I am 60, take deep breath in and expel all out until a wheezing at the end

I quit cigarettes over 20 years ago. Why am I wheezing? The wheezing when I blow out all my air to the end)).. and in with fresh new air, and out, and the wheezing when all air is out *wheeze** ? this isn't noticeable all the time.

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Comments ( 6 )

    Tell your doc. It could be 1 of many respiratory illnesses. I have chronic bronchitis and wheeze when I don't take my inhaler.

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    • capman

      Yes (that's what the doc said.)

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      • DADNSCAL

        Well the good news is that today there are inhalers and many medications for it. Years ago people suffered and even died from it.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Are you on a lot of medications? Some medications can cause flu-like symptoms.

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  • tdtnc2001

    My dad is 52 and was a smoker from high school until I was born. He hasn’t touched a cigarette for 21 years but still has a lot of breathing problems. I would assume he has lung damage and there is probably still tar in there too.

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    • capman

      after 10 years your lungs are supposed to be renewed as a nonsmoker.

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