I don't matter at work but can't afford pay cut

I need leave my job because it's physically very strenuous. They will randomly increase my work load when they feel like it. I am never really allowed to leave when I am technically supposed to. I am constantly told I am less than everyone even though I worked here a year. I constantly am training new people and I finding it hard to hold my tongue. They hired a bunch of new people and the new people come in expecting a lot and I feel bad because I can't crush Thier spirits without revealing I hate my job. I physically been getting really sick and do not think I can physically do this job anymore but I don't make enough at my other job that's 35hours a week. I also can't complain without risking getting fired. What do I do?;

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Anonnet

    Sounds like my experience in retail. Do you work in a warehouse?

    Is there something stopping you from getting a new job? Fix up your resume, you should be able to move up somewhere.

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    • Everywhere is taking a Month to respond to applications. Most jobs post pandemic are only hiring part time. I have two jobs so I have to coordinate with my second job.

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  • kikilizzo

    Quit. Sucks to be unemployed but better than to wear yourself out so you won't be able to do anything eventually because you're burnt out.
    Some jobs are pretty much always hiring like fast food restaurants, it's a decent transitional job. Very stressful but in my past experience not physically tough at least and you work in a team so less responsibility on you alone if that is stressful.

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    • I work at a restaurant. Also I don't think you ever actually worked at a restaurant if you think it's chill. It's chill if you work as waiter.

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