How do you get over your bad reaction to cannabis?

Hey everyone. My name is Chloe and I’m really stuck on cannabis. Basically I used to smoke it everyday for about 8 months. I stop when I moved away for about 4 month then decided to do it with my two female friends. We did something I’d never done before called “killer” where you have to hold it in for as long as you can after taking as many draws of the joint as possible. I felt fine after the first half hour then all of a sudden I got this bad feeling surge through my body and my paranoia was worse than ever before. I began sweating uncontrollably and I became really dehydrated (more than you usually would just being stoned) then I sat down and all of a sudden my sight was blurred due to everywhere I looked was shaking as if my eyes were having a fit. Along side this my body was shaking as I had a panick attack but I stayed calm and quiet as didn’t want to make myself look bad in front of my friends. Time went so slow, a minute felt like an hour. HOWEVER my main problem now is that I’m scared to smell it before it’s even lit because when I do I get that bad feeling rush through my body. When this happens I feel the need to cry instead of laugh like I normally would. I need help on how to over come this. Im sick of having to Hybernate in case I smell cannabis. Can anyone help me ?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Rictictavie

    Sounds like being super high caused you to have an anxiety attack. Either don't smoke that much anymore or just quit. Fair warning the same thing could happen if you take a huge rip off a bong or a even a small dab.

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  • CozmoWank

    Sounds like a good reason to give up smoking weed.

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  • mc_abby

    I had something similar happen to me recently. Just take it slow, dont get that high anymore. And if you are baked out of your mind, tell your friends you need to lie down and drink some water. It happens, hun. They'll understand. Food also helps, when I get too high I eat it away lol. Anyway, it took me a couple days to shake it off. Just start by taking a hit or two and stopping. Dont overload your system.

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  • SwickDinging

    Do not "hold" a hit in your lungs. It has been proven in many extensive studies to make no difference to the amount of "good stuff" you absorb, and it causes much more damage to your lungs. If you've inhaled it then you got the hit, every second longer that you hold it in you're just damaging your lungs for absolutely no reason. Also, what you experienced was a whitey. You're ok.

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