I’ve always wanted to stuff a human

I’ve always wanted to have a human taxidermied. The thought of it is just so fascinating. Taxidermy is really interesting to me so is it legal to do this to someone also is it normal?

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25% Normal
Based on 16 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i stuffed your mom last week

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    • Valve_King_420

      I wish I could like this over and over......like I did his Mom...

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  • Grunewald

    Isn't embalming the next best thing?

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  • LloydAsher

    In the USA Legally it would be disgracing a human corpse... no taxidermist wants to be red flagged with that kind of super taboo crime. But if you were in international waters and or a country that doesnt have specific laws on the matter.

    At that point the hardest part would be finding a taxidermist to do the job. Which will be hard since people who do pet taxidermy is rare enough not to mention a human body that they would have to figure out how to stuff a human body. Human skin is surprisingly enough not very good for being used as a display. We got paper thin skin, so it drys out fast plus will crack so you would need someone who knows how to delicately tamper with the human body before the taxidermy process.

    At which point I think you would need a mortician to assist with that job. Finding a mortician that fucked up won't be as hard as finding a taxidermist.

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  • Rocketrain

    It's illegal I think. Pretty sure it's illegal

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  • Hide

    I believe that it's normal in the realm of morbid curiosity. Personally I really don't care about disgracing a human body after it's perished, as per my belief that your body holds no value after you die (you won't feel or perceive anything that happens to it).
    I have no idea where it is and isn't legal.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Reminds me of hearing the people that created bum fights got in major trouble for doing something like that. They got caught at an airport in some weird country smuggling out dead fetuses lol. They told prosecutors they were mailing them to friends as a joke. No telling what they were really doing with them. I assume they were selling them to hillary or something weird

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  • olderdude-xx

    I don't believe that most western countries would allow that anymore. You might find some country in the world which would allow that.

    It was not uncommon up to several hundred years ago to bind valuable books with human leather; although these are no longer on display in the libraries that have them (they will be in their restricted access library). They also occasionally come up for sale from private parties as well.

    Human skin makes a leather similar to pig leather. Butchering of humans to make leather was practiced in many different parts of the world.

    What else they use human body parts for... I'm not sure. But, when I grew up every Dr office and every high-school biology department had a real human skeleton. Plastic versions did not yet exist.

    There are still places today with those human skeletons.

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  • Vvaas

    sounds cool. you'd probably have to gain someone's written consent for when they pass away they want their body taxidermied, however there might still be laws against it depending on where you live. could always try to find a loophole. you could use religion as an excuse as most shit flies with that and no one can say anything because it's "discrimination", I know you can keep your own body parts after surgery too if you say it's because you're apart of a certain religion

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  • RoseIsabella

    Nope, that's really gruesome, and it sounds like Psycho must be your favorite movie. People like Ed Gein are evil sociopaths who burn in Hell when they die. What you have described is not normal in the least.

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    • Irizu3748392746483938

      Hell isn't real.

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      • Rainnuts

        Remember that as you burn lol

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        • Irizu3748392746483938

          Damn, you that made that I called you out that you're coming on posts, i've commented on? You look a fool. And like I said, hell ain't real. Anyways even if it were to be real, your ass would be burning because god surely isn't gonna let some motherfucker that has a shit fetish come into heaven. Lmao!🤣🤣

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