I felt squeezing pain in my dream and real life

I had a dream last night that a doll about the size of a small toddler was some demon thing trying to hurt me. It was kind of like a baby alive and it was moving it’s arm up and down, groping the air. I then grabbed it, I was curious, and it started squeezing my hand. It hurt, badly. Then, it started saying fifth wave done. When it went to first wave, the pain was crazy. I was tingling all over and my teeth felt like it’d pop out of my skull like an old Grandma. I woke up, and for a minute, I still felt it. Like, 60 seconds, literally a minute. It slowly started to subside. It was weird and it felt like there was a lot of pressure on me. Physical pressure...

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Comments ( 10 )
  • I think it was just a dream. The cause for pain might be a real one and might have affected you in your sleep, causing your imagination to make something up about it. Like when you touch someone in their sleep and they dream about someone else doing it, as they feel it in reality. Doesn't seem to be something serious to me.

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  • rayb12

    Its not so horror as you think. There are a lot of odd auditory, visual and physical hallucinations that can happen when the brain is asleep or just waking up.
    So, if you are epileptic this could explain it. But assuming you're not. I'm not sure the name of this one. But one time I experienced exploding head syndrome (yes this is a real thing) and I woke up to an intense loud noise I head for a while while awake.

    It also could've simply been that you had a jolt and hit your hand in your sleep or more likely a muscle spasm or cramp.

    The pain part is unusual for this to be the case but it could also be sleep paralysis

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  • paramore93

    Your body still reacts to stuff that happens in dreams ..
    I dream that I'm being chased and wake up with my heart racing.
    I once dreamt I was hit by a car and woke up in horrible pain all over xD

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  • Jonniebonnire

    I think its normal, it could just be that your half a sleep

    Or because when your sleeping your brain makes the dream feel real by including your five senses, and when you feel something or see something in your dream and you wake up, you still feel it and it takes a bit of time for your brain to wake up or realise that its like "oh nothing is causing this disturbing feeling from the 5 senses, im just going to make it stop".

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    • Algum

      Only part of your brain is active when you dream, at least with the very weird dreams. The part of your brain that controls cognitive thinking and reasoning is shut down, just the parts of your brain that feel and experience are active. That's why those kind of dreams make absolutely no sense. I've had those dreams, it feels like I'm in a whole another world in a weird way, I've had some very bizarre dreams that really make no sense.

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  • Pink-pumpkin

    I just had a dream where I would make certain sounds to control objects I could move with my mind and some hands movements. So I was messing up with people by doing that. At one moment, there was an incident and the police was investigating near my house. I wanted to do some mind trick and I did. They came back later and asked me if I saw something, I was a witness. But I tried to control my powers because these cops were actually aliens that knew that I possessed a huge ball of glowing gold. So I messed up and flew out (like super man) but I failed cuz everything I touched became gold and the direction I was heading for became a huge pile of molten gold. So I dropped golden bomb and flew away from them as far as I could...

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    • Algum

      Dreams don't have to follow real life logic, they can violate the laws of physics and the law of gravity, just like everything you just described. I'm sure most people have had dreams where they can fly.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I had a dream where I met Satan, he looked the Satan on South Park, and was wearing the same dress as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I told him he was a douchebag, and left

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    • Algum

      That's a good one 😂

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      • RoseIsabella

        What's even better is that I didn't make any of that up at all.😀💪

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