I can go into sleep paralysis by my own

when i try to sleep i can just be in my bed and accidentally imagine something scary then suddenly i go into sleep paralysis and i dont even do it on purpose i could just be lying in bed TRYING to sleep and something scary pops up in my head boom suddenly i cant move and theres a fucking nightmare creature in my room staring directly at me like fucking slenderman and it doesnt matter what side im sleeping on it instantly ''activates'' the second i think of anything remotely considered scary

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Comments ( 11 )
  • boomshakalaka

    what did i say that made you think i thought it was ''cool''
    i couldnt move and the worst thing i could imagine could be infront of me, worst thing ive experienced in life yet

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  • boomshakalaka

    thank you for this, i didnt say it was cool, why would i?after it happened to me for the first i didnt sleep for 2 days out of paranoia that it would happen again but i want to know what were the hallcuniations and auditory hallucionations? what would be the actual reason for not being able to move and experiencing auditory and visual halucinations while trying to sleep? the last time this happened was maybe 6 months ago so i dont remember if i had control of my eyelids or it just lasted shortly so i didnt have to close them so it couldve just been sleep paralysis, i will try again to get it and i will explain as much as i can in detail to you what happenend and what it felt like

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  • boomshakalaka

    i couldnt move, its sleep paralysis and its instantly the moment i think of something ''scary'' i can still move my eyes and close them, i try to move everytime but i cant and it feels so weird, ive had this thing since i was a kid and i hate how it still works in a room with the lights on where i can actually see the ''creatures''

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  • Hubbard

    That’s not a power I would want to have

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  • Chudders

    Cool, now tell us about the weird shit you see, do it every night and tell us.

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    • boomshakalaka

      a creature slowly heading towards me like a sillhoute then it gets infront of me while i hear loud noises not like yelling or screaming its just loud or sometimes they go head on into my face screaming and i cant do anything about it

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      • boomshakalaka

        every time its something different one that i remember the most is 3 bloody dogs heading towards me then feeling them biting my face which was the scariest one that i had

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        • boomshakalaka

          i dont want to do it cuz it can either be the worst experience of my life or the second worst experience of my life everytime i begin to even think about something scary i instantly get up to make sure it doesnt happen but once even this was too late and i realized i couldnt move and ihad to lay there while i can see it heading towards me and hallucinating that its pulling me while im not actually moving at all with the loudest noise ive ever heard in my life

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          • Chudders

            Wow that is pretty weird.

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  • kikilizzo

    The first time I had sleep paralysis I triggered it myself on purpose out of curiousty. I've read that lying entirely still triggers it, because you trick your brain that you are sleeping, I dont know how to prevent that... Dont lay entirely still I guess lol.

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  • ospry

    Weird flex

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