Homeless coworker living at store acting like he owns the building

My homeless coworker has started living at the store when they are off shift. They became displaced suddenly. I send them to a number of agencys and they got back to me saying they were going to find him housing. I also already helped three other coworkers get housed. This coworker who is living at store hs expressed that his housing plans fell through. Which is bad for everyone since while living here they now believe they are I'm charge of the store when off shift. So have been dictating workers on other shifts and yelling a people for supposed long lunches. Despite the fat cameras and timeclock would show proof if that was the fact. I not sure what to do about him.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Talk to the business owner or top manager.

    Ony they can put a stop to it.

    If you are that person. Fire them, and tell them that they are unwelcome in the store in the future and that the police will be called and trespassing charges will be filed.

    Some people will always take advantage of others if the others allow it to happen.

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  • Gambler

    Tell them to shut the fuck up and get a life while they’re off shift.

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  • litelander8

    Why are all your employees homeless?

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    • Since they all A.Immagrants B.college students C.recently moved here. So the ones in the process of moving here I found housing very quickly. I am a college student and was partially helped through school and homeless shelter.

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      • litelander8

        What is this job?

        Just put some bunk beds in it and charge rent. Lol

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        • I mean them sleeping in thier car in the driveway isn't the actual issue. It's that they turned into a total Karen and is dictating everyone else's job that works here now. Literally none of us care that he sleeps next to the building.

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          • litelander8

            I just think it’s strange that it’s a chronic issue… also calling people “Karen’s” shows a lack of cleverness. That’s just me though.

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            • Im sorry if that lingo is too new for you. I thought most understood what it meant. He's basically acting like the entitled customers when off shift even though he works here so knows why we do stuff the way we do them. It makes sense to act this way from customers perspective since they don't understand how the store operates. We shouldn't have Karen's on the staff because they have no reason to be upset.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    You tell management what he's doing. That's not his business or property and the fact that he acts like he owns it is straight up pathetic.

    If you're the owner, muster up your courage and fire him.

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