I experience burning after urination but don’t know the cause(female)

I heard of some people having some pain after peeing and their fine, but for me it’s every time. The pain is not unbearable but it burns and it’s uncomfortable. I’ve been dealing with this for about 11 years and my parents have taken me to a doctor so many times and the doctor either tells me it’s nothing or it’s a UTI. I look up my symptoms and find nothing to fit my situation. The pain will not stop until I chug so much water (I always drink a lot of water, I’m never usually dehydrated) Has any other female here experienced this as well?

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Comments ( 1 )
  • Rocketrain

    Bad food with acid or spicy
    When you taking a leak after being aroused had sex, after a wet dream, a burning feeling can be experienced. But for female. Not sure about that.
    And since you have this for a decade, non of those could be the case too. Could be a chronic phycal condition

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