I dont like white people

I have such a strong dislike for them and he things they have done in history. Expansion, stealing American Indian land, slavery, segregation. They think they are superior because of the color of their skin and it makes me angry. Even today i think they are ignorant and racist. I myself am half white [moms side] and a quarter Black and Puerto Rican [dads side]. im just not sure

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Comments ( 241 )
  • justmetalking

    What "White People" are you talking about? Who is the "they" you are referring to? All those people are dead and gone. Most Americans today came here AFTER slavery. Do you think you would be treated better in Puerto Rico or do you just want to stay in America so you can feel like a minority victim? Do you know anyone who sold people into slavery? You are just filled with hate and have to live with yourself hating people for things they never did. Do you just assume that because someone was born with white skin there is something wrong with them? That would make you...what's the word? Oh yea, a Racist.

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    • busdriver

      No disrespect to any of the replies is intended buy i know exactly what the poster is talking about. I am over 50 years old and I was ignorant to the fact of racial superiorty or should i say the mindset. Even watching my brothers being picked on by white guys while minding their on business, it never occured to me they were prejudice. It was only after I had gotten into adulthood that I began hearing the word nigger and other negative words meant to identfy black people. For the ones of you who do not know, racial prejudice is alive and well. While I have experienced it from my own race, which makes me almost throw up, I am constantly reminded by the whites i associate with and work with that I am not one of them. I am black and I have never wanted to be any color other than what I am. I really believe, from my experiences, that white people as a whole really believe they are superior to other races. Please do not be angry for my comment. This is my experience. I have seen and witnesssed mistreatment and have also seen and witnessed the same in my family as well as others. My son was constantly asked to come in on his day off which happened to be Sunday our worship day and when he said he could not the boss got upset and said he would make him come in every Sunday (slave mentality). Another girl in the same department who happened to be white was not asked. I could give example after example where decisions were made strictly out of prejudice. I have seen the double standard while seeing my white conterparts being treated differently, better. (I have experienced it and my husband experience it almost on a daily basis). I believe black people probably would go back to their native countries if only history could be turned back and our ancestors did not have the experiences that they had. Will we get slaves to go with us to work and help build our country up? No one wants to be enslaved to anyone else. The white race would not want to be treated as our ancestors were treated or as people of color are treated today. No it was not us that it happened to but we do feel the effects. We have been damaged by our past. I believe like the bible says because we turned from God and and God allowed us to be sold into slavery as a punishment. Not because he hates us but because of his great love for us and for the whole world. I believe God will once again allow the people of color to rise and the yoke of our brethern will be broken. I know this sounds farfetched but I believe stripture. I believe no one rules forever as biblical history shows. I do not believe you should scorn a person for feeling like they feel. You should try and understand that something make you think and feel the way you do and if the shoe was on the other foot then you may think differntly. Maybe because she generalized in her post is why so many hostile comments. I am a Christian and when I experince prejudice, be it from people of color or non color, I have to not let my emotions dictate because lets face it, that is an up front and personal subject. We cannot be in denial that prejudice does exist and I thank God that having our first black President has really brought prejudice out and we see its ugly face clearer than ever. However, we must keep in mind that the scripture tell us that whoso hateth his brother is a murder and no murderer has eternal life dwelling in him. Love never fails!

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      • gloryholeflasher

        Thank you for a very well written reply!

        I don't think of myself as superior by virtue of being white, or any other reason.

        As far as color is concerned, I was overexposed to white in my youth and it has become my most UNfavorite color. I like to see color. I like to frequent restaurants and other public places that have a good ethnic and racial mix.

        My parents raised me to have respect for others and to treat others the way I like to be treated, and to not use the "N" word, because that's rude and offensive. Incredible, my father is his later years moved down south and became an ardent racist. He used to say the most hateful things about Blacks, even in front of my children. I called him on that several times. I told him "you taught me RIGHT when I was a child, and now I'm trying to teach my children the same thing, and you are undermining my efforts."
        That didn't slow him down at all.

        I was in a grocery store with him one day when he saw an "Inquirer" with a photo of OJ on the cover. He started ranting and raving and spewing racist slurs about OJ, and I tried to quiet him down, and he said he didn't care who heard him. I got away from him and went outside. I didn't want to be near him when somebody got a bellyful and the bullets started flying.

        I had some wonderful opportunities many years ago to step out of my comfort zone and get to know some Blacks up close and personal. I have many close friends and acquaintances, and some very close relatives who are black, and I love them. I can close my eyes and see their faces, their eyes, and their lips, and their various hair styles, and their smiles, and on some of them their fears. They DON'T all look the same, and sometimes I even forget they are black. I don't even see it, not that I don't want to but because it doesn't matter. I just see a beautiful person!

        Don't get me wrong. I don't go around thinking I'm such a good person because "I like Blacks!" I'm not a good person, I'm just a sinner. But, I am so thankful for the blessings I have been given. I can see clearly. I feel enriched because of what I have been given to see and to know. I wish I could help others to see what I see, but I couldn't even help my own Dad.

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    • ewds

      I love how whiney whites like you try to turn the race arguement round and accuse non-whites of being racist. The u.s. is a monument to genocide and the supposesd supremacy of white europeans. All your lot ever do is rape, exterminate, dominate and control. It's been done in the u.s., south africa, australia, new zealand and the middle east. And you expect non-whites to just get over it and you then call them racist?!! You really haven't got a clue, have you? Go back to europe and stay there, whitey.

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    • PaulTDalton

      I am a white male and recently a black female who hates whites too tricked me into getting info she is using to enslave me. She is planning on making me a live-in slave to abuse brutally and to be a black waste dump, and abuse object. Do You think that, she is taking it too far?

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    • Austalien

      Well said are these the cunts you's have to deal with there >.<

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  • mrdifferent

    Heres what I think. If you had a guitar that was white, and then you painted it black it would still be the same guitar. We are all the same no matter what we look like.

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  • loviex102

    No offense, but you're racist, so you're a hypocrite.

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    • quipquip

      i agree he/she is displaying just as much deuchbagery

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  • WhiteWave

    i have never met an intelligent racist.

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  • brad015

    i say that all people are the same.
    we are all shades of chocolate.
    white chocolate
    milk chocolate
    dark chocolate
    makes me want to eat a chocolate bar.
    i hate it when people are racist sure white people may have done bad stuff and cruel and sadistic but don't place us all in the same category because i accept most people. who cares wut the damn skin color is. all that matters is the heart of the person and if they are nice to people.

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  • well i think that is a lil judge mental, i am white and i love black people.
    i dont care if a person is
    -or purple
    we are all the same

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  • brothershamass

    But isn't your mother white?

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  • BayonetKnifeFighter

    Wow. There are so many retarded people in this country. First of all, hating White people is funny to me - if a White man posted "I hate black people" everyone would be against him because the common misconception is "no one is racist except whites." Ironically, I have found through my long and adventurous life that White people are the most guilt tripping, self blaming individuals on the planet. The crap that Whites are fed in America by such racist organizations as the NAACP, ACLU, MeCHA, etc. have led to an extreme racial empathy in which Whites will not analyze any situation in which any other race is critisized for, they will simply attack the "backwords, racist white man." However, minorities can say anything about Whites, and white people will sit their nodding and taking the BS because of what our ancestors may have done. You can hate Whites all you want, because being racist will just breed more racism and destroy our cohesion as a nation. But, whatever, I believe that I could be put in the same boat as you seeing the fact that 90%% of blacks in this country voted for Obama because he is black, they admitted it, we saw, and said "well, that wasnt racist" but if it was White people saying they voted for someone because he was white - holy hell, backlash from hell. Whatever, fuck this country. Minorities have destroyed it with their victim playing, racist asses. Thats my stance, and if you disagree and say I am placing a stereotype on races based off of a few bastards I have encountered, you're probably a racist minority or a self hating white. If you can make sweeping generalizations so can I.

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    • WalkingBear

      Really im native american and seems every one stays away from us. No one likes the truth . I grew up in the 70's . I wasnt allowed in most stores because im native where i grew up in Oregon the school's i went to i was hated by the kids and teacher's . I lived around a bunch of the KKK and your telling me that whites never ever did anything wrong ? Seems to me you dont wanna here that your special white perfect race has ever done wrong . I really think it's funny how you say White genocide when every time i go to town all i see is white... The funny thing is its really Native Genocide we make up almost 1% of the Americas almost. The thing im really looking forward to is 100% pure human genocide that will be an awsome revenge for my people. Even though the whites had nothing to do with our genocide today there Ancestor's DNA still lives in you. At least you still have your language and culture. Our languages are gone, Our culture true cultre is gone and we only just allowed to get our POW-Wows back in 1975. I will always hate the white Man , White women and there childerns i hate there devil and there god.

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      • Johnrosado

        I agree, karma is coming for the white man, what comes around goes around. They'll get there's!!

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    • DrummerDude

      I'm white, do you hate me (jk jk jk ha ha) Well some people of different races act differently. Take 10 people of the same race and some will be toatally chill and cool and some will just cuss you out for just looking at him. Hoped this helped :)

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    • Tyrhonius

      "Ironically, I have found through my long and adventurous life that White people are the most guilt tripping, self blaming individuals on the planet."

      Yes, except that nothing substantial ever comes of this supposed "guilt." You know, stuff like an OFFICIAL apology for slavery and reparations (like the white former slave masters received at the close of the Civil War).

      "You can hate Whites all you want, because being racist will just breed more racism and destroy our cohesion as a nation."

      Interesting how white people rarely remark that white racism destroys "our cohesion as a nation." In fact, if you watch Fox News, you will probably deny that it even exists anymore.

      but if it was White people saying they voted for someone because he was white - holy hell, backlash from hell.

      Because whites RUN the country and have oppressed blacks for centuries. Blacks don't run anything and haven't oppressed whites. So OF COURSE the response to such statements will be different simply owing to the historical circumstances pertaining to each group. But maybe that's too difficult for you to understand.

      "Whatever, fuck this country. Minorities have destroyed it with their victim playing, racist asses."

      If slavery, lynching, destruction of minority neighborhoods by whites, racist immigration laws and the creation of draconian Jim Crow laws to subjugate an entire racial group didn't destroy the country I don't see how "victim playing" could do it. What whites did was obviously FAR WORSE in comparison.

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    • busdriver

      Why did so many vote for Carter, Clinton etc? President Obama was the best choice and since so many people were praying and fasting for a different outcome, God must him in. I am just saying Romans 13:1-7.

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  • BOYracer88

    fuck off

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  • Wutth

    Okay man...I am half german and half Danish,...totally white. I have nothing against any other races cause they all have their strong points. I just hate that all the blacks call ME a racist because I'm the same colour as the people who enslaved them two hundred years ago....I didn't do anything to you i'm not even related to those people....so seriously your a racist because you won't let me live down something that I didn't do that happened centuries ago....not cool man. It's not our fault

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    • Tyrhonius

      You need to acknowledge that you benefit from the racist system that white Americans have established. But you won't do it, so that's why they call you racist.

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  • AlmostT

    Although it is human nature to occasionally feel stirrings of animosity towards identity groups that you perceive have somehow wronged your identity group, it is up to each individual to outgrow such simple and destructive thought patterns.

    First of all, you should analyze your statement. "all the things THEY have done in history." I am a white person, but how can you hold me personally responsible for something that people did years before I was even born? Do you think it would be fair for me to blame you for something that white people did in the past, or Puerto Ricans, or black people? Not at all, because people are only responsible for their actions, not for the actions of other people you arbitrarily choose to group them with.

    In addition, it is true that white people have committed horrible atrocities in the past, but that can be said of every ethnicity. Don't you realize that white slave traders purchased African slaves from other African tribes whom had conquered them? Don't you realize that virtually all native American tribes waged bloody territorial wars with each other, often making slaves of the defeated tribes? Oppression and cruelty are part of human history, not merely white human history.

    In addition white culture has accomplished many noble goals as well: freeing slaves, instituting a new form of democracy, countless medical, scientific, and technical advancements. As have other cultures. My point is that it is shortsighted to see this issue as a white vs. black problem, when the larger issue is cruetly vs. kindness (ie hate vs. love, etc.)

    If you truly feel outraged by a history of hate, then you should make damn sure you don't become the very thing you loathe. In other words, hate does not solve hate, it only leads to more hate.

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  • 52pokerkang

    Whites are the LEAST racist these days. Everyone loves to hate Whites now, especially Americans. Blacks are the most racist. Thats a FACT.

    classic example: google "van jones talks about columbine"

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    • Kai'Layah

      this is actually a really big problem in my town. yes, there are some racist white people, but everytime im out black people make racist comments to me and my boyfriend, especially if we are the only white people present.

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      • Tyrhonius

        Interesting how the racist people in your town aren't a problem. The big problem is the no-doubt disenfranchised blacks making racist comments. Not the fact that racist whites dominate the town and local economy. It's funny how whites will never admit that white racism is a problem. Black racism is the main problem that is destroying the nation. Yet another example of this nonsensical, yet utterly racist assumption.

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  • African nations would sell people of other kingdoms to the whites. The other Africans sold you out.

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    • Tyrhonius

      Africa isn't a monolith. If a German sold a French as a slave would it be selling his "European brother" out. No, because you see yourselves as individuals and everyone as faceless lumps of human flesh. That's like the definition of racism, just so you know.

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  • Spiderman7

    Have we not heard John lennons- imagine :) I kinda used to feel that same way too but not tht hardcore like you xD but I seriously feel that song changed me :P heard it like 3 months ago in one of my classes. Why do we judge people by their skin? It really does not make sense if you think about it. People say each race acts a certain way... Hell no they don't :P people just automatically judge. Your saying that the whites where dicks back then and now...but doesn't every race have dicks?? We all human man. This comming from a Hispanic teenager in Arizona ;)

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  • karldotj

    To be honest, its very common. But dont take such a blunt view on things. YES some white generations did unspeakable things, but as the saying goes, "you cant choose your parents"

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    • Tyrhonius

      But you can pay reparations if you're the beneficiary of their crimes.

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  • hallo101

    i like some i hate some, dont judge people by the skin take it from an asian whos taken more discrimination that you, in elementary i used to get picked by almost 22 different white guys. but i met some pretty cool people in highschool. color really doesnt matter. only matters if theyre an asshole or not

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  • noodlemasterX

    You talk about white people like we're this homogeneous blob, rather than individuals. Some white people are/were arseholes, some aren't. Have a look at what Robert Mughabe is doing to Zimbabwe right now if you think only white do bad things. Ultimately you need to judge people by their actions as individuals, instead of lumping them into anonymous categories.

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    • Tyrhonius

      But you all enjoy the same privileges, so it doesn't matter. Only those white people that speak against white privilege and stand up for equal rights for all citizen can be judged as individuals. It's not that non-whites can't do bad things. It's that whites love to deflect scrutiny from their own actions by pointing out the bad of others. Case in point! So we are allowed to have a conversation about the bad conduct of every group except whites. How convenient is that! Open your eyes to your own racism and acknowledge it. Then get rid of it and we won't need to have any more of these conversations.

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  • i love white people!!!

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  • FingerTwitch

    I'm white. I didn't do anything to you. I didn't do anything to any blacks. Just hate me because somewhere along the tree, I'm related to them. Oh hey, and guess what - So are you! And you still would be if you were 100%% black. Get over it :D

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  • dinorawr

    That's the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. If you wanna go somewhere in life, think forward and be a good person.

    Hatred of anything brings us all down. Im a 24 year old atheist white american female. I dont hate that you were honest, but I have to admit, it hurts my feelings.

    I was raised by poor immigrant grandparents, got government cheese and foodstamps and was pretty much beat everyday (by my ex-con uncle) from age 11 - 17... and there were kids who were ethnic at my school... whose parents drove BMWs and had all the best new gadgets and I was lucky to have a new pair of shoes each school year.

    So I would appreciate if you got to know people before deciding who they are based on skin color.

    We're not all the same, no matter what our skin color.

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    • davescantland

      i agree my dear that was horrible

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  • KatieLiz

    I'm white and I don't like some white people too. You know how I know I don't like them? I got to know them. You judging people on their colour is extremely racist. But I guess I can't call you on it, because hey, your black, which means you can't possibly be as racist as the white people you say you hate, right?

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  • butterlover

    your half white so you hate yourself dont you, you son of a fuck? lots of white people are fucking different im white but im italian and english so you hate me because of the color of my skin even tho i wasnt there and took over land or when i didnt own a slave im sorry i wasnt born back then so stop taking it out on people that werent there gosh take your part white ass and hate it and why dontyou hate the damn chinesse who killed us and the jappenesse and the german who killed lots of jews and my point goes on and the afgfhanistans the killed people and lots of people died get the hell over it its HISTORY!!

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  • BitterSweet

    You hate all white people because they are racist? Total oxymoron. Not only do you contradict yourself but you've also proved you're good friends with Mr.Stereotype, racisms cousin.

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  • Kai'Layah

    this post actually annoyed me. my one friend does this. her mother is white, yet she is always talking about white people, which is really offensive not only towards her mom, but towards me also because i am white. in this day in age, nobody should be racist. people should be judged by the quality of person that they are, not them being white, black, puerto rican, etc...yes, slavery was very unfortunate and cruel, but why hold feelings of hate against white people today? it is not like we are the ones that ran the plantations or contributed to slavery. we are a new generation, and everyone has come a long way. and if you still have negative feelings toward white people, just think...there were A LOT of white people who fought for the end of slavery. also, there are ignorant, arrogant, and cruel people today no matter what race they happen to be.

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  • MyWonderingMind

    grow up.
    slavery wasnt all bad you fucking idiot.
    we were giving them jobs just so happens that some people treated them bad.
    it wasnt ever supposed to be slavery learn shit

    and why do black people steal shit fucker.

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  • ItalianoGirl93

    well then, hate people for their personality not their color. im gonna get some chips now.

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  • carelessbitch

    Not all white nationalities have been involved in stealing American Indian land, slavery and segregation! And people of other skin color also have been expanding their territory! Its not just 'the white folk'!

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  • TheGuyWhoLovesSpicyStuff

    Dude, i like Black, Hispanic, Asian etc. people! Im white and i hate racism u shouldn't hate us for something WE never did. We are different people!! Sure there are some arrogant assholes out there who hate other races but dont stereotype us , PLEASE. LONG LIVE PEACE IN THE WORLD.

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  • FluorescentAdolescent

    Sounds like you need to broaden your mind

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  • normalcydude

    It is normal to feel antipathy for a race or culture. But it is fundamental that you understand that applying a stereotype so broadly hinders your ability as a human being. You must put these feelings under check... try finding examples of great white people (Albert Schweitzer comes to mind...)

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  • Princess_Random

    You have every right to hate the white people in history, but todays white people had nothing to do with then. You should realise that. It isn't our fault SOME OF our ancestors treated black people badly.

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  • BatZion

    im not white...but how do you hate ur own mom and moms side of the family. and its not all white pplz fault, just some of them.

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  • Duck_________

    Get out of America. Go to Europe, go to Australia, hell, I don't know, maybe even Canada won't be so bad, but get out of the US.

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    • WalkingBear

      This was my Ancestors home way before it was your Ancestors home, Us native americans dont have to leave. It is you who needs to leave along with all the other races take them with you.

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  • omgalexalex

    well i dont like you either. you guys are such posers. all the black people at my school are always sagging and listening to rap and think there so cool. and they are always in their little group. Id be totally fine with black people if you didnt only date black people and think your so gangster.

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  • mybuttholesmellsofshit

    shut your dirty nigger spik mouth fucker

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  • cubinsc

    If you see or experience racism, feel free to express your indignation. But don't take it out on people who haven't shown any sign of disrespect.

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  • tattoo_beauty

    The past is full of reasons to hate certain races. But try to hate stupid people instead. They give you a good laugh

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  • seriously2233

    well whites rhave made there mistakes but u should not hate all of them 2 wrongs dont make a right.

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  • I hate people who come from primitive tribes in the Amazon rain forest. who the hell do they think they are anyway?

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  • harachi

    Yes, judging people on the amount of melanin in their skin is ridiculous, you might as well judge people on their eye colour, or whether their hair is curly or straight.

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  • Sheep

    "white people"(A.K.A. The British) were superior until the world suddenly wanted devolution of power. then it all basicaly went to pot
    but yeah the" white people" were dominating and anyways in Africa the locals were selling their own people to "white men" in the first bloody place so go suck a white mans dick and come and say they aren't superior...
    Good day to you Sir!
    pip pip, cheerio and all that, eh wot

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  • JustDeep

    I hate racist ppl...i mean its just a fucking colour...jeez...

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  • SaturnVII

    Everything you just said can be summed up with the fact that the world is Survival of the Fittest. If you can't be mightier then the man next to you, he'll take advantage of you.

    Racism though is deplorable. What if I said I didn't like Black people? Because they treat women like items? Or that most countries they run are failing? What if I said they were irresponsible? While that may fit for some people of the race, for other it will not. That goes for every race.

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  • Sparklezz

    Proof that you are all wrong about racism. I have a friend who is black that hates whites yet I'm one of his best friends and I'm white he said because of who and how I am he does not view me by color. Second fact I am full of white European ancestry be proud of who you are do not be the bearer of he cross of the past. My husband is Afro-Caribbean black to the bone and beautiful we have two mixed children together my children thank god are raised in a very mixed ethnic area where little racism exists. So please be proud of who you are skin color makes no difference and remember the past is there for a reason like the saying goes its best to leave sleeping dogs lying then to wake it. Peaceful Blessings to all.

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  • MBasm

    if u hate white ppl for the shit they have done u have to hate EVERY race for the shit they did. Africans enslaved other Africans, Egyptians enslaved Jews, Chinese enslave Chinese, Turkish Slaughtered 1.5 million Armenians, Germans eradicated tons of Jews, Barbarians raped and enslaved EVERYONE...every single race has done SOMETHING that deserves some form of hate towards them, u cant just hate white ppl for the native americans and africans etc. everyone has done something, get over it. be an equal opportunity hater...

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  • chunkybongo

    I am white and I never owned a slave, never oversaw any expansionist policies, never approved of stealing the American Indians' land, and never imposed segregation on anybody. I am not biased against any other race. When I was a kid I was scared of other black kids but then when I was seven I had a best friend who was black. My mom would drive me over to the black side of town and I would spend the night with a family of black people. I think it's sad that we as humans naturally tend to flock toward people of our own color, and I admit that I still do it unconsciously myself. I do not believe that any race is inherently superior or inferior to any other race, and things like slavery were horrible. However, I don't think it's right to blame anybody alive today for things that happened in our ancestors' time. You can't say that all white people think they are inherently superior because it just isn't true.

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    • EmeraldCityAndBackAgain

      To be honest, I can see where you're coming from. There are times when I feel ashamed for being white, to know the dark mark that my race has given history. However, good and evil do not have a certain race or creed. People, whether they are white, black, Asian, or Hispanic, all have the capacity to both love and hate. At the end of the day, it's better to judge someone based on their personality than the pigment of their skin.

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  • angelusdulcis

    ok sooo im sorry I dont really understand your reasoning.......
    U hate white people because of History?
    America was built by the "melting pot" of different ethnicities and cultures
    Do you have a specific "WHITE?" or do you only judge by skin color?
    Spaniards are white
    not all but I believe most of the population is infact has a white skin tone...

    The issue with slavery is totally different at the time of the begining of colonization in the americas in some places it wasnt racism African americans were seen as cheap labor to most farmers... and the farmers who could afford slaves usually worked side by side with them in the fields.. most (not all) of the class discriminations didnt really show up until around the time of the american revoulution...
    also it wasn't just WHITE slave traders in the begining of it all.....Certain coastal african tribes would pillage the interior of Africa to gather their fellow africans and sell them into the slave trade for a wealthy profit....

    so I guess in my opinion its all just the cruelty of human nature

    I am in fact WHITE but my ancestors were a mix of english scot-irish Czech and german
    honestly why does it matter?
    I have grown up in a diverse area
    my high school consists of 60%% hispanic 35%% African American 4%% white and 1%% other
    I guess your point of view depends on the type of envirment you are in, and the situation...

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  • Intoxicality

    @ theporcelainbaby

    I am deeply offended. Just because I come from England does not mean I have raped, beaten or killed your family and ancestor. You talk about not lumping "every white person the same" yet you have just said that every current English, Scottish, Welsh and northern Irish person has raped, tortured and mudered people from your country. Thanks alot, I appreciate that.

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  • sickorsane17

    If you paid attention to history you would know that black people enslaved themselves. there were indian and white slaves way before there were black slaves. I am kinda racist against blacks because of where I grew up they were all mean and racist. they all assumed they could do anything they wanted just cause of there skin. they would use social security income to buy rims for there damn cars. same for welfare checks. It's just wrong how you blame white people for every little thing.

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  • Eew_Humans

    Sounds like you have some misplaced hate, fueled by pop culture's oh-so fashionably trendy "dissing" of all white people just now.

    Know what that means? You're as racist as the people you say you hate because...they are "all" so racist.

    Does the word hypocrite mean anything here?

    Just checking.

    The problem is that "slavery" has existed since humans have existed. "White people" didn't invent it. Go read some history, and I don't mean just recent history within the past 200 years, either.

    Secondly, you must really hate and dispise your mother (and not to put too fine a point on it, but if you're Puerto Rican, there's a good chance you had an ancestor who was Spanish, and guess what? They are also WHITE.

    Tell you what...why don't you admit to what's really bothering you here? It's that you don't know which community of people you fit into, and since you're having problems with your mother, you're internalizing all of that as hatred of people like her - "white people."

    Get some help, you need it.

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  • thatfred

    "They think they are superior because of the color of their skin and it makes me angry. Even today i think they are ignorant and racist."

    Are you sure you know what "racist" means? You have made some pretty broad statements about what "they" (white people) do and are, and making those statements based on their race is *definitively* racism. Saying "white people are racist" is morally and logically no different than saying "black people are stupid". It's a broad judgement of an entire class of people based on their race.

    Beyond that, judging them for (for example) the history of slavery in the USA is to judge people today for something they did not do. You also of course overlook the millions of whites who sacrificed their lives to end slavery -- ignoring them is an injustice.

    When people have hardship in their lives it is easy to start looking for someone to blame. Don't fall into that trap. Judge people as individuals -- there is no "those people".

    Remember: the smallest minority is the individual. If you are to defend minorities you must see people as individuals rather than members of this or that group.

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  • AngelOfDeath

    im white, do you hate me? i havent put anyone in slavery, i havent segregated, i havent stolen land or anything. i dont think im superior, and i have mates from many different backgrounds. dont go hating all white people, hate the white people that did the shit, but not the rest of us. some of us hate the fact that in the past we've been wankers, but that doesnt seem to matter as much as it should to people. in my opinion your just being racist yourself now.

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  • iheartdoggies

    black people are sometimes more racist then whites. Whenever i call one of you out on something you say "its because i'm black right?" NOOO its because your stupid!
    being black doesnt give u a right to be a bitch
    oh and normally i love black people but dont pretend you r suffering in this "white dominated world" because ur not. u just want to think ur special.

    my black friend told me i was being bichy so i said "its because i'm white right?" nooooo its because i'm a bitch. just like you black people.

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  • pinkytink

    I think you need to open up a history book. "White people" are not the only ones who have taken advantage of, enslaved, defeated, etc. other cultures. Google it if you have too. Native American tribes raided the homes of other Native American tribes. As Funkadelik mentioned, Africans sold each other into slavery. Take a look at the history of Asia and what happened over there.
    Do some research before you spout hateful and ignorant crap for everyone to see. You make a fool of yourself.
    I am not racist and am not here to defend what "white people" did, nor am I white. I'm here to say you are ignorant and perpetuating the same crap you supposedly think is so wrong.
    That's my opinion, and if it offends you, that's fine. I'm sure your opinion offended others.

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  • BayonetKnifeFighter


    Not only that they get a fucking SCHOLARSHIP for their damn skin color. It's almost sickening to think about it. They get paid reparations for horrendous acts committed by our ancestors that took place 300 fucking years ago - and the thing is the money should've been buried with those motherfuckers cause they've been dead for centuries! They make movies about this shit we feel so guilty and like the moment we're born we're by default racists and have to cleanse ourselves of the title during our lifetime.

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  • cockycunt

    I lived some months with an invert racist (he was the landlord of the flat and black)He thought he was so 'spiritual' and cool and enlightened then he'd start pointing his finger and talking shit about 'people like you' ie W H I T E. Poor creep was sick but he knew that this world in any case will tolerate any amount of racism as long as it's directed against whites. Oh and g i n g e r bastids..

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  • SMILEifyourstupid

    first of all let me make it toally clear that i believe that everyone is and should be considered equal. that being said:
    wow. everyone here seems to be relatively calm about ur (the person who posted this) statment. if i said 'i dont like black people' i would have been bashed verbally to such a horrible extent. for some reason it seems more acceptable for black people to b*tch about white people than it is for white people to b*tch about black people, which i think is stupid. i just realized that the person above me said the same thing. well i totally agree, person above me! seriously!!! it seems like these days black people have more rights than white people! like if your black ur more likely to accepted into a college than a person who is white with exactly the same qualifications. WTF how stupid is that?

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  • Lambent

    Not all white people are bad people, but some of the individuals I've met are quite irritating and self-righteous. I saw one woman approach some Asian kids smoking and joking around and the woman told them they were stupid for smoking and that they shouldn't be cussing in public. Maybe someone should have told her off about her being obese because obesity is just as bad as smoking for the health. As for cussing in public... Freedom of speech. It's not her reputation they're damaging is it?

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  • lonelyinside

    Well I think you are the perfect example for a racist person. Maybe you should think about that. Did you know that in many countries it is the white people who gets harrased and persecuted and why would you dislike someone just because someone else the same color did something bad 150 years ago? It doesn't make sense. I really think you need help

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    • WalkingBear

      Its called DNA

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  • I'm English, so you probably hate me. My dad's side of the family are nazi's. Hate me now?
    My mum's side are all Jews, persecuted for 3000 years and tortured far worse than any other culture. Part of my dad's side are Russian, also persecuted (think stalin, Lenin and all the butchering done by the Kings). Basically everyone has suffered, not just you. This hate will come from your short sightedness. I'm white and in my eyes there are no white people, black people, asian people, hispanic people etc. Just people who have shot each other and cut each other down for centuries. I forgave my ancestors for killing my other ancestor's relatives. So open your mind, i feel no prejudice towards you because you have a right to be angry at the white man but hatered is too strong and people are people. Not skin colours

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    • WalkingBear

      Really ? The Jew's got it worse then us Native Americans ? I dont think so. The White race it self is pure evil. Not only did they kill them selves off in wars but you destroyed a lot of other races in your path over the centuries. It wasnt the Black man who came and took our lands and homes from us nor was it the Brown skins or Yellow skins . It was the White race who came and killed us off with all your Chemical and Germ warfare lots of bullets and plenty of rope to hang us with. And dont say you didnt even though you personally didnt Your DNA that lives in you did . I will always hate the entire white race . YES I AM A RASICT.

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  • Kazashi

    Oh man... this is such a provoking topic, everyone's got an opinion cuz ur opinions are strong man! You just flat out said you don't like an entire race... I assume you are somewhere around where you're learning about how the whites conquered all those people and did all that crap (8th grade history) or you might not be, but either way, you really got to rethink. Yes, it is very plain to see that many of the whites long before us (not all, really) were pretty full of themselves, and it's pretty easy to understand why you'd get upset when reading about all the horrible things they've done. However, there is so much SHIT that has gone on in this world, is still going on, and will go on into the future. Saying you hate all white people is extremely close-minded and honestly, just really racist. You really have to meet more people, some races might act differently depending on who you are, but no matter what group ever, there is always the exceptions. Ok, I'm getting kind of confusing now, I meant exceptions as, there are always going to be horrible people in every race, kind and generous people, dumb people, smart people, every single kind of person that you might never expect to be in a certain racial or any other group. You can't read about this history that showed the cruel side of white people, then maybe see a couple mean white people in real life, and just go from there. You really have to just open your mind. Now, there may be some truth to what you said, even if it's the slighest grain of truth, but as pretty much everyone will tell you who's not a freaking racist moron is that there are all kinds of people in all kinds of groups, a color blind society is admirable, but it's pretty obvious it will never happen, appreciate everyone's differences, and try to see them for who they really are, and you'll discover some pretty awesome things along the way. Take care, be more open-minded, and see that DEFINITELY not all white people are like what you described.

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  • oskilover18

    If you want some examples, Native American tribes were obscenely vicious to each other, the Aztecs slaughtered and raped people and sacrificed thousands, remember the Hutus and the Tutsis in Rwanda? That's the most most recent genocide. The Sri Lankan (race similar to Indian) Tamil Tigers have many terrorists. The Chinese Huns traveled all across Asia and Europe slaughtering hundreds of thousands and raping thousands of women. Get over your racsism.

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  • holysmokes111

    Perhaps you should realize that every race has had a period of : expansion, encroachment on others, slavery, and segregation. Why don't we all remember the tale of the free slaves sent back to Africa after the Emancipation Proclamation, oh what a grand day it was! They established Liberia and built plantations just like the ones they worked on in the South of the U.S., but not before capturing plenty of slaves for themselves. You do realize that enslavement of Africans was the product of African people, trading off their enemies for various goods long before they met with white people. The Spanish enslaved and murdered multiple tribes of native Americans because they did not believe in the Catholic God. Perhaps you are the ignorant, racist one for believing all white people are the same. I'm guessing you aren't very well educated or you'd know this all already. Maybe you should broaden your worldview so you don't get called out on being so closed minded all the time? Oh, btw, i'm not racist, i'm Indonesian, so leave that at home.

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  • McNormal

    This whole issue should really be a non-point. Racism works in many directions, it doesn't matter who you are: if you hate people, or even put them on a pedestal, simply because of physical or cultural differences, you're prejudiced and unfortunately that's pretty much normal these days. So I guess you're pretty normal buddy.

    Kinda sad how in a society that pretends to be so politically correct, there's still so much public prejudice, only it's not seen as prejudice because events I'm referring to occur in reciprocal to what we used to consider prejudice. For example, when applying for university scholarships, there are often so many scholarships that you need to be of a specific non-caucasian race to apply for. If there were white-only scholarships people would shit their pants so hard there would literally be shit everywhere. We would be wading through shit. but I personally don't see it being any more right to give preference to any other race either. If we're truly so concerned about being "non-racist" then why should race factor into any decision at all? Just my two cents, folks.

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  • Duck_________

    All people suck. There are just more white people so you tend to dislike them more.

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  • hornsby123

    Number one, you are half white so whatever you may like to think, you are more white than anything else and this is what people will see you as. I can't believe you are so ignorant, especially of yourself. What would your mom think of you saying this? SOME white people did bad things in the past, why does that mean you have any right to judge me, a totally seperate person that had nothing to do with these events? I don't owe anyone anything. I could say I dislike blacks for committing the most crime by percentage out of any race, as well as taking the most welfare. I don't though - I see people as individuals, not as highly generalised statistics. It appears from the way you have written your post that you are still young, hopefully as you mature you will come to realise these things.

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  • santana77

    im full puerto rican and im going to admit sometimes i get annoyed of white people but i dont hate them...truth is everyone was created equally...were all people with feelings and you need to learn to accept that man.

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  • Englishgirl

    them times where years and years ago.. and they all will be dead now :S
    dont go blaming the living white people today who didnt even exist in those days

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  • splintz2008

    i kindaa agree its normal iam half black and white but its just a hand- full of racist to day rember some white ppl helped black man i think its normal mixed race ppl stand up to racist and are protective of there black side

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  • brad015

    i am not calling you down just please don't put all white in the same category and if you are a racist white i say wut have all of the black people done to you. ya sure 1 person has done wrong to you or even maybe a whole city but don't place a blacks in the same category.

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  • treehugga

    Thats so small minded!im white..Irish.. I'm far from racist and I think its totally stupid the way your bein!That would be like me sayin all of a sudden I hate black people because this one black guy killed somebody... That stuff happened a long time b4 ne white people 2day were around so how would it make sense 4u 2 blame any of us? It doesnt make sense at all!!and people are racist ..black people 2.. But I don't know any1 who thinks their more superior 2black people because they are white! maybe some old people who were made believe they were by someone else..when they were younger.. Maybe in America if this is where youre from ..white people think this but in Ireland Ive never met anyone who thinks this..and racist people don't count!!

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  • gawkyporcupine

    racism is the lowest form of wit

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  • cloptic

    Holy crap, you did not just say that....... HHAHAHAH that is so funny. Before you go attributing all the worlds evils on white people, I have a few things to point out.

    Ever heard of the Moors? A black race that was as vicious, hateful and cruel as any white race ever. Oh, and then there were the Huns...... um, Im sure I could list all the really terrible racial groups but it wouldnt change a thing about the way you think, because you speak from a place of ignorance and hate..............

    Get an education, and then come back and tell us how bad white people are.......lol

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  • oddwheel

    Gee, it sure is fantastic the way that it's not racist to hate white people.

    How about this: /YOU/ cut the stereotypes and arrogance and bigotry and try to make this world a better place by not being a complete shithead yourself.

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  • picturepurfect

    Just remember history is history. People learn from their mistakes. When you live with that type of hate in your life, it's hard to go forward from there. Whether it being hate of another race, culture, or just an old school bully. Hate is hate, and you can't hold on to that forever. We learn from our past, and the younger generations have not repeated that nor will there ever be those actions occurring if we all can see past the past and into the present.
    Do you live in that type of chaos? Is your life ruled by another race/culture now? Do you live in slavery at this point in your life?! No, so quit playing the martyr, and get over your hateful ways. There was a reason people says love, not hate. It is something "YOU" should live by! It is something "Everyone" should live by!

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  • IveGotBallsOfSteal

    there's things to love and hate about every race, my friend. Sure, white people have a lot of blood on their hands, but so do blacks, browns, asians, and everyone else. White people control who gets money, black people control what is trendy, browns control... well, i'm not sure if they control anything lol. Maybe small trinkets and catholic collectable items.

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  • NeoFalcon

    Ok I see your point as history has shown.

    But your ignorance is no difference from what they did to your people/race/religion/sex/etc.

    For the human race to survive regardless what we are or what we believe in, we must unite and work towards a common future.

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  • DaddYCaT4MommaCaT18to30

    Hey Don't Be Racist , Let Go Of The Past
    Trust Me, Its No Good To Hate

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    • barbiexluvo

      you are ridiculous
      that is in the past
      you can hate those people
      but that has nothing to do with people now a days
      and white people ARE going to be assholes if you act like that
      get over the past and move on shit...

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      • barbiexluvo

        oh and ANYONE WILL THINK they are superior to you if you think like that stupid...
        you are the racist one wake up and smell the coffee !

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  • FroShizzle23

    I know exactly what you mean and I AM white. Completely white.
    The thing that bothers me the most is how they came to North America and killed the natives and stole their land. They acted so ignorant then, it's amazing to me that people could even be that destructive, thinking in tunnel vision.
    I do have Native ancestry, but even if I didn't, I would still think that.

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  • YOU RACIST A$$HOLE! THAT $HIT WAS HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO! u know the germans enslaved and slaughtered and raped jewish people and they are passed that. blacks weren't the only people enslaved the scottish were slaves also every race was a slave i have no idea why blacks can never get passed them being slaved. i guess they just want a reason to KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE! i kid you not google racial crime stats and you'll see blacks commit the most crimes.

    P.S. sorry if this offended some people

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  • BayonetKnifeFighter

    You obviously haven't lived in the ghetto of your city as a White person. I'm actually surprised I made it from age 13 when I moved there until now. I always kept to myself, fuck I even tried to have conversations with the blacks living in my apartment complex every now early on but they'd give me nasty stares, not say anything. After about a month of trying to be friendly I heeded my moms words and just didn't talk to any black person in that part of town. I walked to and from school, about a mile both ways and there'd be 30 of them coming and they expected me to step off the sidewalk. "Cracker" "Honky" "White bitch" etc. If your White and never lived in the ghetto then don't say shit about racist Whites because if you spent 10 minutes in my shoes back then you'd understand. I even remember I got STABBED when I was 15 walking home from school because some black motherfucker thought I was staring at him. Next thing I know 15 of them run out of nowhere and I got a switchblade dug into my shoulder. I knew a whole bunch of other White kids in my complex that turned into Skinheads, but I never did because I was always like "Well, they aren't all like this" - and they weren't, I knew a couple that were "ok." But my point is, skin color doesn't define your characteristics, your upbringing and surroundings do which define your traits as a person. So, black people stop hating me because I accidentally dulled your knife when you stuck it in me, and white people stop hating blacks because you think they all do this!

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    • harachi

      Well in my country we don't have many black people. The people that live in the 'ghetto' are white, and they behave the exact same way. Scumbags are scumbags, no matter where you come from. Do I hate them? Yes, but it's nothing to do with their race.

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  • Orochi

    Isn't it great that it is socially acceptable for Blacks to state that Whites are racist, but somehow inappropriate for Whites to claim that Blacks are racist. It is evident that there exists a mutual distrust between the races born of issues in the past that continue to impact our present. It is well known that the White race has long exhibited greater intellect than the other races. In fact, recent history proves that the White man only desired to use his gifts to uplift the other races of the world. We have traveled to all parts of the globe offering our advice and wisdom to help you ungrateful heathens. Now it is time for you to uplift yourselves. Turn off reality tv and read some books. I know this is a tough thing for Afro-Spanish people to do, but give it a shot. You might learn something. IMAO, yeah right!!! like you can read. hahaha

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  • People are people.

    SOME white people ARE superior to black people.

    SOME BLACK people are superior to white people.

    And some among Each race are superior to others of that same race.

    Thomas Edison, for example, was a brilliant white inventor.

    Martin Luthor King Jr, was a charismatic civil rights leader.

    There is good and bad in all things. Whits Have committed autrocities against other races, just as other races have committed the same against whites and other races. And some of us, of any race just ain't good to ANYONE. But to hate a RACE just because of their color or of what Some walnuts of their number have done...

    I mean, it is like the difference between Moi and Homer(above) - We are of the same race, sadly, but one of us is Dynamic and the other is a dumbass.

    Please think it over.


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  • andromeda

    If you weren't such a hypocrite you'd see you're the ignorant one; just try imagine a world with no whites and just juxtapose it against the life you have now...
    You'd still be in Africa in your house made out of elephant shit and be wearing a lion foetus as a hat.
    Whites/Asians have just about been the only race to make any significant technological contributions to the world, they're the ones pulling you forward.

    I totally f***ing agree with 'BayonetKnifeFighter', if you haven't seen what it's like in the ghetto's or townships don't judge racist whites.
    I live in South Africa and you won't f***ing believe how bad it is. 1 child/woman is raped here every 5 seconds ever since the black government has come into power; the country is also running at a deficit of over 500 billion due to corruption.(We used to be 1st world.)

    I know there are blacks that are good and I respect them, but the majority are worse than baboons because baboons are at least self-sustaining.

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  • Noobunderground2

    Uh we can be dicks sometime but hell who hasnt?

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  • karma_is_bs

    so you hate half of yourself??you're a dumbass!!!

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  • tartanrectum

    well i dont like them very much either however i am one so how do you think i feel you racist arsehole

    Go fuck yourself and get a different outlook on races

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  • BullyRammer

    Simple end to this nonsense. WHITE IS RIGHT.

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  • djG22

    history is history and all races have done sht like that in the past to some degree...but i have noticed...im mixed race...the only times ive ever copped anything racist to my face - or my mom has either - its only ever been from white people...i dont hate them but to an extent alot of them that ive met do seem to think lower of different ethnicities..dont know why..who cares but...u know the sht ppl say is not true so whatever hey...

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  • awatcher

    I am a white skinned minority. Yes, legally I am not white and have not felt comfortbale ina room of all white people until I got older. That said, I was not raised to hate them but I am old enough to remember seeing segreagation signs in public places. So, they made me feel unwanted around them. Now, thanks to President Obama and others, I no longer feel like an outcast in my own country. You should feel the same. Do not hate. Kill them with kindness. You are feeling for them what they once did for you. You are letting them win that hate war. Really.

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  • Jazeck

    although your beliefs are racist(no matter what your reasons are), they are wrong. every race has exploited and abused power at some some point. white people(i'm assuming you mean europeans of old) just took the abuse to a global scale. i did't see anyone stopping them. i didn't see japan..o wait they were isolated. i didn't see chin...o wait they were isolated. i didn't see africa...o wait they sold there own people. don't assume "white people" are atrocious. thats like saying hispanics are lazy and black people abuse welfare. its all racist and stereotypical.


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  • 1234Fakestreet

    A lot of white people in the US are racist/ignorant. Many of them don't even realize it because they don't understand what racism is. A lot of them don't have the ability to understand since it has never happened to them. Some might think it has happened but it hasn't. Someone calling you a cracker or white boy is nothing.

    There is also a good group of them that aren't racist though. It isn't fair to clump them all in together with the others but whenever I meet one I assume first that they are racist until proven otherwise.

    But when you bring up the word "White" you have to define it. It is a term that has different meanings through different societies. Most in Mexico would call someone from Argentina white but in the US we don't think of them as white.

    White in the US usually means the people or group who run society. It means the rich. The bourgeois if you will. You wouldn't think of a poor immigrant from Russia as the typical "white" person even though their skin may be white. The Irish weren't considered white when they came to the US. There is a reason black people were called "smoked Irish".

    So be careful when using that term and especially judging people with that term. People in the "white" category are very diverse.

    Most "white" people are just regular working class people that have more in common with working class colored people than they have in common with rich "white" people.

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  • ishkabibble17

    Why does it always have to be a race game? You know the funny thing about the racial barrier? White people have been trying to tear it down for years, it's 'minorities' who keep insisting it go back up. I used to visit Pittsburgh frequently, and if you leave the hills as a white person, you get shit on. It's not just you. Take your skin off and stand next to me and we're the same. What else do you want from us anyway? We've given you affirmative action which is the biggest load of crap, because you can claim to be part black when you take your SATs, you automatically get a 177 point advantage over me. I'm so sorry that maybe down the line years and years ago I might have a distant relative or wronged your distant relative. But face the facts, I didn't do it and I don't even know anyone who has. Get over yourself, you self righteous little girl. Enjoy your perks, because the TRUTH is that the WHITE MALE gets the most crap in this country-probably the world, though I can't speak for them as I don't know.

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  • Vivacious

    I'm a white female, and reading this I totally agree with you. Some white people, especially North American's can be extreme assholes and totally arrogant for no reason...and racist, for no fair reason. I hope that you can meet some people who void this perception that you have of them...because I know that I personally love nothing more than any race but my own...the physical differences and the cultural ones. Too bad my mom is racist....arrogant white bitch....as I'm sure you've encountered! Basically, wanting to apologize on our behalf....I hate the ignorance.

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  • Braincell

    Adolf Hitler was 1/4 jew......need i say more?

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  • lbgirl768

    Hey, I got something to tell you. Move on. All that segragation between black people and white people, white people stealing land from the Native Americans, white people raping black people and beating them up. All that stuff was in the past. All that stuff happened in the 1960s and it's 2008. There is no need to be racist here. Just like you say you are half black, half white, and half puerto rican. You are saying you hate white people when you are half white and your mom is white. It's just like you hate your own mom. Let me tell you something. I am a black female and I have many white, black, hispanic, and asian friends at my school. I'm not racist. I personally like white people and I think they are really cool, but some of them get on my nerves, but I don't go hating on the whole white race. You shouldn't be hating on the whole white race either.

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  • tgregg

    i feel your are just as bad as the white people and the things they have done in the past if you cant just overcome and become someone better today. I love everyone of color and i am white as a snow flake

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  • ArieChan

    Honestly I know somewhat of where you come from but at the same time it's a little sad that you don't like white people, especially since your mother is white.
    And I do have to ask, what is white and what is black? Those are not the colors of someone's skins.
    What else does the blacks want from the whites?
    That sounds racists in itself but you saying you hate or dislike whites make you racist even against half of what you are.

    Since you are talking in a racist tone and people refer to the color of the skin as someone with light pigment as white and someone with dark pigment as black well...

    I am not racists and I don't think of blacks as something lower then me. They are my equals. I had a black friend while I was in elementary school. My dad was in the airforce, so was her dad. Being racist in the airforce and admitting you were so means you get fired. I was never taught to be racist. Getting back to the topic though, I had this really great friend back in Elementary school. This was while I lived in Italy.

    When I come back to the states I couldn't seem to make friends until I get into middle school.

    I will tell you right now, I don't think of myself as superior to anyone. Everyone has equal opportunity.

    I made friends with someone whose descended from people who came from Southern America when in Middle school, I also made friends with a 'black' girl named Tabatha and another girl who was white. They all were pretty awesome people.

    I really don't see why you have a strong dislike for whites other then the fact that you have read a lot into the history and are judging the white people on the sins that were committed by their ancestors... And by the way, your ancestors committed the same crimes. You are half white, 1/4 black and 1/4 puerto Rican.
    Why hate half of what you are, why even dislike half of what you are.

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  • freaky1

    There's a lot of white people who really suck, it's the snobbery I can't stand. I'm "white trash" so I understand where the original poster is coming from.

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    • theapist2

      ditto. It's pretty easy to dislike white people (I'm white), though I choose to dislike them usually for reasons other than their skin color (like being narrow minded, elitist, classist, etc). I grew up what some would call "white trash", though I hate the term b/c of the negative racial and class connotations. I think the better term is just fucking poor. Granted white and black people have different experiences being poor, but they're not that different. In America we like to forget that white people can be poor too. That somehow, the lily white skin will get us out of any predicament we end up in. Sorry, not gonna happen if your dad is a raging alcoholic and your mom thinks it's better not to leave him despite the fact that he keeps spending all the money. I'm just sayin'....this could happen to a white or a black family. Bad shit happens to people no matter what their skin color.

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  • milkcakes7795

    im part american indian, part irish, and i dont hate white people. you cant keep looking back on what happened, think about whats happening.

    And to all you others who are calling him ignorant. you should not be talking, racism still exists, just be glad at least some one is looking for help

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  • Hp72396

    I agree. It's seems it's only in the US too. I've been around the world many times and have not encountered white people like this.they feel superior when they aren't!

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  • Goethe

    How do you stop a nigger from drowning?

    Take your foot off of his neck.

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  • mybuttholesmellsofshit


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  • mdrnhippy

    I am 3/4 white and kinda dislike that large part of me. I think this is normal.

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  • DefJay

    Sad to say but the whites will always have the more power over other races and ethnicities, they are the best cheaters and lairs....who can compete against that?!

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  • IM white and I dont even like white people.

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  • teehee

    I think your pathetic. Not all white people are the same and everything happened in the PAST which means its gone. Finished.

    Your an ignorant toad and I think you should go to hell.

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  • somethingembarassing

    why don't you people give this person a break? To get over something means to forget it, and it is very important that we don't forget atrocities of the past and pointing all the blame of slavery on Africans themselves doesn't excuse it. It was still white Americans and Europeans who years afterward did a lot of horrible things to blacks. This person probably doesn't really hate everybody who's white but with the words and stupidity of a lot of the white people on this web site I can certianly see where they are coming from if they do. And before you show what an inbred racist whitebred sack of shit you are, let me tell you that I am white as well and of German heritage...GASP! I'd say a lot of you pick-up truck driving racist hillbillies probably stocked listening to lynard skynard and jerking off to larry the cable guy long enough to be shocked and dumbfounded by that statement.

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  • Chudders

    We never stole, we conquered. And yes, we are superior. Deal with it, faggot.

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  • Youfinnadiebaby

    "I hate black people"
    80% normal
    "I hate white people"
    55% normal

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  • Iamagirl

    More people are offended by this than you people saying that they hate "rętarded" people or Asian people or Indian people or fat people. Call me a feminazi all you want, but it kind of seems like white people are racist???

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  • aquaphx

    yeah.. it's been accumulated for a very long time..
    to narrowed it down.. it's the first world caucasian white race..
    they're just seems so arrogance and project a sense of superiority.
    and i'm talking in global sense, not in the so called greatest nation murica..
    between white, yellow, brown and black.. let's face it.. in global sense.. it's white vs (yellow + brown + black)..
    of course it's generalizing and it is not right.. but statistically speaking or just based on your personal experiences..

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  • Tibbles

    Wow. Do some reading.
    1)Egyptians enslaved their people 6k yrs ago
    2)Africans had NO issue with slavery when it existed, in fact supported it- they just did not want to BE the enslaved individual.
    3)MANY of these "slaves" were indentured servants, who were provided a home, warm meals, and overall a decent life, they would not have been able to provide otherwise.
    4)Slaves were owned by blacks as well.
    5)No one will care about any of this when N Korea starts up with the nonsense....oh is that racist?
    6)Racism was non-existent for about 1 week after 9/11.....is that what it takes?
    7)Blacks can move into a white neighborhood and the worst thing that happens is they 'don't like' some comment that was made-wah.
    8)White moves to a black neighborhood and....oh wait we can't we're not welcome.

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  • rharris

    Many of the Whites I know who say, "I have Black friends" or "I like Black people" will make such statements from the fact that they have Black co-workers or team mates.

    What almost all of them do is avoid the much larger question about what happened historically to Black people and how that is related to why many Blacks are distrustful (with good reason) of White people.

    Most Whites have no interest in the events that occurred in Black and African history that has led to plight of Blacks in America and in the world.

    Most Whites do not get it. Black people had their identities taken from them and bear the names of the slave masters who owned them. Not only that, we had their religion and celebrations imposed upon us. We are a people who have been forcefully disconnected from our ancestry and there are systems in place to ensure it remains that way.

    Our little White friends can careless about our ancestry. They are happy with us as long as we "ho, ho, ho" along with them and accept their traditions and celebrations.

    Being Black in America should be defined by knowing and accepting ones African identity and taking the necessary steps to cast off the "Anglo-Saxon" names, traditions, and celebrations imposed upon us and which has been used to identify us with an ancestry that is not ours.

    White America and its systems of education, religion and politics will never allow Black/African unity and identity. To allow it would mean Blacks in America would unify and identify with their true identity.

    Whites, in general, are comfortable with Blacks as long as we identify with the things they identify with.

    I am a 60 year old African (American) and I am changing my name. I resent bearing a name that detaches me from by African roots. (No, I will not take an Arabic name, but an African one).

    My so-called White friends and co-workers are appalled at the idea of me changing my name. That it bothers them goes directly at the root of the problem: Most Whites do not want Black people to identify with their ancestry because it could unify and empower us. As long as we identify with the "White," Whites feel that they have a measure of power and control over us. (Nothing as really changed since the days of slavery as it is still about power and control over Black people).

    Black people all over the world have valid reasons not to like White people; especially if Whites say and do things to remind Black people that we are of no account in their eyes.

    I see and hear reminders frequently from Whites that Black people are of little value to them.

    Personally, I can careless about what Whites think of me. I do not need their acceptance or validation. I must love myself and those like me. (Whites hate it when we show unity and always find a way to disrupt that unity).

    Sadly, there are many "Black Anglo-Saxons" who coon as they love the children of the slave master and want to be accepted by them.

    I have NO problem with Whites being proud of who they are. Yet, many of them have a problem with Black people identifying with their African roots.

    To you Black folk who love and appreciate more that which is Anglo-Saxon than that which is African, you need to be slapped into sobriety. What the hell are you doing?

    Why do you accept Adam, Eve, Angels, Jesus, God, etc in the image of White people? Why have you accepted the religion of those who enslaved our people? Don't you see that their religion is a "control mechanism" to keep you ignorant and detached from your ancestry?

    White America will ALWAYS do things and create systems to keep us under their control and away from identifying with our African ancestry. (Education, religion, and even the entertainment industry). Many of them are modern-day sorcerers.

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  • Paris2005

    Mehthinks thou doth protest too much. I suspect you have a strong, horny rape fantasy involving white guys. Lying on your belly, tied spread eagle on the bed, legs wide apart to show that asshole and pink pussy. I'm a white guy who has fucked soo many black girls I've lost count. Just writing about your pink lips makes my cock swell! You'd be totally exposed to a group of handsome, well hung gentlemen. Turn you over and tie you again while I shave your pussy and asshole nice and smooth. Of course, my tongue just might lick that wet cunt a bit.

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  • dizzyotaku17

    I don't think you hate white people per se. More like their unearned privileges. But try not to be so quick to say you hate a group of people because that's a large bevy of individuals you've never met or spoken to. Homogenizing a group of a people is never a good idea and is actually quite common. So yea, normal.

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  • yeah i understand that

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  • underager

    It's normal if you're a RACIST, yes.

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  • Bl0ndieBabexx

    How can you hate me when you've never even met me?

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  • ThatUglyDoll

    Buy a bag of M&M's. Close your eyes and put a handful of them into your mouth and eat them. Can you tell the difference of the colors?

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  • joben112

    hate us for doing shit right...having jobs and terrible shit like that...totally see your point. how bout you just stop complaining and blaming other people for your problems and make yourself better than you wont have to worry about other people.

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  • paulisnormal

    you are a racist aaaand youre an asshole

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  • Chazzout

    You're way too concerned about race. We can get on talk of privilege, institutional racism, etc. but at the end of the day you're just screwing yourself over if you don't want to associate with someone because of their skin colour.

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  • ijustsaidthat

    think whites are so bad, move to africa. theres mostly all blacks there. well, central africa. you might like it there. otherwise, shut up. your ignorant and a racist. you will have a terrible life if you live your life with that mind set.

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  • admirer

    I wouldn't call it abnormal but it's not healthy.
    Try not to spend too much time hating something unless your making real plans to change it. Otherwise, you're just frustrating yourself.
    Do I think you're a racist?
    I do think you have racist tendencies.
    So does everyone else, though they'll swear up & down to god, their mother's grave & anything else they think holds any water that they don't.
    Racism is all around us in every culture, & it's not just white people towards black people & vice versa. Westerners are excellent at "white-washing" this fact over to pretend it isn't there anymore but it is.
    It's normal & ok to feel unsure about what you don't know or what is different from what you're used to -when it comes to race, this is indeed a racist tendency; reacting to a person/people of a race you're not familiar with differently from a race that you ARE familiar with is a racist reaction even if it is not the least bit negative- it's when you add hate to the mix that it's not ok anymore.
    It's not fair to blame a current-generation of an entire race for what some of a generation prior who happened to be that race did.

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  • wuddeva

    The only area of the world that seems the same or similar to way-back-when is the middle east. White people have changed, sharia law hasn't. I hate stupid people, not races btw. I hate you. I really hate you.
    Hate the people that are responsible for something, not their descendants. What are your thoughts on Australians? I have ADHD. Kthxbi.

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  • ihopeyoudie


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  • gawkyporcupine

    sorry i was confusing it with sarcasm

    i really need to stop doing that

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  • darkmay7

    for me its not that i hate white folk is just that i hate some of their attitudes -like their racism to minorities. but i have found some white folk pretty good people who are not racist and i have white friends so they helped me think better of them but theres still racist whites and also racist from otehr minorities, sucks this world is full of hatred if it isnt racism is socia class. i wished we call accept each other for who we are and not hate each other for being different.

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  • dadawawa

    dont forget they stole artifacts, gold, and many exotic things from egypt, india, asia and display them in USA museum of arts!!

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  • maya617

    oh wow.... this one got a whole shit load of comments.
    so i guess i'll pass on this one.....

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  • NirNova04

    not trying to play two sides. but before blacks were slaves they were enslaving whites. sure way back in history. rascism still exists. a lot. all over. i come from inbetween

    i lived on the outskirts of a downtown area. predominantly black. on the other side is a rich mostly white community then nothing but farmland for the next 500 miles. when i was dating a girl from this larger white community she didnt believe rascism even existed anymore..

    she had a big culture shock when i brought her downtown and we got told in a black community we didnt belong there by an old black guy. heres the deal. the blacks she lived by in her community. they were respected they were rich and they got along with the whites who lived there. virtually no rascism existed out there

    but downtown...its a really segregated community whites here blacks there and everyones dirt poor.

    the whites downtown have no problem flying a confederate flag will tell your stories of blacks breaking into their houses and say nigger with ease.

    i think its an education thing and where you grow up. u live around racism then most likely its how your going to feel.

    in all reality. its normal to feel a little bit of prejudice. almost everyone does it.

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    • neanderthal

      You mispelled nigger.

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  • doucebag69

    throughout history all races have destroyed, enslaved, and stolen. white people were just better than everyone else at it. get over it.

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  • The_Truth_Hurts_Doesnt_It

    You said "I don't like white people". Later you said "I think they are ignorant and racist."

    Pot, meet kettle. You two will get along just fine.

    Are you understanding why YOU'RE ignorant and racist now?

    If you don't like a race because they have done something in the past, then you're going to have to hate yourself too because every race has done something bad in history.

    It's also extremely ignorant and illogical to assume just because someone's ancestors did something bad, that all humans born after that date are also guilty.

    I really feel bad for you. You're confused and have a personality disorder.

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  • orchidz20

    You shouldn't hate a race for its history. I didn't own slaves. I hate slavery. Maybe you should do your homework instead of believing everything you learn in school. Did you know that BLACK PEOPLE IN AFRICA SOMETIMES SOLD THEIR OWN PEOPLE TO THE WHITE PEOPLE FOR GOODS AND OTHER THINGS? Maybe you should hate black people because they often sold each other into slavery...but that would b stupid, because I'm 100%% positive none of your black friends have sold their own people into slavery. REDNECKS think they are supeior, not all white people. And some black people think the world owes them something...bullshit. Sometimes black people can be rude as hell. Once this black girl ran into me as she was talking on her cell phone. I smiled apologized just because I thought it would be polite and because it wasn't a big deal. She started cusing at me and calling me a little bitch ass white girl. All races have their good and bad qualities. AND TURST ME, THE BLACKS HAVE THEIR FAIR SHARE AS WELL.

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  • purplefairyfaith

    wow i can't believe your holdong on to things that happened in the past, now don't get me wrong those things were extremely bad but why hate a whole race for the things that only some did, plus it's the 21st century man wake up the only reason that people are still segrated is because they hold on to their IGNORANT ideals that really no longer exsist we are all equal just some peoples ego's are a little bigger making them think they are superior race isn't a factor

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  • Layla_nerd27

    I kinda see your point but you really shouldnt hate all white people (me...) because of their history. I do agree what they used to do back then was wrong . Does your skin colour even REALLY matter that much??

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  • ttainted

    Ha. I think it's amusing when people hate certain races based on their histories. Hating white people for slavery is like hating a child for something their mother/father did. It's passing on the blame to innocent people. I don't inherit guilt and I don't feel responsible for something that happened generations ago, or centuries ago. I'll deal with today's problems, thanks.

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  • miedel

    I'm sure many "white" people you have met feel superior to you because they've realized you're ignorant. For you to disgust someone based on their skin color is nothing but ignorance.

    The well-educated and wise will *always* be superior, no matter what race you are.

    I am a white female with black, african-american, asian-american, and hispanic friends, and I'm not the only one. And yes, I feel superior to people like you because I know you are ignorant. I'm sure other people that also share your skin tone would be embarrassed to be around ignorant people like you.
    I only call you ignorant because, instead of harboring hate, finding the source, and researching truth, you blame people for things they did not do (I have never segregated, stolen land, or expanded anything) based on their skin color. There is no other excuse.

    Please educate yourself before you further embarrass the human race by spreading your ignorant hate all over a public forum.

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  • erocablok

    Your problem isnt with the white man its with your govt!

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  • MissTrademark2317

    lol. surprisingly, i don't take any offense to this though i am white. i suppose i understand your feelings, but i must say it is misplaced and you are doing the same as what so many other racists have done. i was born and raised without ever hurting anyone. i never stole land, i never thought slavery was okay, i never burned a cross the on the lawn of an African American...white people today have done nothing (well, some of us. i'm talking about the good ones.) and we don't deserve blame for the past, and neither does anyone of any race. :)

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  • emmyems

    you can't generalize all white people. example - the things you say that white people have done, I personally HAVEN'T done ANY of those things to you. I don't know my ancestors 100 years ago (go figure) and maybe they did, but I am not them and can't change their actions. I'm sorry you feel this way and it goes both ways (just as other races shouldn't generalize one another), but only you can change your way of thinking.

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  • Fleabitten

    White people have done bad things, just like people of all races have done.

    What I don't like is the racism (against any race) that has continued into the present day.

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  • Isolated

    I also dislike the way Whites have treated other races but that was in the past. The history we had in the past is what made America change over the century. I'm Asian and I can't control what Asians do. I can only change myself. Every human being can only change themselves. However, if you think about it, Whites did enhance technology and other benefits like other races. If we didn't have different races, it still won't change the fact that some would dominate others. (eg: big ears, ugly people)

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  • Eew_Humans

    Whites have done some "pretty horrible things?"

    Are you joking here???

    I'm really quite alarmed that all this self-hatred has been so internalized by people of European descent, especially the young. There's a difference between celebrating one's heritage and learning from mistakes and abhoring bad behaviour. But hating one's self because of the skin colour? That's as stupid as hating another person because their's is different.

    Wake up, people!

    Do you REALLY think that people of other races haven't made the same mistakes and done many of the same things to people? They have. Just look at world history, objectively, and you'll see it. That's human nature, and there's no "one race" who is "more evil" or has done "worse things" than the next. All humans, regardless of our appearance have the capacity to commit acts of horror on one another and other species, which we do daily. Humans are FAR more cruel to other species than they are to one another, and never forget that.

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    • Lettuce12345

      You are fricken awesome. I love all of your posts. I agree with everything that you say. True all hell. I hate being human.

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  • Intoxicality

    You stated that one of the reasons you don't like "white people" is because they are racist? Well you yourself are being racist, the colour of my skin does not make me automatically responsible for anything my ancestors may have done, nor does it make you responsible for any errors of your ancestors. I am disgusted by the slave trade, and cannot believe anyone could have been that cruel, so why should you hate me for something I can't abide.

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  • HawkEye1211

    Welcome to my list of dipshits. I love everyone, i have black friends. and I'm white. But if this was 1600, i'd still love black people, But you would be my slave just for this comment ;)

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  • XxgemdinxX

    I think it's normal. White people have done a lot of bad things and still do. They make racial comments etc but, not all white people are racist. And plus, Mexican's can be racist, as well as, Chinese, Japanese, Germans, Blacks, etc. But it isn't right to hate a person because of there flaws. I have almost all of the races in me. White, black, purple, green, yellow. But I don't hate anything that they've done.

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  • annada

    Eh, take a shot of tequila, watch Malcom X (pay special attention to the last 1/2 hour) and you'll be fine.

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  • slimjimsucka

    lol i totally understand what you are coming from. once you learn about the terrible things and the sort of willie lynch affects they have on the generations it can make anyone mad or depressed. but i guess you just dont give them too much credit over you. its better to be happy than angry. its better to accept and be a better individual despite of a terrible past on the ancestors. again you are not alone people still have to get over the emotional affects that type of knowledge has try hard not to besensitive too it although its difficult

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    Na,Just stop being racist.

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  • HitlerSausageSlave

    I don't like black people, so what does that make me?

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  • GLASrazUMA

    i'm white, last 5 generations on my mother side were farmers, and last 5 generations on my father side were fishermen, miners or blue collar workers, they were all good & fair christians and they lived in Balkans, never engaged in any political groups even if some of them almost lost their lives because of that, some of them were in captivity during WWI and WWII, and as far as i know, non of grandparents even met black, asian or indian person, and i myself know 2 black guys that play for local soccer club and one chinese guy that went to school with my brother... so, at best it was white against white battles and wars...

    who should i hate? it's retarded to hate anybody who haven't done any harm, right?

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  • anabolic19

    f*ck the past if you live in the past and judge people for what they've done you'll get stuck you have to look forward and let go of the past to move forward with your life if you dont do this then f*ck you
    your basically white your self quarter black isnt black
    and your mams white what you hate her aswell?
    stop being stupid and grow up

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  • lovecock

    Im white, with your comment about all the bad things the white people have done. i dont think its fair what you have said, that was then, this is now. we cant be to blame for what has happened in the past!

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  • bruhjay1

    you have all the right to hate them but yu shudnt i think we shud keep the world at a lower rate of racism but yur right to hate them they do think they are more superior and africans did not sell their people to the white men ? wtf !! but african americans are wayyyyyy more superior now adays to white people so they shoukd be happy [= btw im white/black/italian/brasilian i dont hate any one [=

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  • laloesch

    This is a silly argument. To totally hate one race because of their skin color is straight up ignorant brothers and sisters. You wanta guess my skin color? I ain't gonna tell ya, but I will say this every race has committed attrocities at some point, its just the low lifes that keep the hate alive. I think these folks have nothing in there life but anger and hate.

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  • billyboy

    hey, i know what you mean. i don't much care for them either, and i am one of them. but don't all you darker minorities start getting all self-righteous on me, because brothers and sisters, your slates are not clean either. old 'whitey' might be pretty nasty, but i don't see so many saints in your ranks neither. learn to love your neighbor, even if he is white. that is what jesus said, and he was no white man.

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  • Summerlove87

    I think you need to know that there is good and bad to everyone and you should judge people by who they are, not what they look like. I think humans base their thoughts off of what they see too often, although we have four other scences. Don't hate it's cancer of the soul. : )

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  • GeraldMossman

    We are not all the same. We are all very different, but the differences are so vast its impossible to say that one characteristic like skin colour can determine anything else about a person in general.

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  • budee

    Fuck history I don't like some white people too!

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  • I think you could learn to be a lot more articulate about what you do and don't like. Your dislike of oppression is clear and commendable. But your selective over-generalizing and stereotypes say you have more homework to do.

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  • russellnb

    It isn't their race that makes them ignorant. All through history there are bad people. White, Black, Hispanic, Asian even American Indians

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  • Synopsis

    You can't hate someone until you've gotten to know them.

    Past is Past.
    Colour is irrelevant.
    People make mistakes.
    People forgive.
    People are just people.

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  • babyyboyy

    im sorry but:S what happend then those people are dead now so not EVERY white person did this did they so you cant hate them all because not all of them done this.its stupid why hate some one for such a stupid.black people can also be racist and i also find it riducolous that you are half cast and say you hate white people,do you not realise that you are half white.grow up unless some one white is actually being horrible right to you then hate them but if there not shut up.

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  • EyeOfTheStorm

    Well, i'm half white and 1/2 asian (filipino) and my skin color is white, but on my father's side of the family they are all dark skined. Lol to be honest sometimes when i visit with my dad's side of the family i feel like and albino. I agree with Omega that people are people, not skin color. When people are born into this world they don't choose their race or skin color or even how they will look like. I strongly believe love overcomes all with compassion, strength and true pure good beauty of love that brings people together for the better.

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  • Yamiaisha

    Im so sorry for you

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  • PissDrinkerRimmingGiver

    There's no way that you're not sure - you're too sure which is the problem. That is how you created such a stereotyping - dont hate white people. I'm white and I do NOT believe I'm superiour to black people - I believe we are EQUAL we are all human - no human being is superior to any in this world. I'm not racist either as that is a horrible way to be, is pointless, is wrong and is not good in any way it is totally wrong and immoral.. A lot of human beings do great things that are greater than what the rest of the world can do - that doesnt make them superior - it just makes them really good people but everybody is a good person - some people can just be perceived as bad because of their ill judgement/ill decisions i.e. criminals but their way of life will have been formed by their childhood/what they were taught - it wasn't their doing it was what was taught to them so they aren't bad people - they were taught things that weren't good and wouldn't do good things for them as were their ancestors with the first people to start it off not having bad intentions but thinking it was the only way of getting through life and surviving - they were like that to keep alive - not to be bad people because as I said nobody is a bad person - maybe misguided but that is the only way you could describe people who aren't completely moral. Nobody is perfect however.

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  • ssgad

    Skin color is not the only thing that separates races - every single cell and it's DNA does. It also determines the way you think. So if you act like a victim, that's probably because of your half-colored race. U should overcome this. That's the only way you could be free and powerful. I'm from Bulgaria. We are also white and until 1878 we've been enslaved by the Turkish empire for 500 years... So do u hate me? The only think u can do - is to !remember!
    and develop. Otherwise - you would be a assimilated.

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  • lisha590

    In the eyes of God we are all the same. Just focus on being a good person. It sucks how America is and you are completely right but dont hate all white people they are not all the same- just like u, u are a white person :)

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  • fandanshindin

    dont hate me man, im just trying to chill and have a good life

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  • oskilover18

    Every race of people has committed atrocious crimes: white, black, arab, central and south american. Every race. It doesn't make it OK, but none of us should be held accountable for the actions of our ancestors.

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  • enemaofstate

    white or black, we all came from the same people, we are all related, distantly, you hate whites? you hate your brothers.

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  • debored

    im getting married to a black women withen this year and i love her soo much so try to make whiye freinds were not all bad

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  • vanilla

    peace my friend... we are all brothers and sisters...lets leave behind the past...hate is not healthy

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  • Mitch3721

    Seriously your a neek, you cant stereotype an entire race. Thats like someone saying - I hate all black people because they are gang members, or I hate all Americans because they dropped an atom bomb on Japan. You cant pick and choose the worst portions of history or the worst stereotypes, and then form an opinion on a whole race of people. One person has done that before and his name was Adolf Hitler.

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  • babygurl

    than clearly you havent met any white people that prove to be good people

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    • out2getsum

      baby gurl,are you from tampa?.. anywayz America is full of racism and if you hate white people then i see where your comin' from, but i kno alot of 'em that don't hate and those are the one's i respect and like.

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    • blackteen4567

      most white girls may not like black men.you whites judge a lot.

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  • Overdose

    Well, I don't like you either.

    I am 50%% Italian, 50%% Spaniard. Born and raise in Puerto Rico, so I guess that's make me Puertorican, but I don't like Puertoricans. So I guess we are even

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  • elite6884

    ok, first any one who was mistreated or the mistreater is dead some may still be alive but they are not going to do anything to you and there will aways be racism between every culture on earth even if they wont admit it, second, if you think about it we are trying to pay you back for all the things weve done to people, think of all the indian owned casinos

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  • yeathatgirl

    I understand what you are saying completely. Some white people are disgusting human beings. Some of them are pompous pricks that strut around thinking they are better than you. And the worst is the hillbilly white trash. Most of them are so uneducated and uncultured all you can do is laugh. But placing all white people in that category isn't fair. All humans are cruel and hurtful to each other at some point. Please try to see people in a different light until they prove themselves unworthy. The love of my life is of African/Jamaican/Irish decent. I guess I should mention that i am a white female from Louisiana. I see more stupid then you've ever even heard of. And it's not just whites. Don't ever forget who you are. Embrace the things you cannot control and be classy when you see these people that you do hate. There's bogong worst you can do to someone then kill them with kindness. Eventually their eyes will be opened and they will see the truth. Just try to give whites a chance. You might find a friend or lover or soul mate. Cause I can tell you a relate better to my man then my white father.

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  • Justmyopinion

    Its normal to feel anger towards white people but you do have to remember they are good ones out there, look at Abraham Lincoln.

    I mixed and I do kinda dislike white people a bit I mean look around us they have caused quite a lot of suffering around the world and O and let me just clear something up right here yes black people did sale there own, this happened across the globe but the slave trade was a lot bigger than that and lasted for a very long time and even after slavery they was still a big mountain to climb with discrimination such as voting, drinking from specific fountain in parks, getting certain jobs , going to school and if is wasn’t for the likes of Rosa parks well I hate to think it but may be we would still be sitting at the back of the bus even now in 2010 it goes on with ethnic minority not getting certain jobs because of the colour of the skin is sad but true and mental drawbacks of what black skin represents because of the white man. I think a lot of white use this comment because they are a little embarrassed by the behaviour of what white people did, and naturally start to use other factors to compensate that it wasn’t all them but unfortunately it is and they must accept this and move on and take it as a learning experience and we all black white, asian and what ever wonderful combination and try and make the world a better place where the colour of your skin doesn’t play a role in how you are treated.

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  • ryanshek56

    i hate white people because they make fun of asians for bad driving but they are the ones causing the car crases most of the time and asians can't play soccer? rlly? they can do back flips and mix in martial arts with it while white people suck shit and they make fun of our eyes whats wrong with our eyes? we have a less chance of having our eyes poked out and white people are so unorgininal they copy things from other races like they try to make anime but they suck shit at it and they try drawing mangas but it looks like a blind man was drawing. hey call asians dumb but thier the ones who have blonds.

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  • whiteboy2462

    hey man, dont class us in the same category as you people

    white people are superior man ask a doctor

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    • sapphire_dreams

      A clear case of ignorance at it's best. Everyone...EVERYONE started out in Africa and just migrated into something different over millions and millions of years. You Sir, are only as superior as the Africans made you to be.

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    • stevenstevenson

      lol lol so true

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  • Funkadelik89

    Have you ever thought that maybe the reason white people think they're superior is not related to skin color? Maybe it's that fact that they have dominated so many other races/countries. Also, don't sell Africans short, they were the ones selling their own people to the white man. Isn't it a wonderful feeling knowing that everyone is a pussy nowadays and you will never have to worry about total annihilation?

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    • That_guy007

      Wow. Seriously? was it ANYONE here that enslaved anyone? NO. It wasn't US. So, get over it. I didn't personally take Native American land.

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      • That_guy007

        Oops. Didn't mean to reply to you, Funk.

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    • Dickydeeps

      I prefer dogs, they're moe loyal...good luck.

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  • codhubiv

    It is slightly more complicated than that. There are differences internally too. Testosterone level varies between race, which effects brain size, aggression and muscle development. The onset of puberty varies between races also.

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  • elements

    I for one dislike white people, to a certain extend. Most, not all seem to have a chip on their shoulders, about other non whites. They love to say that blacks were the ones who sold each other into slavery, that is like blaming a rape victim for walking by themselves at night. Why has every one been paid for injustices done to them, except the black race? I know one thing though times are changing, and like the saying goes what goes around comes around.

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  • wannarocktheworld

    the colour don't matter...

    its just that you're plain jealous of the white ppl's achievements and conquests.
    i mean i totally want them to eat shit for all the crimes they committed against so many countries and races...but the ones who did the crimes are long dead,and some are waiting to die.But look at the good white people. Try to see the qualities...
    Remembering bad things gives rise to bad things only
    reverse is true too

    otherwise i find white ppl totally amazing and open minded with clean sense of practicality.

    take example of ur mother...she married ur father - not white...now can u say whites hate other races? its perspective and individual mind man! don't term the whole white race as a piece of shit!

    heidi klum (german supermodel) married seal(black),
    barak obama's mother married african american guy and was completely in love with him
    and gave america a gr8 leader for today

    look within,u'll find its the mind and type of thinking that differentiates ppl,not their damned skin color homme!(french for man,doesn't mean homo)

    its a pity that still some people like u haven't gotten above such things yet in this world%%2

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  • freeeeak

    basically... you're an idiot. maybe white people dont like you either. i hope they dont. you dick.

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  • FlowerOfHope

    I so totally know how you feel. I have been through a phase when I thought exactly the same. I, however, am also white myself. I just hated my race. And indeed, white people have done horrible things in the past. I still think that way sometimes. It's quite normal to me.

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  • sanjay

    Yeah I'm white and i even hate what white people have done for the world except for the good things like pizza and the internet which btw u used to make this post...

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    • KaCaSmi

      Okay I am white, so since in the past people who have the same skin color as I, have used their intelligent minds, to get basically whatever we want, you will look at me and think horribly of me?

      Look around, do you know anyone of us white people are still putting people to slavery?

      I have many friends of a different color, but you know what pisses me off? How we can go into a part of a city and see a black person or a mexican painting up our walls. But that does not mean, that I hate my friends because someone of their color destroys the world?

      Yeah I'll admit, whites have done some pretty horrible things in the past, but you have to also admire them for it. What kind of strength does a person have to have, to take over another country? They worked together, they were obviously smart enough to make them rest of the world look like idiots.

      If you don't like white people, then get the hell out of our country. Cause I can promise you, no one has made a better place.

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  • theporcelainbaby

    WOW honey, you need to be more specific, I'm white but I'm Irish ,and it was only a few years ago that in England there were signs up in shops and stuff saying "No blacks, no dogs, no Irish". We were at the bottom of the list. We had our land stolen from us (I'm sure you've heard of the ongoing British rule of Northern Ireland), and Irish people were beaten and tortured and raped like barbarians, and forced not to speak our own language, or partake in our own customs or anything. So please don't group all white people the same, ok? What you hate is the British, and their descendents, who are the ones who raped American land, destroyed the ways of Native Americans, brought African people to America to use as slaves, started segregation, and basically did everything you talk about. And that I kinda get, cuz they did it to us too. So I kinda agree. But it's NOT all white people you're talking about, it's the W.A.S.P's. And it was a very long time ago. Although I will admit they are generally quite stuck up and talk a lot about how they won the war (which they didn't really, America did). But don't lump every white person in the same, cuz it's Britain you're mad at. The Irish, French, Italians, Polish etc,? We're not involved, don't blame us. We feel you're pain, we got that shit too. And we're STILL dealing with it.

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  • simpsons101

    yeah tbh id rather be black i hate being white

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  • Spikecooper

    Your just repressed its your slave roots talking.

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  • Anonysmous

    White people are alright. So are black people. We can be friends as a race as long as we all agree that asians suck. :P lol jk jk.

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  • Furionwarrior22

    I don't blame you I hate them to. The funny thing about it is that , I was never a person who hated anyone at all. Over this past year I've grown to hate specially hate white people guts for some reason..

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  • RandomRetardRoo

    I dont unferstand how you can say that all white people are racist when you are clearly discriminating yourself. Its not like Black or Asian people have never done anything wrong in history.

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  • geckopaws

    Well I would say you are racist for hating white people in general. Its not based on the color of their skin its based on majority. Majority of the world's population is white whether you like it or not. So I highly doubt its because if skin color. Pretty soon it will be the minorities ruling America if our population keeps rising like it does. Then we can't say skin color has anything to do with it at all. Take some college courses and learn about the world. Maybe it will change you're view.

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  • RockrChyk889

    You should go to Jamaica...everyone's fucking everyone else so much that you can't tell who's what race anymore! Let it go, racism is a bunch of bullshit!

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  • Azzzz

    Its totally normal to the racist race.

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  • wierdo_yes

    exactly, white people can eccept all of you so why won't you eccept us?

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  • chloe

    Just a small point - there's no such thing as race. We are all descended from one group of early humans in Africa. There is racism and a few people commenting here are mentally ill and will be a problem to everyone unless they can cure themselves.

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  • Dollface13

    I know whites have done alot of stuff but colored have done alot of things too. We practically created living ghetto and urban. Why do you think that some whites think so low of us becuase most of them in live in the sandy beaches of L.A while alot of the colored have to live across the street from a drive by and a beat up walgreens. If you think im wrong go to the south and west side of chicago and see if you see a single white. Then go to the bright and sunny suburbs and count how many colored people you see. Im not racsist but i do have eyes.

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  • First off,


    But I know your point, as a white person, I generally don't like my own kind. However, every race follows the stereotypes to an extent and my people are no different.

    Sure, white people tend to be more greedy than they should be and we don't have a common sence of unity like some of the other races. However, LOOKING AT THE DOMINATE PLACES IN THE WORLD FOR AN ECONOMICAL BASIS WITHIN THE LAST FIFTY YEARS. Only the European nations and the United States (Mostly White dominated areas) have been striving while others are not. Okay, now China is getting up there and Japan is doing great but this is more recent than the last fifty years.

    Look at Africa, they can't even hold a government together or build an economy. Mexico has people fleeing if they can to come to the United States but what pisses me off about that is that they don't even fucking TRY to adapt to our way of life and now we are stuck learning spanish because they are too lazy to speak English.

    However, my people should really stop trying to take over countries that don't have a snowballs chance in hell against us and fix our own economy.

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  • joshiiiwoshiii

    Good on ya mate theve done to much to us, fucking slavery, being singled out and the N word. Now whos scared of who now? White people are shit scared of blacks, white people recon they are superier to every other rase, thats rasist mother fuckers

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    • joben112

      you sound like a dumb british/hick (thats black????) plus i dont think, besides in the ignorant south, anybody besides black people use the n-word

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