How often do you normally die in any single player fps campaign on normal?

I'm playing through F.E.A.R and I don't even know how many times I've died. I hope it hasn't hit 100 yet but I'm nervous. I want to become better at games but I feel so abnormal and dumb because I die so very often. I really try hard when I play. How many times do you think you normally die during any normal first run of an fps campaign? (Answer only counts of the game you are talking about is somewhat challenging)

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Comments ( 11 )
  • LloydAsher

    Four or five times depending on what I consider to be "normal" difficulty. Wolfenstein 2 was hard as balls when in the first game I played hard just fine. Same thing for DOOM eternal, the maurader is ungodly difficult to murder and that you cant use the cheese weapons that are made specifically to cheese hard enemies. I cant rant more about the maurader.

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  • Clunk42

    The time I played Star Wars: Republic Commando (on easy), I died at least thirty times. When I replayed it on hard, I died a similar number of times. The only other single player fps's that I've played are the original two Star Wars Battlefront games, and those are pretty easy.

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  • I can beat call of duty on veteran or whatever is the hardest, some missions I might get stuck on for an hour or two but for the most part I only die 1-3 times per mission

    I can play horizon zero dawn on the hardest difficulty and only die when I get lazy, but that's with max gear; with a fresh start I'll die maybe once every 45 minutes or so

    I've also played Dead Space and Dark Souls on harder difficulties but die often, some games you have to die to learn how to win but usually I'm good enough to figure it out before dying

    Like The Last of Us on grounded fresh start, that was all about refining your skills. The trick to that one is figuring out how kill everyone silently, I did die a lot but on hard mode I beat with less deaths just because resources aren't as scarce

    Video games are just a mental challenge and a test of your hand eye coordination, ability to remember combos and paying attention to resources and your environment. It's a lot to juggle, that's why I like playing

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    • LloydAsher

      Horizon zero dawn is too easy to be interesting. Bad climbing and jumping killed me more than combat.

      Dead space I'm cool with the grind. Accept for dead space 3 were I stopped going on side missions since 20 minutes of labor just expended most of my ammo for a medium health pack.

      I dont fuck around with demon or dark souls. I perfer to play games not spend half the time on the death screen (get gud). Its easier to just pick up another game to enjoy like saints row or something.

      I like survival games, keeping you fed, hydrated and warm. Building bases and solving resource problems.

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      • Heh, Horizon is easy? On ultra hard on a fresh start, even the striders and watchers can kill you if you don't know their attack patterns and understand their maneuverability, all too quickly can a kill become in one lunge from a Sawtooth

        I agree though once you learn the strategy and get the gear it's kind of easy

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        • LloydAsher

          Not even that you can get by with just the small and medium sized machines. To get the best gear you can buy the parts from the parts dealer in meridian by selling all your clutter. I only then had to fight the mandatory large machines during story missions and those lumbering behemoths are easy to read.

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          • Try doing the corrupted Rockbreaker zone on ultra hard, even more challenging with just the bow

            Especially when you got Glinthawk and Snapmaws launching ice cannons at you and you have melee based machines surrounding you, even a few Scrappers are a lethal match at that point

            And on ultra hard you have to get like two hearts and lenses from all or most of the most dangerous machines, really quite the challenge on a fresh start since you have to grind for everything

            I'm so excited for the sequel, it's coming out in a few months. I love the story, I would totally do what Aloy does and it's so symbolic like I always feel solemn and reverent when thinking about the story

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            • LloydAsher

              The story was interesting for sure.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i tried the first far cry and got to one point where i just kept gettin killed no matter what so i gave up on it

    i played the first halo and found it fun but never tried all the sequels

    i loved the fuck outta half life i played the whole franchise several times and regularly download free mods for it

    it amazes me that its so old yet remains relevant and interestin after all this time

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    • Somerandomguylivinghislife

      Right? I'll be I've died at least a good 90 times so far on this first run of F.E.A.R. does that make me a horrible player? Or have you seen worse?

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Does the Devil May Cry series count? I die plenty of times when playing them. I don't let dying a bunch get me down. To me, what matters in the end is finishing the main stories of a game.

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