Having been excessively busy during this time

I was excessively busy with a coffee at midnight, sleeping and waking up at 4 o'clock at night, mainly this is what I do, when I started handwriting at these times, then from the morning till late evening after dinner I'm drinking or drinking alcoholic wine thinking of ways to be more and more hectic, only to possess the purchases I'm using and expertly mix drinks like a coffee and a wine, for the hectic life, writing the most important things in the galaxy, when while burning the midnight oil, I continue with my work, usually on a Saturday with a coffee and wine or a cola and wine.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Vvaas

    fuck me

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yeah, you're pure as the driven snow. I probably fall asleep because port is a narcotic. I see what you're possibly thinking, of expertly mixing drinks I'm a pure cocktail artist, and by doing this, with the drink of ancient Arabia (coffee mixed with wine), I fall asleep like a Texan in a siesta; the only distinction is this is done around midnight, wasting time out of work, when I shouldn't let it make me averse to it, and it's a half-bullshit as I observed, finding this not easy, and waking from 4 in the morning, it's a nocturnal way to work unpaid, only getting money from the dole. Then being busy during this time, subconsciously I sleep at midnight, I can see why you say "f*** me".

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      • Vvaas

        understandable, have a nice day

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