I feel my life threatened by unmasked ppl not keeping safe distance

Not to mention those pieces of crap makin funny looks when I'm wearing a mask where others aren't.

Would like to kill all of them. Or rather brutally beat one in front of dozens of witnesses, bash their head, choke them, spit in their face and throw them to the ground to make an example. All this of course masked so coppers can't track me.

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38% Normal
Based on 40 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 52 )
  • megadriver

    Well sunshine, fight me then... I hate wearing these stupid masks and pretending I'm contributing to something. I ain't contributing shit!
    Limiting traveling and your social interactions is one thing, but this whole circus is bullshit!

    So in half empty buildings you need to wear masks and be 1.5 meters away from other people and follow arrows on the ground... But in airplanes, trains, etc... you don't. Packed like sardines, business as usual - no problem. No risk of infection.

    Same thing in buses. I'm a part time bus driver on Saturdays and sometimes my bus is packed. There are no signs that say you have to obey social distancing rules... There is just one A4 sheet taped to the front door that says "Please wear your mask".

    Airplanes and buses do not have military grade filters that kill viruses. Neither do most buildings.

    So why is it ok to cram people in public transport, but not ok for more than 3 people to be in a corner store... Don't be an idiot!

    If you're that vulnerable, than stay home you muppet! It's 2020, you can order your groceries online and have them delivered. You can have anything delivered to you. That way you'd be safe and won't have to go out and act like an asshole.

    But that's the problem isn't it... most people like you seem to get a kick from mingling with people who want to carry on with their normal life and then act like an asshole when someone is wearing their mask only up to their nose, or you see someone shake hands, or god forbid be closer to you than 1.5 meters...

    Trying to be violent, to justify your own insecurities and other issues is not the answer. You are the problem here "big guy".

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    • JustAHuman

      You couldn't pay me to get on a bus or plane right now.

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    • No, I'm not mingling. I have to go out for work and to buy food products. Idk where you live but here I don't know of a service delivering fruit and vegetables or any other unprepared food.
      Yeah I hate buses and bis drivers too bad I have to use them. So my existence is your problem? Not the entitled assholes who are too.. tender to put up with a mask for just ten minutes on the bus? Would rather have unmasked passengers? Let you have it then, bitch. That would be a good life lesson - have some bastard sneeze over you and on your deathbed reflect upon this once again..

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      • megadriver

        I'm a Bulgarian who lives in Germany and supermarkets in Germany, England and Bulgaria offer delivery services (free of charge for orders over 50 Euro). If those three countries do, the rest of the EU surely does too.

        And if Europe does it, the is no way in hell the US doesn't do it. A quick google search showed me a bunch of services that do grocery deliveries.

        Then we get to my bus driving job... I've had quite a few unmasked passengers on. I'm not a cop and I can't write them up for not wearing a mask. The only thing I can do is bitch to them (or be really stupid and threaten to call the police), but I'd rather not waste my breath and time and just finish my shift without any unneeded attention.

        And finally, I did have it... back in February. Really nasty cold/ flu. Feeling exhausted all the time, regular pounding headaches, bad joint pain (even if I am only 28), almost constant shortness of breath, no taste, dry cough... One of the nastiest winter bugs I've ever had (Not as bad as the double pneumonia I had as a kid and had to be hospitalized, but still up there).

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        • Сериозно? Посочи ми една българска верига, която доставя плод, зеленчук, ориз и картофи например. Ако говориш свободно английски и немски как не си си намерил нещо по-добро от шофьор на автобус?!

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          • megadriver

            Добре... Кауфланд (чрез Foodpanda) и Метро предлагат такава услуга в големите градове. Имам приятел в София, дето ползва услугата на Кауфланд, защото няма кола и не му се мъкнат торби на градския.
            За поръчки над 30лв ,безплатен транспорт.

            А за моя шофоьорлък и да съм си намерил по-добра работа... Братле, аз съм продавач на коли и имам малък собствен бизнес (почистваща/ градинарска фирма). Карам автобуси само през Събота за екстра кеш. Дойчо плаща добри пари за уикенд шофьори. Затова писах, че съм "part time bus driver".
            600 екстра евра на месец... По договор съм на 450, за да не плащаме данъци (Аз и работодателя), но на практика има добри бонуси. Кой ти ги дава? Та това си е добра заплата в БГ.
            И ако искаш да знаеш защо си изкарах книжка за автобус, след като имам добра работа... кефи ме шофьорлъка. Обичам коли, обичам да карам неща. Имам всяка категория без трактор и трамвай.

            Сега, нямам какво да се лъжем... короната еба мамата на бизнеса, откакто дойде тая напаст съм около нулата и компенсирам доколкото мога с автобусите. Но не се вторачвай в тоя вирус... Кофти е, но не е причина да унищожаваме икономиката на света! Ще стане много зле, ако Европа затвори пак.
            ПС: Дай да пишем на англииски по нататък, че ей сега ще се разпискат всички тука.

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            • Брей, верно, не очаквах да срещна друг българин тука. Светът наистина бил малък явно. хаха

              Е научих нещо полезно за супермаркетите, не знаех.

              Мислиш ли че ще направят проблем за българския? Изглежда доста толерантен форум..

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  • Somenormie

    I don't think wanting to kill them sounds normal, neither does beating anyone up.

    You really should not be doing that.

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    • So I don't have the right to defend myself even if my life is threatened? Not from legal, from moral point of view?

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      • Inkmaster

        Beating up someone who isn't wearing a mask isn't defending yourself, it's assault. You wearing a mask and washing your hands is enough for you to defend yourself from a disease with a roughly 99.95% survival rate. Grow up.

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        • WolfDude

          Roughly about 96-97%. And there are reasons for that. Quit being disingenuous, you're very dismissive of the problem. You're as much of a problem as OP is.

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          • Inkmaster

            I'm not being disingenuous. The latest stat I heard is something like 99.95 percent survival rate. I may be misremembering and it's actually 99.5%, but I know for a fact that the mortality rate isn't higher than 1%

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          • bigbudchonga

            He's not being that disingenuous; you're further off then him. The actual mortality rate is not taken from statistics of purely known cases. You have to take into account those who are asymptomatic, those who don't go to hospital, those who don't get a test done, etc, etc, and when you do that then it turns out at a 0.5-1% currently theorized mortality rate by the academics.

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            • LloydAsher

              People who die of covid exclusively make up only 6% of the numbers right now. The others died of other shit and it just so happens they had covid, shit like suicides, homicides, terminal cancer, and premature birth does that sound like an accurate way to determine covid 19 deaths?

              On top of that the average age for those 6% is 76... so yeah it's not exactly killing the best of us from a workforce perspective.

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      • bbrown95

        Drama queen much?

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        • Die, asshole! Get covid and be ignored in tje hospital

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          • Somenormie

            Telling someone to die is uncalled for and inappropriate.

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          • bbrown95

            No u

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      • Somenormie

        But I do understand why you would want to do it to them though.

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        • OK then

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  • freelarking

    If you're afraid, stay at home. No one else is responsible for your health, so don't expect anyone to adopt your irrational snowflake mania.

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    • I would if I could but I have to go to work and to shop groceries. Actually I almost don't go out for any other purpose. Is it mu fault? It's not.
      So governments of the world and most recognized health professionals also have an irrational snowflake mania to insist masks be worn and distance be kept.. Yeah, trying to rule in infection-spreading pieces of crap like you it must be their bad.. Your death by whatever cause will be welcome and perfectly validated

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      • freelarking

        Sounds like someone drank the kool-aid...

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  • SwickDinging

    If you didn't get covid from a carrier who was standing near you whilst not wearing a mask, you're almost certainly going to get it from the prolonged close contact of beating someone up.

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    • At least I'd die happy man that I fought back

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  • SmokeEverything

    I like the part where youre wearing a mask to hide your identity while beating up people for not wearing masks.

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    • I like how you seem to understand me better than a lot of sheeple here

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  • RoseIsabella

    Damn! You gotta chill, brah. This anger is gonna give you a stomach ulcer.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    You are way too self conscious. Keep wearing your mask, and either ignore the people that don't wear them or politely explain to them why they should stay away from you. Getting angry over it is a waste of time.

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  • SweetNLite

    The left-wing media programming seems to have had a very strong effect on you. Now the world has become a super scary place. You feel threatened when you go out in public so the next step is to vote for the person that will force others to comply to your programmed fear. Make the fear go away. That's all you want.

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  • Covid is not that dangerous, you should grow some balls.

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    • WolfDude

      Ah, it's this kind of asshole.

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      • ?

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    • Ellenna

      It's VERY dangerous to some people and if you don't know who the vulnerable groups are you're very ignorant

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      • Not my problem that those people are weaklings.

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        • That's what I'm also saying we have to go really hard on pieces of crap like you to beat some sense in your thick skull

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          • Drink some bleach, pussy.

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            • Rather bleach you and hand you over to your mom for washing

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  • BenGarbaag

    You can't just assume people know you have an autoimmune disorder. If you're feeling uncomfortable, calmly explain why. Covid is not a threat to most people, so it makes sense for most people to not be very concerned.

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    • They don't need to know this to follow rules and safety recommendations. I don't have to around with a print on my jacket stating it. Not a threat ah? What about those more than 200,000 dead so far in the US (assuming you're Murican like most here) I know of a case of 33yo wrestling champion who died of covid. Must have been very sickly guy..
      Let's say I had sich a strong inmunity I don't have to care about contaging it. What about. my 60yo parents? Maybe you don't care about yours but I'd feel terible if one of them gets infected and dies of it, especially if it could have been me who brought them the disease.

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  • bigbudchonga

    You're being OTT, especially if you're talking about people not wearing masks outside.

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    • They don't have to wear them outside but they don't need to stand or pass by me arm-distance if there are 10 or 20 feet nore free space around

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  • libertybell

    People shouldn't be looking at you funny for wearing a mask. You're just doing what you are supposed to.

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    • I thank you for the kind words of support and reassurance, dear soul.

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  • litelander8


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    • What is it you don't understand?

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  • WolfDude

    Aight, listen up. I don't like you, OP. Y'know as much as I genuinely want to educate the fools out there who don't understand that comorbidity and morbidity are both equally pretty fucking bad, the lasting effects on people who don't die, and how their lack of basic human empathy tramples on people's freedoms and rights more than simply having a regulation to keep people safe does, you are still also a part of the 'bad crowd'. You're going too edgy here.

    What we have here is a scenario where you've effectively angered ignorant people who don't wear masks but have still come out of this looking more ignorant than your adversaries. You look worse than the people who lack education and/or empathy due to your overly asserted aggression. There is nothing good here.

    You're all a bunch of ignorant pussies, my god.

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    • Inkmaster

      And in saying all that you just make yourself look arrogant. Ironic, isn't it?

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  • RoseIsabella

    Eat more beans, and fart when they get too close.

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  • Gameofthrones288

    I agree people who don't wear masks are horrible but no need for violence

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