I finally love my job

After having tech and semi tech jobs all my life, I decided to look for something else. I had gotten tired of the constant math and always having to problem solve and focus for long periods, so I tried being just a lowly truck driver. Guess what? I love it! I get to see the country, meet all kinds of people, and I even have time to learn a foreign language thanks to audio tapes. The pay is only slightly lower than what im used to. I can believe I havent done this all my life. Why dont more people for it?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Good for you!

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    • Thanks, hun. Hope you find your dream job!!

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      • RoseIsabella

        Thanks! I wish I could find a job just chillin with sleepy housecats all day. That would be a dream.

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  • leodynasty

    Im happy you love your job and thats completely normal. 1s and 0s is not life. Actually being apart of the world you live in (temporarily) is actually life. but i cant be a truck driver because of the long hours away from home. My wife and children would go crazy missing me

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  • Nickvey

    it will all end with driverless trucks , you might consider becoming a woman , i hear they have a good thing going equal pay half the work , be a school teacher and you will work 180 days a year with medical and retirement. or you can become a cop and shoot people all day. endless possibilities for jobs with no skills required. Me im an artist . that means my shit is worth more than your shit because its art.

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    • What kind of art?

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      • Nickvey

        im just making fun of whats called art today. i can put paint up my ass and fart a better picture than what goes for art nowadays. dont believe me , in two years time Barack Obama will be selling original artwork for 2 million dollars a copy to the russians and chinese Iran and pakistan. not because he is an artist , its for favors he did.

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  • TheOishome

    congrats man much love, might I suggest listening to some podcasts while on the road I'd Imagine there's a lot of time you could utilize and you can learn a lot from podcasts

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