Has social justice gone too far?

Has social justice in the Western world and our pursuit of complete social equality gone too far?

Have we only just started to notice and act on constant instances of discrimination or do we look for them when they aren’t there?

Do modern people just look for reasons to feel victimised because our lives are easier than they’ve ever been before?

Yes 29
No, but it doesn’t need to go any further 6
No, it’s not gone far enough 7
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Comments ( 43 )
  • Yep.

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  • Protagoras

    Nah, just anti-sjws who constantly cry about liberals on the internet or anytime their cult leader is rightfully criticized. “I just wanted to be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic without any repercussions! Boo hoo hoooo! i’m not triggered! Wait! Why is that guy kneeling during the anthem?! F#&$!!!”

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    • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

      But the thing is no one can find these racist or homophobes or sexists or whatever "ists" label you liberals use. SJWs dont have a stance on political issues. They just like to throw a label at ppl and then argue with those ppl about if the label is accurate or not. As soon as you start talking about political policies they freeze up or go to the "thats racist" card. They tend to think with their emotions and not with logic. They arent reasonable ppl. Thats why people dislike them.

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      • Nikclaire

        They always resort to ad hominem attacks or some other logical fallacy.

        They say that Trump is a racist, ask for proof, and let the insults start.

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      • Conservatives have become what they hate.

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      • Protagoras

        I think it’s funny how the MAGA crowd argues the left can’t argue without expressing emotions when trump’s campaign was ran on fear. Take the political issue of this stupid fucking wall they keep vouching for, despite the fact that there’s been bipartisan legislation for more thousands of miles of fencing on the border during the Bush and Obama administrations. Many illegal immigrants come by plane and overstay their visas and a wall doesn’t stop that. Not to mention that there is a complex system of underground tunnels and drug cartels have a myriad of ways to smuggle drugs over a wall. But no, let’s waste billions on a wall that would face legal opposition from property owners that live on that as well as face environmental challenges. No, that’s not our argument at all, we just don’t want to build a wall because “it’s racist” yup, no other logical reason.

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        • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

          "Of this stupid fucking wall" way to be emotional and prove my point for me. You did make some good points though ill give you that, but its not wasting money like they'll have you believe. Its less than 3% of the annual budget. We give more money away than that in foreign aid to other countries every year under Obama.

          Obama took the debt from 9 trillion to 19 trillion. Double every president in history. He also built a barrier on the border. So now when Trump wants to do something the left is saying "its a waste of money" and "walls dont work". Even though Obama built a fence and spent a ton of money and even gave a ton of money away.

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          • While I can't argue with the numbers, and I agree with your observation that Obama has screwed us on the national debt (not to include Obama care), but I just don't see what a 30 foot wall will do to stop illegal immigration or drug traffickers. Can't you picture some sombrero wearing Mexican entrepreneur selling 31 foot ladders? I sure can.

            Walls can be breached. Most illegal immigrants and drugs come here via border crossings anyway.

            If you want to stop illegal immigration, go for the manufacturers and construction contractors who employ them. These are the ones who are not only taking advantage of poor immigrants who are looking for a better life, but are also driving down the price of such services to the point where legitimate contractors are leaving the business because they can't make a profit without breaking the law.

            Make hiring illegals a felony and a lot of things will get better.

            And for those of you who read this and think I'm being racist or nationalist or whatever, I'll tell you now that I work for Mexicans who are great employers who are very good to me and came to this country *****LEGALLY!!!***

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            • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

              Its a step in the right direction. Border patrol agents sayy over 95% of the ppl they catch come through the side of the border with no barrier. Illegal immigration is already way down under Trump and a border wall is just another obstacle for them to get through. People talk about tunnels but those are expensive to build. Cartels arent going to sacrifice a tunnel by allowing illegal immigrants to use them to get into the country. Those are probably on the cali border mostly but they also use drug mules to make runs where there is no border. Why would they use tunnels where the border is open?

              I agree with you though about making it a serious offense to hire an illegal tho.

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      • IrishPotato

        Logic from them is non existent.

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    • leggs91200

      Do they still do that shit?
      It doesn't bother me cause the anthem isn't about them anyways.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Lol sounds like some of my cousins. XD

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    It depends I don't see it as the worst possible thing going on in the world right now(and there are a lot of problems) as people make it out to be but yes in a lot of instances it has gone to far.

    I think the moronic extremist sjws should really look at their stances and change things up a bit and not be so crazy with it I mean they are the main reason why people are willing to give far right reactionaries a pass when they are just as problematic.

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  • Yes, social justice has gotten out of control. But the subject is old, like 2015-2017 old.

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  • CountessDouche

    This whole post is fucking retarded like all of the other incessant retard posts i see littering this site demonizing people that you don't agree with. It reeks of someone whom has never spoken to real people & gets their bastardized idea of all liberals as screeching, tatooed, overreacting babies from shitty one sided media outlets. You sound just as bad as those who characterize all consevatives as gun loving, racist, MAGA hat wearing nazi's...a narrative that's not even close to the truth.

    Using untrue stereotypes based on the loudest & most obnoxious allows you to justify throwing out the baby with the proverbial bathwater...ie discounting any ideas that ARE worth talking about. You're really gonna tell me you are against any sense of fairness regardless of gender & race just because liberals are stupid. That's tantamount someone tossing aside fiscal conservatism & lower taxes because der conservatards r rassist dur.

    So fucking stupid. Try to be less ignorant in your attempts to oversimplify an entire political ideology & you might find, oh idk, an ability to have an open & constructive dialougue instead of the current environment that fosters closed ears and an inability to budge.

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    • charli.m

      There's no reasoning with these people :(

      We try and it just gets worse.

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      • CountessDouche

        That sounds like something a socialist would say!!! You shall be burnt at the stake!!!

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  • IrishPotato

    These retards need to seriously fuck off. They're nothing but annoying pests and I'm sick of it. The world is going along with it way too much and it's ridiculous.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Most of the loud annoying friends I had that had SJW beliefs usually grew out of their fantasies when they realised that the real world isn't going to take their shit.

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  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    SJWs cant comprehend that the world isn't fair and it never will be.

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  • brutus

    Sjw and feminists are scum.

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  • bubsy

    The difference between conservatives and liberals is that of morality and fairness. We learn about fairness earlier on, as children--especially if you have siblings. But life isn't fair, and the liberal mentality is immature.

    One of the greatest lies of the modern era is this: that all men are equal. That a doctor is somehow equal to an unemployed drug addict. That someone with a genius-level IQ is equal to a mentally impaired person.

    We're not equal and life isn't fair. There can never be social equality, the best we can do is to create a system of morals and shame those who go outside them. Christianity is why the Western world flourished as it did. It was in many ways ideal, especially for family structure.

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    • Nikclaire

      You just gave a perfect explanation for why SJW's and socialist go wrong.

      "that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”

      Nowhere does this say all men remain equal or that they all get happiness. It states we start out equal and can pursue happiness, not the we remain equal and are guaranteed hapiness.

      In a race, all start at the same point, the fastest man still wins.

      Why is this so difficult to comprehend? The left want to give a head start to certain people and handicap others. That's what's wrong with their philosophy.

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      • megadriver


        It's also why communism fails everywhere and only leaves a wake of destruction and tyranny. A garbage man is not equal to a brain surgeon. A truck driver is not equal to a rocket scientist...

        But try explaining that to someone who has a "safe space" to retire to whenever they face the harshness of the real world.

        Let's cower in our room full of stuffed animals, crayons and other stuff children over the age of 7 usually grow out of to pretend the world is this magical rainbowy place full of smiles and chipmunk laughter... It's not and we all know it XD

        What you make out of your life is up to you.

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        • Nikclaire

          Spot on!

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      • bubsy

        I agree with the majority of your statement. Though I think the more we understand about genetics and the role they play in our potential as human beings, the more the idea of "being created equal" falters. When you accept that some people have inherent advantages over others, you can either whine and complain about privilege (SJW route), or you can grow up and accept it (mature route).

        Though no particular person is equal to another, we should all be treated equally under the law. That sort of social contract is how civilizations can be made. Those laws over centuries become morals and form the foundation of conservative thought. It is by far the better ideology when it comes to dealing with reality.

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        • Nikclaire

          You still don't comprehend the quote unfortunately. I'm not sure where language fails you but it's a shame.

          Your reasoning and understanding inevitably leads to the social handcapping of the left.

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          • bubsy

            I can't be the first to have ever told you this, but you're a remarkably unlikeable person.

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            • Nikclaire

              Well I live alone and have no friends, family or a significant other so no, I wouldn't be shocked.

              That's still a remarkably mean thing to say to someone, simply for pointing out you don't comprehend what a compound sentence is.

              You're unpleasant. Good day madame.

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  • bogbrush

    Homeless Brits everywhere;
    Elderly going without heating;
    Mentally ill going without treatment;
    Troops go without proper equipment.
    Sending billions to other countries and welcome illegal and legal immigrants with free food/housing/money. We need social justice for our own people.

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  • chuy


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  • bigbudchonga

    It's gone way too far. The West is almost beyond saving. People genuinely still believe in things like the Patriarchy.

    I really don't see anything that can be done to end the irrationality.

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  • SwickDinging

    I don't think there's an absolute right or wrong here. You can't run a country in a way that pleases everyone. So... Maybe they've gone too far? Or maybe not far enough? Depends on who you're asking.

    Sorry for sounding so wishy washy but I'm being genuine. My personal view is that free speech must be protected above all else, which social justice seems to hinder, but that doesn't mean that everyone else has to agree with me.

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  • LloydAsher

    The sjws rather care about manspreading in the us rather than FGM in Saudi Arabia. It's stupid and pitiful to follow those who only stand up to small issues while ignoring the larger ones.

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    • bogbrush

      That's so true.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    “Because of the mainstreaming of academia’s victimhood culture, we are now in a place where we place more value on being a victim than on being heroic, charitable, or even kind.”


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