I don't know why i feel like i'm being watched in my room.

Is this normal to feel like you're.. heavy in a certain room? Almost like you're in a tight bubble of water. I always feel this way whenever I enter my room unless somebody else is there. But even if I have my pets in there, or somebody I know well, I always feel like I'm In that tight bubble of water or like somebody's watching me.

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52% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • snails

    Yeah, I understand the feeling.
    If it gets worse, it might be bad paranoia or bad anxiety. See a therapist if it keeps getting worse. Best of luck <3

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    • Nikki_Wolf

      Thank you :)

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  • You ARE being watched. The government has spy-cams everywhere! In your phone, television, anything electronic!

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  • IamaPleb

    Yeh i get it sometimes too :p

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