I had a dream i fell to my death

Hi all.

a while ago, i fell asleep and had a dream i was falling from a high place to my death. when I woke up, i had an extremely sore chest. it still hurts now and can't figure out what caused it to begin with.

i always seem to wake up from a bad dream and when i awake, i'm either feeling sick or in pain. i don't understand why.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Ihidabody

    You think that's scary? You haven't seen anything.

    I had a nightmare I went on this website called Is it normal. Probably one of the scariest dreams I've ever had. It was crazy! Thank god it was just a dream.


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    Falling dreams are very common and can mean either that you've just gotten out of a difficult situation or that you wany to let go of the lifestyle that you're holdon onto. Only you can know the true meaning.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I know I've said this a few times on here but this has happened to me on two occasions. I have nightmares about people breakin in my house and in one I got shot in the back as I slept. I woke up later and the spot where I was shot was actually hurting bad. I was scared to go back to sleep. Ive also experienced real pain inside my nightmares. I cant explain it any better than it actually hurt inside the dream.

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  • jackstormwater

    Interesting. People can definitely feel pain in their dreams, but it usually goes away almost immediately after waking. Your brain will also dream up scenarios to explain non-dreamt pain that exists within the body due to other causes, however. Seems more likely this is what happened.

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  • LloydAsher

    I just hate those falling into being awake dreams

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