He punched her in the mouth, is this justifiable?

Okay so I'm not sure who to blame but things got way out of hand!

I was just hanging out with my boyfriend at my best friends place, and I just came out to her about being bi, she wasn't so accepting but said that she still wanted to be my friend. But she kept questioning my sexuality and bringing up my sexual past; saying that being sexual abused by my step dad maybe made me confused about my sexuality, then after we drank and they smoked some more, she then proceeded to try and grope me infront of my boyfriend to prove I like girls more. I just shook her off and told her that we were leaving. She then proceeded to call me a fag and other stupid shit. But the tipping point was when she called my boyfriend HIV+, so he decided to huff his cigeratte and turn around and blow smoke in her face to shut her up, then she chucked her drink at him and that's when his fist connected with her mouth and her head hit the carpet, but I was worried so I stayed with her(she was spiting out alot of blood and had a chipped tooth). My boyfriend stormed off, probably back to his place. I left aswell when her roommate returned from work to take care of her.

I don't know what to do now! She said she's gonna press charges against my boyfriend and me! My boyfriend is much bigger obviously, even bigger than me, and I'm still mad about the shit she said. But in this situation was it justified?

PS I'm a bi guy

Boyfriends fault (comment why) 18
Best friends fault (comment why) 15
Both their faults (comment why) 11
No one's fault (comment why) 2
Other (comment) 2
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Comments ( 130 )
  • e51pegasi

    Nope, you can't just go swinging your fists around if you hear something you don't like.

    If everyone reacted like that 95% of the population would be doing time.

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    • redrainbow22

      And you cant just go spilling your drink on people.

      The whole situation esculated, and I'd say it's both their fault.

      A girl is not always innocent.

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      • Yeah hopefully the law will realise that if more legal action happens in court.

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        • redrainbow22

          She was being rude to you AND your boyfriend, so I really do see why he would puff smoke in her face.

          She was being rude. To me thats funny justice.

          And you know if he slapped her only, she probably wouldve came back at him, and the fight mightve went on for longer, and it couldve been worse.

          If anything, shes the one who started it by being rude.

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          • Yeah that's what I think but she already got cops involved now. They already questioned my bf and me separetly. Now I'm waiting for the next move from her.

            I don't know if the cops will charge us or if it will go to court, never been in this situation before...

            Yeah thought it was pretty smooth move to blow smoke in someone's face with out having to get physical.

            If he slapped her she'd probably fight back, so think your correct about that. She does get into alot of fights with other girls.

            Yes can't deny that she did, but they won't care about that in the justice system will they?

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            • redrainbow22

              I think thats pretty natural of people too, who throw drinks in peoples face.

              If your willing to throw a drink in someones face, your most likely also willing to fight the person.

              Yea the 'justice' system isnt exactly correct 100% of the time.

              Well I hope everything goes well for you. Neither side deserves jail time just for a stupid fight.

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        • redrainbow22

          I say no need to get courts involved. It was a fight. Fights happen.

          Let it go. Life moves on.

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    • redrainbow22

      He shouldve at least slapped her then. In my opinion she deserved that.

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      • Yeah prefer that over a punch. And I prefer to leave clean with no violence over all of it. But I can't control others peoples actions so shit happens.

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        • redrainbow22

          Yeah exactly.

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    • Yeah I never retaliate with violence even if someone chuck's something at me because I'm a softy...
      Guess he was just being over protective and got fed up with the fucked up situation, but not worth it if he has a chance of going to jail...

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  • my_life_my_way

    She was being a bitch and he punched her, he should have learned to control himself but it’s no different than if he punched a man.

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    • Actually now you say that, I think about if all our genders were reversed in the situation. I think legal court wouldn't do much about it, if she pressed charges as a guy...

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      • gaschambers

        Sad but true.

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  • Hateful1

    After reading this thread I have lost a small amount of faith in humanity. Your friend had sexually assaulted you. Then started calling you various things with bigoted mindset. Your boyfriend wanted to leave. She threw a drink in his face.

    The sexual assault and subsequent harassment is fine because it was a women doing it. And women are only victims. But a man protecting himself and his girlfriend that's totally wrong put him in jail. Because men are only abusers.

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    • Thank you for your opinion, I'm a guy by the way. Thought the fag comments were enough detail for my gender. I'll add it in my post.

      I agree it's bad how he punched her and I wish he didn't and I would have tried to stop him if I knew he was going to do that.

      But she shouldnt have put her hands on me like that and she did it more than once. And my bf has a shorter tolerance than me, so it was smart of him to get us to leave, but the situation fucked up even more after that.

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      • Hateful1

        Fag goes both ways. Actually I hate that word because I'm pretty sure you're not a cigarette.

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        • Cool I'll note that.
          Haha yeah, weird how normal words change into negitive ones.
          Like fairy or gay.

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          • Hateful1

            Most fairies are gay.

            As in, most small supernatural creatures are happy.

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            • Lol makes sense.

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          • Hateful1

            Actually, faggot has had negative connotations since the word came about. At first it referred to poor elderly people who were to infirm to do anything. Then it was used to refer to poor unwed mothers.

            Then somehow it was used to refer to a bundle of sticks. The poor often hauled firewood around the city so I guess that could be the source. And because cigarettes are kinda like a bundle of sticks (not really) they used faggot.

            I'm not sure how it came to be used for homosexuals.

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            • Damn that's harsh seems like everyone gets a beating down in history.
              Yeah I have no idea it's a mystery.

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  • Tealights

    Yup, completely justified. Bitch threw a drink at him, and he retaliated.

    The only issue here is double standards are strong in our society. Women are viewed as weak, therefore many women see themselves as weak and entitled. If men were to get beaten up by their girlfriends, they're ridiculed by their peers for being pussy enough to allow that. It's fucking stupid. Women are not weak. Just like men, we may get ourselves in situations where we genuinely need help, but this situation isn't one of them. She attacked first, and he fought back.

    Sadly, our justice system is flawed, so I wish your boyfriend luck.

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    • Thanks, yes it is very flawed. Their conveniences are smaller and less time in jail compared to their male counterparts.

      The cops didn't seem to take my side of my story seriously. Looks like they're already siding with her.

      I hope they see that the fight was an escalation and the sexual assault she committed.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Red flags of fucked up shit all over the damn place here, girl! He shouldn't have hit her, sure, but she was acting crazy, and treating you like shit. Regardless both your boyfriend and your so called best friend have red flags about themselves and their own bad behavior.

    If she was my best friend I would personally dump her for treating me that way! I had a guy best friend years ago that I dumped, because he decided to tell me what he wanted to do to me sexually. He said he was only joking, but as far as I was concerned the trust was shattered so there was nothing left of the friendship. I personally don't see what the point is of coming out to your best girlfriend that your bisexual when you've already got a boyfriend unless you're trying to hook up with her which is nasty, because that's cheating. I guess it's normal to feel like you want to share everything with a best friend, but this girl doesn't sound like a very nice person at all. What kinda shitty person makes a pass at you in front of your boyfriend, and then insults you when you rebuff her advances? That bitch is not your friend!

    Dump your awful friend, she doesn't have your best interest at heart! Also keep your eyes open about that violent boyfriend of yours. They both sound awful.

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    • Oh I'm a guy sorry, thought my friend calling me fag in my post was enough info on my gender, my mistake with my rushy writing.

      I only came out to her because she was getting suspious of my relationship with my bf. Maybe she thought I was joking or just didn't want to believe it. Since apparently we both don't sound or look gay to be bi or gay (stupid stereotypes).
      Yeah I'm still mad at her for trying to feel me up and she kinda did and she knows my sexual abusive past. But also shocked my bf punched her in the face...
      He's really protective so I don't think it was just the drink she threw at him to make him do that, it probably also the way she was acting towards me and him. Forgot to mention that he was to one who wanted to leave first when she started groping me.

      Yeah she seems like bad news from now on, I don't even think it's possible to repair a relationship like that.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Right on, no big deal about whether you're male or female, gay, straight or bisexual. I think the important thing here is that a true friend doesn't try to grope you, nor does a true friend try to compete with your boyfriend or insult you. A true friend would NEVER throw something as sensitive and traumatic as being molested by your stepfather in your face.

        Yeah, I think you should cut her crazy-ass loose. I'm sorry this awful mess happened to you, dearheart! I wish you all the best, and you're certainly in my prayers.

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        • Thanks you're too kind.

          Yeah definitely have now, my bf didn't even know about my sexual abuse and she had to share it infront of him to try and prove her stupid point! And the unwanted sexual advances are uncalled and appalling.

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          • Dustyair

            LOL, you poor little fag, I still don't see what this woman did that you that couldn't have handled calmly like a man. But then again I guess you're not really a man now are you, you're a fag :)

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            • Bad101

              Lol are you illiterate too, he did no harm to that woman it was the boyfriend.

              He handled it better than I could, if someone ever tried to brush my boob I'd sucker punch them. Lol

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  • odilo_globotnik

    She got what she deserved. She never should've thrown the drink at him.

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  • YamaMayaNyaa

    My mother always said you shouldn't go letting your mouth write the check your ass can't cash. She was WAAAAY out of line in her questioning and bringing up personal shit to explain it.

    So maybe your boyfriend reacted violently, but this was after holding back for some time, and to be berated and accusing him of having HIV (implying in a derogatory way he's gay) was the line. She let her mouth write the check and her ass bounced.

    I'm not going to say it was 100% correct, but in the heat of the moment our judgement is not shall we say, the best. I can't offer any legal advice, but I wish you good luck.

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    • I agree it was an escalation.
      He only got phycical when she chucked her drink at him. Plus he was mad about the way she acted towards me and the things she said.

      Wish it didn't lead to a punch. But it's hard to control or predict what everyone would do, if they're we're put in that situation.
      And thanks.

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  • Nickvey

    if a man struck another man for grabbing his wife's genitals a jury would call it sexual assault , and the husband would walk on the assault charge . In this case we have two gay men as the pair bond and a woman as the sexual predator. Not being an attorney i can't say who would win , but this looks like a test case that should be bumped to a federal appeals court for the violation of human rights (to be a gay man) and receive equal justice.

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    • Good point, thanks for the advice.
      If it comes to court, if she wants to take it further. That's probably something I'll do.

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  • doc_house

    I’m glad she got her teeth knocked out of her. Why are you so entitled to treat other like shit? Til you mess with the wrong person. If she’s going to press charges. You should too! You said she was groping you. Your bf was defending you.

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    • Yeah I told the cops my side of the story now.
      They told me it probably won't hold up in court, if she decides to go ahead with the case since she's a girl. They seemed annoyed with me and already siding with her story...

      I asked about my bf possible charges, they didn't share the info with me but warned me not to accociate with him for now if I want to try and come out innocent(saying it like I'm guilty).

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  • Bad101

    Lol aren't we a funny species!

    Everyone missed the main point how you stayed with her after to make sure she was okay.
    But you got some people still hating on you because of your sexuality.
    Or calling you an idiot for even knowing these people.
    But you did nothing wrong! Lmao

    You are just too nice for this dark world. ^_^

    And I say file a report against her first for the sexual assualt before she turns it around on you.
    Sounds like she's going to do that after I read your new replies.

    And your boyfriend hmm not sure what to say about his legal situation.
    But I don't think it's fully his fault, since she did chuck her drink at him but it escalated.
    Leave that in the hands of the court I guess, if it does reach court.

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    • Thank you, but I'm just doing what I thought was right in that moment, I couldn't leave her alone.

      Thank you for the advice, really appreciate it.
      And yeah just hope it's not all agaisnt him, as in if he gets charged she should be charge for her assualt against me, to be fair.

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      • Dustyair

        LOL, you could be assaulted by a puppy dog, or even a flower haha!

        Do fags assault puppy dogs too?

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        • Bad101

          Now isnt that sexist or stereotyping women.
          Woman arn't as weak as flowers and puppy dogs. LOL
          And we sure do not lack sexual feelings towards other people like puppy dogs and flowers do. Lol
          Someone need to retake their biology and psychology classes a few times. Haha

          If a woman rapes your son(or imaginary one if you don't have one) you wouldn't do anything as a dad? I sure would as a mum if I had a son.

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  • gaschambers

    If we're talking about a drink in terms of a bottle that could was meant to cause physical harm, then all bets are off. She started it. If we're talking about a solo cup, it's a totally different situation, then he assaulted her.

    But let's back up a bit here and recall that she sexually assaulted you a few minutes ago, and that's even more screwed up. You have a right to press charges way more than she does.

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    • It was a glass wine cup, weaker than a bottle but still a solid item.

      Maybe I should report it, but they may not take me seriously. My bf already got questioned a bit, cops showed up to his place today, and apparently "my best friend"(not anymore) told them lies about what I did...

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      • gaschambers

        Sounds like you should give your side of the story then.

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        • I have now, but they don't seem like they're taking it seriously/believe me. I have a feeling that they're already siding with her instead.

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          • gaschambers

            Unsurprisingly just considering the gender dynamics at play with these types of crimes, but absolutely ridiculous and unjust. Very sorry for you.

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            • Thanks for your concern.

              I'm just worried for my bf now he's taking all the blame for me. So I might be excempted from the "crime" but that means he might get a longer sentence. No one's telling me much until everything delt with.

              I'm just waiting now to see what happens. While he tries to "fight for his rights".

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  • Nickvey

    Grab them by the pussy. she is guilty of sexual assault. women think they can get buy with this shit and she got floored. LOL tuff shit . she deserved what she got.

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    • Yeah and they told us justice is blind.
      And ironically I have a feeling she's turning the sexual assualt thing on me, that I'm the one who did it.
      Since my bf got questioned today by cops, and he told me she said alot of bull on what happened. But of course cops aren't gonna tell us her side of the story.

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  • Alduin

    Sure, he was angry and what she was saying was completely out of line.
    But that's never a reason to commit an act of physical violence. He was completely in the wrong...but you should ditch her as a friend, especially if that's how she rescted to you coming out.
    Chat with your boyfriend and ask what got him so riled up.

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    • Yeah can't be friends with someone who has a reaction like that, and the fucked up shit she said and did!
      But still really shocking how he punched her.
      True I'll talk to him he hasn't replied to my texts yet, but I'm assuming he wants to talk to me after work and not before.

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      • Alduin

        You're also probably gonna have to deal with some serious legal shit if she reports this. Despite what she may have said, verbal assault isn't a viable catalyst for physical assault in the eyes of the law.

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        • That's true, I'm not try to justify his punch. Just reasoning why I should drop her asap as a friend.

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  • Boojum

    Shit, I clicked the wrong choice. Deduct one from the "Best friend" tally.

    So you were all under the influence of whatever and she was talking shit and acting like an ass. That's no excuse for your boyfriend socking her in the face.

    He sounds like someone with anger-control issues who isn't very emotionally mature. You'd be wise to think about whether you really want to be with someone like that. What happens if you ever say something that pisses him off?

    She sounds like the sort who mouths off about involving the cops when she's actually too chicken-shit to actually do it, but she'd be within her rights to do so, and it might be a wake-up call for your boyfriend if she does.

    If you didn't assault her or assist your boyfriend in his assault, it's hard to see what you could be charged with.

    Whatever happens, you'd be wise to find another best friend.

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    • Okay no problem.

      Yeah talking shit plus sexually groping me. But guess it's not sexual assault if a girl does it, they'll probably laugh about it in court in my own defence, if she decides to throw me under the bus. She was texting me the next day saying she's going to include me because I'm a "fag" and that I was the one who was groping her.

      Yeah I agree I kept my cool, but would she also get blamed for chucking a drink at him and homophobic and dark slurs, like is that a form of assault as well? But way less minor obviously than a punch to the face.
      Because I think that's why she hasn't done anything yet.

      Yeah she's definitely not a friend of mine anymore.

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      • Ellenna

        Sexual assault is sexual assault regardless of gender of either person! Why did you think it wouldn't be?

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        • RoseIsabella

          Amen to that!

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        • Alot of people around me don't believe it is. Not just here but people I know, heard so many of my friends say they wouldn't mind being touch by a random girl as long as she looks decent enough...

          Even had a teacher in high school who tried to sleep with me. When my friends noticed how much she flirted with me infront of everyone, they told me to go ahead and try and sleep with her after class. But she's old and I'm not into that and her sexual advances were just awkward.
          But I agree with you 100% I don't understand how others don't see it as such.

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          • Ellenna

            If they don't mind it, it's not assault. The issue is CONSENT, why is that so hard for some people to understand?

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            • Yeah exactly.

              And when I say that they just say being a girl who got sexually assaulted is way worse...

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          • Dustyair

            You should have your own sub-forum on here called: The Daily Adventures of Oppressed Fag.

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      • Hateful1

        A woman groping a woman against her will is still sexual assault. If it was a guy doing that would you just give him a pass. I hate double standards.

        The smoke doesn't count as assault. But the drink does. But the punch was escalation. So she is guilty of assault, he is guilty of physical assault.

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        • I'm a guy does that make it sexual assualt in the eyes of the court? Same court that thinks guys can only get raped by guys...
          Yeah same double standards don't even make sense, we're both human, gender shouldn't matter in crime.

          Okay so looks like both parties will be charge or manily my bf...

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          • Hateful1

            Gender shouldn't matter but it does. Unfortunately.

            Like what would happen if a fourteen year old boy got a twelve year old girl pregnant?

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            • Hateful1

              Well no one bit. A fourteen year old girl got pregnant by a twelve year old boy in the UK. The boy was going to take care of his child without question. Two years after the birth turns out she was also sleeping with a boy her own age who moved away. He was the father.

              During those two years nothing happened to her. No charges. Nothing.

              If it where a fourteen year old boy who got a twelve year old girl pregnant he would have served time and put on a sex offender list.

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  • She deserved it, but I'm sure he's the only one that's gonna be blamed. Woman don't know when to shut up cause they think men won't hit them and when they finally snap they say it's abuse.

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    • Yeah I wish she didn't have to try and get physical with the drink, but at the same time wish he did to throw a punch because he's might face some legal issues now...

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  • Bonelessbananas69

    It's the boyfriends fault...i think it's pretty obvious why.

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    • No it isn't clear to me, care to elaborate?
      I'd like to hear your view.

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  • Stop drinking and hanging around with drug using trash and you won't have to worry about things like this. Really. Once this all plays out, and whether you get charges pressed against you or not, you will look back when you are older and realise that your problems arise because of the class of people you associated yourself with.

    I know that my statements do not correlate with what you were asking, but I felt that your post here is screaming "I need to grow the fuck up and I need sone guidance".

    I'm not trying to condascend here, and please don't take it that way. I'm just telling you this because I wish someone had told me these things when I was younger. I hope one day you learn to associate yourself with better people.

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    • Yeah I'm I understand your point, my best friend I cut off already.
      But I've never seen my bf act like that before, but it was an escalation the punch didn't come from no where.

      And he works and attends uni, drinking and smoking are just his negitive addictive hobbies, since he's trying to raise his little sister while his mother spends time with her bf.
      There's much more value to him he's not just a low life looking for people to fights for kicks. I admit he does have a temper problem, but wouldn't you too if you trying to raise a kid while your mum runs off and comes back bringing theifs and abusive strangers.

      I don't judge people fully until I know them for a while or if they go out to hurt me or someone else on purpose. But I appreciate your advice, I really do. I will make the change of being more careful and watch his emotions towards me and others now, and try to get him into counciling.

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  • My answer is: get a life and stop degenerating around with psychopaths and lunatics.

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    • I'm trying to or do you mean just brush off getting groped and witnessing verbal and physical violence not too long ago.

      Pretty hard to right now this second when cops have rocked up to my bfs place for questioning, and they'll arrive here at mine sometime.

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      • I don't get it. Why are you wasting your time with people who get you in trouble for no reason? There's one thing to get in trouble for what you do, another thing to get in trouble for what other people do.

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        • Okay I admit she was a bad choice for a best friend. But that's the first time I've seen my bf act like that. Yes he has a temper but he's usually passive agressive.

          And I don't blame him for having that temper like I explained to someone else that he's raising his little sister, while their mum hangs out at her bf's place or who knows where. And he got to balance taking care of a kid with work and uni.

          So he doesn't seem like a bad person to me, just caught up in a bad situation.

          I will be more careful now who I interact with, but he didn't mean to get me in trouble, he wasn't thinking straight in the heat of the situation.

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          • It's good that you think like this. I hope you'll solve these problems and I wish you all the best. My advice is to stay out of these situations.

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            • Thanks, and yes I will try to now. I don't want to end up in jail for something I didn't do.

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          • redrainbow22

            Your boyfriend shouldve called her a hoe.

            And then she wouldve been the first one to throw a punch lol

            If anything, this is ALL on her. And not you guys.

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            • Lol I wish that happened instead would have been funnier too.

              Yeah are person wouldn't be sued for defending themselves.

              I hope someone in court thinks like you.

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  • LionsMane

    She was right in trying to tell you what you probably need to hear, as a good friend should. The groping you was a bit much, though. Your...um boyfriend...should know to keep his cool. Pushing someone away if they are in your face is one thing but a full blown pow to the kisser is another- especially someone so much smaller.

    That said, everyone was tense and it sounds like everyone had some drinks and maybe some marijuana? I don't think your boyfriend should be in jail but should be held accountable for medical or dental bills.

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    • RoseIsabella

      What is it that she told him that he probably needed to hear?

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      • LionsMane

        That sexual abuse can have long lasting effects on an individual.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Well, everyone pretty much knows that.

          The fact that she is trying to grope OP against his will especially when you consider the fact that he's an abuse survivor proves that she's not a true friend, and if anything she's a bit predatory and opportunistic herself. What kind of awful person would act the way she did towards a friend? If she were my friend I would dump her. Groping another unwilling person is sexual assault.

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          • LionsMane

            Well in a lot of ways so is the dynamics of the often "top" vs "bottom" relationship gay men have. I wasnt there so there Is only so much I can say

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            • Okay so yeah a lot of bi guys have a past of sexual abuse and some gays aswell. But wrong place and time for her to talk about that heavy shit and no need to discuss it in front of my boyfriend. Exspecially bringing up my fucking step-dad.

              You don't think that I've research reasons why I have some feelings for some guys but like mostly girls, over and over again a million times. Just makes me more disgusted with my self if the cause is mainly from my past abuse, so I try to forget about it or I'll end up beating my self up over it. What else can I do about it. I'm not dating a dude for kicks I really cannot control who I'm attracted to.

              And how's the dynamic of being a top or bottom abusive? You do know some couples don't use penetration.

              And dental bills I agree with that.

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  • Ummitsme

    I couldn't read that, "war and peace" length paragraph. Men should never hit women (and vice versa) just run away.

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    • "war and peace"?
      Yeah I agree I would have stopped him of I knew that he was going to throw a punch. Everyone should of kept their hands to themselves including her.

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      • Ummitsme

        "War and peace" is a novel known for being long af, something like 1300 pages. I used it to refer to your initial post.

        Which lacked breaks; spacing in between paragrphs, making it very arduous to read.

        In the future when you write something that long, do your audience a favor and put some spaces in between clusters of sentences please. But yeah any relationship that becomes physical in a way that isn't sex or fun horseplay is a relationship you don't want to be in. If you or he need counseling please seek it. Domestic violence is never okay.

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        • I see, writing isn't my greatest strength obviously, I appreciate the tips, thanks.

          Yeah true, and I do need more counseling after this shit. Think everyone involved does.

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  • jethro

    You should have punched her in the mouth and not let your boyfriend fight your battles for you.

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    • I don't have a violent character that's just me. And I would have stopped him if I knew he was going to throw a punch.
      Not worth going to jail for her stupid reaction.

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  • The only part of this that could make what the boyf did justifiable is the bestf's attempt to grope OP. Both were at fault.

    However, the boyf was in the most wrong, because he initiated the physical violence.

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    • Yeah I think the groping pissed him off the most and the HIV+ comment was his limit to his tolerance.
      Yep now I'm lost on whether to stand by him if he does happen to go to court, because I will probably be involved anyway...

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      • Your boyf seems volatile, so he should learn to control himself.

        If you love him and want to stay with him, that's your choice, but he's not the kind of person I'd want to be involved with.

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        • Yeah he the type of person who let's anger build up until it overflows out as rage. But this is only the second time I've seen it happen and I've been with him over a year.
          If I do work things out with him, I should get him to seek counciling, it help me a little.

          Yeah I don't want him to hurt anyone else...

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          • Dustyair

            He has typical emotional disorders as is quite common with fag syndrome, as you know yourself. Counseling is pointless, and drugs will do you no good. Maybe a good butt fucking by Bubba in the cooler will. Have fun ;)

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            • Ellenna

              wtf is "fag syndrome"? Something you made up, I'll bet

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  • lonewolf1253

    They sound like the kind of trash you see on Jerry Springer. Not worthy of any more comment than that.

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    • I wish I had security like Jerry Springer did. Or even have it on tv so it would have a chance of being fake.

      Even joking about it doesnt help my mood... My situation is still fucked.

      But yeah seems most here don't like either my friend or bf. Fair enough I don't even know if I should stand by him if things escalate to court...

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      • lonewolf1253

        You just need to raise your standards and hang with a better class of people. Those people will just drag you down.

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        • Yeah true, this situation is fucking with my mind, and I'm starting to feel kinda depressed again...
          Sad thing is he helped me a bit to pull me out of my depression and anxiety, of course with the help with my anti-depressants but I give him some credit too.
          He was apart of the good class of people, but not so sure now...

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    Your friend isn't a friend and your boyfriend should be arrested. I would suggest you remove yourself from both of them. But if you want an answer a second grader would give, your friend started it, and your boyfriend took it way too far.

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    • No I need advice I'm not living a soap opera this is hell in reality.
      Yeah maybe that's the right thing to do, but then I feel bad not supporting him in court(if she does sue us) since he is my bf but I can't fully support what he did...

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  • Dustyair

    Your fag boyfriend needs to spend some time in the "cooler". The smoke in her face was stupid and was a physical assault. Post sounds like bullshit anyway.

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    • Name-calling can be left out you know if you really want someone to take your advice, just saying.
      I really wish it was bullshit.

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      • Dustyair

        Sounds to me like you two were antagonizing her from the beginning, which is what homos usually like to do to normal people. Then you claim "victim" status once you get your desired response, just like you're doing here.

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        • Let's be sensible here and please explain to me how I was antagonizing her? Because I believe I did nothing wrong. Or are you just gonna say more homophobic things, which show how much you hate gays. And then the world moves on without a care about what you hate or like, that's apart of life.

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