I believe i am a prophet

I believe I am a prophet, and if everyone listened to my ideas, the world would be a better place. I am in touch with the divine, and I can see the future. My visions could also advance humankind in terms of technology, and one of my visions even showed me how to build a vehicle that's capable of interstellar travel. I've begun building this vehicle in my room, and all that is needed is magnets, tinfoil, and wooden box.

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Comments ( 27 )
  • Idkimonlygonnausethisonetime

    Probably schizophrenia dude go see a psychologist

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  • paramore93

    Have you ever been to an observatory? You will learn a lot more about space from the safety of your own planet than you would dying alone in a box of magnets.

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  • megadriver

    Have you been eating weed and smoking shrooms?

    How will a wooden spacecraft, covered in tinfoil fly any faster than a duck on a moderately lazy day? What about propulsion? What about radiation shielding?
    But hey, if you manage to create a flying machine out of garbage at your parents place, fly over to Germany.

    As IIN's official vehicle nutjob and mega driver, I will test pilot your spacecraft. Should be a funny experience XD

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    • All of this will be possible due to electrogravitic levitation. The ions created by the magnets will connect with the ions and quarks in my brain, and this will give me the ability to use my own thoughts to protect me from the vacuum of space and be able to completely defeat gravity and all principles of classical physics by using the power of quantum mechanics to fly my spacecraft. However, no one else will be able to fly it but me as the magnets will be specially aligned so that the electromagnetic field will interact perfectly with the arrangement of quarks in my brain in order to create a wormhole that will be used to travel through space.

      I will not be affected by the vacuum of space as I will be in another dimension in transit where the laws of classical physics do not apply. Not only have I had visions from a higher power that showed me how to do this, but my theories are backed by scientific research!

      Then, I will reappear in this dimension when I have arrived at my destination(s) and it is safe to do so. I'm going to land on nibiru, take a few photographs, and then I will create another wormhole and return back to Earth, reappearing someplace where millions of people will see me. And everyone will see the wonders of the technology that I have created! I'm going to be famous and known for millennia in the history books!

      I'll tell you exactly how you can build your own if you are interested. You need to take a wooden box that is large enough that you can crawl inside. I personally used a large apple crate. Then, you need to wrap the entire box in tinfoil and place large magnets on top of the box.

      While I am inside of the box, I hold an orgone crystal wrapped with copper wire. When my device is completed, I will simply have to find the right combination of chants that will ensure that my thoughts activate the electrogravitic propulsion mechanism and allow me to fly through space! I have yet to find the right combination, but I expect to take off for the first time within the next week or so.

      I am experimenting with a variety of chants. But the latest one that I believe may hold some promise is "Adoro banatwa". I feel a certain energy when I say this inside of the box that I have not noticed with other chants. I believe that if I say it while meditating or in the right state of mind, I will take off. Still, I'm going to continue to do more research to figure out what chant and mental exercises will be necessary to create the proper alignment of quarks in my brain to allow the craft to generate electrogravitic lift and create a wormhole that will allow me to travel to nibiru! The spirits are confident that my plan will work!

      When I travel to nibiru, I am going to see a race of aliens that are secretly controlling activity on Earth. It is going to be earth shattering, and I plan to talk to these entities directly. Also, these beings abducted me, and I even had sexual intercourse with a reptilian woman on the planet nibiru when they abducted me. She is beautiful even though she has green and scaly skin like a lizard, and I swear to God her bush literally glows in the dark. Never saw anything like it in my life. I actually have several hybrid children with her.

      The inhabitants of nibiru will be pleased with the construction of my craft, and it is going to be a truly beautiful day for humanity! I am able to communicate with the entities on nibiru telepathically all the time, but when I will be the first human to visit Nibiru using a homemade spacecraft.

      I'm going to be recognized as one of the greatest scientists in the course of human history! I believe that I possess a supernatural level of intelligence, and this is what has allowed me to discover such incredible things about our universe!

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      • megadriver

        Ok, suppose I decide to make my own interstellar spacecraft/ teleporter using your design...
        How do I know how many quarks I have in my brain, so I can align the magnets? A totally different question is how I align magnets with quarks... And now more importantly, how would I go anywhere without a navigation computer... I get how an Alcubierre drive would work, you point the ship at where you want to go, have mission control do the math for you and tell you where you actually need to point the ship and you let the computer sort out the rest. But without an accurate map, or mission control guidance, I doubt I'll get anywhere.

        Anyway, I doubt I will be able to count the quarks in my brain, or be able to breathe on whatever planet I crash land on, cause I have no navigational computer, or life support. So we can try this... You go do your experiment. If it works. I will become your manager. I will take care of all the PR stuff, all of the interviews, shows, gigs, schedules, transport, bookings etc. We will bring the interstellar revolution to the small and big screen all over the world!

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  • brutus

    Antipsychotic time.

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  • TheMightyOz

    It was revealed to me by a divine source that you need to be on medications.

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  • leggs91200

    I have an unusual ability also. I am able to make the dogs next door go ape shit just by banging on the fence.

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  • chuy

    You been smoking 🍄🍄, unless you tell me who where and how donald trump gets taken out I'll believe you.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    Your wrong I'm a prophet and my Gods says that your not.

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  • What religion does your god identify with

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    say hi to the vhatc-c2 or whatever the hell they were

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  • Yo, my step dad thinks the same thing.
    Convinced he’s on a higher power, smarter than everyone else and is destined to be a billionaire.

    He’s drowning in debt, recovering from substance abuse and quite the narcissist.

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  • bi polar

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    • RoseIsabella

      Nope, schizophrenic.

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      • magnets, tinfoil, and wooden box.. bipolar. He doesn't have auditory or visual hallucinations. just manic talk.. bi polar

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        • Nikclaire

          Not bipolar, Delusional af and yeah, more common with schizophrenia.

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          • I'm not delusional! It's the rest of the world that's delusional and stuck in the matrix! Only a few people like myself are able to see past it and receive visions from the other side!

            And I am confident that the spacecraft that I'm building in my bedroom will in fact work when it is completed, and I'll be able to fly into the cosmos. I believe that I have rediscovered one of the technologies that was originally developed by Nikola Tesla, but the government covered it up in order to hide the existence of extraterrestrials from the public.

            However, I plan to fly off into the cosmos in a wooden box that is fitted with anti gravity technology that will be capable of creating a wormhole to allow me to travel to another dimension and then arrive at Alpha Centauri. Then, my spaceship will magically rematerialize somewhere that millions of people will see it! And it will prove to the world that this technology is possible and anyone can go to the stars by creating a wormhole!

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            • ijustwannaknowifimodd

              I love this website

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            • Ellenna

              Have fun trying to make your delusions come true. I'm just hoping you don't have any followers, there are already far too many crazy cults in existence

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