Have you ever been kicked out of a place?

What was the place you were kicked out of and what was the reason?

I got kicked out of a Gamestop yesterday because I didn't boycott a game. All I wanted to do was pre-order Bayonetta 3 and then go to the Wal-Mart next door for groceries, but they got all preachy at me for wanting to buy the game. They just kept going on and on about how I'm supporting unfair wages. I didn't like being looked down upon and told them off. It resulted in me getting kicked out. I wasn't even aware of the drama the game had.

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No 7
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Holzman_67

    I got kicked out of a bar once because my friend was drunk and they told me I could only purchase water, despite the fact I was stone cold sober. The next time I approached the bar they told me they had given me adequate warning and proceeded to kick me out, whilst my drunk friend remained inside. It had been a ticketed event and included drinks in the package. I made the mother of all complaints, absolutely torched them online (full Karen) and got a full refund.

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  • Somenormie

    No but I once witnessed some fat lady getting kicked out for eating too much at a Chinese buffet recently me and my friend we laughed our asses off.

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  • megadriver

    You got kicked out for wanting to buy a game?!!? I'm sorry, but when you buy a product, you buy it because you want it, not because it's ethically made, or the people involved in making it are paid fairly...

    Go back there, demand to speak to the manager, raise some hell!
    Man, I would be extremely pissed off if someone did that to me and I would not let go. It isn't about the game - it's about your right as a customer!

    People happily buy "fast fashion" clothes made in sweatshops and eat nestle products made with slave labor, but get edgy, hipstery and preachy about a videogame. Too bad that the developers of Bayonetta aren't paid fairly, but again... how is this your problem?

    EA is hardly the best employer either, but it's annual Fifa games sell like hot cakes! Where's their criticism?

    PS: No, I've never been kicked out. I've been denied entry into a nightclub with friends, because (according to the security retard) I looked "aggressive and intimidating and would definitely cause trouble".
    Fine, fuck you too... we'll go to a bar instead - I hate most nightclubs anyway.

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  • Tinybird

    Not that I remember but my dad has been kicked out of stores for not wearing a mask. Once in 2020 he was arguing with someone in the store because he wouldn't wear a mask and they kicked him out and then some guy tried to punch him through the car window and threw rocks at our car.

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    • profanity

      Thats just sad.

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      • Tinybird

        Yes and like my mum was the one who was driving and my little sister was in the car too. And then later on that day my dad had like a mental breakdown and threatened to kill himself. We were so afraid and he was going to the shed and telling me to go back in the house and I was screaming and crying (this was at like 3 am) and we were terrified to go to bed and leave him in case he did it. I don't know if that incident at the shop triggered it but it must have contributed to it.

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        • profanity

          Boycott those stores. Never go to those shops again.

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  • profanity


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  • malaparte

    Yup. Got drunk and some old guy who had been stalking me for months wouldn't get the picture. I screamed at him, and the bartender kicked us out for being disruptive.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Which time?

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  • ospry

    That makes no sense. You wanted to buy Bayonetta 3, so they started bitching at you because of their low wages? There's no connection at all between those two things. I'm calling BS or you're just being overly sensitive

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  • GaelicPotato

    Explain the bayonetta drama to me

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I get kicked out just about everywhere I go

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