How guilty should people feel about this?

The death of Otto Warmbier got me thinking about this. Like most other people, I was very sad about what happened. What made me uncomfortable was that when he first got arrested, people made lots of jokes at his expense and using him as an example to complain about certain types of people. Some things people said were extremely vicious in hindsight. I admit I laughed at a lot of this at the time, and shared the view that Warmbier was something of an idiot. I was sure the government would get him out of NK and no harm would come to him. Now everybody is sad about what happened, including me. It is so tragic what happened to him and how a life with so much potential was cut short because of one mistake (who hasn't done stupid stuff?). Now people are being skewered and called to apologize for things that they never would have said if they knew how things would turn out. I want to know what you guys think of this.

Not so bad. Nobody knew how things would turn out. 3
Other (please specify position in comments) 3
Not bad at all. Nobody can see the future. 7
Extremely guilty. It is insensitive to mock people in the first place. 3
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Piggypig213

    I don't like mockery. It's childish and hurtful, However- it happens and you cannot fret over a future you could not predict. Move on. Apologize in your heart and move on. This is what I call a life lesson. A big one.

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  • Beecherbabyok

    Humor is part of how we communicate. Nothing wrong with it.

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    • NashamaTheWeird

      True, the issue is when something goes from funny to tragic.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i thought his cryin pleas to the nk kangaroo court didnt help his case at all it just made him look weak which they despises

    koreans is tough stoic motherfuckers and theres no cryin there

    i think goin to nk is treason as an american and as a frequent visitor to sk i sure as fuck wouldnt want to have them see an nk stamp on my passport

    my own wildass speculation is that they waterboarded him to unconsciousness repeatedly which caused brain damage

    a waya givin him a tastea americas own medicine but it coulda got outta hand & they broke theys toy

    remember richard fay? the idiot what got caned in singapore for spray paintin cars?

    he were a class a punk what deserved it and mebbe peoples drew some parallels there but otto got a bad deal no question

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    • NashamaTheWeird

      i definitely think it is time for America to ban travel to NK, it is a bad idea to travel there and helps fund the regime. If someone is taken hostage the government then has to put effort and money into getting you out, which in this case it was to late to do (he had apparently been in a coma for months, whether from beating, strangulation, water boarding, poisoning, a medical condition, or something else). I agree that some people drew parallels to the Michael Fay caning case, although the punishment was much less severe in that case (he was only caned four times).

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        ooh michael fay yallre right

        not richard

        as i recall slick willie got the numbera whacks reduced

        fay checked into rehab for huffin chemicals years later which he blamed on ptsd from the canin which is milesa retarded

        anyhow ottos parents opted not to have an autopsy done causea religious purposes so well never know

        no bruisin no trauma and they done a full mri with nothin conclusive

        theres also a few percent chance that nk was tellin the truth

        travel ban fuck yeah for all the reasons yall mentioned

        someone needsta bitch slap dennis rodmans sorry ass too

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        • NashamaTheWeird

          You are right. It was reduced from six to four. Also, my understanding is that Warmbier was in a coma for months so bruising would probably have been impossible to tell by that point.

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