How does my dog (dachshund), kno when someone is outside

.. he can not see out the window and the TV is loud? He just goes crazy barking at the door... how did he know there was neighbor with her dog just walking by my apt?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • litelander8

    It’s a dog….

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  • YE

    Heightened sense of smell, duh!

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  • Normalmember

    Hound dogs have an even better sense of smell then other dogs. My niece was missing inside her house when she was a toddler. They had a pet beagle, and my sister asked the dog to find my niece. The dog took them to the dryer, she was sleeping in the dryer.

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    smell as well as hearing. a lot of dogs can hear four to five times better than any human. This is as they have more muscles in the ears compared to humans. A human ear has six muscles while a dog's ear has 18 muscles. The muscles provide the dog the ability to move its ears so that the desired sound can be amplified. It helps that the shape of the dog's ear helps in hearing. The curved ear shape assists sound to reach the eardrums

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  • Normalmember

    The dryer had clothes that had been left in it.

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