I am proud of my nation

I am so proud to be a Bulgarian. Most of us Bulgarians hate gay people, think that homosexuality is perverted and disgusting and don't tolerate it. Most Bulgarinas dissaprove the legalization of gay marriages, marijuana and prostitution. Most of us also don't shower excessively. Half of the population showers only once a week. I shower twice a week. We didn't believe what was said to us during the Covid 19 pandemic and did not comply with the measures and wore our masks under the nose and under the chin chin all the time and did not keep distance. We are such great people.God bless us all.

Edit: We also didn'tbelieve in the covid vaccines andonly 20% of us desired to be vaccinated.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Mini69

    So now you have confirmed what the majority of the world population already thought: The Bulgarians are a dirty, disgusting, uncivilised and backward thinking nation.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Well, ya'll grow some damn good roses! 🌹😊

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  • dude_Jones

    This is a false flag post.

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  • KholatKhult

    Who the hell has beef with Bulgarians
    What a weird group of people to be angry at

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    • Meatballsandwich

      I dunno. Those balkan countries seem to really hate each other.

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      • KholatKhult

        *sweating* I have an idea on how to unite them

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  • Somenormie

    It's only a matter of time when megadriver responds to this.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      i feel like someone wrote this to troll him

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  • Meatballsandwich


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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I just feel like today we want to reinvent the wheel so to speak when it comes to societal norms. Values are being changed because we think they're old fashioned and stupid but as I get older I start to wonder if some things were the way they were for thousands of years because we figured out thousands of years ago it was the best way to have a society. I believe in progression like abolishing slavery and perhaps legalizing weed, but idk that everything needs to be changed because its old fashioned. Every action has a reaction and you have to be careful that your liberal social experiments wont backfire on us. Ive also noticed the more educated the person the less common sense they show because they dont need it to survive. Some ideas are so stupid only intellectuals believe them.

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    • Yaidin

      People are either street-smart or book-smart. Now we got a bunch of educated intellectual marketeers with no common sense

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Some of the wisest people I have ever talked to I swear is elderly southern black people that grew up in a rural area. Theyre never angry and they have so much common sense. You'd be fooled by their accents into thinking they're stupid but theyre actually right about almost everything. They been through so much they understand how the world works and more importantly how people work. They didnt spend half their adult life in schools. They were working in the real world at the age of children. They had to fix their own cars and understand how the way things ACTUALLY work. They didnt learn by reading they learned by doing. They always have the simplest way of dealing with issues but its usually the best way. They have a better understanding of issues than you think.

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