've been sorted out long long ago and certainly before you got pregnant.

    Kids on access visits are often ulruly and badly behaved: he could well be experiencing the effects of his parents' breakup. Access visits are often difficult for the non-custodial parent (having been one, I know): sounds as if the lot of you could do with some family therapy. There's often a need to try and make the access visit as perfect as possible and to spoil the kid and avoid any conflict which would spoil their time together.

    I point out that you're the adult and I'm concerned you can't deal with this kids' behavior when he's not even with you all the time. Labelling him as having a mental illness isn't helpful. Can you talk calmly and non-judgmentally with the father (NOT when the kid is there) and focus on how the behaviour makes you feel and how you'd like it to change and then LISTEN.

    Hating a child is just ridiculous. Seems to me there's more going on there than you're telling us

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    • Olivejuice

      Okay when my bf and I first got together, before meeting his child, he did tell me he had behavior issues. Now hearing this, I’m thinking okay he’s a little boy and I know how my little boy was and at times he was just absolutely hell on wheels. Fast forward to meeting the child, at first he only brought him around maybe 4 or 5 times cause my sister disliked him. (My BF had moved in with me at my sisters place) well she over heard he was coming and was like oh I hate him! I was baffled cause he’s a kid and had only been around her like 4 times. So he stopped coming over completely so I never really knew the real behavior of the child until my bf and I got our own place and he started bring his child over every single weekend. Well I still went unbothered by his child’s actions for several months. I mean I’d get agitated cause I’d try to be a parent and he’d just basically laugh in my face, like who the hell am I to even be speaking to him. Fast forward some more, we decide to get pregnant. That’s when I really started noticing all of it. All of the annoying and disrespectful behavior. How he acted towards my son and how he treated my sons belongings (he destroys them btw) I asked my BF more about the repetitive speech because even his grandmother is convinced he’s autistic or has something going on. But my bf and his ex won’t do anything. The most that happened was they took him to his regular pediatrician and she said he’s a kid. He’s gonna act bad sometimes. It I’ve honestly never seen a child act the way my bfs son does. I also agree family therapy would be good. Because my bf stopped trying to bond with my child once he knew he no longer needed to impress me. Before he knew I had an issue with his sons behavior. And I’ve never been able to bond with his kid.

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      • Ellenna

        You tried to be his parent? Maybe that's the problem, because you're not, he already has two parents. And you only became really bothered by it when you became pregnant?

        And now your bf has stopped bonding with your child and you hate his?

        CAN'T YOU SEE HOW HARMFUL THIS IS TO THE TWO KIDS ALREADY THERE AN THE ONE YOU'RE EXPECTING? You and your bf need to GROW UP and stop inflicting your own bullshit on defenceless children.

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        • Olivejuice

          You clearly didn’t actually read any of that. Okay, I tried to be step parent, not his mommy. His actual mother is remarried and has the child called her new partner daddy. And she also told my bf that she’d be fine with him calling me mommy but I thought that was just weird cause I’m not his mother. I demand respect in my home and the child DOES NOT give it to me, but I’ve never tried to be his mother. As for my bf, I’m not sure why he stopped trying to bond with my kid. Maybe he hasn’t. He does work a lot so maybe I’m being hard on my bf. But we don’t inflict our issues into our children. Okay 👌🏻

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  • rayb12

    The way you speak about and see others is a reflection of the way you see yourself.

    Focus on the best parts of him and help him grow those.

    Clearly lots of internal work to be done as well

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    • Ellenna

      No focus on those poor kids including the one not yet born, they have no power in this situation and the adults, especially OP, are behaving like babies fighting over toys.

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      • rayb12

        Ya, by him I mean the kid

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  • You have too many damn kids, you whore! Sounds like a mess, but hopefully you're "functionally disfunctional".

    The planet has enough people as it is. Humanity has enough members. Why didn't you stick to 2 or 3 kids like a good little Westerner?

    Ah, now that I've said what I wanted to say, I'll wait for the downvotes to come :).

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    • Olivejuice

      I’m pregnant with my second child? I don’t think that’s too many children. And I waited 6 years to have another child. Thanks for the shitty comment though. Fucking troll

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      • Oh my, a grievous error hast thine servant made, dear Olivejuice! I did read "6 year old", as "6 children" due to mine inattention!

        I do sincerely apologize from somewhere around the middle of my heart.

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        • Olivejuice


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    • sillygirl77


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  • Dot123

    youre just bitter about your own mental illness and problems so you mock and make fun of everyone else. there are things you don't joke about and DEATH is one of them!

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    • Olivejuice

      This is the most random comment. I clearly am not mocking the kid. I just want it seen by his biological parents that’s somethings up. So it can be treated and controlled.

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      • Ellenna

        And yet you "hate" the kid because he has mental issues? How very grownup and emphathetic of you ......... NOT

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  • MrDexter

    Firstly I wouldn't trust the psychriatic field with any child. Much just want to drug any child they can for a nice fat medical check. It's also possible he is dealing with his parents break up. I would recommend therapy but I got therapy for my parents break up and all she did was read us sad stories and try to make us cry. So I guess maybe ask the child how they feel about it and try not to be judgemental.

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    • Olivejuice

      I’m not really judging the kid. We all have some kind of mental illness. Me personally, I have depression and anxiety and I see that medication does level me out. It doesn’t zombify me or make me act any different. And others can certainly tell when I’m not taking my meds.

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      • Ellenna

        "We all have some kind of mental illness"??? Really?

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      • MrDexter

        Just because you need medication doesn't mean the child does. This seems to be a mistake people will sometimes make. Everyone has their own needs and one must tailor every approach. It's sort of like being a doctor at a hospital. You can't assume that the meds you gave an asthmatic will do anything for that diabetic.

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  • Nickvey

    abort his baby , move away. you made a terrible mistake . oh wait , you are his " girlfriend". i get it now he is your meal ticket and all that comes with his wallet. So all your decisions you have made getting to this destination are "girlfriend "based. now you want the non "girlfriend "advice to solve a "Girlfriends" problem. OK abort his baby and move far away. Daddy already senses your hate for his son and didnt marry you . so you decided to get pregnant with a second child to snare him. brilliant plan but he won't marry you. His son might have problems but that son will always come before you. you blew it honey. you should have swalled his load. Now you have two kids you dislike and still no finger ring. looks like you will wind up a cat lady someday when your kids say goodbye and good riddance. (note: please ignore my thoughts unless the apply to you as i dont know you and dont even really care what you do) but i can tell already you will not rest until his son has killed himself to get away from you.

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    • Olivejuice

      We’re also engaged. I got that ring months ago. So yet another irrelevant and completely wrong statement

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    • Olivejuice

      First off, I have a job. His money doesn’t impress me cause I make the same amount! Second, I’m not going to abort a child I decided I wanted. So how about you abort yourself from this discussion 👌🏻

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      • Nickvey

        sorry to have pressed so may buttons . would you like me to delete my opinion? a simple yes?

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        • Olivejuice

          Do you, I just don’t think you comment was relevant to my post other than to insult me.

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  • mrambiguity

    I would venture to guess that there are emotional problems displayed in the behavior of this lad and should be professionally diagnosed. ADD comes in many forms and also seems to lead to accumulation of other syndromes and difficulties. You must also realize step-parenting is a really difficult task at times and the situation often places everyone in a difficult emotional circumstances . You are doing the right thing in seeking information and reassurance and you should be encouraged to continue to impress the biological parents to pursue professional help. I wish you the best in dealing with these problems and it is really good that you recognize these problems early and understand the need for real concern.

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  • McBean

    The kid is autistic. You need special skills to handle him.

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    • Ellenna

      So you're some sort of psychic doctor specialising in autism spectrum disorders, are you?

      It seems to clear to me the problems here lie with the adults, especially OP

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      • Olivejuice

        Why are you taking this post to heart? I’m not speaking of you, or about you. So why are you just pointing fingers at me.

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      • McBean

        Your presumed clarity sounds like somebody pointing the bone at you.

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    • Olivejuice

      I’m not sure you’re being serious but whether it actually is autism or something else, his parents need to have it brought to their attention by a specialist and care for it as recommended by said specialist.

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      • McBean


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  • As you describe it, the child doesn't have a mental illness, he's just stupid and poorly educated (these two are strongly related). I can't see why you have to tolerate this, though. The first thing to do is to tell your boyfriend about your strong aversion against his child and make sure he understands that jealousy has nothing to do it with. He is the "weak link" and your contact with that kid is done through him, so talk to him about this. You can suggest reducing your contact with his kid or his own intervention in his kid's poor education, or both, depending on what you want. Hope this helps.

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    • Olivejuice

      Thank you. And I really don’t want to think the child is just plain stupid. But he really doesn’t interact well with my child or other kids. He isolates his self most times or is so mean my child refuses to play with him. I’ve talk to my significant other about his child but he doesn’t want to do anything so I have had to resort to avoiding him if he is around

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      • jaystrong

        If the kid avoids people doesn't that mean he would avoid you too? LOL
        Isn't that a win right there? : )

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