Having the same dream but it's slightly different

I had the dream again Lisa didn't torture me this time we just spoke what I mean by this I begged her to stop tormenting me and I asked why was she doing it. She says simply because I'm bored I have nothing better to do but this and I will keep doing this because what else is there. She dosent say it in a mocking way or anything she just say it as a matter of fact. What makes it worse she says she is always watching me and this horrifies me it kinda explains why I have moments when I feel like something is watching me. I know it's all in my head but I'm feeling worried that I might be having a nervous break down or something. Should I get help or just keep going on with my life and ignore it?

Should I get help/talk to someone about it. 12
It's not that bad and it's just a dream. 9
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Doublebubbledragon

    I think you need help because the dreams are probably a result of something bothering you during the daytime. I know when I have a really bad day I have bad dreams (also when I'm too hot while sleeping).

    So if you're having a lot of problems or bad days maybe reaching out to someone you trust can help. :)

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  • RoseIsabella

    Who is Lisa?

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      She use to be my imagery friend when I was a kid I grew out of it but six years ago I started dreaming about a woman who said she was Lisa. Me and her are the same age she didn't start the torture right away if anything I didn't mind what we were doing(sexual stuff) because she isn't real. Then for whatever reason she began to torture me she would rip me apart and sometimes eat me saying nothing. Sometimes I can't speak when it happens sometimes I can and when I beg her to stop she dosent say anything to me. The dreams happen on certain nights usually two to three times a month Sunday's Tuesday's and Thursday's. This dream is the first in a while that she hasn't tortured me and we were just talking this time. I'm aware that it's a dream and it's not real and I'm able to go about my life with little issues but it is something that bothers me. I have commented in this before.

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  • Hagart

    I think you need help but it doesn’t mean you’re crazy or something. You just need help getting rid of these dreams I guess. I also have extremely similar dreams all the time and it’s happened all my life. I’ve had strange dreams as a little kid and, after a long time of forgetting about it, I have the same one again

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  • bigrichard69

    Get help man.

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