General anesthesia side effects

Has anyone here had any lingering side effects from general anesthesia?

I had surgery a week ago and have noticed since then that my vision has been blurry and at times, I'll have double vision, especially when trying to read words. I have also been getting waves of dizziness verging on vertigo. I'll even get a bit nauseous from the dizziness. It feels as if the room is tipping at times. It has gone on for a week now. I'm awaiting a call from my anesthesiologist to ask him about it.

Well, is it normal or should I be worried?

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68% Normal
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Comments ( 151 )
  • terahbly26

    I have a quistion if anyone can answer it would be a great pleasure. My quistion is how long does it take for the confusion and dementia to go away from anaethesia? or is this even a side effect? is it normal for the patient to be confused, delusions, not recongnizing people, weakness, and cant walk without calasping as well as a loss of appitite?
    any feed back would be appreciated
    thank you

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    • Moi-Moi

      Unfortunately, sometimes it never quite goes away.
      General anesthesia is a big deal, and few people bother to read the forms they sign. My mother went through it at 88, and never came back. She died 2 months later.

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      • Vekho

        My dad has undergone ercp and since then he has been been dizzy from the past 15 days is it cos he used anesthesia??

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    • Husbande

      Hi there my father is having the same side effecfs, im so worried he is 81, and hasnt been the same since he went under? Can anyone shed some light on what is happening? We are afraid my dad might not make it, he doeant want to eat, hea confused he doesnt find joy in things that he uae to?

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  • sannndie

    I just had surgery last Tues ( Nov 6/07-gall bladder out) and I am still having lightheadedness and dizzy spells on and off? Has anyone had effects of Anesthesia this long also...I am kinda worried. I do have to go back to work!

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    • shortcake441

      Hi, im so late replying to this, years late. just happened to come across this site as i did a search on this. Omg, just had a hysteroscopic procedure one week ago, under general. for the last 5 days, i've been having these dizzy spells, like waves of diziness or lightheadedness :( every time i stand up, dizzy wave, i turn my head, dizzy wave, i move my eyes, dizzy wave :( it's so annoying, i dont feel "normal" did this get better with time for anyone ? i even feel it in my arms, like they want to twitch up or give out on me when i make a sudden arm move. I wonder if the anesthesia is still in my body, or it screwed up my nerves. i cant shake this off, i'm getting so anxious and annoyed! :( anybody help please, did it go away later? i dont have headaches or tremors, just daily diziness. :( thank you for any feedback, i appreciate it!

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      • ISSAC

        Dear Shortcake444

        how can i email you?

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      • ISSAC

        Dear Shortcake444

        11 months ago i got operated with general anesthetic. 4 months after the operation i got those dizziness until. i feel the same like how you felt.

        Please tell me how do you feel now and if do you feel normal no?

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      • Gamesrfun99

        Side effects like this can be normal i am a doctor but you should talk to an anesthesiologist because i am not one i am just a general doctor

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        • TwoThumbs

          I pray that you aren't a doctor. You don't capitalize your I's or use any punctuation. I like my doctors literate. #pleasetellmethatyouarejoking

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          • Musicteach417

            I don't always use punctuation or capitalize because these are little informal sites, not a site for writing a law paper or college discertation. Sometimes when you are in a hurry, you just want to get your point across as quickly as possible.

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            • Hie_Thee_Hence

              "discertation" Ha! I'm guessing you're a 16 year old girl.

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          • rshwin

            Kudos TwoThumbs, I think they're lying.

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    • silver760

      The same happened to me after the same op.It took months before I felt entirely normal again (well for me with my medical problems,I haven't felt "Normal" since 2001)

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  • WorldCup

    I am only 25 years old but have had six operations requiring general anaestetic, my last being on a ruptured achilles tendon on the 18th March 2010.

    Since the last operation I have felt on the verge of a panic attack every day, suffered from virtually all of the symptoms described above, which to be honest, are sending me mad!

    Constantly feel detached from reality, depressed, anxious, visual disturbances, respiratory problems and I have bizarrely suddenly developed IBS out of the blue!!!!!

    I spent about an hour on the phone to a friend the other day laughing about feeling as though I was 'on my way out'!!!! The problem is that it isnt that funny anymore but it is good to know that other people are experiencing similar problems and that I most probably am not 'on my way out' or indeed going mad!!

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    • Fed

      Hi there, just so you know I was recently at a conference all about the side effects of trauma, you are describing them all! My two year old daughter had go under and I realized as I watched her this qualifies as a "trauma". It messes with your brain waves. There are many wonderful books about how to deal with trauma and get the brain to move back into joy instead of stress. There are therapy's that retrain your brain as well. Traditional talk therapy only retraumatizes. Trauma creates a separation between the two hemispheres of the brain so they miscommunicate. You need to get them talking properly again. There are simple exercises you can do to make the two sides "fire". A lot of stuff babies do helps. Like crawling or the startle reflex. Hope that helps a little!

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    • confused1812

      I have been wondering the same. I had a cervical disc replacement about 7 weeks ago. Since then I've had double vision, ringing in my ears, I do the most stupid things as I am so confused and I have lost about a wigs worth of hair. The spinal surgeon says this is the first he has ever heard of this and sent me to a GP. I went they took blood work and a urine sample and wanted to schedule an MRI just in case. That was 2 weeks ago I have been calling them leaving messages galore they are not getting back to me!
      I had to go for a follow up with the surgeon Monday so I told him about all the symptoms. All he told me again was this is the first he's ever heard this but will try to look into and gave me more meds.
      I have barely taken any pills since the surgery. Why start now? I took them 2 nights now Im sleeping even worse than I have been and I'm getting bad dizzy spells
      To boot my brain now thinks I live in a setting that happened a long time ago and I put shower gel on my tooth brush earlier after I was searching for my swiffer pads in the fridge.
      This is scaring me so much.
      What do I do?

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    • nenelo

      world cup, you are suffering from post orerative coginitive disorder as a result of over anesthesia. it is an unreported crime in america. in order to avoid anesthesia awareness anesthesia is routinely over administered. as a result you suffer from pocd. if you get the book written by dr barry friedberg. "getting over going under 5 things you must know before anesthesia you will get the picture. i too thought i was going mad. but unfortunately for me a am still suffering 3 yrs post op. you are not alone. ask you dr for an anesthesia report. see what drugs they used, and if they used a brain monitor. some times these symptons can be permanent. also if you have any horomonal imbalances, such as hypothroid or diabetes, you are more at risk. of course drs will deny any of your complaints, but you may have legal recourse.

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    • anxiousgurl

      Oh my gosh. It is sooooooooo good to hear that I am not the only person going through this.
      I had a ceasarean 9 months ago and due to complications, had to be put under a GA.
      Like you said, since then I have felt like I have been on the verge of a panic attack every day and also having visual disturbances!!!!
      I wish this would go away!!!

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    • surfergirl23

      I've been under GA 6 times and I'm a very active/fit 46 yr old. I've had many of the same symptoms you've had. I did have some anxiety previously (leftover PTSD from childhood car accident), but it was under control before surgery. I didn't really have depression before surgery, but cry at the drop of a hat since the surgery 3 weeks ago.

      The doctors have NOT been helpful. I also see a naturopath and she hasn't been helpful either. I'm looking at going to Thomas Jefferson center for Integrative medicine...someone in between the other two.

      I've read about these things happening to the elderly, but I wonder if the number of times under general anesthesia is a factor since we both have been under 6 times?

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      • nenelo

        please see my reply to world cup, exposing this unreported crime in america can lead to reform, i found out the hard way, you really must be a well informed consumer, your life depends on it. you have to live with the long term consequences of your short term care. the elderly are not the only ones at risk.please get dr friedbergs book. take it to your dr shove it in his face. he will realise that you know what is in the koolaid, his tune will change. and do not go on any anti depressants, they will compound the problem. you are given a multitude of drugs to keep you under anesthesia, gasses and narcodics. they get you high, when they leave the body you go through withdrawal, the drs won't say that wod, because it isn't a pretty word. i hope this informatation helps you. i have done a lot of research because of my problems i have ad 13 surgeries in my life and i refuse to go under again, by the way a lot of surgery can be done under local or regional anesthesia, but it's easier to knock you out, so you won't be aware of all the mishaps of the or

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  • jazz13

    My brother has bad pneumonia due to HIV and was sedated for twelve days and when they stopped the sedation it took him three days to open his eyes. Has been over a week and now does not move or seem to recognize anyone. They sedated him to put air tube in throat to help him breathe. Now like a vegetable. Dr.thought had brain infection but test came back negative. Says does not know why my brother unresponsive, but my feelings is this is from the anesthesia, or combination effect from meds given and anesthesia. Anyone heard of this side effect lasting this long. Now they want to put him in long term nursing home and keep on a ventilator with a feeding tube.They changed him to a traich tube to get the other tube out of his throat. He was talking and walking fine before the pneumonia and being sedated. I was not able to find any side effect like this on the internet anywhere. Dr's have an "Oh well" attitude.

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    • nenelo

      yeah they will have that attitude, what they mean to say instead of oh well is oops, i recomend that you get the anesthesia reports, see if a brain moniter was used, and seek legal councel. i hope your brother recovers i will pray for him. pleae read my reply to the above posts i hope it helps

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    • AAbatteries

      Wow, I am so sorry :(

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    • NKLSLK1248

      I know this reply is probably long overdue. Just recently my 70y/o mom has had an almost exact experience. If it is at all possible I would like you to tell me what was your brothers' doctors' diagnosis, treatment, and final outcome. You can reply to this posting or contact me by e-mail. Reply to [email protected]. Your reply is greatly appreciated!

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  • alice822

    My husband had surgery on Tuesday January 5th. As the days have gone by, he has gotten more and more disoriented and dizzy. He says his head just doesn't fell right.

    In addition, he cannot all. Has anyone else had this problem following anesthesia?

    Thank you.

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    • rubyring

      My husband had laparoscopic hernia surgery on January 24. When he came out of anesthesia, he felt terrible. He had really bad nausea and his symptoms only got worse as the week went on. Now it's almost 3 months later and he's on Ativan, Ambien and an anti-depressant because neither his surgeon or primary doctor know what's wrong and just keep prescribing medication. He's very weak, sometimes has hand tremors, but the main problem is a lack of sleep. We finally went to a psychiatrist to manage these medications, but he has not addressed the issue of anesthesia at all. My husband didn't have any of these problems before the surgery. I see that other people on this website have had problems too. Did your sleep problems eventually resolve themselves after a period of time?

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      • JBN

        Yipes, I need to have the same surgery (inguinal hernia where men get them). Sometimes I joke that my guts are going to explode all over the office, but it does feel weird like worms are crawling in and out of my bladder. I already met with the surgeon who is ready, but something warns me against doing this until I really have to (it only gets worse). I have Kaiser Permanente and have very little faith in their system or doctors. I just chose them because it is cheap healthcare. I'm super sensitive to the drugs they use and take hours to wake up. It scares me because I have no control over what they do, or what kind of drug they use. I'm going to find out if they can do some kind of localized operation so I can be awake during it, maybe even watch.

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        • nenelo

          before you have any surgery, please read my posts above. you can avoid some complications if you can find a surgeon that can pefrom the surgery locally, the can use tumencent of regional anesthesia, you can insist. you will save yourself a lot of problem later on. most surgery can be preformed local, in china the use accupuncture, if your dr refuses, ask him to refer you to a dr who will, f he know you mean it, he may change his mind rather than lose the business, yes business drs need to make money, that is the bottom line. hit them in the pocket book. be an educated consumer.

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      • marites4

        I experienced the same thing. I couldn't sleep for foour months. put me on sleeeping pills but eventhose don't work at times. head doesn't feel right, weak, it's been six months and i just recently started sleeping a little better but still not my normal self.
        i suspect anesthesia and all the other combination meds they gave me messed up my body. I just pray and hope it will go away even though it's taking a very slow process.

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        • rushnrose

          ive been sick for 5 months now post surgery. I started sleeping much better after about 2 and a half months but still feel as though I have the flu everyday.

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      • nenelo

        the anti depressent are only compounding his problem, please read my posts above. hope it helps. i am really trying to inform pepole of the things that drs won't tell you. he is going through withdrawal. he needs to detox his body of all drugs.

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    • honeybee

      Hi, i know how he is feeling, i havent been 100%% since surgery but as the days are going on i dont seem to be feeling any better, my head feels like everything is going in ultra slow motion, i wouldnt feel comfortable to drive as standing for only a short period of time makes me feel extremely light headed to the extent today i have felt like i was going to black out 3 times already. It isnt a nice feeling at all. I had 3 wisdom teeth out a few years ago and can not recall feeling so off balance with unclear vision from time to time. I wish ur husband a speedy recovery and empathise with him.

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    • surfergirl23

      YES!! I'm 46 yrs old. I was very dizzy and disoriented for two weeks post-op...but still don't feel right. I said that to my doctor and she prescribed an anti-depressant (SSRI)..."we treat it the same"...which really is NOT very well.

      I have ALWAYS been a VERY good sleeper...after surgery, I've been really struggling sleeping only 4-5 hours with very bizarre dreams.

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      • Kjulius

        I am also having very strange, vivid dreams for the past 3 or 4 nights since undergoing anethesia. It scares me & makes me not want to sleep. Did the dreams ever stop for you? If so, how long before they did? Thanks!
        Has anyone else experienced this?

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    • davwillev

      I'm 37 and, until I had surgery 3 weeks ago, very healthy (no obvious risk factors) and active. I had a pretty routine surgery (bicep repair) that involved just over 1 hour of GA, and have felt generally lousy since. I had low blood oxygen saturation (90) immediately post-op so they intended to keep me in for another night. But, on the evening following the surgery, I had an unleasant spell of palpitations, heart-racing (tachycardia) and light-headedness. I had more episodes the following day, in short spells at first, but the palpitations and light-headedness became pretty constant by about 48 hours post-op. I became oxygen dependent for about 1 week post-op (I returned to hospital through the ER the day following discharge). Following this week, I could breathe without an oxygen mask, and began to feel better in the daytimes. Unfortunately, my daytime dizzy spells returned after a full week of feeling good by day. They have slowly improved again over the last week but still I don't feel great.
      Nights were very different. About 24 hours following surgery, I began to wake up a few times during the early phases of sleep, and over time this became more severe and lasted longer into the night. I would wake gasping for breath with increased heart rate - it appears to be a form of sleep apnea (where you forget to breath). I'm still getting this at night - sometimes lasting many hours, sometimes less than an hour.
      Given what people have said on this forum, I have to assume that these symptoms represent a rare but real response to a GA.

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    • clyde

      clyde @alice822 I just had shoulder surgery on 2/23. The first few days were o.k. then I started feeling strange. Depressed, cold all the time,thirsty and just not normal. Everything I have read about the effects of anesthesia says these are definitely side effects. Taking an anti-depressant now and going to see a therapist. Hopefully that will bring me out of this funk!!

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      • nenelo

        clyde please get off the antidepressants they only make matter worse, you need to detox. please read my above posts. of course it normal to go through withdrawal after you have been pumped full of narcodics, and gasses during surgery. they will never tell you the truth. good luck

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    • rushnrose

      Very much so. The sleeplessnes was bad for about a month and a half. I almost had a nervous breakdown at least twice. The really bad stuff lasted about 3 months. I started medicating myself with all the norco I have been perscribed. That worked well for almost a month. Things got worse last week and even the norco dosnt seem to help. At times it makes it worse. I havnt taken any for 3 days and I still feel very sick

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      • mishlrd

        I am sorry to hear what happened to you. I just am glad to hear that I am not crazy. When I tell doctors about my reactions to general anesthetic, they act like I am making it up. I recently will be having surgery again soon and I am scared to death of general anesthetic. If I can't do an epidural, then I will not do the surgery. The first experience I had with general, I woke up shaking. I started to get hallucinations after a few hours and could not sleep for a couple of months. I was shaking, had severe anxiety, had terrible thoughts, became severely depressed. I was remembering dreams that I had from years ago. VERY WEIRD and scary. I had another surgery a few years later and my reactions were worse and lasted longer. I would rather be dead then go through this experience EVER again. This may be rare, but IT DOES happen to people. So, why don't anesthesiologists believe me when I tell them this? Is it that uncommon? It has nothing to do with being nervous after surgery for crying out loud. I have had a tummy tuck totally with novacane and I was fine. IT IS THE general anesthetic that somehow effects the neurotransmitters in our brain. Somehow our brain does not recover properly, like most people. I believe this should be further researched. I do have to add that I ended up having to go to a mental hospital where I had to take drugs to help me sleep. I am no longer on these. This was 10 years ago, but I have never been the same since. I still struggle with depression. Somehow it brought it on and I was fine before. I am functioning without drugs now, but it has not been an easy road and NEVER want to experience this again.

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        • nenelo

          they never listen to the patient, they are going by a height and weight chart, so no matter what you say, they think they know it all. they are never held accountable for the damage they can do to the brain fo the patient. please read my posts above. if every one raises awareness, and demands local and regional anesthesia, a lot of people could avoid the long term side effects, that they say is absoulty normal. if the public demands and bsnds together, we can demand anesthesia reform.

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        • Tito30

          Did you end up having the next surgery? Are you any better after this long from the first experience?

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        • surfergirl23

          I 100% agree with your post!! It seems we're ALL having very similar issues!!! I'm tired of doctors who just give more drugs rather than address the problem.

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  • 53Owen

    Thanks to all that have shared here!

    I am posting to add some of my experiences from the effects I have had from GA. I have worked in construction all of my life, and I have had numerous injuries which have required surgery. The first major one was a knee surgery in 1986 which lasted 6 hours and I had the hick-ups for 3 days after the surgery. I was hospitalized for those 3 days and was given what they said was anti- psyhcotic meds to relieve this problem! I also had memory lapses and depression issues, which I blamed on the fact that I was out of work for so long to recover.

    I have had four other surgeries since then 1.right elbow repair from an old injury. (3 hour surgery) Oct.1990

    2.left arm bicep repair. (2 hour surgery)
    June 1991

    3 Right rotator cuff repair (4 hour surgery)
    Oct. 2004

    4. Left rotator cuff repair (4hour surgery)
    July 2009

    I have had many questions for years about the long term side affects of GA... which are based on my own experiences. This last surgery has me feeling worse than any of the others. Maybe it is due to the fact that I have been off of work so long, but I don't think that is all of it! I think the long term effects are stacking up from all of the surgeries.

    I am learning new computer skills and starting my own online business so that I can quit working construction. I am doing quite well, but my thought processes just aren't as sharp as they need to be when I talk to people. I know what I want to say, but it just won't come out of my mouth correctly! Not a good thing when trying to make a business contact... people seem to run the other way!

    I am battling depression big time, but I don't want to lean on prescription meds to get over that. I just started a vitamin and natural supplement program which I hope will help me to win this battle! I just don't trust the drug companies any more. I think they do more damage than good for people.

    Thanks for reading this post and I will do my best to let you know how my natural remedies work out.

    Blessings to all

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    • hoopleville

      53OWEN, let me know how the natural remedies work. i myself had my legs crushed in a trucking accident in 1990 and had 13 operations and i've never been the same. not to long after my first operation which i was in the hospital for a month and 3 months on the couch at home, i went to the supermarket to get a few things , while i was standing in line i got this strange feeling and started to cry for nothing i left my groceries there and went to my car and was crying like a baby and had no clue why. After that went to family doctor who sent me to a Psychiatrist who loaded me up with all this medicine like, anti-depression, sleeping pills, anxiety pills and if they didn't work they gave me more until i didn't even know my own name.the rest is history. Destroyed my family , my wife left me because she couldn't take it anymore which i didn't blame her and have been with a beaufull woman for awhile now but i'm still being haunted by the same thing. I've been to so many consulors for my nightmares and terrors, that i never had before the accident, but not one could help me. i'm off all the anti-depressants and sleeping pills and downers they had me on. I only take a mild pain pill, for i had to detox last year from years of using them. There is no one around to help you and workman's comp gave up on me and told me the pain management i was going to wasn't helping me so they stop paying for it and told me just to stay at all started from that one operation so i do believe it is cause from the anaesthetic's i had. Thank you for listening to my story. Godbless

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    • rushnrose

      I had my 9th ortho pedic surgery 5 months ago. I have been sick ever since. Tingling in my lower legs,dizziness,flu like symtems. Im at my wits end

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  • gpeneody

    Thanks so much for all your posts. I thought I was going crazy. I had my gall bladder out the first week of July. About a week later, I started experiencing lightheadness ALL the time. Then I had several cases of my right arm jerking uncontrollably. (Those seem to have stopped.) Went to my regular doc and now seeing a neurologist for EEG & brain scan. Now feeling much better - 5 weeks later -- so I got to thinking (now that I could think!) it was like I was still under anesthesia. Reading all your posts make me feel that that is really what it might have been. The lightheadedness has not completely stopped (but VERY minimal now) and I go for the EEG/scan later this week, but I am more convinced that ever that this is the issue. Why did the docs not suggest that? Thanks again.

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  • kneeop

    I had an arthroscopy on the 22nd dec 09.In recovery I had a headache and some pain and they gave me Digestic.By the time I got home I had nausea and vomited. the headache then went. I have been vague, depressed, confused and extremely teary ever since. Only thing I can think is causing this is the GA. I havent been dizzy or had double vision.I am on no pain meds as I have no pain to speak of.. so.. what else could it be but the GA..

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  • suzyq44

    Hi all. I found this forum when doing a search on long term effects of anesthesia. I had minor out patient surgery under GA a week ago today and have been EXHAUSTED on and off since. I am searching around to see others' experiences since I may need a more extensive surgery which would have me under GA for 1-3 hrs or so and am now nervous and concerned about that! I just LOVE that doctors say, "Oh no, your issues are not from the GA." My sister-in-law has a friend who works in anesthesiology and the friend told her that it takes the body ONE MONTH for every hour you are under anesthesia to clear it from the body!! She is the only one so far that I have heard cop to this!!
    I hope this day finds everyone doing well and feeling better!!

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  • zuzutreesum

    This thread helped me most understand what i was likely going through after gallbladder surgery and GA, so i thought i would post my experience in that it may offer further insight to others with similar problems.

    About 48 hours or so after the surgery i started to get 1 or 2 sessions of extreme light-headedness every day. Everything felt off - it was horrible. The sessions would last 1 to 3 hours. It was because of this site and some others that i was more relaxed that in all probability it was a side effect from the surgery and or GA.

    What i did that seemed to help me were these things:
    I ate piles and piles of lean venison jerky though in general i wasn't feeling ready for solid foods. Was it the iron, salts or proteins? I have no idea but they seemed to stabilize me. WAs it a placebo effect? Didn't matter - it helped. I also made sure to lay back with my laptop or whatever after the lightheaded session began just to get the load of my body and focus on healing.
    Another thing i did was everyday a good exercise session via fresh air hikes jostling my body back and forth and lots of stretches even though i had 4 surgery wounds. I pushed the limits of discomfort everyday actually going for a hike the 1st day after my surgery and every day after that. It was amazing how pockets of gas would just pop loose from places inside. I remember one big stretch working my gallbladder area and i had suddenly 3 fast big burps of gas, like they were just freed and released.

    Conclusion is after about 1.5 weeks of daily sessions with lightheadedness they were gone again.

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  • 0049ner

    I had GA 2 and half weeks ago and I suffered from these waves of light headedness type feelings. Went back to Doctor and she said that the anesthesia gets into the fat tissues and slowly releases. Seemed a bit of a tall story to me but I have been feeling better. I'm Male and weigh 16stone (102 kilograms.

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  • Jowaca

    GA - Yup had it for a smallop two weeks ago. Same blurred vision, struggle to focus at times, mild dizziness at times - nothing bad just just enough to be quite uncomfortable. Went back to Doctor who suggested its not the GA - more likely to be coincidence with a condition in the balance of the inner ear where the little hair folicles get a "crystal" trapped in them causing incorrect messages to be sent to the brain. Sounded plausible - gave it a few days, tried some exercises he gave but am back to thinking it HAS GOT to be a side effect of the GA. Those who have had it - how long can one expect it to last?

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    • sunshine1960

      I had my gallbladder out 4 yrs ago and immediately had headaches and vertigo when tilting my head to the right. The headaches went away but the vertigo remained. The doctor said it was unlikely that it was caused by the GA so did a catscan. Results were normal - said it was probably my inner ear. 4 years later - still have it.

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      • Tito30

        4 years after surgery you were still dizzy?! Has anyone figured this out yet? I'm 2 weeks post op and freaking out because of all these posts. Nobody seems to be getting better and I've never had this problem with GA.

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    • hello98765

      hello jowaca, how long before your side effects were gone?

      i have had mine for 7 is so debilitating

      thank you for any response

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  • 60_ow

    two years ago i had a surgery...
    i always forget things...i hardly memorize this a side effect of the anesthesia?

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  • My husband had surgery 9 years ago in 2001 for an arthroscopy on both knees. after the surgery he was very very sick, he couldnt even take anti nausea medication or pain relief. he says it was the worst time of his life. one of the nurses told him they were trialling a new anaesthetic and he was the first to have it. apparently he was given too much. all the other patients in the room also had it and were all sick but not as sick as him as they reduced the amount they gave the others. when he came home from hospital his nerves were shot and couldnt tolerate any noise. his legs were also black from bruising from his thighs to his feet. he had the opperation done at Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide by a Dr Krishnan but was actually operated on by a strudent we found out later. there was no follow up appointment. since his operation his live has been hell, he has had surgery before but had no problems. he has been diagnosed with Fibromialgia and has chronic pain every single day. he describes it as nerve pain and muscle pain. we have tried everything we can afford even getting his fillings replaced because we thought it might be the mercury. nothing has helped. ironically he is now seeing a pain management clinic at the same place he had the operation. we mentioned the anaesthic to the Dr and of course he said it wouldnt have been the anaethsetic but possibly the pain medication, which he couldnt even take because of the nausea. we really beleive it was the GA that did this to him. he has lost his livelihood, and quality of life, lives in chronic pain but what can you do, how can you prove it. dr's deny aneasthics cause problems because if they admitted it what would they do, they would get sued. we are hoping that new pain medication will help have a quality of life. my heart is so sad sometimes because we both go through hell.

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    • blessedlife

      If you are in a state that has legalized medical marijuana, I would seriously recommend giving it a try. I too have fibromyalgia after a medical procedure, an ear Dr used Boric Acid powder in my ear weekly for about a year and a half. MMJ is the only medicine that works for me. You do have to use it with wisdom, though, because it can cause problems with overuse. I would also only recommend vaporizing or edibles so as not to add insult to injury by damaging the lungs.

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      • rushnrose

        I tried it and it didnt help me

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  • steve......

    I have also been experiencing the same side effects after having my wisdom teeth removed about 4 months ago. The doctors don't really know what to think and I have been going to a psychologist. Previous to the operation I had never had any problems like these.

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    • nenelo

      you should be going to a lawyer instead, you were over medicated, and the frontal lobe of your brain was blown out, sometimes the damage is permanent, did your doctor, or anesthesiologist, use a brain monitor by any chance? find out get a copy of your anesthesia report, look up the side effects, get a second opinion, and you will get your answer.

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  • now_what?

    I came upon this forum while searching for vision problems as side effects from anesthesia, and this forum is proving to be most helpful.

    My dog can't speak for herself, but she was spayed one week ago and this morning my son commented that she looks kind of cross-eyed; last night my daughter said the same thing.

    Yesterday I allowed my dog to stretch her legs off her leash in the backyard for the first time since her surgery, as per instructions to limit her activity, and she was so happy to be free she RACED AROUND THE LARGE YARD AND RAMMED THE PICNIC BENCH SO HARD IT FLIPPED IT OVER, THEN CIRCLED THE YARD AND SLAMMED INTO IT AGAIN, THEN CIRCLED THE YARD AGAIN AND BASHED INTO THE 4X6 POST SUPPORTING THE CARPORT. I put her leash back on and walked her around the yard three times to calm her down.

    She's an agile and happy one-year old, 80 lb. American Bulldog and I attributed this bizarre behavior to her excitement at being allowed to run free after a week of confinement inside the house, along with the fact it was raining and windy, which she loves, and that the yard was wet and slippery.

    After my son noticed the red bump on her head and I told him of her encounter with the picnic bench and the 4x6 post, he tested her by shining his little flashlight toward her eyes and noted that, instead of looking directly at the flashlight, she was looking about 12" to the right of it. Then I started remembering how emotional and clingy she has been all week, and I had thought she was just bored.

    After reading this forum I phoned her vet's office and the receptionist told me she didn't know of any cases of visions problems attributed to anesthesia but that I should bring her in to be checked. Then I called her back again to share the information I had read in this forum and she stated that she remembered of one case of vision problems and that I should bring my dog in for an exam. I told her I don't have money for and exam right now, and said she would have the vet phone me and that maybe he would see my dog for no charge, as a follow up.

    The vet phoned me back, I told him my story, and he said, just like everyone's doctors in this forum, that there is no connection and if my dog has vision problems now it's because she slammed herself into the 4x6 post. Maybe.

    I've been at the receiving end of customer service calls and I'm aware that one of his concerns (loss control)is to obtain and document any details that might keep someone from claiming his practice is responsible for some problem, i.e. my dog was so happy to be free that she ran fast and slipped in the rain and bashed herself into objects three times and that's why she can't see straight - figures.

    I don't believe my dog's vet did anything wrong in her surgery, just wanted to know if vision problems could be attributed to the anesthesia and, if so, if he knows whether it might be temporary or permanent. He declined to examine her for no charge.

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    • happygirl1

      hi I am a vet tech and YES...your pet can even become blind from anesthesia. I have seen it happen. Just like people, there are some risk and complications that can happen from going under anesthesia. Even if you have taken all the precautions like bloodwork before surgery, iv cath and fluids, ventilators and electronic monitoring. I know for a fact every precaution was done for the pet at our clinic that went blind.

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  • The last time I had general anesthesia, I laid down on a table and stared at the cieling and laughed at nothing for about an hour.

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  • CalgaryU

    Thank you for all your comments. I had parathyroid surgery 2 weeks ago. I have had numbness in both arms my fingers have been tingling and uncordinated. Dizzy and light headed. I have been laying in bed hoping this would go away. I have also had panic attacks because I have never felt like this befor and it scares me. I am also confused and saying wierd things which scares me too. I am greatful for all your comments it gives me hope.
    Has anyone found something to speed this up

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    • ebbb

      Calgary U ... You need to take calcium to make you better 4 tums a day at least.

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      • Kazza

        calgary, you must go to your doctor and ask for a blood test to check the calcium levels in your blood. You have symptoms of low blood calcium. if blood level is low, your doctor will prescribe you with the correct amount of calcium to chew each day until your symptoms go away. you may need repeat blood tests later. Seven days ago i had a total thyroidectomy and my parathyroids were damaged in surgery and i experienced all the symptoms you mentioned.

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    • Kazza

      calgary, you must go to your doctor and ask for a blood test to check the calcium levels in your blood. You have symptoms of low blood calcium. if blood level is low, your doctor will prescribe you with the correct amount of calcium to chew each day until your symptoms go away. you may need repeat blood tests later. Seven days ago i had a total thyroidectomy and my parathyroids were damaged in surgery and i experienced all the symptoms you mentioned.

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    • jurzy54

      Calgary U...yes,I agree with ebbb take calcium. I was told to purchase some before my surgery just in case. Matter of fact the hospital and Dr. should have given you some take home info.on this. I just had the same surgery 4 days very 1st. Have to say I'm feeling pretty good..having some side effects,but nothing I can't deal with. When I start having numbness or tingle feeling I have 2 tums and it seems to go away. If you are still having problems google "" site. I found it very helpful.. Good Luck !! :)

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  • celtic

    today is 2/7/12. surgery was 12/2/11. 2 weeks ago, began occasional room-swirling dizzy spells. if i bend forward to tie shoes, turn head quickly to the right, lay flat on back ...extreme light-headedness, almost to fainting. am 54.
    the operation - right foot bunion removal, arthritic toes corrected - was almost 4 hrs, under spinal block anasthesia. was on hydrocodone for a few days after.
    i felt ok, somewhat shakey for the first month, which i attributed to getting balance back, after not walking.
    Waking up, there's a chemical taste. During the day, randomly...the waves hit...sitting, or riding in a car or at computer, feel huge dizziness, lightheadedness and drops of blood pressure. Comparing it to when i'd get my period and i'd have to lay down to calm my heart. Also like when i had a bad virus and needed to be still.
    i look healthy, and feel off.
    a long time ago, an RN friend of mine told me that GA takes up to a year for the body to shed.
    Your comments above bear this out.
    What I've read and will try is: taking vitamin b12 the methlycobalmin version of it 2 or 3 times/day. it is healing to the brain and blood pressure.
    am sensing i need potassium and calcium, too. it seems to help the anxiety from the feeling of heart racing. i take walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds and a combo calc/mag/potassium supplement. oh, and chocolate. not kidding, chocolate helps.
    i agree with the person who walks and exercises: the dizziness stops when i'm walking normally to briskly.
    am going to ent/brain dr. friday for more info.
    good luck to all, if i get more info, will post...

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  • blackrose_x

    I had a Gastrocopy done 2 days ago and that was the 1st time I've been sedated. Ever since I've been having problems sleeping at night, I've gotten a panic attack that lasted for over 2 hours, and an array of other symptoms such as light headedness, dizziness, loss of appetite, tiredness, headache, anxiety, depression/crying spells, diarrhea, upset this normal?

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  • newyorker

    i had surgery with GA 2 days ago and now my body aches all over and my muscles feel weak. I feel like I have he flu. Does this go away?

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  • biggysbuggy

    My husband has had amnesic drugs 2 times - both times for at least 4 weeks afterwards he has had sporadic, uncharacteristic memory lapses which have impacted his job and our family. I am positive it is a result of the anesthesia. As usual, the doctors will not admit that there is any problem. I also noticed that he has had some issues with mood afterwards (again, uncharacteristic for him.) After reading some of the other posts, it seems that others may experience this as a side effect of GA. Keep talking everyone! I want the medical profession to own up to the risks they impose on people - especially when it is sometimes as much for doctors convenience as it is for patients comfort.

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  • Benny4Jesus

    Started researching and sent this email out:
    The strangest thing has been happening to me these past 4 days that is causing me to read up on anesthesia. The pain from my surgery was minimal and so I decided to quit taking my hydrocodone pills early so I could begin to “get my brain back.” It has been over 72 hours now and I still feel just as dizzy, lethargic, nauseous as before. My brain is incredibly “fuzzy” and everything feels like a dream. Even last night I couldn’t sleep because it felt as if my dreams were confused. I would constantly wake up from my dreams loosing track of their purpose. I normally wouldn’t be bugged by this for another week or two, but 7 years ago I had jaw surgery and had this feeling for almost 2 months! I started researching the drugs that are used in anesthesia, possible long term affects, and similar cases and have come to the conclusion that finding out what is going on in my body could be beneficial to myself and others. I’ve begun to collect data (pre and post surgery blood test reports and my anesthesia reports from all four of my surgeries that have needed anesthesia (only the last two leaving me in a mild state of euphoria)) to be able to have some kind of starting point with this. I’ve talked to several doctors (met with one), my surgeons, my anesthesiologists, and several nurses in larger hospitals and most are saying the same thing, that they’ve never heard of this before and to “walk it off.” Though there are forums where people are experiencing what I’m experiencing, it doesn’t seem to be a problem that people are willing to address, maybe due to the small amount of people who suffer from some form of POCD. Could the drugs be affecting the chemicals in my brain? Could the surgery have caused another issue in my body to “come out of the woodwork?” Liver? Thyroid gland? There are many theories, but no one will know unless data is collected.
    One nurse suggested getting exhaustive blood work done. She stated that most general tests will never find the chemicals in your blood. She also reminded me that exhaustive tests will be far more expensive and the labs are harder to find where I live. Since I do not have insurance and live in a smaller town, I am limited on what I can do.
    My previous surgery had a side effect on me that lasted almost two months! This long-term “fuzziness” with my consciousness in regards to my last surgery was long enough to have a 25-year-old calling his surgeon, doctor, and looking up things on the internet.
    Every doctor I’ve talked to here in Washington just shrugs it off and says they’ve never heard of it before. Obviously many people on the internet have, and there are a few studies being conducted on it. But where do we go from here? I felt compelled to write a doctor and at least let them know that there were young people going through these effects as well.

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    • Benny4Jesus

      I'll let you guys know if anything comes from this. Thanks!

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  • Benny4Jesus

    Thank you for this information everyone! I will also share my stories here to help.
    Most recent story: I'm literally sitting on my couch 5 days after an inguinal hernia surgery. I quit taking my hyrdro pills 48 hours ago but am still feeling vertigo, blurred vision, nausia, pressure behind my eyes, lethargic, cloudy thinking, and just plain "dope-head" feelings! I started researching about anesthesia today because I went through these same feelings 5 years ago when I had jaw surgery. I had these feelings for 2 months after the surgery and ended up calling doctors, my surgeon, etc. to try and find out what was wrong! I remember being told several times it was my jaw surgery that could be affecting my "balance" because it was by my ears. They also all told me that they had never heard of this before. Well, after 2 months, I felt like I was pretty much back to reality again and so I left it alone. Even though at times I'll still feel dizzy in the shower and don't feel as "quick to by witty" as I used to be. Its not resolved for sure.
    So now 5 days ago, I warned my anesthesiologist what had happened before and she said she had never heard of it and said it was probably my balance again. So I decided to take the drugs instead of stay awake with a shot. Aiy! The hydros were hiding these feelings for the first 3 days, but now that I want to be back to reality again, I feel like its all coming back! I don't want to have to go through 2 months of this again and I'm hoping this doesn't last longer the second time! I'll definitely pray hard. I don't know if I'll be using anesthesia ever agian though....what other options are there? No fun. I hope I can be healed quick and that I can find out how to reverse these drugs! I read above to take calcium and excercise. Other than wanting to puke from walking around, we'll see if it works. For all of you going through this, its no fun, but at least we have hope in Christ that our bodies will be perfect one day, to those who come to Him to be washed clean. :o)
    May God comfort those who are hurting. Life is fragile, but God is faithful!

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  • thomasb858

    I had GA during a hernia surgery recently and many of the same affect others described here. I initially had trouble with my vision and thinking which started to clear up after a few days. The extreme fatigue and feeling cold gradually faded over a few weeks. At my postop visit, myy doctor said that this is fairly common for older people (I am 54 and did not experiance any of this when I had an operation when I was 25). Apparently having an operation during the warm summer months is better than during the winter. Otherwise I have not been able to find any ways to hurry up the recovery process other than using heating pads and such to stay warm. Just dressing warmly does not seem to work as well since the body does not keep itself warm. Too much exercize is definately not recommended. When I did this my exhaustion level increased quite a bit.

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  • maggie123

    I had GB surgery 2 weeks ago. I have had several surgeries prior to this one under general anesthesia. However, 5-6 days out from this surgery I was disorientated and confused about several things. I thought I had spent several days inpatient when I actually only spent one night and the next day inpatient after surgery. This never happened to me before. The surgeon told me it was possibly from the drugs that were used to paralyze muscles during surgery. Just wondering if anyone else ever had this side effect.

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  • herbnrenewal

    I got an emergency colostomy last june then they reconnected me in october. It's been two months since the last operation and I am still experiencing light headedness, blurred vision and cloudy thinking. I didn't have the fuzzy thinking after the first surgery. I guess it's normal but it sounds like two months is longer than most of the other posts. I'm just wondering how long I should wait before I go down and get new glasses?

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    • thecherries27

      blurry vission i think is for life! hehehe i am too having blured vission since surgery 2 yrs now. i bought my eye glasses 6 months after

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  • Tina383

    I had a D&c 4 days ago after a scan that showed my baby had no heart beat. Was just a minor procedure and went home the same day. I felt fine the day of but the next day up until now I have been very dizzy. Doesn't matter what I'm doing, it doesn't seem to subside and I can't focus on anything. My doctor said there's no way it is from the GA, and it's just my screwed up hormones. My body seems to be adjusting fine besides the dizziness, and after reading all of your comments I am very curious if it is in fact the GA???

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  • To add to my comment above I had a hysterectomy a month ago and all went well, just had normal affects such as diarrhoea, no nausea or anthing, however last week i felt funny in the head and then developed a headache which just wouldnt go away. i thought it was from the anti biotics i was on and i stopped taking them. it got better but now the same headache has returned and funny feeling in my head. it feels like it is my sinuses and goes all the way down my spine in my muscles. i had the thought it may be the anaesthetic getting out of my system and after reading this forum i may be right. after reading of your experiences my heart goes out to you as i know first hand of your suffering because of my husbands experience. it helps to identify with others.

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  • zuzutreesum

    addendum to my post just above:
    I would recommend doing the physical activity of jarring the body and stretching closer to home and safety. During my hikes i would have moments where i felt like blacking out and the freaky feeling of being way off on my motor coordination skills. But i believe it is critical to loosen and shake all that gas out and be aggressive about it, or it will linger and linger and will cause side effects.

    Note: I had the surgery beginning of Jan 2010 and i have been free of the lightheadedness now for 1.5 months and feel very good doing very intense exercise. It would appear i have overcome the side effects.

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  • surgery

    any update for you? It has been 5 days post op and I cannot function due to the state of impairment in my head. Dizzy and slight disorientation.

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    • rushnrose

      Has it gotten any better?

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  • Element10010

    It is normal to last short periods of time, but a week is a bit extreme.

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  • dawn11

    hi everyone! i had GA 3 weeks ago and was only a day case for a bunion op! each time i got out of bed i went hot and faint and had to stay in hospital for a night as my blood pressure dropped! i was told this can happen! i try to get up and about as i'm in a cast and on crutches! but i go off on evening's especially if i've been out in the car even on short journey's, i get bad headaches and get very tired, after 3 weeks why?

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  • mookh


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  • Dad98

    Thank you all for sharing your experiences. I had surgery a month ago, and have not felt quite right since the general anesthesia. I've felt minor panic attacks, a slight pain in my neck and can still somewhat taste the the GA at times. There also seems to be an overall lethargic feeling that I can't shake. I've tried to explain it to my wife, but she doesn't think the GA would still be in my system. After reading some of your stories here, I know this is not just "in my head".

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    • now_what?

      To Dad98:

      Thank you for your post. It hurts to have a legitimate question and people brush you off. I'm sorry for your experience. It makes you feel alone with your problem.

      As I've tried to find out what happened to my dog's vision after her surgery, I've received a few critical and unsympathetic reactions from strangers in other forums. It surprised me and hurt my feelings. I thought people would be sincere and helpful. However this forum has given me the most helpful insight.

      My dog really has lost some vision after her surgery. Your description sounds like how it seems she might be feeling (an overall lethargic feeling that you can't shake) - she can't speak to me, but maybe you have given her a voice.

      I've said a prayer for you, that your experience will bring you to a search that will allow you to share your heart. God bless you!


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      • zackmomma

        I understand completely what your pet means to you. And I, too, know of a situation here in Ohio where an office cat was given too much anesthetic and then went blind. It IS a reality, whether doctors, vets and other people choose to believe it or not.

        On the same note, my husband had back surgery 3 weeks ago and he still cannot sleep without spasms and tremors most of the night; constant, unrelenting chatter and whispering in his sleep, not to mention the fact that he is hallucinating and seeing people on our roof and in our house. (No people, just us.) Also, he is weak and has terrible tremors during his waking hours. Actually, I am having a hard time figuring out when he is awake or ASLEEP...he can be sitting upright on the sofa and he starts waving his hands and talking to no one there... when I question him, he just looks at me and says something totally off the wall that makes no sense. I can't seem to get anyone in his medical arsenal to agree that it may very well be the GA. I'm hoping this clears itself up but I am beginning to get scared.

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      • tlily

        The eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of the body & respond to what is going on in the whole system. (like when you have the flu).
        It's very likely the anasthesia effected your dog. Hopefully, it will wear off.

        In the meantime, I would suggest you investigate & get your dog on some "green" powders & high antioxident elixirs like ViaViente that have a powerful ability to pull toxic substances out of the body... Yogurt(plain W/ FAT) is always helpful to the gut & immune system, supplies calcium & B vitamins, & is always very helpful (& inexpensive) for pets as well as people on a regular basis - ultimately can effect the eyes. Also, upgrade the quality of food. If corn is one of the 1st 3 ingredients in her dry food, it's a cheap, inferior food & is probably not providing enough nutrition for your pet. All our animals are suffering from this. Each generation gets weaker. Research the "raw diet" that has taken hold in recent years & healed MANY ills in our pets. That in combo w/ a high quality dry staple may give her the nutrition to heal faster.

        If this doesn't reverse her condition, try some of the eye formulas at the health food store, and find yourself a wholistic vet who can work more specifically with her overall health. She's too young to be having problems like this.

        Good luck.


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    • clyde

      clyde I had surgery 2 weeks ago and am having pretty much the same effects. Tired, depressed and also can't get warm or get enough to drink. Didn't start until a few days after the surgery. After reading all the posts on here, I'm sure it's the GA. Hope it doesn't last to long. Feel worse than before the surgery!!! I have a follow up in 3 weeks with my Dr. we'll see what he says. Anyone have any clue how long this goes on? I would love to feel normal again!!

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  • missy74

    I had foot surgery 6 days ago im still not feeling ok im getting the sweats dizzyness
    and i also get these tired spells it comes and goes allday im wondering if may be an allergy to GA and how come nobody tells you this could possibly happen after surgery?

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  • suzyq44

    Hi again - I just posted above and went on to read a bit more elsewhere and there they talk about headaches, body aches, etc after GA. I had the minor surgery last Thursday and Monday night I tossed and turned and could barely sleep due to horrible body aches. Every part of me ached. Even my eyes when I moved them! I thought I was getting a fever or the flu or something. I guess that too was from the anesthesia....four days later.

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  • win007

    My husband 54 years old had total hip replacement surgery 2/02/2010 and has not been the same since. Totally wierd eye sight distortion, like the world is moving too fast hard to focus on one item in the store, dazed and confused at times. Has trouble following TV programs. Has had MRI and EEG of brain, all normal. Has been off all meds for over a month. Was totally normal before surgery, all doctors are puzzled. But all of you confirmed that it was all connected to the GA.

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  • tenpinagain2

    Im 45 and over the last 2 years ive had surgery 9 times.Im definitly having vision issuses that I never had before.Ive also complained about being disoriented.My cordination feels like it went from a 10 to a 2!Ive lost alot of confidence in my abilities.Its been a real bummer!

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  • elephantitis

    Yeah, talk to your doc, but it's probably normal. I had similar symptoms after surgery, plus my fingers swelled up for some weird reason. ???????

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  • truthfull

    @ alice822, I went through Chemo in 2000 and rode this out well. (no GN) on july 1st 2010 I had a disk replacement in my neck, from that date on until august 14th (exactly!)2010 I could not stand to be near cigarette smoke this had never been a problem, food and drink tasted different, feeling nauseous 90% of the time, very little fluid thought pattern and the only thing that brought confort was sleep, but only with the help of "Ambien"....aug.15th I went to our family Doc. to see if he could shed some light on this "it was the GN" he said. he was able in seconds to give reason, while others scrachted their head. knowing I'm not going crazy or physically ruined I think will help the neck healing. I know my post comes late and I hope your husband is doing better

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  • bouncexmysoul

    My dad was had surgery 2 months ago and he wasn't able to drive home from the hospital so my mom left work for the day and drove for him. That's some side effects: poor judgement, lack of coordiantion, slurred speech...

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  • Jayemen

    Years ago, my older sister had surgery, and I took her home, to her apartment. Stuck around awhile to make sure she was ok, knew she was out if it mentally and groggy from the anesthesia. She was maybe 112 pounds, so, her body really soaked in whatever they gave her.

    Her speech was slowed and slurred, and she was going on about making coffee, doing her nails, and all this other stuff. I brushed it off. She then took off her shirt and bra, and tried to leave the apartment, saying had to get her mail. I stayed with her all night and the next day until the stuff wore off, fearing she'd hurt herself, or maybe leave the apartment topless or naked (she also had a downstairs neighbor who had a rather unhealthy obsession with way I was giving him the opportunity to have at her while she was mentally in la la land).

    When she finally started coming around, she remembered nothing, not even my taking her home. Whatever they used on her really had her messed up for nearly 2 days.

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  • Capscrayz8

    Hi all,
    I totally empathize with everyone on this thread!! After my first surgery, partial menisectomy on my knee, i was left feeling dizzy/nauseous for about 10 days. I am an otherwise healthy, active 19 year old w no known allergies to medications etc. but the anesthesia definitely took time to get out of my system. I wouldnt be able to fall asleep for hours, felt like i couldnt breathe every time i laid down, general vertigo/double vision accompanied by severe nausea at random points throughout the day, feeling like my leg was numb from the knee down. When i finally could tolerate laying down, i would close my eyes and feel like i was "tripping out" and falling down. Weird dreams too where i would wake up gasping for air or feel like i was being choked. I also lost my appetite, and was eating nothing near my normal intake. It seemed to help to drink a lot of water to flush it out of my system and after waiting it out I ended up recovering. Such a horrible feeing that i wouldnt wish upon anyone!!! just know that it DOES get better! :)

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    • hello98765

      hello cap, how long before your side effects were gone?

      i have had mine for 7 is so debilitating

      thank you for any response

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  • anamaria

    I had a minor procedure done 2 days ago. Was under anaesthetic for about 30 minutes. I know that's not a long time but since then I do still feel out of it. I am a very small person and drugs affect me quite easily. I was given paracetamol and anti sickness drugs when I was in recovery room. Is this normal

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  • fantasticmrfox

    Where does the "and I also have a huge boner most of the time" part come in?

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  • personmann

    Ahh hah! I am not alone!

    I have been having these symptoms since I woke up from a tooth extraction surgery:

    Terrible relentless migraine like headaches, dizziness, severe muscular tension in my head and neck, vision problems (my eyes kind of waffle back and forth so that I have trouble focusing), major depression, anxiety, I feel "spacey" and detached from my body and the world around me, nausea, serious sleep disturbances.

    I was mostly fine when I sat down and woke up with all of this. I tried to ignore it and soldier through at first thinking it was all side effects of the surgery and anesthesia. I also I developed a sinus infection that started at the same time, so I thought that might be the issue, but things got much worse.

    The doctor still insists it's only sinusitis. But even after the infection cleared - with two courses of anti-biotics just to be sure - I continue to have problems.

    It's been two months, things have improved somewhat at times, but the symptoms keep coming back.

    I have been taking all kinds of pain medication, anti-biotics, temezapam, trazadone, herbal remedies, tried exercise, took weeks off work. I had an MRI - all clear, except for the sinusitis. There are no problems with the site of the surgery.

    I am in real trouble, but hopeful now that I have finally found other people with the same problems.

    After a lot of research, and info from this forum and others I found, I now believe I am suffering from some kind of traumatic stress induced depression. or some other neuro-chemical imbalance caused by the anesthesia and the physical stress off the surgery. I may have been vulnerable to stress and anxiety before the surgery, but was not suffering the headaches or major depression.

    OK, I don't know what to call it yet, but it's not general anxiety. I am not an anxious fearful person, anyway you don't go to sleep fine and just wake up with a terrible painful disorder, 1 hour later, coincidental with a surgery, things don't work that way.

    I plan to take my discovery to my doctor and a neurologist. I want to try anti-anxiety medication and maybe anti-depressants.

    I am posting this because I hope other people can benefit from my experience. Goodluck.

    By the way,
    I found something simple that seems to help a little for short periods. It's not much but it really is something.
    Passionflower. Yes just an herbal remedy. I take about triple the recommended dose.(you must research it yourself first)

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  • Ebone91

    Hey guys...I'm glad I found this forum. 11 years ago I had surgery and was put under general anesthesia and about four days later I experienced the wickedest panic/anxiety and psychosomatic complaints. This was horrifying for me at the age of 19. I was on the verge of hospitalization but managed to cope being bed ridden instead. After about six months, the panic attacks died down but my somatic issues (vertigo, off/on numbness, weakness, etc..) have been a chronic problem ever since. I had also developed some cognitive compliants such as feeling like I'm in a fog, OCD and short term memory loss. Fortunately I managed to get through life and managed myself through schooling and work. The ups and downs since that time of surgery has been so difficult, this is why it's so amazing to hear others on this forum can understand at least a little bit. Can you guys keep this thread updated and let me know how you are coping with this? Has the feelings gone away or getting worse? It's interesting to know I have found a therapy called somatic experiencing that treats symptoms such as the ones we are describing. The treatment explains that our fight/flight is on stuck mode and need to work with releasing this built up energy. So is it possible our surgery was traumatic enough to cause PTSD like symptoms? Or do you think anesthesia was the root of this leaving us with some sort of chemical imbalance?
    Life has brought me more trauma since the surgery and I can honestly say I'm highly sensitive to any stressors. One stressor has been constantly on my mind for a year now! Perhaps I can blame the surgery due to my vulnerabilities?
    On a positive note I did start seeing a somatic therapist and it's really fascinating to see how much bodily sensations I have been observing. If this treatment works, I can bet our post surgery panic symptoms are a result of PTSD.
    Please keep us updated! I'm so curious to what the hell happened to me since the surgery! God Bless.

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  • YouAllSuck

    Having undergone anesthesia close to a hundred times I can say that two days out and I'm back to normal. Due to my frequent ETC I'm pretty experienced. Your symptoms are fucking weird. Talk to a doctor because internet cretins don't know shit

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  • Tweenie

    Hi new to site actually stumbled across it whilst looking for answers on anxiety. I am 36 years old female with a great family, I had back surgery on my discs in May this year, I was under for approx four hours, I was scared before surgery for loads of reasons but after surgery I became a nervous,anxious, depressed person. I am now 4 months post op and on mirtrapazine for depression and anxiety and pregablin to help with pain management but I still don't feel right, I feel lazy as in can't be bothered to do anything, depressed if not on meds, anxious most of the time for nothing, very unmotivated, light headed and funny tight feeling in my nose, is it normal after 4 months to feel like this or did surgery change me forever. I never had any problems before the op apart from pain in my back which again was managed by pills, my docs keep saying its just a blip but a pretty big blip if its affecting me like this, will I ever get better as I'm getting really annoyed with this as I'm constantly tired, I have kids I want to enjoy doing things with and a very patient husband. Please help x

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  • iheartu2013

    Three words: See a Doctor!

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  • catdogman

    i had cancer surgery 7 yrs ago 8 hr procedure and i cant remember things like i used to and iam very emotional now never was b4

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  • hellofrompa

    Ehhh...I don't think it's normal. What was the length of duration from surgery? It might be your blood pressure. You should have a follow up appt (soon) and need to address this to your doctor.
    Surgery will make you weak.

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  • sachikki

    My mother aged 74 had a surgery about six months back to remove Uterus. Since the surgery she is not active as before. She feel that his head is hallow. She says she does not have brain and her head is empty. She is not having propoer sleep for the last six months. Can any one help for her recovery.

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  • AliceTrout

    How many people reporting these symptoms are experiencing them under the influence of pain medication?

    The symptoms most people are describing sound more like the side-effects of pain medication than anything. Other medications? A blend of medications?

    I realize that can't be the answer for everyone...but I wager it is for more than a few.

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  • sandbar93

    Very normal indeed. My surgeon gave me anti-vomiting meds. But I didn't need them. I had surgery Oct 18th to remove my cyst and right ovary. It was laprascopic. 2.5 hour surgery. I had felt like I was waking up very slowly for about 2 hours, but after that I was fine. I also had a very itch face. But dizzy spells is normal. Feeling like you are going to vomit is normal or comment as well. There is a website called Anesthesia side effects you can look it up. there are some very long term side effect like memory loss and not feeling like yourself after 6 months after the surgery. I checked the website out before and after my surgery. I felt very full 4 weeks after surgery. Probably due to the gas in my belly due to the surgery. If you have surgery again, you can ask your surgeon to give you meds for the dizziness and for the vomiting feeling. And ask how long they should last for your type of surgery. tell will let you know.

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  • What'sright

    It all comes down to your bodies ability to handle certain drugs. I just had a total knee replacement. The only problems I am having is blurred vision and insomnia. I have been assured by the anesthesiologist that this will pass in a week or two.

    I also had a pain pump in my I.V. after surgery. It was an unlimited source of morphine. This caused me a lot of problems like itching to the point of ripping my skin off, vertigo, very low blood pressure(mine is normally high).

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  • Anyati

    My husband had TURP and Hydrocelectomy a month ago and had GA and Regional in two days interval. At his age of 84, he had recovered amazingly after spending 15 days in the hospital. However, since he came home instead of recuperating and gaining strength, he has no energy to get up on his own, feeling lightheaded and complains of pain in his legs, back, neck etc. His whole body itches and he scratches all the time. He does not get enough sleep and constantly depressed with his inability to move alone and feeling useless. Before the surgery he was of course active and the only discomfort he had were those related to hydroceal discomfort and BPH symptoms. Doctor advise of course is that both had to be addressed immediately. Believing he will be alright in the hands of an expert I have never thought of GA's effect at his age since it is not the first in the last 18 years we have been married that he had undergone GA. In fact he went through it 5 times. It is only on this surgery that he feels all that has been described here and knowing that it has affected a number of people is an important information that hopefully comforts him and will encourage him to take strength to go out and do some slow walking exercise to start his long activity of recovery program. Thanks for sharing.

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  • tito27

    Has anyone that's been dizzy or lightheaded after surgery felt better since posting? I had surgery one week ago today and now I can't drive, I haven't been back to work and I was only supposed to be off three days for a laparoscopy. The doctors say my symptoms don't make sense. I'm not anemic, no low blood pressure, no inner ear infection and I haven't taken any pain pills for four days now. My head still feels like I'm going under GA. A light at the end of the tunnel would be great.

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  • snowflake1958

    Heres my story. I know it was the Anesthetic.
    I had sinus surgery in May 2010. Everything went fine. Id had a few surgeries in my life so wasnt anxious about being put under.
    10 days after surgery i litrally could not get out of bed. My head felt like it was drunk x 100. Weirdest feeling ever. I kept telling my husband "i can feel my brain and it hurts" I became anxious..that fight or flight feeling.. all the time. Couldnt eat. I lost over 30 pounds. I didnt leave my bed for 2 months..i couldnt..i wobbled... whoozy. I felt contantly nausea's. Then the worst things started to happen. I had this feeling of electric shocks. Like id put my finger in a socket...that was absolutely aweful and also made me feel really sick and i would wretch! Then my skin became sore... anything touching it would hurt. Even opening the freezer door.. the cold would hurt..the shower would hurt and make me sting for hours. My hubby would come home from work and take me to Doctors appointments because no way could i eyes wouldnt work properly.. blurry or i could see really brightly. I had tinntinus in my ears..My heart would pound and sometimes i would feel numbness in my limbs.My mouth would be dry all the time...i would have the most vivid dreams and wake up startled. Noises would become overly loud. My doorbell ringing sounded like big ben and i would jump.My dogs tags jingling sounded like somebody had turned up the volume on a stereo so loud it would hurt my ears. I had difficulty breathing sometimes. The list goes on..just cant remember it all. I honestly thought "i,m gonna die" and i actually sometimes prayed for it because i felt so bad.. I had i dont even know how many tests and saw many specialists.. Neuros' Ent's, Cardiologist etc etc. Everything negative.
    Then they started to say i needed Anti depressants... that i was depressed. No.. i was sick and they didnt beleive me. But had they looked at my barely 1/4" thick medical file over the past 20 something years they would have seen that i wasnt one for going to the Docs. But they wont admit its Anesthetic and even if they did..what are they to do.?? It took me over a year.. litrally dragging myself to do things..making myself get up and moving.. making myself go back to work even though i felt like falling down. I had to take charge and keep moving.
    How do i know it was Anesthetic. Well... forward to right now. June-July 2012. I,m having a large bridge made at the dentists and also had a molar extracted.and ive been in many times over the past few weeks and had quite alot of Anesthetic. Some of those symptoms started creeping back. OMG!! Really!! So over the years ive become pretty intolerant to most Antibiotics,medications my body is turning on me... Now Anesthetic??? good lord. But i know its that..i just know..I dont care what the Docs say.
    This time i,m not going down. I joined a gym..i,m drinking lots and lots of water to try and flush whatever this is out of me. I,m eating healthy and most of all i,m keeping mobile.... just keep moving. I refuse to have another year or more like last time.
    So anybody else going through this.. thats all i can tell you. I can tell you it gets better.. it does.. It just takes a long time for some of us. But slowly you start to feel better. I can say i never felt fully 100% but i felt pretty ok to where i could lead a normal life and mostly forget about some of the stuff going on in the background of my body..the odd tinglings, ect.
    Keep the faith. It does get better.
    I just wish that Doctors would admit that "yes" it can be the Anesthetic. they dont knwo everything and never will. The body is a mystery and when tehy say "oh you just cant be allergic to this and that" its nonsense. YES WE CAN!!

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    • hello98765

      hello how long before you got better?
      my surgery was 6 wks ago and i can barely work.

      like a walking zombie thank you

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    • farts4weightloss

      Hi snowflake, im sorry for the inconvenience but i have EXACTLY EVERY SINGLE symptom u had. from the
      1)seeing things blurry or too bright-vivid,
      2)Tinnitus in my ears especially at night.
      3)My heart would pound and sometimes i would feel numbness in my limbs.
      4)My mouth would be dry all the time. <- such a weird symptom and ive been drinking gallons of water since this started. Plus my breath is a bit wierd cos my mouth is always dry and yuck.
      5)Noises would become overly loud.
      6) Difficulty breathing sometimes.

      Anyway i have had this now for 6 months since my surgery and i just want to know whether you saw a specialist, neurologist maybe? and what medicine helped you, and when the symptoms truly disappeared.

      Did you just wake up one day and the dizziness and dry mouth stuff was gone forever?

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    • nenelo

      i sorry snowflake, but in fact they do know, but if they tell us it actually is the anesthesia, plus the narcodics, and gasses they give us. then no one would want anesthesia to go under. then they can't make money, and live the lifestyle they want. most surgeries can be performed under local or regional anesthesia.once the public is aware of this simple truth, then there can be reform. did you ever make the cinnection that when you get a prescription, or other drugs at the pharmacy that you can get a list of side effects. You can chosose to take the drug or refuse. but, when you have surgery, are you given a list of all the side effects of the anesthesic drugs, and their side effects. think about this. are you given alternate choices? why not? this page explains it all. so next time we are having surgery, ask for a list of drugs and side effects, meet with the actual anesthesiologist who will care for you, ask if they will use a brain monitor, to see if they are giving you too much anesthesia, if you have mental or emotional or physical effects that don't go away within a few days, who is accountable? get the picture? reform is needed.

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  • anxiousgurl

    I was put under a GA 9 months ago, after complications following a bad birth.
    Since then I have had visual disturbances including double vision, FLOATERS, and dizziness. I have also suffered major anxiety and depression from it.
    Not a nice feeling at all................

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  • surfergirl23

    Has anyone had a change in their taste? I have lost all taste for some things that I loved prior to surgery...such as coffee.

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  • mishlrd

    I am sorry to hear what happened to you. I just am glad to hear that I am not crazy. When I tell doctors about my reactions to general anesthetic, they act like I am making it up. I recently will be having surgery again soon and I am scared to death of general anesthetic. If I can't do an epidural, then I will not do the surgery. I would rather die.The first experience I had with general, I woke up shaking. I started to get hallucinations after a few hours and could not sleep for a couple of months. I was shaking, had severe anxiety, had terrible thoughts, became severely depressed. I was remembering dreams that I had from years ago. VERY WEIRD and scary. I had another surgery a few years later and my reactions were worse and lasted longer. I would rather be dead then go through this experience EVER again. This may be rare, but IT DOES happen to people. So, why don't anesthesiologists believe me when I tell them this? Is it that uncommon? It has nothing to do with being nervous after surgery for crying out loud. I have had a tummy tuck totally with novacane and I was fine. IT IS THE general anesthetic that somehow effects the neurotransmitters in our brain. Somehow our brain does not recover properly, like most people. I believe this should be further researched. I do have to add that I ended up having to go to a mental hospital where I had to take drugs to help me sleep. I am no longer on these. This was 10 years ago, but I have never been the same since. I still struggle with depression. Somehow it brought it on and I was fine before. I am functioning without drugs now, but it has not been an easy road and NEVER want to experience this again.

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  • AAbatteries

    Did you get Versed because it can do that. Try to figure out what drugs you were given and next time, talk to your surgeon and anesthesiologist and say you REFUSE to get them again.

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  • truth85

    You should talk to your doctor. Your symptoms might be a side effect from any meds they gave you.

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  • JJackson

    As a practicing anesthesiologist, I can say that these are not normal side effects of anesthesia. I am sorry you have had a difficult experience. The members of anesthesia may want to hear more about your experience as well.

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    • gcmom

      I had 3 surgeries 3 yrs. ago within a few weeks of each other. For one of the surgeries I was under anesthesia for 7 hrs. or more. I had the regular side effects such as bad taste in mouth, etc. But, I noticed that my memory has really bad since then. I also become easily confused with simple things. It has me really upset. I am having a hard time at work and my family is noticing it. The surgery was on my hip. I was very aware that it started after my surgery.

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    • nenelo

      jjackson as a practicing anesthesiologist, you must be aware that anesthesia is still, after all this time a very grey area of medicine. why can't you just admit it. it is a very common practice, to over medicate the patients, because of anesthesia awareness lawsuits. dr barry friedberg the number one anesthesiologist in the country, wrote a book, called how to get over going under. read it and weep. we know what's in the koolaide and you can't run or hide. all of these accounts are in fact very normal. i have experienced them my self. and dr friedberg mentions many of them as well. he also states that what happens to people, when they are over medicated is an unreported crime and a dirty little secret, in the big business of big pharma. there is much needed anesthesia reform, i am dying to go to your site on anesthesia myths and read some of the bull that, is being feed to the american people, the myth is that anesthesialogists, are not held accountable for the long term problems they cause. just because the person wakes up does not mean that you get a pass. let me tell you, it is my personal mission to join dr. friedberg's crusade, and raise public awareness of this issue. all the people on this page can defunk your myth, this is real, and you know we know it game over!

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      • hello98765

        hello jackson, do you know how long the symptoms will last?
        it has been 6 weeks post op and i can barely work at my job.

        just want to sleep all day, nauseous, headaches, insomnia at night
        don't want to work with other people, depressed all the time.

        dry mouth

        i just want to be normal like before the surgery.

        any response will be helpful, thank you.

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  • annam

    I'd a lumpectomy & lymph nodes surgery 20th of May 2011 and was under GA for nearly 2 hours. First 5 days after surgery I was in good form, suddenly everything went all wrong ever since. In the beginning I suffered depression, tearful, dizziness, coldness for at least 3 weeks. After that I've developed chronic backache where the pain constantly shifted from one place to another and sometimes I could hardly move. At the same time I got this awful bruising surface pain in the area back of my right head behind the ear area which extended to half of my face, inner ear and jaw. It's so excruciating if accidentally touch, like all the nerves are on the surface.

    Today is the 12th of July 2011, the pain on back & behind ear/head is still there. Because
    I'm highly sensitive to any forms of drugs, I did some research and found this forum & host of information about side effects of GA which help me to alleviate my worries. It doesn't help to relief my pain.

    I've tried everything to alleviate the pain, but it only lasted temporarily. I try not to rely too much on pain killers unless I'm in agony, otherwise adding more chemicals toxins
    in the body. I just hope and pray to God that
    the pain stops soon. Moving to another counry
    in 6 weeks time and have the hole house to pack up but can't do anything with this pain.

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  • jonathonwoodsfansite

    ok i had a dislocated shoulder... they used morphine and some other shit
    this is now going on day 7... i feel so messed up in the head
    my gf left me for another guy and now i just wanna scream
    can someone give a answer how long it usely lasts ?
    or maybe its nerve damage..
    i dont know i just want it to be over
    the dr said it will take a few weeks so he gave me some prochlorazine
    it helps but i feel my anxiety levels messed up ...
    i wanna cry its like on 1 side of the head only...
    my dr said lots of water helps flush it out ...
    >.> i told them I WANTED NITROUS OXIDE

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  • thecherries27

    2 days max. side effect was dizzenes, anconcious,tasteless, weak, by the time your awake you cant recognize people beside you. since then my vission is blurry base on my own experience.

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  • Jehnavi

    Because general anesthetics affect the central nervous system, patients may feel drowsy, weak, or tired for as long as a few days after having general anesthesia. Fuzzy thinking, blurred vision, and coordination problems are also possible. For these reasons, anyone who has had general anesthesia should not drive, operate machinery, or perform other activities that could endanger themselves or others for at least 24 hours, or longer if necessary.

    Most side effects usually disappear as the anesthetic wears off. A nurse or doctor should be notified if these or other side effects persist or cause problems, such as: Headache,muscle pain etc.

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  • lushannon

    I had knee arthroscopy about 10 days ago. Everything seemed to be fine until I started having what appear to be panic attacks the following evening - they can't find anything wrong - I even had a nuclear stress test. I've never experienced anything like this before. I am not feeling anxiety when these attacks just suddenly occur. I have light headedness, blurred vision, heart pounding, etc. I was beginning to think it was all in my head until I read these postings! Thanks for sharing your experiences!

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  • Nancy50

    I had bone spur surgery on my shoulder on August 19th they also took off part of my collar bone It was about a 3 hour surgery. 10 days later I started having trouble being able to fall asleep and getting solid sound sleep where I wake up refreshed . Now 2 months later I'm still having the same problems. I tried Ambien for 3 weeks it didn't help. Has anyone else had the same thing happen to them?

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  • MART

    I am set to have endo tomorrow, where they will make an incision on the inside of each leg at the groin area and shove tubes up inside the aorta in order to repair a 5.8cm aneurysm.

    I've had problems with general anesthesia before where I had massive and very painful stomach cramps for days afterwards, they were all but crippling.

    I tried to explain this to the anesthesiologist at my post surgical interview and he claims he has never heard of such a thing. The surgery that caused that one was a complete bladder scrape to remove a cancerous tumor prior to chemo-radiation which had to be delayed until this stomach pain went away. It lasted about 10 days. A cough or a sneeze was a whole new experience in pain!

    I tried to find out what was used on me for anesthesia but the hospital records department is unable to locate those pages of my files that would have explained the drugs that were used.

    Anyone else?

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  • amplified

    It is normal, some people have been known for it to take a week or more to get the anesthetic out of their body, i had an operation on friday and am suffering from the dizzy waves and sickness. Dont worry, it should pass very soon, speak to your doctor for extra reasurance or if any other alarming symptoms develop then be sure to seek medical attention. :) Take care ! x

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    • zfruhl

      Everybodies body chemistry is different, and it (GA)can affect different people in many different ways, so to say that it should pass very soon is an understatement or possibly an overstatement. That may be the case in your situation but not necessarily everyone else. Some peoples symptoms last for months, even years. People have even died from GA. Please do not give false encouragement or false hope. Get as many professional opinions as possible and read every bit of medical information you possibly can so the you know what questions to ask the doctors. If necessary ask them to do further research on your condition/s as well. All doctors Do Not always continue with their education after medical school as they should to keep abreast and informed of the newest research and knowledge.

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  • MarkyT

    Instead of asking complete strangers on the internet, perhaps you should see your doctor?

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    • alk227

      you're a dick

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    • rushnrose

      The doctors just tell you that your healthy.

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  • menace

    I had surgery 9 months ago, and again 2 days ago. It was the same surgery on both shoulders (lucky me). The first time I had double vision issues for 2 months after surgery. I also had chills and rapid weight loss. I had difficulty thinking for a very long time. So far after this surgery it is very different. No side effects other than insomnia, which did NOT happen last time.

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  • PurplePearl

    I also say thank you for sharing. I've had GA several times before and didn't have any of the problems that you all have talked about.

    I had a hernia repair done 6 days ago and it has been a horrible experience this time. I've had the dizzy, lightheadedness. The vision changes I am experiencing is sooo bad that of my three pair of glasses, NONE clear anything up well enough to see clearly. One pair is for normal vision, (driving etc) One pair is for reading (books, magazines) and another for working on my computer. My depression comes and goes, it isn't so bad since I got home yesterday. Someone mentioned seeing things at a fast forward speed. I found for the first two days after GA I was hallucinating big time. Than goodness that has stopped BUT will it stay away?

    When my stress levels were high, it was hard to control my shaking. I have never experienced trembling so bad before. For four days I was so completely "not" myself. I could go from hot to freezing in minutes.
    What I would like to know is how long can I expect to go back and forth from one sympton to the next.

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  • Justy

    I just had my wisdom teeth out over a week ago and have suffered with the worst nausea and pressure in my head. Its the first time I have been under anesthetic and I didnt expect any of it. Only recently have I started to feel normal again. My boss at owrk thought i was making this all up in my head! maybe i should let hime read this forum!

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  • Knock_It_off

    Do you tke medication? or had brain surgery?

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  • ajayaec

    I had surgery a week ago using GA and have noticed since then that my vision has been blurry and at times, I'll have double vision, especially when trying to read words. I have also been getting waves of dizziness verging on vertigo. I'll even get a bit nauseous from the dizziness. It has gone on for a week now.
    Can anyone please tell me how much time it will take to completely go away this feeling?

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    • sandbar93

      I'd say give it 4-6 weeks.

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  • Sunshine48

    Hello All, I recently had surgery on November 24, 2010 on my right leg to close my damaged saphenous vein. I have been experiencing the majority of side effects from the time I woke up in the recovery room and still feeling them today, December 3, 2010.

    I woke in the recovery room, my upper lip was swollen and felt like someone had punched me in the mouth. Both of my legs were wrapped with thick gauze and ace bandages from my ankles to my knees. I started having difficulty breathing and my blood pressure was going up. The nurse came over to me, looked at my blood pressure reading and frowned her face. I looked back at the monitor and it read 165/115. I told the nurse that I was having trouble breathing. The nurse checked the monitor and said that my vitals and oxygen levels were good. I don’t recall having any devices hooked up to me that could read my oxygen levels. I told the nurse that an asthma inhaler worked before. She went over to the nurse station, picked up the phone, looked at the clock, and hung up the phone. I had left my inhaler at home. I had to put my mind in survival mode. Breathe in, breathe out, pat my chest, cough, breate in, breathe out, move my head from side to side. It worked!!! I left the hospital and I finally got home that evening. The next day, I felt like I had the flu. My throat was swollen, my lip was still swollen, my lungs felt like they didn’t have enough oxygen, and my body was hurting below my rib cage. I returned back to work on December 1, 2010, I have loss my appetite. The sight of food makes me nauseous. I have been having blurred vision and very dry eyes. On December 2, 2010, while I was at work, for no apparent reason, I felt severely depressed, then tears started rolling down my face and would not stop until I drove home. Today, December 3, 2010, I am at work, my eyes are extremely dry, I have been feeling very nauseated, but not depressed today. The evening may bring on another issue.

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    • sandbar93

      Shocked they didn't give you that prednisone (spelling?) stuff for opening up your lungs if you felt like you could not breath EVEN if your own exercises worked!

      I remember one day I went into the ER and I can't remember what I want in for. I think pain in my chest near my breast. They gave me that steroid. I drank it, it was pink. Nurse told me it would open up my lungs, she must have thought I had asthma. But no, it was for pain to help the pain in my chest. And after I left, I noticed I was able to breathe much better even though I din't have issues with breathing. It was great to be able to breathe like that. I'd ask for that any time after surgery if I had asthma.

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