I am stressed but i don't know if i should take medication

Context: I've been going to a psychotherapist for over five years now, and she recommended I see a psychiatrist for an official diagnosis. When I saw one, she said I might have mild depression and generalized anxiety disorder. I have the paperwork to take medication but haven't because...I don't know. My mom is putting a lot of doubt into my mind about it.

It's been a month since then and I'm trying to undo these feelings I have by going out and doing things. I joined a summer college class with a subject I really love, and my classmates are fun to hang out with. For a while I was feeling really good, but these depressed feelings are still here.
I can't stop thinking about having to write essays for college, how I haven't made a list yet, how I am totally undecided for a major, how I don't want to go back to high school in September, all the different responsibilities I have, how I'm wasting so much time doing this than working, etc. These thoughts are always in the back of my mind.
It makes it difficult to work on anything too. I've been trying to start a web comic since the beginning of summer but, either because it wasn't good enough or a lack of motivation, I don't have anything ready yet. I barely post any art online either, but I promised myself I would.

Sometimes I get so angry with myself because I can't make up my mind about what to do, especially with my future. I have to decide on a career now because if I don't put all my effort into a particular job there is no chance they will hire me. I can't even choose a college either (my scores are too low for a generic good school.)
Everything is just so draining. My mom, my siblings, my future, my high school, just EVERYTHING.
I don't want to worry about anything anymore, it is so exhausting.

Could I still fix this without medication?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • LFhelp0011

    if you don't mind me asking, why do you feel depressed? Where does it come from? Pressure of success? Impressing others? Being the best you can be? I feel like suffering in life can be a good thing, hearing your taking summer classes while still in high school is great! Im in college right now as a 28 year old, starting up a new major and so many kids from high school attend one of my classes for this program and most of them don't seem to care, as if someone told them that they had to take this class. If your taking a class in college because of your depression, maybe its a part of your mind getting you "motivated" to do something you really want to do and your conscious mind isn't reading the message clearly or even trapped in some cycle so that when you do sense something, it funnels towards those types of thoughts. I use to be this way, and not saying that this is whats happening to you, but I ended up getting prayer beads to wear and I used them as my "good thoughts beads". I would out loud if I was by myself, in a way that sounds confident not just saying them to say them, or I would say these thoughts to myself if people were around and I started to feel ill about myself. If you look into this, be careful not to use words like; do not, will not, try, because the mind only works with action, not implies no action which doesn't make sense, make sure to use words like release. I took notice that just wearing the bracelet stimulated something in me that allowed me to feel those thoughts the moment I wore the bracelet, it also helped that they were made of sandalwood and smelled kind of nice, stimulating other senses to instill "proper" thought. there are tons of tricks people practice to help with "proper" thinking and everyone's responsibility to find what works best for them. I hope something I've said helps you because I don't like seeing anyone suffering. I don't know if it will help, but I bought a book called the science of mind by Ernest Holmes and it helped me open my mind to the possibility of thought. Take care and I know you will do something great, even if you decide to take medication to see the amazing potential you have always been expressing. Remember that we ourselves are usually our worst critic. :P

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  • nobodynose

    you've been diagnosed with a mental disorder, take your medication. there is an actual doctor telling you how to make it better, listen to them. doing fun things and enjoying life is a great step, but wont fix a chemical imbalance

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    • But I heard that some people cure it without medication?

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