Good or bad stats?

ok so i just beat gta 4. all missions completed. 60 percent. i beat all 94 main missions. i died 23 times, and failed a mission 48 times. i attempted a mission 141 times, and used 44 replays. i got busted 1 time. it took 26 hours all together. is this a bad run or am i just tripping? please answer anyone who has completed this game or has an idea of what a good or noob level gamer is haha

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Somenormie

    I remember on gta 4 I would always go to the hospital and kill patients and murder everyone on site.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Wow that's a coincidence, I'm playing through GTA 4 atm. I always load up the game again if I die, get busted or fail a mission though, so it won't show on the stats, lol. If sharing stats like this after finishing the game is a thing though then I might not do that in future, so I can compare my stats with others' and see how I fare.

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  • BleedingPain

    Only a nerd actually compleets the GTA missions.

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  • Bluishorange

    I have no idea if this is impressive, sad, sadly impressive or impressively sad.

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  • raisinbran

    I never beat GTA4 because one of the main missions had a bug due to fucked up helicopter controls on the PC. The fact that you got busted means you're a noob, suicide is always the better option in GTA.

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  • LloydAsher

    Average gamer tbh. A noob would die at least a hundred times. I dont like the GTA series (I perfer the general absurdity/stupidity of the Saints Row series)

    I like single player games or mostly single player games. Though the one multiplayer game I keep going to is Titanfall 2 which is one my favorite games of all time right behind Skyrim.

    Thanks for posting. Wish there were more gamer posts on here.

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    • Somerandomguylivinghislife

      cool cool. i raged alot beating it haha. called myself all kinds of names and yelled at the tv screen and at myself. not the whole way through but forreal i rage too much. its like i become a child when i start sucking at the game lol.

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      • LloydAsher

        I used to do that, that's when I stopped playing overwatch and shifted to single player normal difficulty games. It's an experience why tarnish it with rage?

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        • Somerandomguylivinghislife

          cause i feel like i should be better and and not completely retarded haha lol

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          • LloydAsher

            Well if I need to indulge my ego for being the mvp player I default to titanfall 2. I could get a 26/1.7 kill death ratio.

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