I cant stop picking my skin

Heyy, i am pretty sure i have dermatillomania/ skin picking for all my teenage years. Now i am 19 but i cant say when it started because i didnt realize i was harming myself. Since about a year ago i learned about the topic and i am really trying to stop picking. But i just cant? i end in front of our bathroom mirror standing there for hours and picking at my face and my shoulders until my skin is red and itchy and i realise what i have done and take a step back. If anyone has experienced the same, how can i make it stop?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Curiouskitten444

    I have dermatilomania too abd i found watching pimple poping videos helpful.

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  • Somenormie

    I have the same issue but with dead skin.

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    Have you told your doctor about this?

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    • No, and I don't think I can or will. I feel ashamed to tell someone this to their face. It is only me causing this and I am afraid to be told to just stop. Because I know that is what I am already trying to do.

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      • DADNSCAL

        I think you must, because frankly it might indicate an underlying problem. Can you get your mother to go with you for support?

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        • I will be thinking about it in general, but no I won't take my mother or any other person with me. I'm not great with my mom and don't easily share personal stuff with people I know and care about.

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  • litelander8

    Absolutely. I pick things that don’t even exist. Most everyone in my family are pickers. I think that’s why I am.

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    • Yeah, same here. I noticed that my mom and brother are picking their skin aswell, but both have not realised yet how often they actually do it and that they should try to stop.

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