Help me make friends or something

I feel so bad.

I'm sorry, I just wanna cry so much.

I feel alone, like I have no one.
People are tied to me by a thread. Thats how strong my friendships are, plus, I only have 3 friends.

No one cares about me but my blood, and of course you they care.

I dont know what to do.

How to stop feeling like this everyday?

Why do I have no friends? One of my friends who moved here AFTER me and is an INTROVERT has more friends than me. I just know they don't care about me that much. I cling to one of my friends like a leech, and she has better friendsthan me, she told me.

I go to school still, and everyone is so hard to get along with. I just cried in the bathroom cause today is so bad.

And yes I'm the one who made the post about feeling lonely since moving gfrom KY to FL.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • olderdude-xx

    What kind of activities do you like to do? Any specific games you like to play? Any places you like to go?

    There are all kinds of activity groups (and internet searching will find many of them).

    Join an activity group doing something you like doing... keep attending... and it's very likely that you will start to make friends.

    Friends are not an instant process. It can take months.

    But, it is easiest to start with people who enjoy something that you enjoy as well.

    I wish you the best with this...

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  • kikilizzo

    Maybe you dont try hard enough or you try too hard.
    I have a brother whos introverted whos still always attracted people to him like a magnet, so some introverts definietely have it easy even though they don't really try much. I think that those people have a certain type of energy that attracts people to them and he's pretty confident and not the type who worries about anything and I think people can sense that. Those are qualities that make people feel comfortable around you.
    Try joining a local community or go volunteer or something and please leave the "friend" alone whom said she has better friends than you.
    It's only sad at this point if you keep following her around, you need to value yourself or you're never gonna attract people who do.
    Don't be a leech on people, that isn't an attractive quality to have and you will scare people off if you keep being that way.
    No one wants someone co-dependant who will never leave them alone, not anyone who's gonna give you a healthy genuine friendship anyway.
    Making friends as an adult is tricky for most people, especially genuine friends. Many people only have shallow friendships and are settling for that. If you have shallow friendships, and you think any of them could be a real deep friendship, then put in more effort. Otherwise move on and find some people who has things in common with you so you can connect over something meaningful.

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  • lolasprat

    maybe you could look for online friends. Some of them are better than the people that surround us.

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