I dont like religious people

Is it normal for me to be mad at people because they believe in a God or am I just being a butt. I seriously hate talking about religion or anything that has to deal with religion, once I hit a girl in the mouth because she kept ging on and on about God, and I am FAR from a violent person(That incident was extremly abnormal for me). I obviously dont believe in God and it irks me to death to hear that people say they do. Then on top of that they are usually the most "un-godly" like people out there. Rude, violent, steal, everything that thier "religion" goes against. Im not mad becasue theyre hipocrits, I just wish they didnt believe. Just look at what religion has done to the world today. I would NEVER say this to any of them because its thier faith not mine and I respect them but it just really makes me mad to know that about them. And I feel so stupid for feelng like this but I cant help it. It doesnt make me like them any less though. I dont know, Its just confusing and I would really appreciate a second opinion.

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Comments ( 64 )
  • bob98765

    my mum died when i was 5, if god exists, why would he do that to me

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    • ANONYMUS16

      God does things in his way (not using ur thing as an example )
      Lets say somone's cousin died, but god did it cause it cousins's son was going to destroy the world. U get my point and dont forget when they die they go to a place 1000000 times better than this were theres only good ppl no war peace<3
      I bealive in god and i bealive what he did rlly miracles exist i have had some miracles i had faith in god and i got them :) He also knows how to forgive and never forget, he loves us all but if they die that means that in the future they could be with pain and in heavean they can rest in peace :D

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  • mermaid

    ...the Bible and religion do not make any sense at all. All I believe in is MYSELF, because that's who was there and that's who did it all.
    Religious people are allowed their opinions, and you are allowed yours.
    They're allowed to hate things, you're allowed to hate things.

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  • Timmeh

    anyway the bible is probably a book of bedtime stories a guy wrote for his kid =]

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  • Ningelle

    Well, let's see...

    You're showing intolerance to the point of violence regarding other peoples' belief systems; I guess that's the American way?

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I absolutely LOATHE religious people.

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  • karmasAbich

    If there is a god. im not very happy with his godly powers.
    Certaintly arent using them to their full potential to help the world for the better. obviously, the religious goons are going to try to justify this higher power by coming up with some off the wall reasoning that wouldnt apply to the real world. It really makes me wonder.
    I believe in karma obviously, but does that really count? If you do something stupid, then of course there will be a stupid reaction that negatively affects you. Im sure it can be proven by an equation. thats just me, i dont view it as a god, i view it as science

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  • Elorria

    I doubt there is any god, but why do damn christians have to be SO confident that they are special. Its humans ego's! We all think we're special enough to have a "god" when we're just as special as a tiny insect. Ignorant humans.

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  • bob98765

    look, nobody really know where all this shit came from but i think id rather trust the guys in labcoats who arent demanding i get up early every sunday to overdress and apoligize for being human

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  • bob98765

    by the way, after my mum died i went to a catholic school. it was ok but i dont believe in god. also none of my family believe in god

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  • ThatKidOverTh3re

    i don't even really like religion. Organized religoin anyway. The Bible says nothing about religion, anyway.
    Heck, one of the first 'christians', John the baptist, was pretty much just a hippie. The only difference is he didnt go out and get stoned/shagged all the time

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  • nerdyeagle

    God is imaginary. Jesus was a man. Christianity describes a form of abuse.
    Some of us are evolving past the need for imaginary friends, talking snakes, and 2000 year old prophets. Maybe you are on your way to being an enlightened one. Just don't let negativity and judgment hold you back. Keep moving forward with a smile on your face and know that science has your back.

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  • tori

    There is a difference between being religious and spiritual. Religions divide people. Man made up religion. There are wars over it. As we all know. I am spiritual. I believe there is a God and this god doesn't want us to divide. I won't push my beliefs on you anymore.

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  • thetruesong

    Religions a bunch of shit, only the most stupid, sheep-like morons believe in a bunch of 1600 drivel, written by men to keep law, order and FEAR into the lives of people who (BACK THEN) didn't have a justice system or police. RELIGION. IS. FEAR.... FEAR. CONTROLS. THE. WEAK.

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  • Jessucka

    I'm the same way. I mean I don't care if people believe in god or whatever but when they start preaching to me and telling me I need to be saved is when I start to get pissed about it. Just let me be a non believer and I'll let you be a believer and go on with our day ;)

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  • 1inamillmiracle

    i feel the same way i hate when people say god a lot it drives me crazy and i hate any church

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  • ComboBreaker

    Whats wrong with pride?

    I am not extreamly angry, Just anoyed... now. You see there are no ghosts. No demons. There are explanations for everything, scientific explanations. You feel so much hate against that you canot even begin to understand. I have tryed to understand what your reasons for your religion are. You have told me nothing of value. You have only shown that your church has taken advantage of your misfortune and manipulated you into fearing a god that dose not exist. You also seem to be homophobic, that is one of the many things the bible teachs is it not? What other things do the bible teach us?

    God suports slavery (lev.25:44-6, exod. 21:2-8, eph.6:5, col.3:22)
    Who to kill:
    Homosexuals(lev.20:13, rom.1:26-32)
    Disobediant children(Deut.21:20-21, lev.20:9, exod.21:15)
    Women who are not virgins on their wedding night (deut.22:13-21)
    All none christians(Luke. 19:27)

    Shall I share more? I feel it's educational for some people.

    -Christ tells us we must HATE our entire family, and even our own life, if we want to be one of his desciples(luke.14:26)

    -Thoughs who abandone their families will be rewarded(matt.19:29

    The rapeist of an unwed woman must buy her and make her his wife (Deut.22:28-9)

    And befor you say that your religion or anything about old testement laws not applying
    -I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a
    dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of
    the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in
    the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called
    great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:18-19 RSV)

    You see my dear, see all the flaws? What I have typed is but a fraction of the inhumain laws the bible teachs us. The bible is a book written by a cult for men and their sick desires and closed off minds.

    My dear I am no one. I simply come to this site out of boredom. I have no higher status in atheism than yourself. I expected a challenge from you. You have faild to deliver and any who by your side in your religion would only think less of you because of your faild attempts to defend your cult. I am sorry for my rudeness. But let me just say. There is no higher status in atheism. The only reason we have atheism is to lable ourselfs apart from cult followers. If there was no religion there would only be humans. Free to progress and evolve in every way posible. You have called us stupid, block headed, dumb ass's, discusting, lying and thretend us with lonlieness unless we give ourselfs to god. I only want you to realise you are stronger, smarter and more powerful than any god. Can you not accept this?

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    • m4444

      i agree wid combobreaker...i like what u have explain in there...

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  • Aprillorraine

    you guys are sick and prideful people. why do you think there are so many gay ghosts? haha. yes, its because they too are prideful people. and you guys are equivalent to them. I dont care what you guys believe. God is real and he loves us all your stupid and sick to deny such a love. If i met you and i didnt like you. i can easily ask god to show me what he loves about you. And i can easily stop that feeling toward you. its too bad that you guys dont have that kind of peace in your life. Oh and by the way, science is trying to make it so that God isnt real. Scientist dont understand why there are ghosts. Scientist dont understand why there are ghosts. When many people can see the same ghosts at once. Scientists dont understand why people see demons why demons control peoples lives. You know why? because they too are athiests. They try so hard to make it so that there is no god. But obviously they cannot complete there project. Im excited for the day that you realise you were completely wrong. although that day, you will probably be extremely angry, like you are right now :-) Goood bye.

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    • m4444

      no it not like this..' god... in the sense there is a creater may be nature..... u asked urself ,can a man can build this earth ..no ofcrse its no... and when its comes to practical life v r only a dust in this universe. m not telling that don't believe in creature but don't elongate them,asif they r elastic bends.....

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    • ComboBreaker

      After thinking more on the ghost thing. It would make sense if they where memorys caught in dead light particls floating the earth. But the reason for seeing these memory pouchs would probly be a reaction to certain radiation. Its only a theory at the moment. I have no tests to increase its posability either. Something to think about though.

      (Sorry for the irelivance in subject, but she did ask.)

      Also, you said:"why do you think there are so many gay ghosts? haha. yes, its because they too are prideful people."

      First of all there is nothing wrong with pride. Second, do you think that all gay people are ghosts after they die? These ghosts... do you belive all are gay? To be a ghost or gay you must eventuly or previously be the other? Just wondering.

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    • ComboBreaker

      Can I also note your confidence in the Ghost matter. You honestly thought that would be enough? Demons are more commenly mistaken for psycologicle illnesses such as scitsophrenia. These people are unwell because of past traumatic experiances and chemicle imbalance. Ghosts? Are you serious? They are mearly a figment of the imagination or as you kindly pointed out something mistaken as a ghost. This is when people see the same thing. Please tell me that you dont belive in ghosts from thouse tv shows do you? You do understand they are put together for a good show.

      Even if ghosts where real. It would be a some sort of higly dense low mass material. Mass dose not simply disapear (reference to memory). If anything it would be the consiousness of a human or animal. These consious minds wouldnt live long though. Kind of like an outer body experiance or astro projection. Not that any of these can be proven. If someone feels it nesecry to research this further than im sure they would. I though am no scientist, of anything... yet.

      Atleast the scientists dont lie about why things happen. Nor do atheists, we descover the true ansers. Not make them up.

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  • Parkourist

    Give me one fuckin scientific fact that god is real!!!!! Let me guess you religious freaks on here,the earth is only a few thousands of years old n cave men along with dinosaurs never existed,their bones were put there in the fuckin ground by "GOD"!!!!!Every single one of you fuckin bible pushers need to realize that your doing more harm than good,faith is all n all a good thing to have,something to believe in but not to the fact of judging others n saying their going to he'll,cause a firepit sure fuckin seems sensible!!! War an hate is what you get out of pushing your "BIBLE"(a piss poor excuse as actual events)on other people,it was written hundreds of years after Jesus died,so how god damnned accurate could that be huh?I do believe their was an actual person named Jesus an did very good things to help others,an maybes was even killed on a cross,but I really think it is more of the idea an faith that the bible tells than the actual person living up in the sky.

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  • Aprillorraine

    let me tell you something. Im calling you dumb. and your saying im not stupid. :) i dont wanna hear any more of your B.S your a plain old BLOCK HEAD!

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  • Aprillorraine

    you can believe in yourself and you can believe in god. another thing you did not know.

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  • Aprillorraine

    ive already told him this. Ive told it to him tons of times. 80% of people in this world say they get bored, lose feelings for there spouse and go off with someone else. thats not love. you are just a DUMB ASS! . ans you know what? there are tons of girls who stay with guys that cheat on them. I bet you get a rise out of telling me i have a low self esteem. and in fact i dont have a low self esteem. you are just plain BLOCK HEADED. if you knew me you wouild see how much of a self esteem i have. I know who i am, and your trying to tell me otherwise? how dare you? you are a sad person. Its DISCUSTING! and i dont believe anything you say. How can i believe in someone who believes in LYING? or for that matter ATHEISTS? And yes YOU DO NEED GOD!!!!! See that person whose thingy is "imsodepressed" only reason there depressed is because they dont believe in God. And you know what? your going to be deperessed one day. i guarantee it. i dont care what you say. I KNOW there is a god. you THINK there isnt a god. you dont KNOW there isnt a god. you wont ever have a sense of security. My life makes complete sense. Yours does not make complete sense. theres no point on talking to block heads like you. The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.
    sorry to burst your bubble because for some reason you want to be a sinful person, but there really is a god. And it is actually VERY important to get to know him. Dont say i have a low selfesteem. You only hurd a tiny bit of my life and your saying i have a low self esteem? and all i have to say is your....dumb. and you cant prove me otherwise.... lol sorry.

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    • ComboBreaker

      Any fool could tell you thats not love. Know what? I get a raise out of telling people they are worth something. You say you have self esteam but what have you shown me to say this? The only reason you are religious is because you are scared to get hurt. My dear, that boy who broke your heart was a long time ago and it's what happens to most people. Most people get over it and carrie on. Why dont you?

      Lying? What lies have I spread? What way am I lying? Just because you hate atheists you continue to delude yourself of the lies of your church. What? needing god? The reason she is depressed my dear is not the absense of the easter bunny but because of her own personal problems she may be faceing or chemicle imbalance. There are many reasonable reasons for someone to be depressed other than denieing magic. Me? depressed one day? ha ha ha ha ha You think I dont know how depression feels? Depression as I see it is a way for one to open their mind. And I did. I am the god of my own future. I need no imaginary friend to tell me what to do.

      Think and know have been confused I dont think their isnt a god. I know their is no god. My life makes complete sense to me. Because I have asked quetions that linger in my mind. I have come to my own conclution of my own existance. I have a sense of security. My sense of security is knowing that I have put effort into my life, that I have tryed. Not wanting to get hurt nor takeing the risk is like saying you wish to never learn. Getting hurt teachs us more about the world, It teachs us more about each other.

      "The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." In the storys told to children befor bed time. There is no future for religion. Your ways are flawd and you only prove yourselfs false with more change.

      Tell me: When we find organic life on a differnt planet, moon or astroid. Will you still belive? I want to be sinful? In what way have I shown I want to be "sinful" other than wanting a mind of my own. Or is that a sin? I had taken into account that people would try to convince me that they belive in both themselfs and a god. But you see the idea simply contridicts itself. This is why I say you have no self confidence for you rely on a story book to tell you how to live. Thats not liveing dear, thats cruiseing threw life without a single spark of complex thinking.

      Cant proove you otherwise? Try me!

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    • Juche1

      You reactionary views hold humanity backwards.

      Capitalism is feeding you these lies that you call religion to keep you a salve of the system.

      "Religion is the opium of the masses" Karl Marx

      Juche and Marxist-Leninist thought are stronger then religion. As followers of them don't just preach some ancient book that has no relevance to today's world.

      They help each other with a progressive thought that unifies people and sends us to a greater future.

      Kim Il Sung made it clear with the Juche idea that humankind is the master of everything and decides everything.

      "...man is the master of everything means that he is the master of the world and of his own
      destiny; that man decides everything means that he plays the decisive role in transforming the
      world and in shaping his destiny." Kim Il Sung

      *Side note* when Kim Il Sung referred to man as the master of everything he was referring to mankind as a whole, wether that be man or women extra,*Side note*

      With a Marxist-Leninist political doctrine we must destroy the corrupt ways of capitalism and religion and introduce a Juche orientated government.


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      • ComboBreaker

        Im loveing the Juche idea more and more.

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    • imsodepressed

      And when you can PROVE that there is a god give me all the PROOF. You said "i was taught that there is a god" not i was shown there is a god and im pretty sure god wouldnt appreciate you calling people "DUMBASS BLOCKHEADS" . ANd how can you possibly guarentee thier life is going to be miserable. YOU CANT. you actually sound very immature.

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    • imsodepressed

      im not actually depressed,(duh) I just needed a name and I was reading a magazine article at the time. And its funny how youre getting mad at them when you did the exact same thing to me

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  • Aprillorraine

    and only I know? watch 100 huntley street. There are TONS of people who know this amazing thing.

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    • ComboBreaker

      Although you are now "with god" you think you cannot get your heart broken. Im so so sorry. But... Deceiveing a man into beliveing that you have feelings for him. Why? Just so you dont get hurt and feel safe. I hope he never finds this post or can ever link what you said to you. If I diddnt know any better I would say you where a psycopath. Do you feel no guilt? Obviously you feel something but you belive that acting on them will only bring harm. You wouldnt be with that cheater, know why? because your not stupid! Following your feelings dosnt meen sinning and dishonest relations (wich by the way you are in) It meens doing what you feel right. You have no self confidence do you. You depend on the false security of a god to keep you in cheak. But you have a little something called: self control, for that. Now you have to anser me this. You have no life because you dedicated it to god for a false sense of security. No mind because you have been blinded by the teachings of thoughs around you and the teachings have been reinforced by simple misfortune. A complete lack of emotion, especialy towards your boyfriend! Who you deceive every day for security! You have a complete lack of any self confidence and see yourself of no importance! Whats worse is that you see nothing wrong with what you posted. The only reason you do ANYTHING! is because "god, santa, giant sky daddy" tell's you too. What are you?

      I am out of order I know. But please asure me that there is atleast some ounce of human in you. Because right now all I see is a sheep. Asure me that there is a self reliant human in that body of yours. One that is capable of thinking and makeing decisions.

      Do you honestly belive that if you diddnt belive in a god that you would be a misrible person that sins and never dose a good deed?

      Today I was helping a woman, abused by her husband escape from the relationship with her children. I will be doing this again tomorrow and the days after untill she and her children are safe! I have never met her befor, It's not my job, I get nothing for doing this. I acted as soon as I found out about what was going on. Yet her church who knew what was going on let this happen for months and her husband is still welcome there. I have nothing makeing me help this woman than simply the fact she deserves better. Everyone deserves better. I honestly thought that the church would help. But they just stood by. I act not by the fear of a god, the currency of my country nor to help a friend. I do it because she is human. You can do good without fear of a god. Know it is posible.

      BTW Everyone's heard of the storys on 100huntley. None of them are even close to proveing the existance of a god. None of them are amazeing either. They just take advantage of bad situations and give credit to a god. None of thouse people needed a god! You dont need a god! No one needs a god! You can do anything and everything you want. Just by beliveing in yourself.

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  • Aprillorraine

    i cant stand those people that come to the door. Id rather go to heaven.
    Why do i believe...I like how you asked me that question.
    All of my life i was taught that there is a god. And i have always believed it. I was always open to learn about him. I wanted to be close to him. There were times where my friends would lead me else where. For an example when i was 14 i started kissing boys. although i still believed in God. I didnt understand god at the time. I only knew a sliver of what i know now. Then high school came around, and all i knew around me were kids....sinning. at the time, i was the only one who didnt do it. But that changed when i was 16. I met a guy, and he was 19. My parents could not stand him because he had tattoos.... and among other things. But the funny thing about that boy, is that he brought me closer to god. He cheated on me. It made me realize, that if i had chosen the guy that my parents wanted me to be with, the guy that God wanted me to be with. i would not be stuck there heart broken ALTHOUGH at the time I was actually crying tears of joy. Instead of an actual heart break. It made me so much closer to god. It comforted me. Because i realized that with God i could be safe. I would never get my heart broken ever again. Let me tell you something about myself. When i was 18 i met Adam he was ALMOST the opposite of my ex. He had better morals than most guys i ever met. Honestly i didnt have much feelings for him. But i knew, that he was smart. He wouldnt break my heart. He would keep me safe. You know what though? even though i dont have feelings for him, i still care about him and love him. If I were to ever betray him i would be betraying God. The only person who comforted me at my worst. Why would I do such a thing? What kind of person will i be if I would do that to anyone? I feel like i owe something to him. I dont care about who i am with, my feelings are nothing to me. I may not have much feelings for Adam, But to me feelings dont mean anything. If i followed my feelings I would still be with that jerk who cheated on me. and honestly, Im happy.

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    • ComboBreaker

      Thank you. I'll get right on it. (refering to the 100 huntley street.)

      Im so sorry your boyfriend cheated on you. But now you know that these things happen. It could not have been avoided and thinking that if you had done other wise is pointless. You experianced love. As they say: "It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all." It seems to me like you've lived a shelterd life. Also my predictions of your anser is very close to what you typed. I had no idea that the last straw was because of a boy though. Usely it's the death of someone or an addiction recovery. The boy was young and was experimenting. It's normal for people that age to do so, sorry he was dishonest with you. I might hate myself for saying this but... You say god wanted you to be with the other boy. Yet being with the boy that cheated on you made you belive in god more. Im starting to think you diddnt fully think your anser threw.

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  • You are fine and I am somewhat in the same boat. It is okay for them to feel this and that toward a diety, but leave me out of it. My fiance is Catholic but we both decided to leave me out.

    With the upcoming child coming, she wants to do all of that stuff with "it" and I am okay with that, I may even join her. However, for me it is just for show more than faith.

    However, those who want to bang on my door on Saturday to "convert me" can piss off and leave me alone. You can believe in whatever you want but let me be me and don't try to "convert" me of my ways.

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    • m4444

      yes...... that right

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  • imsodepressed

    you can say it but it doesnt mean a DARN thing.

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  • Aprillorraine

    may i also say that 60% of america is christian.

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    • ComboBreaker

      Point being? I still wait for more ansers and the "amazeing" thing that only you know. Please I am open to new ideas and opinions and would love to read it.

      Have you asked that quetion yet? Why do you belive? There is no wrong anser. Feel free to speak your mind.

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  • Aprillorraine

    combobreaker all i can say is that, i am not perfect. although i try. oh and actually there is a website that has proof there is a god. And the first step to getting close to god is to fear god. I have been at this point before. You can get past it though. You know, i know a guy that recently cheated on his wife with four other women. Now all of those women dont want to be with him and infact his mom does not want to even talk to him. Its what he deserves though. And he is not with peace with himself. And you dont even know me. How can you say i hate you? You know, me teaching you this is what love is. And you think i am wrong. Because your block headed. You have so much Pride. Like SO MUCH. you think your SO right. and you dont even bother to give what i am saying a chance. And it even makes complete sense. Your suffering pain is the only thing that will get you closer to god. I know this by experience. by the way this is the website and an EX- athiest in fact wrote it. http://www.everystudent.com/features/isthere.html

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  • imsodepressed

    okay studpid who did i say i was gonna kill

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  • You're being a butt. An intolerant butt. Live and let live.

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    • budshutup

      agreed. expecially anything you say about budthewise.

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  • Juche1

    As Great Helmsman Mao Zedong said "religion is poison".

    Religion is a system of control used in capitalist counties to keep there people ignorant.

    Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung said that "Man is the master of everything and decides everything."

    This is one of the principles of the Juche Idea that teaches both self reliance and independence.

    Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and Dear Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il have shown humanity the way to progress with the Juche Idea as the guiding force of progress.


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    • ComboBreaker

      I like the capitalist idea. Because that what it is, capitalisum on the mind.

      "Man is the master of everything and decides everything." Now days "man" would be changed to "human" to avoid sexisum. Obviously "man" refers to human but still, just to make it clear and inoffensive.

      Although it's north korean and I hate to admit it. It's so very true. I cant help but think kim jong il messed up somewhere though. I love the idea. It has many many flaws. I must read up on it. Cheers.

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  • Aprillorraine

    On my iPhone, and it messes up my words...

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    • ComboBreaker

      I find texting on a mobile tricky too. Especily the touch screen ones. (Irelivant, I know. Just makeing sure you understand I dont hold a grudge against you.)

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    • ComboBreaker

      What do you know? It is pointless to say that we are not at peace and tease us with information only you know. Why not enlighten us with the information.

      You shouldnt commit adultery because you would be breaking the trust you have with your partner. Once again, This shouldnt require the fear of a god. You should want to remain loyal to your partner or atleast break the relationship befor you sleep with someone else. Though accidents do happen.

      You say we will be shuned and that we will be alone. This couldnt be further from the truth. A persons belifes and principles are offen shared by others. There is actuly a higher percentage of atheists than there are theists. If anything this hate you speak of is partly increased by your own hate and resentment to us "none belivers". Did you do as I asked? It was in polite intention. Did you ask yourself why you belive? Truely ask yourself?

      Yes OP hit a girl and he recognises his mistake. Increaseing the guilt will not help. You are right, punching is not peace but neither is telling people that unless they worship your god entierly without quetion, they will be alone and unwanted. I honestly thought there was good in you. Please dont change my mind by letting emotion get the better of you.

      I was once religious. I was baptised and grew up learning from the bible. But the quetions I had even as a child could not be anserd. The ansers diddnt make sense. I left because I realised what the religion I was brought up in was for. Easy ansers. But who would want all the ansers? Peace of mind? The best thing about getting ansers is by working towards them. To descover them. I realised the truth though, I realy understood it all when my sunday teacher told me that all the other religions where wrong. They wouldnt even take the time to understand them. They just turned their heads and ignored them all. They were too scared to even consider another option. It's true that church can help suport thoughs in need. But the price for that suport is your life, litraly your life and your mind. Without either what are you? Y

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  • Aprillorraine

    You know, a lot of people are like you. Religion has done a lot to the world. I may not get to you on this. But I know many people that are Christians and do amazing things in their life it will bring you tears of joy. They don't do it to please themselves they do it for god. You might just skip this because I'm a god believer. But honestly, if you learned more about god, read the bible then read history it all makes sense. It's all put together. It will amaze you. You need to get over your pride. Run away from it. Your not at peace. The only peace you will ever find is through Lord Jesus. In the bible it says he loves you. Why wouldn't you want to believe in someone who loves you so much? Do you know what love is? Love is about protecting, caring, never leaving, never hurting.... Why would you deny such love?

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    • m4444

      all the believer comment the same.. it not about jesus it about our believe .. you can believe on anything that make u afraid when u r goin to do something wrong... really i hate all this follower of jesus n m damp sure jesus also didn't teach such a shit to forfather ...it is u who lied everyone n take diffrent path for your fuckin benefits

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    • ComboBreaker

      But dont you see? They do good deeds because they are scared. Not because they want too. I agree that religion has done some good but it isnt needed anymore. You dont have to be religious to do good deeds. You say the bible tells us that jesus loves us. But anyone could have wrote that. The bible is a nice story... some of it. It's definatly an interesting one. But it's there to put fear in to people so they obay the laws that are produced in the name of a god. So people dont ask quetions. I dont meen to be an ass right now but please dont blindly go by the words in a book that can be copyed and rewriten by anyone. Think about what you do in life. If you choose to stey religious then Im sure you will be happy.

      The only reason I reply is because you said: "They don't do it to please themselves they do it for god." You dont see anything wrong in that? They should be doing it for the people they help. For them selfs. They should be doing good deeds to make the world a better place for all life.

      "You need to get over your pride."
      Why? The pride sin is their to put people down. To force people not to think them selfs capable of anything beond what they are told. It's there to supress people from thinking they can be anything higher than the authority figure known as god.

      Aprilloirriane, Im so so sorry. Im sure you dont like any of what I am saying... Just try this. Ask yourself and any other just one simple quetion:

      Why do you belive in god?

      Dont be afraid to ask quetions. To know, we ask. For someone who asks a quetion is a fool for 5 minutes, someone to never ask remains a fool forever.

      Im pritty sure I know what reply you will get. So I'll post this.

      Pierre Charron once noted that we are baptised or circumcised a christian or a jew, long befor we are even aware we are human.

      Is it any wonder then that, through early indoctrination while the critical mind is still developing, we almost without exception go on to inherit the precise religion of our parents or surrounding culture?

      No, of course not - it's only natural.

      This now isnt just focused on you Aprilloirriane. This is something everyone should think about.

      Dont be afraid to quetion.

      OP: You shouldnt have hit her but you know that already. Just try harder next time. Normal, some peoples ignorance can be frustrating.

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    • Timmeh

      STOP advertising your own religion you prick, that is what seriousley pisses me off about religious people, they dont really give 2 shits about other religions and most are only religious for a 'good afterlife' so their only doing it for their own benefit. thats my opinion anyway.

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  • Thrawn

    <Im not mad becasue theyre hipocrits

    You fucking cunt, learn how to spell.

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    • m4444

      fuck u asshole...... mother fucker

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    • ComboBreaker

      Spelling has nothing to do with this, so long as we understand whats being shared.

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    • imsodepressed

      are you mad just because I mispelled it. If thats the case you SERIOUSLY need a life.

      Or are you mad becasue you believe in god and you know you are a HIPCORIT and the truth offends you. If you feel as though youre not a HIPocrit just read your post. douche

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  • Aprillorraine

    Your NOT at peace. You hate religious people and most likely among many other people. that's not peace! Punching someone in the face is NOT peace! Oh and btw I am not scared at all. I know where I will be when I die. Do you? No you do not know where your going to be when you die. That's not peace. I know where I will be when I die. Because I know there is a god. There is so much proof there is a god. Look it up on google. It sucks that you guys have to deny such love. God protects us. He tells us not to commit adultery.. Why? Because if you do all he'll will break lose, you don't know what's going to happen to you, will you end up all alone? Most likely. Will your mom not want to talk to you? Most likely. Will everyone shame on you. Most likely. Among other thing god teaches what to do what not to do. Gives us complete sense. But you guys are being too block headed to understand this!

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    • imsodepressed

      there is NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO proof god exists

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    • imsodepressed

      you are lying. you have absolutly no idea where you will be when you die.

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    • ComboBreaker

      When I die... When I die I have no idea what will happen. Im ok with this. What ever happens happens. There is no way to tell for sure, yet. But what I can tell is that I will live a life dedicated to the human race and it's progress. I will live a life of my own, independantly. I will seek and build my own ansers to the quetions I have in life aswell as collecting others. It is the conflict that help us build ansers, It is conflict that helps us understand things better and progress.

      Also, when you say so much proof of god. What should I type into google? Proof of god? I will find nothing, the same like every other time iI have tryed it. Nothing will suport god, Im sorry.

      What peace do you have? You feel it nessecery to inform us of a god with no proof and only your word ontop of flawd logic. The reason I keep posting to you my dear is because I pitty you. Im sorry but thats how I feel and Im sure you feel exactly the same way. We pitty each other. You pitty me for not beliveing in your god and I pitty you for not beliveing in yourself. Differnce? I can prove you are real. No mirror nesseccery, just look at your hands and once again ask yourself like I said early and am still waiting. Why do you belive in god?

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  • Aprillorraine

    Well it's sad to see you guys have the feeling of hate in yourself. You hate religious people. You guys have absolutley no peace. You punch a religious girl. When will you ever find peace inside yourself? I feel really bad for you guys that you don't have the peace that I do. And it's our job to get people to understand god. And yes it does make complete sense. If you knew what I did you would be amazed.

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    • imsodepressed

      then why dont you tell me what you know. at what is it with you and peace. i am very at peace with myself and for you to just randomly say that im not makes me feel bad for you because you obvioulsy arent very good at judgement

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  • imsodepressed

    Thats another problem I have with religious people, theyre always trying to convert you and tell you something about yourself thats not true because I am VERY "at peace" with no help from "god" and they always try to justify things with the bible(which does NOT make sense with history at all. They are 2 of the biggest contridictions ever. So you either havent read the bible or a history book.

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