How would you rate your intelligence?

I made a silly scale of what “levels” of intelligence there are. Where would you put yourself? And where would you like to be?

1 - Forrest Gump types, very simple or uninterested in deeper thinking
2 - You ever interact with someone and just go “Holy shit, they’re dumb”? Them.
3 - The Bimbos and Himbos, not a danger to themselves, but you wouldn’t want them to lead the group project
4 through 6 - Average types, might get the “You’re a little slow huh?” to the “Oh that was clever!”
7 - Quick people, their intelligence gets complimented and noticed but they aren’t overwhelmingly impressive
8 - You ever interact someone and just go “Holy shit, they’re smart”? Them.
9 - Genius types, very intelligent or super-human

Your rankings are stupid - Eat my ass

1 - Forrest Gump 1
2 - Obviously Dumb 1
3 - Simpler/Slow 1
4 - Below Average 2
5 - Average 10
6 - Above Average 10
7 - Clever/Quick 15
8 - Obviously Smart 5
9 - Genius 5
Your rankings are stupid 7
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Comments ( 37 )
  • Boojum

    Here's a paradox:

    Intelligent people understand that there's a vast amount of stuff they don't know, that they will always get things wrong and screw up, that they can never be truly objective about themselves and that no test will ever be able to accurately measure and rank all the dimensions of human intelligence.

    Stupid people often demonstrate the Dunning–Kruger effect, and drastically overestimate their ability and level of knowledge. Since their level of self-awareness is low, they lack the ability to objectively evaluate their competence or incompetence, and since it's human nature to want to think positively about ourselves, they believe they're much smarter and far more knowledgeable than they are.

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    • NoLifer

      No, you are talking about mindset. Intelligent people know there is more to know but some of perfectionist and some are arrogant. Stupid people overestimate because they are too dumb to practice self awareness.

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  • MaxineFinnFoxen

    Most people are smart in their own ways, no iq test can measure that

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  • Tommythecaty

    My iq is 118, in the “bright normal“ range. I guess that’s around a 7 on your own incredibly flawed scale.

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    • RoseIsabella

      That's above average.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Yeah but still normal range isabell

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        • RoseIsabella

          Yes, I'm neither a genius, nor an idiot.

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          • Tommythecaty

            Si isabell

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    • Bazinga

      Dr Tommy. You're not blending into the woodwork as well as you think you are.

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      • Tommythecaty

        You know full well my character doesn’t do that.

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        • Bazinga

          Cats be catting.

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          • Tommythecaty

            That’s right

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  • controversy

    Im stoopid

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    • Meowypowers

      Slightly? ❤💚💛

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  • KholatKhult

    I struggled really bad in school, failed out of my English language class and reading classes a couple times. I had dyslexia and my parents decided school just “wasn’t your thing” so I would stop going to school for weeks at a time to go on trips with my dad. Eventually I just dropped out completely.

    But I think my work ethic and endurance is borderline obsessive lol. So things that take me 3x more effort to learn I just crunch in so I’m not 3x behind. I think I’m pretty emotionally intelligent though, hard headed in my beliefs.

    I’m “knowledgeable” in a few fields because I write journals and do memory exercises on things I care about, like native plants or animal behavior and languages. But, I’d never call myself smart. I’m a slow learner and struggle to problem solve or adjust to new situations and environments.

    Uh. 4.

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    • Bazinga

      Kholat, good comrade. is just for people like you. It will not improve reasoning ability or cognitive function, but it is a good way wake up your frontal lobes. You can get 3 free problems each day. Brain fitness is within your reach.

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    • Boojum

      Since you're not an American, you might not have ever heard the Thomas Edison adage: "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration."

      Intellectual brilliance is overrated. There are lots of highly intelligent people who have miserable lives and never achieve much. There are also people who will never score well on an IQ test but accomplish a lot because of their interest in learning new things, their ability to focus on a goal and their dogged determination to achieve it.

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  • raisinbran

    I'm super smart because I scored a 370 on one of those online IQ tests.

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    • bigbudchonga

      Dude, take a Mensa test if you really want to know what your IQ is.

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      • raisinbran

        Nah, this one promised me a chance to win 10 grand and all I had to do was submit all my personal info.

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        • bigbudchonga

          Was a good idea, dude. I hope you didn't forget to leave your credit card details (that's how they refund it.) Ngl, though, 370 is kind of low; might want to do it again to be sure.

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    • MaxineFinnFoxen

      Those tests are a sham. IQ tests aren't recognised as evidence of high intelligence. The iq numbering varies from country and states.

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      • bigbudchonga

        IQ is the best measure of intelligence we have with over a 100 years of enlightened research into the field.

        IQ correlates with wealth, SAT scores, what kind of job you'll get, country GDP per capita, it inversely correlates with your chance of going to prison. Hell, the US army won't even take you if you have an IQ of less than 83 because you're essentially too stupid to efficiently do anything.

        IQ absolutely, definitively is recognized as evidence of intelligence by numerous organisations and academics, and there is copious amounts of evidence showing that those with a higher IQ tend to more successful than those with a lower IQ across numerous fields.

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        • MaxineFinnFoxen

          Not random online tests

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          • bigbudchonga

            Yeah, I defo agree with you on that part

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        • Bazinga

          Amen, my brother.

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  • --

    I AM The smartest person in the world

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  • Vanta_White

    I'll decline to answer within the framework of the provided metric, but I'm super stupid.

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  • JustAHuman

    Himbo? I thought it was mimbo. That's what Jerry Seinfeld calls them.

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  • chickenparm

    140 IQ here! Your IQ is mainly based on logic? decision-making, and pattern recognization. I have little to no street smarts. I’m just book smart. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Sometimes I feel so stupid and incompetent because I did badly in school and college. I fully believed as fact that getting good grades and getting into a good college was the singlemost important thing in anyone's life, and that only the smart worthy valuable people succeed. So it really formed my opinion of myself as completely fucking stupid and worthless when I did badly in school and got into a shit college. And then again when I failed college too, I seriously considered suicide after that. Even now a decade later I suffer from that belief to some extent and get depressed for days at a time thinking about it.

    Honestly though in terms of school/college intelligence, I am stupid. That kind of intelligence is based on discipline, persistence and memory. I have none of that. But a computer (like the Watson computer) could easily score 100% in those tests, even though the most powerful supercomputers today don't even have the intelligence of an insect.

    So other times I do feel smart. I am good at analysing situations quicker than most and coming up with clever solutions. I also think outside the box and see things others would have missed. I also like to think deeply about things.

    And then I also like to study up on different things that I'm interested in, and so I have gained some knowledge over the years. The only reason I do that though is because I find it all interesting and so it isn't a chore to learn. But being interested in learning isn't really the same as intelligence, I am otherwise a slow learner tbh and have a poor memory. Anyone else who took the initiative to learn it would probably be much quicker than me. Still though it is something else I'm proud of.

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  • chuy

    Average smarter than so many people I know.

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  • bigbudchonga

    I got into a grammar school with a test which a teachers told me only the top 5% of kids get into, but I've also done a shit load of drugs, so I don't know where it would be now.

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  • Mammal-lover

    One job I had a coworker told me in the lunch room I'm to smart to be working there. That was a hell of a compliment. Normally when things happen I just react and sometimes that leads to stupid mistakes so I tend to look like an idiot but idk what exactly this guy say but it stuck with me

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    im good at takin things apart and puttin em back together and troubleshootin electromechanical puzzles and organizin shit but my people skills suck

    i have improved though

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  • my_life_my_way

    I put 7 but I secretly believe I’m a 9 even if I objectively know it’s not true

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  • litelander8

    What I lack in intelligence I make for in personality. Hhahah

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