How old is too old to have your parents pay for your bills?

I noticed that a lot of people in their 30's that say they're too anxious, depressed, or traumatized to work. Their parents will house them, give them a weekly allowance, and pay for their credit cards, car maintenance, phones, and other bills. If they have kids their parents will pay for them too. Theyre not good at saving money and will usually take the allowance their parents gave them and spend it on plushies, junk food, video games, collectable figures and other items.

The thing is though, none of them can get dates. The people they meet on dating apps never go on a second date with them and will always mention their finances as a reason. They act like not having a boyfriend of girlfriend is a huge tragedy and won't understand that they're going to have hard time finding a good looking, wealthy, adjusted person that's going to take care of them. They worry about what's going to happen when their parents are dead. Some will have inheritance money, some won't.

So, what's your opinion?

36-40 0
20-25 7
31-35 3
Other 4
26-30 10
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Comments ( 16 )
  • my_life_my_way

    As soon as you leave education and get a proper job. I’m nearly 20 and my parents still give me money because student finance is shit

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    • Grunewald

      Tell me about it. Completely normal. All the best to you.

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  • sillygirl77

    My husband I have been independent after our schooling, but I haven't walked in anyone elses shoes id think it depends and i wouldn't judge

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I moved out at 17 and was financially independent. Even before that I was helping pay bills at home with the money I made at my job in highschool, didn't get a cell phone until I was 18. Ideally it would be after a 4 year college program, so 22?

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    Depends on the circumstances. The ones you described, should be given the boot. If someone goes to college after high school, until they finish/get on their feet after. But I believe parent's should pay their children's way after they finish high school, they should get a job, pay mommy and daddy rent, etc. The parent's who baby their adult children are doing more harm, than good. What happen when mommy, and daddy die? The adult baby won't have a clue how to survive.

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  • jethro

    The moment you have a paying job, that is the time to stop on regular paying from your parents. Occasional "gift" payments is reasonable. Just like when you pick up a check for your friends.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Where do you live, out of interest? I’m not personally aware of anyone who’s finished studying and still receives an allowance from their parents, even if they live with them.

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  • megadriver

    When you get your degree and find a job, usually around 25 is the limit.
    If you skip the degree and go straight for the job - around 20.

    It's absolutely pathetic and wrong how some people think it's ok to be 30 and live at their parents place, like parasites... have them feed you and give you money like a child. It's YOUR turn to return the favor and buy them stuff. I always felt guilty when I got a check from my mom and dad, while I was still in university.

    After I got my degree and found a job - I didn't want their help and wanted to be independent. I've had my ups and downs, but I'm gonna be 30 in November and I'm proud to say I haven't asked my parents for money in over 6 years.
    I also insisted paying whenever we ate out together and always got my mom and dad presents when coming home.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i got my first big boy job outta school at 23

    hadta pay off schoolin and pay my own way the minute i got my first paycheck

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Started at the same company I work for now at 19 making 8.50 an hour only getting 20 hours a week 😂

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  • Grunewald

    If you are too mentally ill to work and pay your bills, I can imagine that only a minority of relationships is going to do you much good either.

    Romantic relationships are an option; it IS possible to function without them, and people who can't take themselves in hand may end up placing a burden on the other person.

    On the whole, women perhaps have it easier than men because women have lived in the home with multigenerational families for millennia, and upon having children, mothering instinct and support of extended family makes up for lack of life skills and emotional maturity in some - though certainly not in all! What's more, lack of emotional maturity can result in dysfunctional or toxic family situations all too easily, even if the mothering instinct is alive and well. It probably would not be too hard for the West to go back to this family model if it needed to.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    20-25 unless there's a disability situation going on. Ideally sooner rather than later. Living with your parents in your 30s is a terrible sign.

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    • I worry about these people sometimes. The ones that aren't inheriting anything might have a hard time later on in life when their parents leave this world.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I think if you arent going to college you should be paying for yourself by age 22. Parents can help with emergencies from time to time like car repair bills but the kid should have an apartment and a paying job. If he wont go to college or get out of the house the parents need to make his stay at home uncomfortable to give him incentive to leave.

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    • What I don't understand is that some of these people are way smarter than I am. They're college educated, intelligent, good at math, and are extremely good at talking to people. I'm not any of those things and I'm trying my best to stay afloat. I'm the one taking care of my parents while trying to pay my bills all on a retail job, an off the books job, and selling dumb stuff on Etsy.

      I'm hella jealous of these people. They can let their talents rot away all while having their wants taken care of and getting a big fat payday inheritance at the end. My parents never saved a 401k, a pension, or life insurance and don't have money to enable me to sit on my ass all day. I'm not trying to be a jerk. I love my parents and I want them both to live past 100. Hell, I wish I could give them all the things they ever wanted in life and I can't even do that.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I can tell ya exactly what is going on there. They have victim mentality which is the most self destructive thing you can have. I know because I use to have it myself and I was self destructive and pointed fingers for my fuck ups. Being a victim is much more acceptable now than it use to be. They will get positive reinforcement from other victims on social media. They all communicate and try to live in the delusion that its ok to be this way. Its not their fault they dont make money its the billionaire CEOs.

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