Have you ever been accused of something you didn't do?

What the title says. What was it and how did it get resolved if it did?

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Comments ( 28 )
  • Indigo1

    My brother continuously accuses me of being some big time drug dealer. He knows i work in the cannabis indistry but he thinks i sell acid and that I like move drugs internationally, from some shit rumor. He still thinks this, even though it is not true.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I'd love to work in the canibis industry.

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      • Indigo1

        Ya, It's a good business to be in.

        btw I'm not in dover, that thread was just my stupid attempt at a troll. lol

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        • RoseIsabella

          ... meh. 😕

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          • Indigo1

            Ya idk what got into me then... I just thought it would be funny to pretend to be from the same town. but I later realized that having that false tid bit of info kind of clashes when i want to be real with my info which is %99.999 of the time.

            Don't worry though, that whole part about you being absolutely golden is NOT a troll ...you are indeed GOLDEN.

            Im actually in Colorado~.~

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            • RoseIsabella


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      • leggs91200

        Rose lady I am a little shocked. You mean to say you might have experimented with, with, smoking mary jane at some point in your life?

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        • RoseIsabella

          Yes, know it's shocking, and amazing, but it's true.

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          • leggs91200

            Well thanks to you my heart stopped from the shock.
            But here is good news, they found a donor one that they are gonna stick in my chest.
            Here it is -


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      • mauzi

        There are a lot of jobs for it nowadays, I see them on indeed all the time, and for graphic art designing logos for it. it's so boring like 50% of the design market i've looked into lately is for cannabis startups, and crypto currency. although probably would be fun if you get to grow the plants.

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        • Indigo1

          Ya I work with the plants growing and trimming, it's bitter sweet but mostly sweet!

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  • I have had this all my life, being accused of shit I didn't do. Never understood, have always tried to figure out what I am doing to come across as looking guilty.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      yall moved yalls knee slightly to the right? obviously guilty

      theres too many armchair shrinks and detective show fans out there

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  • Grunewald

    As a kid, often.

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  • mauzi

    Probably, I dont really pay attention to that sort of thing though. couldn't care less what douchebag liars and the morons who believe them think of me.

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  • IceRed

    In 8th grade, i was playing flappy bird and got a score of about 140. then my friend accused me of playing the game 24/7 to be able to get such a high score, when really i only played once or twice a day.

    a few years later i brought this up to him again and explained how he was wrong

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  • LloydAsher

    Accused of selling kids alcohol in highschool. I just sold kids boxes of concentrated juice with explicit directions to not leave in closet in dry place, for 7 weeks. Then strain the contents afterwards.

    The officials allowed me to walk when they read my warnings.

    I was 15 at the time. I was also very bored.

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  • Tealights

    Got a UTI as a teenager for holding my pee for too long. Later my mom accused me of having unprotected sex with a dirty guy and gave me a firm talk about boys, sex, and babies. I told her that what happened was the truth and that I'm a virgin still, but she said she didn't want to hear my lies.

    She was so angry and really thought I got pregnant at 15. It probably took 9 months and no baby for her to believe me.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    From time to time and it is super annoying. I've made the mistake of thinking and actually accusing people of things they didn't do in the past so I withhold judgement and accusations until all the facts are known.

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  • Ellenna

    About a year ago a relative accused me of revealing information about family sexual abuse on facebook, which I didn't do, only referred to it in private messages to her.

    At least one other family member to whom I'm particularly close, in fact regarded as my other daughter even though she's not, believed it. They both cut me out of their lives completely and then the first one died before anything could be resolved.

    I'm still broken hearted and attempts at contact on my part are all rebuffed: still trying to accept I can do nothing more about it and that it's yet another instance in my long life of relationships being fucked up by people's addictions, in this case to alcohol.

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  • brutus

    My mother accused me of stealing money once(I didn't).

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    When I was in high school my parents accused me of jacking off and watching porn. This was before I even did it, but they still thought so. Boy that was a mess!

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  • RoseIsabella

    When I was in 7th grade I had really bad acne, and then some bitch started a rumor that she saw me looking into the mirror in the girls bathroom praying to the Devil to clear up my skin. So then there was this awful rumor that I was a witch who worshipped the Devil, and that persisted for my whole 7th grade year. I didn't even look the part, I was just a shy, nerdy, awkward, preppy dressing kid. Seventh grade was Hell!

    Now I am almost fifty years old, and people tend to think I'm ten to fifteen years younger than my age. Some guy once even accused me of having good skin, because I don't really have wrinkles. I wonder what the people who picked on me back then look like now? It certainly wouldn't break my heart if they had a lot of wrinkles.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      That's awful of them. Chances are they're probably wrinkled bags of flesh with kids and grandchildren that are draining their pension and 401Ks. Not trying to put all people in the same bubble or anything, I just noticed a lot of older couples are like this. XD

      I remember when I was 10, one of my classmates accused me of sexually harassing him. The teacher made the class all hold hands in a circle, spin, and sing a song. I was unfortunate to hold his hand. No one in that circle knew how to move right and we were all just bumping into each other. I had a cold and was fighting the urge to hack up phlegm by doing closed mouth coughs. After the song was over he goes up to me and is like "Don't ever do that to me again!". I was confused as fuck and had no idea what I did wrong. He went around saying I was humping him and making sexual noises, which was NOT true. I'm so glad the teachers didn't believe his imagined scenario. That kid had a screw loose. XD

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      • RoseIsabella

        What a little jerk! I can't imagine how anyone could confuse a stifled cough with a sexual sound. Ugh.

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  • curious-bunny

    Everyone thought I was a thief growing up cause some syringes was found in ny closer shortly after I discovered them and asked a tin of questions. To this day I cant tell you how they got there

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  • chuy

    Yes, all the fucking time ever since I was a kid.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    every fuckin weeka my life

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