How do you know if you're mentally ill?

They say you can tell when you're sick. At least if you have a neurotic condition or depression. For example, you notice that you have an intense, unfounded fear or simply feel worthless and that this is not the normal state of affairs.

In some articles about other diseases and disorders, it is usually stated that the person affected does not notice it or only rarely notices it of his or her own accord. This means that they can notice it, but that it is not necessarily possible because of the disorder, isn't it?

So, for example, if I have noticed that I have changed and perceive my environment differently, but I am not bothered by it because I will soon be used to it, how can I know that I am ill?

How can anyone even know or judge whether I am ill if I am an individual and everything I say is not put on the gold scale and examined more closely?

And if there is no way to know for yourself and my environment is simply not very attentive, how can it even be noticed when I am ill?

Personally, I don't think there is such a thing. It could just as easily be the word salad of the state that wants to lock up or stuff with brain poison those who know or think something that they should not know or think.

When diseases are nothing more than unprocessable information and experiences. Such as those stored in the subconscious. Which the state wants to eradicate because it has no interest in them being divulged. Because it damages its reputation.

So how do you know if you're mentally ill? What is that anyway?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Tommythecaty

    I’ve always known, I just don’t care, which may well be part of said mental illness 🤭

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  • --

    I think in serious mental illness the problem is you don't know you are ill and you believe your delusions. minor illness like anxiety and depression you can tell you are ill because your body will treat it the same as physical pain.

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    • ripleyripley

      Anxiety and depression aren't "minor illnesses" and shouldn't be treated as such. Not everyone does notice when they have anxiety or depression, just the same as other illnesses. Mental illness also isn't always "delusion". Don't know what you mean about physical pain either

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  • ripleyripley

    Unfortunately, often people just don't notice that they are mentally ill. My father was diagnosed when he was in his 40s, and it took someone else telling him to get help.
    The definition of having a disorder is not being able to function. Eg if someone displays symptoms of ADHD, yet they do fine at school and home, and it doesn't affect them whatsoever, it wouldn't be ADHD. Some symptoms of ADHD are seemingly normal, everyday things (eg fidgeting, poor memory), yet the difference is how extreme/severe it is.
    So if someone is mentally ill, the main way to tell is to look at whether they can function in school/work/home normally. If not, it's likely they are mentally ill, or something else is a factor.

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  • TerriAngel

    You are mentally ill if you can't function in society.
    Hold a job, pay taxes, drive a car. Etc.

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  • controversy

    Contact a psychiatrist.

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