Has anyone had this feeling before?

Hi guys, I have been getting this feeling in my lower buttock legs and ankles where it feels like ants are crawling down them or like lightning or electricity is passing through them, has anyone here had such a feeling or have similar symptoms? I have had a full blood test, spine test and an MRI and they all came back "normal" around a year ago, I eventually got told I had sciatica or a pinched nerve and was refereed to partake in Physio therapy as I also had a back pain in the middle of
The back where it felt really tender and like my muscles were tender or sort of inflamed, most of the back pain got better with Physio and daily exercise and most of the leg tingling sensation went but it came back from time to time but last two weeks or so it has appeared to be intensified, has anyone here had that? Please help me, il crying out for help and answers and I don't feel I have gotten a difinitive one yet. :-( it's really unpelasent to deal with, please help

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Comments ( 13 )
  • merrie5900

    What is your age? Maybe you could be pre-diabetic or diabetic. Neuropathy is the sensation of pins and needles, numbness in your body, especially in your legs. It is a simple poke of your finger to get a blood glucose test to see if your blood sugar is high. Regardless if you haven't been to a medical provider for awhile get a simple check up, they will help fix you up!

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  • Okay, wow that's interesting!!! Yeah it tends to aggravate it more when I bend over too... this is damn strange, I want it to stop!!!!

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  • How did it go? What happened?

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    • Angelandme

      Well OP I quit my job, I am pretty sure the cold 35 degree temp in my work environment was the culprit. For 6 months now I have not experienced this leg stuff anymore.
      I also found out that although I don't experience this shooting electric waves of weirdness in my legs anymore it was probably not just caused by the cold but also from anything involving me stooping to the ground in a squatting manner to pick stuff up. Kinda like squats I guess. I now know my weakness is work involving heavy thigh use, like squats but though they get tired if I do use them in that way I never get those waves like I did in the freezer.

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  • Jesus Christ man that sounds bad!!!

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  • Angelandme

    I had a sensation of cold water shooting lightning fast down both my thighs from top to bottom of calf often...now it's gone. I say water because it felt like drips yet they were so fast it seemed to me like it was my nerves or something. I actually quit the best job I've ever had because of it. But now I have seemed to recover.
    Also my legs would get really week when I'd start feeling this, I could barely walk and after an hour of this I would literally have to think about every step for fear of my feet giving out.

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  • Data'sCat

    It is normal but it is also a medical condition. For example, nerve damage. Improve your diet, which is what causes almost all medical ills, using the Weston Price Foundation.

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  • I have been doing exercises I have been told, maybe I need massaging or something...

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  • Thanks, there's nothing visible though, i don't think it's inflammation, it happens predominantly when I stand up I think, it could be stress related I have read, who the he'll knows though? I have read a million things, I'll be interested to see what else people here say, thanks for replying all so far :-)

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  • Keepsake

    Maybe it has something to do with your posture or sitting position. Keep in mind what activities you do that trigger it.

    Some treatments include training the muscles in the afflicted area, immobilization with splints for rest, and surgery is the last resort. Make sure to continue exercising the specific area. Use ice and heat packs if you see inflammation.

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  • It's random pretty much, I have had temporary pins and needles and it doesn't feel the same at all, kind of feels like something is pinching at my behind like a crab or scorpion, obviously it's not lol but that's how I perceive it

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  • I have been to them heaps and lost faith in damn doctors I want to hear from others who have had this or currently have, i just know there are others out there, so I can at least here from others and see some light

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  • Chocobonobble

    I'd see a doctor if I was you. They can give you a much better diagnosis then trying to self diagnose your self online.

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