I cant stay awake

The past few days I have been unable keep myself awake, no matter how much i sleep.
I slept for about 6 hours last night and I decided to take a nap and ended up drifting in and out if sleep for four hours and felt more tired when I woke up than before. I thought i would be fine when i get up and move around but when I was driving home earlier I suddenly felt like i was going to pass out and as soon as i git home i fell asleep on the couch and I still feel drowzy.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • ljzing

    I totally get what you mean. I have been yawning and falling asleep every day. Maybe go to bed earlier so that you get a good sleep schedule. Do something that has a little enjoyment, like visiting family or going to the beach. If you get excited about those things, maybe you’ll feel less tired. :)

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  • normal-rebellious

    Not normal, you need real coffee to keep you awake, and to stop taking prescription drugs if you do. What you want is to be wide awake, since people nowadays wanna be jobless, I swear you live with your mum, stop getting a pension and get a job, you bum! That's my advice so be humble and take it.

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