I don't understand bullies

Is it normal I don't understand what drives or motivates bullies? I originally came here to discuss my issues and all I see are jerks and bullies here too. I get why people bully in real life, but on the internet against strangers, is just way too sad.

What do they get out of bullying people they will never meet or see?

Do they delude themselves, or do they go to bed feeling worse about themselves and get off on feeling like shit, or are they simply too stupid to know what they are doing?

They have low intelligence 6
They feel worse and enjoy it 7
They hate themselves and want others to hate them too 10
They are sociopaths that feel no empathy 10
They provide a service to the common good 5
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Comments ( 40 )
  • I used to say purposefully rude thing's hoping that someone would talk me. I did so because I felt so alone that even someone telling me I was an idiot made me feel better.

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    • Thanks for being honest.

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    • Emokate

      That's kind of sad. Don't you think you'd have better luck if you were nice to people?

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      • No, I tried that and no one would reply.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    When they're on the internet, they feel like they have some sort of anonymity, so they say whatever they want. It's pretty cowardly and I usually choose to ignore them since I know their assumptions aren't true and I'll never meet these people on real life.

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  • Aethylfritha

    Hmm i think theres more than one cause. Some like attention, some are just mean and some have emotional issues. Hopefully most people grow out of it!
    Im overly empathetic i am too nice and some people find that suspicious.

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  • Badboyblue

    You should have included an all of the above option. I was bullied in school because I wasn't great at sports, or at least the sports that mattered, I liked different music to that which was popular and still do, I was a bit overweight.

    Once I left school I had the pleasure of seeing those who had made my life a misery wrecking theirs, ah schadenfreude what would we do without it.

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    • I thought about it, but a sociopath wouldn't feel bad about themselves for being a bully and wouldn't do something for the common good, at least as a motivation.

      Sorry you were bullied, that must have been scary.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I like your comment.

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  • pendletonGibbs

    Being bullied on IIN means you stupidly gave out too much personal information that people can use to hurt you.

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  • dirtybirdy

    They just wanna wreck your china shop

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  • I think a mix of feeling worse and enjoying it, and being sociopaths.

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  • I tend to be more of an asshole to random strangers because I take my depression out on them so that people in my real life don't have to hear it.

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    • Why not just improve your shit life and leave others alone.

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      • Fmlsince1992

        I would say I agree, but I’m also guilty of such behavior. Mainly towards my family, but they’ve taken advantage of me financially and lied to me, so I don’t feel that bad. And boy can they stubborn!

        I think there is only so much misery a person can take before they can’t help passing it on or express it. I’m on the spectrum, and interacting with others is hard. I grow frustrated that others don’t understand me and vice-versa. Also, it’s hard having a condition where you can function OK in the “real world,” yet be completely lost socially at all times and, and then being dispised for it. I agree though, it’s not fair to take your frustrations out on others, which isn’t necessisy bullying. But try dealing with misophonia, migraines, insomnia, gait, and isolation, and see if you can help snapping. I don’t do it because I hate people, I really think that’s reason, yet constant physically and emotionally misery can play on your mental health.

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    • Also bullying can be a way to get a point across when you are unsure how else to.

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  • clownspiracy

    i think they just do it to get a reaction out of people because they find it entertaining. Kind of like when someone slips on a banana or something like that. it's pretty pathetic though

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  • Lolacola73

    Internet trolls are the worst kind of bullies/cowards. They feel superior than someone else because they're behind a computer screen and they have no fear because they think others don't know who they are. Bunch of pussies

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  • AntiArchon

    it's a symptom of mental issues.. they just have dysfunctional brains and cant help it:c

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  • koko91

    Unfortunately, some people act like dicks all the time without a reason, it's like.. they were made this way.

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  • EuphoniumLizz

    My bullies picked on me because I looked different. In highschool someone i thought was a friend came up to me and told me I'm going to hell because of my skin color.
    I think a lot of it comes from low self-esteem. The person who told me I was damned to hell was walking with a cane at the time.

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    • RoseIsabella

      What the fuck? What religion was that asshole. Your skin color has nothing to do with your salvation. That person was a big, ole, loose bunghole.

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      • EuphoniumLizz

        I'm not sure, but like I said he was walking around with a cane at the time and I imagine he felt crappy about that and was looking to make himself feel superior

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        • RoseIsabella

          I think you were more than understanding about that person.

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          • EuphoniumLizz

            Probably. I did get some revenge. I was known as a quiet kid. I lost my temper one day on math class. Long story short no one ever messed with me again.

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            • RoseIsabella

              People are surprised when I lose my temper.

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  • Fetiza000

    I was bullied for about 3 years for absolutely no reason at all. Then years later i realized that the bully was gonna be in my new swimming class... i quickly switched classes but now i no longer go there.

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  • SaltyAsTheSea

    None of the above. It's because we live in a generation of shallow, social media-obsessed idiots who want nothing more than to get invisible validation points. And being pointlessly edgy tends to give you these coolness points.

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  • fakeaccount3

    I would go with a form of "they are too stupid to realize what they are doing", most likely they were bullied too either in school or by their family or by other internet trolls, and so it's become normal to them. a lot of them also think it makes them sound hardcore and tough to be as rude and "edgy" as possible, because deepdown they are very insecure.

    It;s hard for many emotionally stunted people to care about what is essentially just text on their screen. Most likely due to being abused in their past they don't quite have the emotional maturity for that deep of empathy.

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    • You may have a point. I am emotionally stunted and whatever is on my screen never actually means anything to me. I do not care what anyone says, so I don't care what I say and feel if someone is effected by text on the screen that is their own fault for not toughening up and if they cant handle it someone needs to push their buttons more so they can learn to handle words on the internet, because it will never go away. Either quit being a snowflake or get offline.

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      • fakeaccount3

        It's not offensive though, it's just a waste of time when people feel a need to throw in a bunch of assumptions about the OP based on nothing other than their own shitty life experiences. What is the point of taking the time to fill every comment with some rude bullshit that has little or nothing to do with the question? It just seems like either they are desperate for attention, or super insecure.

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        • Who's talking about OP and making assumptions? I'm just giving my insight of why I may snap at people online at times. I don't really know what other peoples motives are. I suppose its different for everybody.

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          • fakeaccount3

            No one's talking about OP making assumptions, I'm talking about people who go on this site and post insults for no apparent reason, they will assume random shit about the OP out of bitterness, it's like why even bother to comment if they're basically just making strawman arguments to vent their own frustrations.

            I understand snapping at people who deserve it but by bullies im thinking this OP is talking about people who randomly insult everyone for no reason but I could be wrong

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            • Well typically a person who picks on everyone is just an ass, a bully usually targets a particular individual.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I don't think you've ever bullied or snapped at me. If you have it didn't bother me.

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      • So basically you enjoy waisting your time and other peoples?

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        • When I'm bored.

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          • CozmoWank

            I don't recall reading posts of yours where you bullied anyone. Did I miss something?

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            • I'm not really a bully but people often think I'm an asshole because I call people out and can be judgmental if I'm not in a good mood.

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