How long after you die, does it take before you know you're dead?

The Almighty may let you sleep until you see the light, could it be a parallel universe from deep in your mind

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Comments ( 9 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I dunno, you should probably ask a ghost.

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  • Orphan

    I've known someone who had an angel. And it took like 15secs before she came back to life. I'm guessing 15secs

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    • capman

      think? maybe 1 day

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  • LloydAsher

    Idk saw a video on reddit of a robber getting his throat shot and streaming blood. He was functional for the first few pumps. Then he got to a door and it seemed like that was his last thoughts. On how to operate a rotating door, until he collapsed, and then probably died withing the minute.

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  • ospry

    45 minutes

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  • libertybell

    A lot of times your brain is still functioning once you die. So you may know right away.

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    • Just because your brain is functioning while you *sleep doesn't mean you are aware.. could it be functioning for still living tissue DNA 0101001011010001110001100101010101

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      • libertybell

        What I mean is,your brain is still functioning. Your organs have shut down,and you know you are dead. You are awake.

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  • bbrown95

    I don't think any of us will know until we get to that point, personally. However, some people have NDEs (near death experiences) where they die and are revived, and claim that they experienced a glimpse of the afterlife and it seems they knew almost right away. Whose beliefs/experiences are the most accurate though, I'm not sure we'll ever know 100% for sure (and who knows? Maybe it is different for everyone).

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