Have you ever felt uncomfortable around poor people b/c u r richer?

Meaning .. people who are POORER than you and your richness RELITIVE to them makes you feel uncomfortable, strange, guilty, sad, ect..

Ive traveled around the world quite a lot, and on occasion I'd feel strange showing up in some of these very poor countries, like all my luckiness in life was at deeper contrast than ever before.
walking around a dusty village with my nice camera, my bulky glowing pone ,my casual but still very nice clothing, sometimes depending on the place with my lighter toned skin sticking out like a sore thumb. definitely served the purpose of making me feel more grateful of my lot in life even though back home in the states I earn below the usa poverty line.

people were always kind to me and always tried to be kind to others. but sometimes that was exactly it.."otherness" ... i felt like an other ... like a spoiled other, like an other who by no effort of my own was lucky enough to be born in a better place.. with the depth of unfairness feeling almost unbridgeable... as if i was this tourist from space who was just all in "have-fun-mode" while I stomp around on adventures among people who's quality of life is much lower. I mean i mostly embrace uncomfortableness like that, thats part of what is fulfilling about travel... i did what i could to help who i could and i tried my best to submerge myself in the culture but sometimes it was hard to leave the obvious eye sore of my first worldliness behind... it felt strange.

Idk Have you ever felt Uncomfortable in similar ways? maybe homeless people, or while traveling? who what and where? tell your story, thoughts and questions~

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Grunewald

    Yes. Normally when I see people begging on my commute to and from a job that earns me a roof over my head, food, bills and a few luxuries - drinks in cafés, the odd meal at a restaurant with friends, and cheap flights within Europe. And disturbing as it is, I'd rather feel that feeing than not feel it.

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    • McBean

      I do not feel this, ever. I am wealthier than 98% of the population, but live far below my means. And, I respect the gutsy determination it takes to get out of bed and go to a job you don't like to provide for your kids. I try to invest in things that bring good wealth producing work to my community. I support STEM studies for local schools so the kids in my community can compete with top productivity in the future.

      What I am saying is that virtue and values at all levels make all of us stronger and better team players. Give poor people a job and a fist bump for encouragement. And, thank them for reminding you where you came from.

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  • WeirdManFromTheSouth

    When my son gets older I want to take him to the third world so he will always appreciate what he has here in America. So mant people are ungrateful even though most of the world doesnt have plumbing, running water, air conditioning, healthcare. Here in America we have such a privileged lifestyle due to being in wealthy country. I try to make sure I'm always thankful for what I got.

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