Has anyone accused you of lying?

This happened at my job. Yesterday this lady goes up to me and asks if we sell Harmless brand water. I happily show her where it is, tell her to have a great day, and I rejoin my co-worker to continue unloading the pallet of frozen items.

The lady comes back to talk some more. It wasn't about items though. It was about the former nightclub that was being turned into a daycare. I told her that I'm sorry but I can't talk because the pallet of frozen items has a time limit for how long it can stay at room temperature and it'll melt if it's not unloaded to the freezers in a timely matter.

She didn't take it well and yelled about how Gen Z is rude and selfish. She said I should respect her because she's older. This lady looked to be about 40ish or so, but I ask her how old she is anyway. She said she was 30. I tell her that she should follow her own logic since I'm going to be 34 in September.

The lady refuses to believe it and says I don't look a day over 22. She demands to see my driver's license. My coworker tells her to leave me alone or he'll call security. She leaves but is saying something inaudible as she goes.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    Yes, that's why I keep screenshots, receipts & record almost everything I do & say.

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  • Anonnet

    There was an old lady who was asking me about something electronic at a store I worked at. It was too long ago for me to remember exactly what the question was, but I'll use phones as an example, since it was usually phones. It could have been about her son's 3DS.

    She asks me whether this SD card will work on her phone, even if it doesn't explicitly say it will work on her exact device. I tell her that most Android phones use the same ports, and the relatively-small-size SD card she was holding is compatible with virtually everything.

    She looks me straight in the eye and says, slowly, "I. Don't. Believe. You." Nothing else, she just walked away.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      As someone who has worked in retail some customers really think random workers have personal vendettas against them. I wanted to tell them that I was not paid enough to scheme.

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  • Holzman_67

    Similar thing used to happen to me in retail. we called them pets, they’re harmless people, just a bit lonely. Just because you’re polite which is a part of delivering friendly service they befriend you and want to chat when you have work to do. I would say in future that you can build rapport with people by talking as you’re working, you stay polite and usually (not always) they see that you are busy (it’s a non verbal cue) and will leave.
    Your work will love you for it too because you’re not affronting the customer, you’re building community. I’ve also somewhat mastered a conversational style that brings small talk that’s ballooning out to a close in a friendly manner and that’s really by replying friendly, with charisma and interest while simultaneously winding up the conversation. I can explain more but this comment is lengthy enough already.
    Hope this helps in a future such interaction.

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  • kikilizzo

    It's mostly only happened over text which is great because of how you can scroll up or search the chat, take a screenshot and send it.
    That tends to shut em down.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    People always think im lying saying I just do my own thing in life and apparently that's unbelievable cause that doesn't follow the boring norm they were raised apon

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  • Tommythecaty

    Yes but they are liars.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    It irritates me when someone says I'm lying and I'm not. Maybe its my ego idk but makes me argue with them.

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