Have you ever had to dial or call 911 at any point in your life?

Just wondering, cause I had to call 911 and call for the cops last night because someone broke into my building? Have you ever had to call 911 for anything? And what did you call them for?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • MrsAsher

    Yea multiple times when I was a kid.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Oh yes. Once when my brother fell out of a window 3 stories up when he was 2, once when my mother's ex bf slapped me and tried to attack me, then there was a couple of years ago when my bf of 14 years almost died from some kind of infection that traveled up to his brain... that was the hardest.
    There's been other times, but I can't remember if it was me who called or other people. Oh! There was also that lady who was getting beat up by her bf in the Walmart parking lot.

    My life has not been quiet.. oh sweet quiet.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I had to call 911, because my crazy, psycho, narcissistic-abuser, ex-boyfriend grabbed me by the back strap of my sports bra, and dragged me down the street. He went to jail, and I grabbed my stuff, and moved.

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    • Grunewald

      My goodness! That must have been horrifying for you. 😲
      How does a person come to terms with a thing like that?

      Well done for being able to think straight enough in that moment to call the police.

      If that is how it ended, I'm glad for you that at least the police did their job and that you got justice and were able to flee safely.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I guess Im still trying to come to terms with the experience, and all the feelings it stirred up inside me. I feel like I'm definitely more of an introvert since all that stuff happened over four years ago. I gathered up my cat, and most of my stuff, then called a cab company. They sent the owner in a minivan, and he drove me to a little motel. I stayed at the motel a few days while I worked out a plan with a local organization that helps women who are victims of domestic violence.

        Within a few days I arranged to travel a few hours back to the Houston area as all of this stuff happened in the wake of Hurricane Harvey so my ex-boyfriend, and I had actually evacuated to his family's place in the country about one, and half hours from Fort Worth.

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  • DarkMatter

    I had to do it when my cousin's husband was beating her for no reason. At least that's what we thought. It was actually a plan of my cousin. It's a long story and can't tell it here. She wanted revenge from her husband. She didn't get beaten. She came to us crying. She was acting. We took it to the point of divorce. After so much hard work we realized that she is the bad one. We ended our relations with her. Btw I called 999, not 911.

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  • bbrown95

    A few times, but it was never anything really interesting. Usually to report some sort of unsafe obstruction on the highway (there was a really huge object on the interstate in the middle of the night one night that I didn't see until the last minute and thankfully was able to avoid, for example) or something of that like.

    I also accidentally called once when I was a kid, and my stupid phone somehow butt-dialed it this summer, and I didn't know about it until I got a call back saying 911 had been called from my number and asking if everything was okay. That really irked me because my phone always has this stupid "accidental touch protection" that pops up ONLY WHEN I'M USING IT, and every time I pull it out of my pocket, there are a million apps and web pages open, a long string of numbers dialed, and/or a few screen shots in my gallery. It also bought something on eBay while in my pocket once, and I have no clue how it was able to do that! If the "accidental touch protection" doesn't even remotely come close to working and only makes using the phone a pain in the ass, what's the point in it even being implemented? I digress.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Never have hopefully never will.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    No, I've always dealt with things my self.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    A man was trapped in a burning car once

    another time a police officer oddly enough went the wrong way on an exit ramp and got on the interstate going to wrong way almost hit 3 people. I called 911 was talkin shit about their department they hung up

    The last time I snapped my leg and it was like a spaghetti noodle

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  • LloydAsher


    I just hope it sounds clear enough that I dont sound like a crazy person when calling in. My speech impediment gets so much worse when I'm stressed.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Yes, for an oil spill on an interstate off-ramp. Then I stood on the side of the road and slowed everyone down until the State Patrol showed up and took over so there were no major accidents (a few vehicles did slide some).

    A bit latter a county cleanup crew showed up to clean up the oil as best they could, and sand the road to at least make it gritty. When I left they were posting temporary reduced speed limit signs for the off-ramp.

    The State Patrol officers thanked me before I left. Also, they told me that they had identified and stopped the truck that spilled the oil about 100 miles down the interstate.

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  • Somenormie

    My workplace once had to call the ambulance because some dude injured himself and broke his left leg.

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