How intense is your worst hatred?

0 is buddha
10 blind rage to the point of killing people and not remembering later

Also, what is the thought that it is usually associated with?

0 2
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2 1
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7 0
8 9
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10 9
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Comments ( 29 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I have hated someone so badly that I wanted to kill that person, and my solution was to move far, far away. It took years of therapy, and prayer for me to not feel so hateful about that person.

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    • LOLFanProductions

      Squidward, is that you?! Lol just kidding

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    • Is this the guy who dragged you down the street by your hair?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Nope, and it wasn't by my hair, it was my back bra strap of my sports bra... but no, he's not the person I wanted to kill.

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        • TheBlindInquisitor

          Damn what happened to the dude that did that?

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          • RoseIsabella

            I honestly don't know whatever happened to my ex-boyfriend. He was arrested for domestic violence, but I couldn't make the court date, because I had to relocate to stay with family in Katy, Texas. My understanding after having contacted the authorities sometime last year was that the state of Texas pressed charges against him for domestic violence, and that now he has a class C misdemeanor on his his record. I don't know if he was mandated to attend therapy for anger management, but I certainly hope that he was. I don't hate him, and there is a certain part of me that still has love for him, but of course I cannot ever reconcile with anyone who would ever put his hands on me. I have honestly sworn off dating for now until I get my shit together better.

            He did try to contact me twice within the span of a year since the incident. This woman who is the wife of a family friend/neighbor did attempt to call me a few days before the one year anniversary of the event, but I didn't answer when I saw her calling, and she never left a message. He also tried calling my father around the same time, but my dad didn't take his call either.

            I am rather curious about whatever happened to my ex-boyfriend's father after his lung cancer surgery. I don't hold any significant ill will against my ex or his family.

            I do, always hope, and pray for the best for his teenage niece to came to comfort me when she saw the police cars in the yard. I think I will always hold her dear to my heart!

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  • LOLFanProductions

    I'm very violent...... with myself

    I believe I have some sort of perfectionism because I put myself down if I make a mistake. My parents are relaxed if I make a mistake. However, my subconscious is like my authoritative parent. One mistake and it's like "why did you do that dumbass! You don't deserve your achievements because you lack a brain!" Even if I say "it's just a mistake, it'll still put me down.

    Even if I do something good, it'll be like "Good, but you could've done a lot better".

    So yeah, I hate my subconscious the most. Oh and dumbass drivers of course!

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  • brutus

    Ten plus.

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  • CupHecker

    As a kid I used to go into a blind rage and end up doing things I'd regret later, but now I'm pretty chill, rarely getting angry or upset overall.

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    • PaulThePolarBear

      I never went Blind. I always knew what I was doing but knew it would get me in trouble

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  • I’m pretty much one of those people who take a lot to piss off but eventually will just lose my shit. But when it hits me it hits me I can control my anger but if someone hurts me physically I just almost fully lose it. But I quickly realize what I’m doing and try to calm down. Worst I’ve done is someone purposely lashed out at me and I instantly was on top of them choking them but like two seconds later I got off and walked away. I felt blank but Ik when I’m to far. I don’t wanna be a violent person. And for that I avoid people who piss me off cause I don’t need more mistakes.

    One day my brother was being a dick and kept pushing me and picked me up and threw me into the wall and wouldn’t quit so I punched him in the face made him bleed then he made a big deal about it and quit. But that’s just sibling love right.
    Back in middle school this one kid kept stepping on my shoes and I got pissed at him and turned around and had him pinned to the wall and idek how I did it he was like double my size but I didn’t even really mean to.

    I realize when I’m to far and would never purposely try and hurt someone unless it was defense but killing someone I couldn’t ever do but may imagine. I’d say maybe a 4. I’m never usually one to start the anger. And don’t really have anyone who truly comes to mind that puts me in this spot except sometimes I want to punch my brothers psycho girlfriend in the face for being a cunt to him.

    When I’m stressed out I take a lot less to get to the point of tackling someone and although I can stop it my blood will boil and it’s hard to hold back.


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  • My most hated is a 12

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  • LloydAsher

    Deep hatred of the concept of communism, if the communist party of China collapsed and would kill a hundred million I really wouldn't care.

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  • I've been to the point of blind rage but not to the point of wanting to kill someone.

    The person I hate the worst in this world is my older brother. There's too much to tell about what hes done to me and our family growing up and even to my family now as an adult so I won't go farther on that. But I will say that I almost feel bad for hating him because he got his inability to care for other people honestly. Most people have never heard of it, but he had encephalitis (brain fever) as a child and received considerable damage to the parts of the brain that gives you the ability to care about other people or animals. It's sad in a way that he never got much of a chance to be a real human being, although I still hate him in spite of it all.

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  • 6. I could have the anger and the stomach to kill a person, or destroy my house, but I never go into a blind enough rage to forget about consequences.

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  • Tealights

    Never hated anyone like that. However, I did go into a blind rage and stabbed a boy who punched me when I was a child. Can't remember the stabbing, but I felt a lot of remorse after I found out what I did.

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  • Jsfundogs

    I take my boy, Sharpie, everywhere I go.He senses my mood change and calms me down almost immediately. He's been highly trained to protect also, so he helps with my fear issues. Never knew a German Shepherd could be so smart and sensitive.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    I have a long list of people who I hate and wish would drop dead some are related others can be random people who just come off as unlikeable. I won't ever commit a murder but I tend to dream about their deaths sometimes by my hand other times random events.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Just zero i actually feel empathy more than hate. The people i know that are deserving of hate i feel sorry for tbh.

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  • TerriAngel

    After how many drinks?
    Sober, Im chill mostly.

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    • Are you one of those angry drunks?

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      • TerriAngel

        It's more I forget how short life is.
        Sober, I try to remember.
        I'll be dead in 60 years, so who cares?
        I can't change the world, so why worry about it?
        After a few drinks, those thoughts go away and I get angry at the path this world is headed.
        I'm more likely to say something.
        Sober, I just don't give a rip.

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  • I never rage, no, not me!

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Mine is probably tame, but the cold pisses me off a lot. My skinny, Hispanic ass freezes when the weather drops below 60. I honestly don't like it because as a kid my family moved around a lot and some of the houses we lived in had no heat or cold water during the winter. My parents couldn't afford it.

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  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    I hate when my wife says no to sex

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    • Does this lead to a blind rage and domestic violence call?

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      • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

        Hasnt yet lol

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