How much is sufficient

Is it sufficient to give a stay at home wife $50 a week in spending money? Also $400 a week sometimes more (depends how much I work) for general purchases for both of us like food for the house and little things here and there like going to the fair or a museum. Everything I buy is whats left of that $400 after food. Food is usually $250-$320 a week. But is it fair to just give the $50 for whatever spending she wants and she can save from that?

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33% Normal
Based on 3 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • kelili

    It depends where one live. $50 per week would suffice for groceries for a family of 4 where I live. And enough for me to never work again if I have this money to spend on myself.

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  • darefu

    It depends on your income and free cash.

    $50 a week could end up being looked at as 10% of a 48 to 50k yearly income. That to me is not a bad free spending money percentage.

    Let me explain, 50 a week(200+) month if you're keeping yourself limited to the same, is doubled to be $5000+/- per year. If this is truly free money, no obligations, it's not bad. If the church is happy with 10%, and you're saving 10% then I/we should be happy with 10% free cash. If you can keep all your other expenses including housing, utilities, transportation, insurance, entertainment, and food cost under 65 to 70% of your income you are doing better than a lot of people.

    So again it just depends!

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  • olderdude-xx

    It totally depends on where you live and the local cost of living.

    $50 could be great wealth (relatively speaking), or not enough money to buy much of anything.

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  • litelander8

    I stopped working mid February. My man won’t buy me a pack of cigarettes. So yeah, $50 sounds great. Lol

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  • Whatintarnation

    Happy wife, happy life or so I've been told.

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