How does vaping effect the attractiveness of someone to you?

As in nicotine vaping, but not the insane crazy cloud guys just people who vape like they'd smoke a cigarette.

Recently saw a post about finding "smoking unattractive" so I wondered how you people felt about vaping?

If a person you thought was attractive vaped, how would it effect your opinion of them/ their attractiveness? Let's suppose they definitely don't want to stop either.

Share the option you picked below and don't be afraid to tell us why! speak that heart how ever you feel! also any other thoughts regarding vaping, please birng'm!

Deal breaker no matter how great they are 11
Mostly a deal breaker possible exceptions 5
I would find it unattractive but not an absolute deal breaker 11
I would find it somewhat unattractive, but it wouldn't be a huge deal 3
Wouldn't really be a plus or a minus for me/ don't really care if he/she vapes or not 10
I'd potentially see it as mildly attractive 2
I'd actually see it as a plus because I vape and/or like vape and/or like the smell 1
Other -comment 1
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Comments ( 24 )

    That’s how I feel.

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    • brutus

      Pretty funny.

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    • RoseIsabella

      That's hilarious!

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        I thought these ones were great too 😂

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        • RoseIsabella


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    • all big tobacco propaganda ;), but still ....funny as hell lol

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  • Boojum

    I started vaping a few years ago, so I obviously can't have an objective response to the OP question.

    I think the vaping subculture where everyone seems to be striving to produce a cloud the size of a cumulonimbus thunderhead is pretty silly and pathetically "Look at me! Look at MEEE!". However, I also think it's harmless and a lot less negative in social terms than the guys who, for example, tune their cars and motorcycles to be as loud as a 747 on its take-off run, or those who belong to the subculture where the main rule is that you have to get totally shitfaced every Friday and Saturday night, and the evening is seen as a washout if you haven't been involved in at least one street-brawl.

    All the medical evidence is that it isn't nicotine that causes smokers to get lung cancer and suffer from all the other health issues associated with smoking, but rather the witches-brew of thousands of other toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke (around 70 of which are known to be carcinogens).

    Nicotine is highly addictive for some people and it is toxic, but as with all poisons, it's the dose that matters, and the dose you get when vaping (and smoking) isn't dangerous.

    One thing nicotine definitely does is suppress appetite, and that's why I started vaping. Along with a couple of other minor changes in my eating habits, vaping has helped me lose quite a bit of weight. On balance, I'm sure how that benefits my general health outweighs any possible, very long-term negative effects of vaping which haven't yet appeared.

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  • LloydAsher

    I wouldn't care personally I would care much more on their political affiliations rather than lil vice they have.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Yeah, it's still a deal breaker for me. The fact that they're not trying to watch their health is a turn off. Honestly, I just don't want to date anyone that does any kind of drug.

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    • 100% agree.

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    • FromTheSouthWeirdGuy

      Im like that too. I love drugs but girl druggies turn me off.

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  • shuggy-chan

    I see vaping in similar terms of “extreme energy drinks” seems like the people to latch onto it the hardest.

    Are the douchey “cool guy” type. So that kind of brings down the average on anyone vaping in my eyes

    Not saying everyone that vapes is a douche bag. But at a quick glance it seems like a majority of them are

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    • I definitely hear you their. I think you'd be surprised how many people use it discreetly just to quite smoking tho and find it to be a nice thing just as someone would find a cup of coffee nice. But the guys making the most noise about vaping are usually douche bags yes.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Energy drinks aren't nearly as bad for your health though, that is the difference for me.

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      • shuggy-chan

        It’s not the health aspect that turns me off, it’s the “vape culture” the people that latch on to the fad just cause its “cool”

        I always was someone turned off by something when it becomes too popular.

        I have to come into it at my own pace or will. Not cause I have to part of the in crowd.

        Probably cause my dad is like that too

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          But vaping doesn't automatically mean they are part of vape culture. It is a stereotype, but not a given. Health effects are a given though. I still get your point though.

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  • Mrown

    Have a brother in law who vaped, his clothes didn't smell, though his breath smelled like fruit. Also he only vaped on the balcony or anywhere outside

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  • SwickDinging

    I think it's very difficult to vape without looking lame as fuck. It doesn't make you undatable, but it does mean you need to make up for it in other ways, somehow.

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  • CapriSun

    I don’t care but I think it does have more of a douchebag hipster vibe than cigs and the smell of vapes makes me wanna throw up

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  • leggs91200

    As long as they are not douchey about it.
    Someyimes people walk around doing that like iy is SOOO cool.

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    • certainly, hence why I said "but not the insane crazy cloud guys just people who vape like they'd smoke a cigarette. "

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  • brutus

    If I find them attractive, then its not a deal breaker for me.

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  • mauzi

    cute and hopefully he has good humor about it, not those kind that take vaping way too seriously, anyway some the vape smells so good, i would enjoy that !!

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Big turn off. I would hate the constant reminder of how little they care about their health. Could possibly look past it and try to help them stop in some cases maybe.

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